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View Full Version : The Unfair Treatment Of Micheal Vick

05-21-2009, 06:41 PM
Wow, my man is back at home. I have mixed feelings about Mike. I am disappointed in him and I am also proud of him.

I am disappointed that he did not select better friends to associate with. I am disappointed that he jeopardized his career and reputation. Well, what makes him different than the rest of us? Human beings are prone to making mistakes that can be considered to either immoral and/or illegal.

I believe Mike deserved the sentenced he received, but I also believe that he deserves another chance to be a productive person in our society. If he wants to play and if someone wants to hire him, then so be it! I thought that America was supposed to be composed of a society where you have a choice of deciding what you want to do for a living?!

The NFL is nothing but an organization that provides entertainment to the public. It didn't matter how many games The Detroit Lions won or lost. The Lions nor The NFL were able to save thousands of jobs that were lost within the past couple of years in Detroit, Michigan!

I have a problem with how all of these so-called Animal Rights Groups are treating Mike. I did not see them standing in front of the Insurance Companies Buildings that told homeowners that they would be dropped from their coverage if they were the owner(s) of an aggressive breed of dog! Where were all of the picketers?

I did not see any of the so-called Animal Rights Groups challenging the media when they have portrayed Pit Bulls as vicious animals that attack children and turn on their owners. Where were they?

Now these groups are trying to promote the facade that those pit bulls were these angelic creatures that were poorly victimized by a young black man that felt he was above the law.

Did Mike commit a crime against another human being? Has he ever sold drugs? Is he a threat to society?

It would be interesting to see how many people on this forum were convicted of a sexual crime, a drug crime, and a violent crime.

Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!

Isn't she back on televison? Hasn't she resumed her daily activities of making millions of dollars? If she went back to work, why can't Mike go back to work?

Mike and Martha were both convicted of non-violent felonies.

Why can't Mike be treated in the same fashion? Oh, I forgot....He is a little darker than her.

Yep, racism is still around. Racism is not wearing the suspenders and straw hat as it did back in the 70's, 60's, 50's, and etc. Racism is wearing a nice tuxedo. It is more suave and sophisticated!

Welcome home Mike! We love you and we will support you in every way as you travel down the road of redemption.

05-21-2009, 06:47 PM
Mike and Martha were both convicted of non-violent felonies.

I think that most people would consider torturing and killing helpless dogs violent, not to mention reprehensible.

05-21-2009, 07:01 PM
Mike and Martha were both convicted of non-violent felonies.

I think that most people would consider torturing and killing helpless dogs violent, no to mention reprehensible.

Can you address the point of no one challenging the fact that Martha Stewart is back on television?

Did Mike physically kill any dogs?

Is Mike a threat to the safety of the community?

Go to your states Department of Corrections Website. Go to the sexual offenders section and type in your address. You will get a chance to see how many sexual offenders are within your area. So, are you trying to say that these guys and women should not be allowed to work for a living? Are they a threat to the safety of your community?

Get back at me.....

05-21-2009, 07:07 PM
I have no intention of addressing any of that crap, slick. I really couldn't care less about your whining. If you don't like what I had to say about your boy I also couldn't care less...

05-21-2009, 07:22 PM
I have no intention of addressing any of that crap, slick. I really couldn't care less about your whining. If you don't like what I had to say about your boy I also couldn't care less...

Ummmmmmmm........who's wining? It is just an intellectual discussion that is open to debate. Isn't that what forums are all about? I am not looking to get into a quarrel with a internet personality that I will never get a chance to meet in person.

You responded to my post. Did I force you to respond to my post?

And that's Mr. Slick to you!!!! LOL

05-21-2009, 07:24 PM
I have no intention of addressing any of that crap, slick. I really couldn't care less about your whining. If you don't like what I had to say about your boy I also couldn't care less...

You said that you were not interested in addressing any of this crap, but you choose to respond to my post. Isn't responding to my post a form of addressing the matter that is contained within the post itself?

05-21-2009, 07:49 PM
I have no intention of addressing any of that crap, slick. I really couldn't care less about your whining. If you don't like what I had to say about your boy I also couldn't care less...

You said that you were not interested in addressing any of this crap, but you choose to respond to my post. Isn't responding to my post a form of addressing the matter that is contained within the post itself?

Your argument is weak, get over it.

05-21-2009, 08:02 PM
I do not see how a Vick discussion is intellectual... but any who why don't we torture you a little bit?

05-21-2009, 08:21 PM
I do not see how a Vick discussion is intellectual... but any who why don't we torture you a little bit?

Why isn't it? Is this not an event that is being celebrated by the media? Oh, I forgot we should only comment on the dick sizes of shemales...

Torturing dogs? Do you know anything about dog fighting? I don't think you do. I don't endorse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

05-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Michael Vick is not a threat to any community or dogs anymore. I am sure he is trying to steer clear of dogs or not. Perhaps he will open a kennel or be an activist for dogs. It's like how a whtie politician gets accused of being racist towards blacks, then the politician makes it known like "Look, I'm not racist, I have black friends." Perhaps Vick will do that but only with dogs.

The things that Vick did doesn't affect me, because I really don't like dogs. I don't know why everyone was making such a big deal about it. Hope he goes back in the NFL though.

05-21-2009, 08:26 PM
Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

I was on your side until you made this stupid argument. American horses are not sold to "outfits" that then sell their horse meat to Europe - you idiot.

05-21-2009, 08:29 PM
If society judged Michael Vick of a crime and convicted him either as punishment or rehabilitation, then he's served his time.
What is the point of having a penal system, if after you've served time you continue to be discriminated against?

He should be allowed back into his profession. Failure to permit do that, shows the inability of the system. If he was going back to work in a dog farm, that would be a different matter.

As distasteful as his crime was to me, I have to agree with the OP, that Martha Stewart, wasn't stopped from running her business, Jeffrey Archer wasn't stopped from being a writer, blah, blah, blah...

05-21-2009, 08:40 PM
Does anyone really think Mike Vick won't be able to resume his career? The NFL views him as a valuable commodity in my opinion and he will go back to making millions. The Martha Stewart argument is not accurate until he is banned from making a living and then is only germane if he is black balled.

I don't think that will happen though.

05-21-2009, 08:42 PM
I do not see how a Vick discussion is intellectual... but any who why don't we torture you a little bit?

Why isn't it? Is this not an event that is being celebrated by the media? Oh, I forgot we should only comment on the dick sizes of shemales...

Torturing dogs? Do you know anything about dog fighting? I don't think you do. I don't endorse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

I don't think you know about this case!

The dogs who weren't game or who were losers were killed in many different ways, including body slamming, electric shock, and drowning.

All of that is cruel. If he just wanted to put them out of their misery, there's other ways to do that.

So if Martha Stewart gets preferntial treatment for her case, from a different judge, in a different jurisdiction, why should we care about Michael Vick?

If you're so concerned, lodge a complaint about the Stewart case.

Why don't you come out and tell us why you are so concerned about Vick?

05-21-2009, 08:45 PM
If society judged Michael Vick of a crime and convicted him either as punishment or rehabilitation, then he's served his time.
What is the point of having a penal system, if after you've served time you continue to be discriminated against?

He should be allowed back into his profession. Failure to permit do that, shows the inability of the system. If he was going back to work in a dog farm, that would be a different matter.

As distasteful as his crime was to me, I have to agree with the OP, that Martha Stewart, wasn't stopped from running her business, Jeffrey Archer wasn't stopped from being a writer, blah, blah, blah...

In the case of Martha Stewart, she's the CEO of her own company. You can't stop her from returning to it. In Vick's case, it's up to the NFL to let him back. I think he'll be back and playing soon, probably not starting for a little while, but he'll be back.

Quiet Reflections
05-21-2009, 08:51 PM
The NFL is an image league and the only way Vick is coming back is if he me makes a true and sincere apology for his actions and I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. Plus you have to think about if any team in the NFL wants to deal with the protesters that will come along with signing him.

05-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Corporate America is the most powerful institutional group on earth. The media is a part of that group, so are the private prisons, among others. They stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars from whatever lingering postcolonial fear that white americans have of black men. Let me repeat...HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF BUCKS....

When you throw in the fact that dog fighting would make the average american hurl, you can forget about impartiality, not when there is so much money at stake. Saying they would not tilt the coverage to take advantage of americas deep racial stereotypes, is like putting the "Fox" in the henhouse and saying "keep an eye on them for me". Most young americans dont even know they have these stereotypes until they are confronted with Hard Evidence (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/), or until their hero Obama lays out the polite version in a political speech.

...once you understand the money, the rest is like dominos falling. the uproar was inevitable after such coverage, how are the animal rights people going to sit still after seeing those images. Not to mention the majority of white americans who have no frame of reference for this type of sport, which is ironic, considering that the sport was traditionally practiced by poor whites in the rural South.

Football is celebrated by black and white, but I dont think the general public realizes how savagely Warlike (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/31/AR2009013100163.html) it is. But yet we expect the men that perform at the top of this savage war sport to play croquet and sip tea for recreation.


Solitary Brother
05-21-2009, 09:08 PM
This thread is BS!

05-21-2009, 10:05 PM
I dont know if its BS, and I dont usually respond to these threads, but the first post seemed well thought out and gunuine.


05-21-2009, 10:21 PM

05-21-2009, 10:52 PM
The NFL is an image league and the only way Vick is coming back is if he me makes a true and sincere apology for his actions and I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. Plus you have to think about if any team in the NFL wants to deal with the protesters that will come along with signing him.

How you figure that I mean he jsut served 19 months in jail and lost damn near everything he had. I'm sure any apology he comes up with will be sincere. The only protesters that are gonna make a scene is gonna be crazy ass Peta anyways.

05-21-2009, 11:30 PM
Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

I was on your side until you made this stupid argument. American horses are not sold to "outfits" that then sell their horse meat to Europe - you idiot.

No, you are the idiot!!!!!! The story was featured on HBO Real Sports several months ago! They showed the whole process with hidden cameras. Jackass

05-22-2009, 12:27 AM
Sure Mike deserves another shot at the NFL...Gives me a chance to root for my fav team, the Browns, to scramble another QB!

Personally, I wish Vick had gotten a min wage job picking up dog crap (with his bare hands) rather than construction job at 10.00 an hour...

He deserves another chance to rehab himself as any convict does. But he just doesn't have the kind of feelings about animals that some dog lovers do...Even rehabbed, he strikes me as the kind that will kick his dog in the head if the dog barks at the door bell..you either have feelings toward dogs or you don't...

and no matter what else happens, 20 years from now, when you think of MV, you'll always think about dead pit bulls first! :thumbsdown

05-22-2009, 12:34 AM
the thing is it isnt his right to play in the nfl, he has the right to work again sure but the nfl has the right to decide who "works" in it

i think its ok personaly if he plays again but it isnt his right

heck no one knows if he even still has the skills to play at an nfl level, he may of not lost a step at all or he may not even make a team even if one gives him the chance

05-22-2009, 01:20 AM
The man served his time.Personally i don't see sending anyone to the pen.for first conviction dog fighting.That said,he's done his time,loss his money,and loss his job.To debate whether he should be allowed back into the NFL is silly.He has a right to make a living,he has a right to do it in his craft.This is America,you do your time,pay your dues,go on with your life.All this he needs to show remorse,he needs to volunteer,is a bunch of silly bullshit.He needs to go back to his career,and on with his life.

05-22-2009, 01:35 AM
I think public perception is irrelevant. These questions and points need to be directed towards Roger goddell. Jamal Lewis was convicted and jailed of federal drug trafficking and did not miss one game (even though goddell was not the commish at that time) Tank Johnson had federal weapons charges and served jail time (goddell was the commish) Now you have Dante Stallworth who has killed someone and he is going to jail for two months, and their not asking him to show"remorse" before he can come back into the league. Matt Jones was driving under the influence of cocaine and had more in his lap, he didnt have to show "remorse".

05-22-2009, 01:50 AM
I think public perception is irrelevant. These questions and points need to be directed towards Roger goddell. Jamal Lewis was convicted and jailed of federal drug trafficking and did not miss one game (even though goddell was not the commish at that time) Tank Johnson had federal weapons charges and served jail time (goddell was the commish) Now you have Dante Stallworth who has killed someone and he is going to jail for two months, and their not asking him to show"remorse" before he can come back into the league. Matt Jones was driving under the influence of cocaine and had more in his lap, he didnt have to show "remorse".

Because killing animals is great than killing human being's didn't u know that?

Quiet Reflections
05-22-2009, 05:22 AM
The NFL is an image league and the only way Vick is coming back is if he me makes a true and sincere apology for his actions and I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. Plus you have to think about if any team in the NFL wants to deal with the protesters that will come along with signing him.

How you figure that I mean he jsut served 19 months in jail and lost damn near everything he had. I'm sure any apology he comes up with will be sincere. The only protesters that are gonna make a scene is gonna be crazy ass Peta anyways.

like i said I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. He might. However one thing i know for sure is that not everyone that does their time learns their lesson

Star Angel 86
05-22-2009, 05:44 AM
This thread is BS!

I agree 100%.

05-22-2009, 06:02 AM
He has essentially lost everything; respect, his job, his skill, and his money. His is most likely more impoverished than when he was a kid. Is he any smarter? Probably not, but as stated above he has lost everything and at least deserves the right to attempt to make a living.

I love animals. I live trap, and take ants out of the house vs. killing them. Dog fighting is not only reprehensible, but I feel that taking the life, or doing horrible things to an entity that cannot defend itself is ghoulish.

With that being said, let the guy at least attempt to reset, and hopefully change his life around.

05-22-2009, 06:29 AM
This thread is BS!

Why do people read and post on a thread they feel is bullshit.So many other threads to chose from?

05-22-2009, 06:30 AM
Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

I was on your side until you made this stupid argument. American horses are not sold to "outfits" that then sell their horse meat to Europe - you idiot.

No, you are the idiot!!!!!! The story was featured on HBO Real Sports several months ago! They showed the whole process with hidden cameras. Jackass

My issue wasn't with them selling horses it was with you using it a) as part of this argument and b) the words you chose ("outfit" oooh sounds criminal). If you eat beef, pork, chicken or lamb ... then why not horse or dog? I've had them both, and they were both pretty decent. It's a lame argument here.

05-22-2009, 06:38 AM
drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. :popcorn

05-22-2009, 08:09 AM
Here's the thing. He committed the crime, was arrested for it, and found guilty. I think he's a piece of human shit for torturing another living thing for no reason. I'll not have anything to do with ANYTHING he's associated with.
Yes, he's done his time. yes it's over. but nothing can redeem him for what he did.
His Smug attitude when he went to trial, and his disdain for the whole thing really made me loath him.

I'm waiting for someone to tote out the "us militarty, Middle east prisoner torture" bomb now

That said, if you still like him as a sports guy, that's your thing, and I'll not fault you for it. I'm allowed my opinion, just as you're allowed yours. Neither opinion needs to be right. That's the beauty of opinions.

05-22-2009, 08:26 AM
So the OP seems to believe that minor Fraud makes you as much of a monster as the sick individual Michael Vik..

My god I stole a quid out of me moms purse when I was 5 I guess that puts me in a worse league than an Arsonist..

Sory but Rehabilitation depends on the crime. A man whos supposedly an inspiration, so much so this OP moron deems someone two steps away from serial killer territory treatment as unfair.. No guy should be in therapy for life and doing charity work. Not earning millions.

05-22-2009, 09:56 AM
If society judged Michael Vick of a crime and convicted him either as punishment or rehabilitation, then he's served his time.
What is the point of having a penal system, if after you've served time you continue to be discriminated against?

He should be allowed back into his profession. Failure to permit do that, shows the inability of the system. If he was going back to work in a dog farm, that would be a different matter.

As distasteful as his crime was to me, I have to agree with the OP, that Martha Stewart, wasn't stopped from running her business, Jeffrey Archer wasn't stopped from being a writer, blah, blah, blah...

Well put. It's one thing to prevent someone from reentering a profession that related to their crime (like an accountant accused of embezzling their client's money), but to prevent someone from otherwise making an honest living after prison is counter productive. Of course it's the prerogative of the NFL to hire who they want, but I think as a society we need to rethink how we look at people who have served their sentence.

05-22-2009, 10:17 AM
Here's the thing. He committed the crime, was arrested for it, and found guilty. I think he's a piece of human shit for torturing another living thing for no reason. I'll not have anything to do with ANYTHING he's associated with.
Yes, he's done his time. yes it's over. but nothing can redeem him for what he did.
His Smug attitude when he went to trial, and his disdain for the whole thing really made me loath him.

I'm waiting for someone to tote out the "us militarty, Middle east prisoner torture" bomb now

That said, if you still like him as a sports guy, that's your thing, and I'll not fault you for it. I'm allowed my opinion, just as you're allowed yours. Neither opinion needs to be right. That's the beauty of opinions.

Yeah the water boarding but here we are talking about Vick and if he should be allowed back into the NFL. As a side note many convicts have a hard time getting back to normal life and jobs, why shouldn't he? maybe we should be thinking of what needs to be changed in the system, and not just for one individual.

05-22-2009, 11:22 AM
If society judged Michael Vick of a crime and convicted him either as punishment or rehabilitation, then he's served his time.
What is the point of having a penal system, if after you've served time you continue to be discriminated against?

He should be allowed back into his profession. Failure to permit do that, shows the inability of the system. If he was going back to work in a dog farm, that would be a different matter.

As distasteful as his crime was to me, I have to agree with the OP, that Martha Stewart, wasn't stopped from running her business, Jeffrey Archer wasn't stopped from being a writer, blah, blah, blah...

Well put. It's one thing to prevent someone from reentering a profession that related to their crime (like an accountant accused of embezzling their client's money), but to prevent someone from otherwise making an honest living after prison is counter productive. Of course it's the prerogative of the NFL to hire who they want, but I think as a society we need to rethink how we look at people who have served their sentence.Then they should put him in a Trainers position at least for a year or so. For him to have been a role model and to have been convicted of such a vile act then he needs to earn his chance again.

If a teacher had been convicted of torturing a cat to death, would you want her in a classroom again?

05-22-2009, 11:44 AM
Is this a Black thing? seriously? Would certain people on here be so quick to defend this knobhead if he had been a white country boy who done the same?

Personally I couldn't give a shit about his race, he played for NFL whatever . To me as a dog lover justice will not be served until he is drenched in offal and then attacked by wolves. Dogs are mans best friend. I don't know how any human being could do that to a dog .

He's served his time. Fine but as far as I'm concerned if the animal rights loons hound him good . Not a fan of them, dealt with them on a professional basis before. They are not above digging up peoples parents and spreading paedophile rumours, starting fires etc etc. As far as I'm concerned they deserve each other.

05-22-2009, 12:56 PM
orse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

Only a complete moron with the morals of a psychopath could possibly compare horse-racing to dog-fighting.

Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks".

Indeed they do; it's very good too. I have eaten it many times and certainly will again.

But four-star restaurants and butchers never buy ex-racehorses or any other ex-anything horses for human consumption. All meat, of whatever type, which is sold for human consumption in Europe, is subject to very, very stringent rules on the breeding, raising, health, killing and butchering of the animals; horses too.

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?


All horses sold for humans to eat in Europe are bred and raised specifically for the purpose, just like cattle and sheep, usually by specialist farmers who understand the business. No more cruelty is involved than in any other form of meat eating.

So unless you are a Vegan, I suggest you STFU.

05-22-2009, 01:53 PM
Vick is a thug, so's his brother. NFL and NBA is full of 'em. He got of easy and I'm sure he'll be back playing ball. As I'm sure he'll be back in trouble with the law! Not doubt about that!
Look at OJ!

05-22-2009, 02:38 PM
orse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

Only a complete moron with the morals of a psychopath could possibly compare horse-racing to dog-fighting.

Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks".

Indeed they do; it's very good too. I have eaten it many times and certainly will again.

But four-star restaurants and butchers never buy ex-racehorses or any other ex-anything horses for human consumption. All meat, of whatever type, which is sold for human consumption in Europe, is subject to very, very stringent rules on the breeding, raising, health, killing and butchering of the animals; horses too.

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?


All horses sold for humans to eat in Europe are bred and raised specifically for the purpose, just like cattle and sheep, usually by specialist farmers who understand the business. No more cruelty is involved than in any other form of meat eating.

So unless you are a Vegan, I suggest you STFU.
Not only that but you could also make the religious argument of God said that Horses were for eatin..

05-22-2009, 02:56 PM
The NFL is an image league and the only way Vick is coming back is if he me makes a true and sincere apology for his actions and I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. Plus you have to think about if any team in the NFL wants to deal with the protesters that will come along with signing him.

How you figure that I mean he jsut served 19 months in jail and lost damn near everything he had. I'm sure any apology he comes up with will be sincere. The only protesters that are gonna make a scene is gonna be crazy ass Peta anyways.

like i said I'm not sure he has it in him to do that. He might. However one thing i know for sure is that not everyone that does their time learns their lesson

Well damn all he has to do is not participate in that again and that right there show's that he has learned his lesson.

This article right here pretty much sums everything up.


05-22-2009, 02:57 PM
Vick should be released from prison the day the dogs he killed come back to life. Let him rot in the hole....

05-22-2009, 03:03 PM
orse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

Only a complete moron with the morals of a psychopath could possibly compare horse-racing to dog-fighting.

Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks".

Indeed they do; it's very good too. I have eaten it many times and certainly will again.

But four-star restaurants and butchers never buy ex-racehorses or any other ex-anything horses for human consumption. All meat, of whatever type, which is sold for human consumption in Europe, is subject to very, very stringent rules on the breeding, raising, health, killing and butchering of the animals; horses too.

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?


All horses sold for humans to eat in Europe are bred and raised specifically for the purpose, just like cattle and sheep, usually by specialist farmers who understand the business. No more cruelty is involved than in any other form of meat eating.

So unless you are a Vegan, I suggest you STFU.
Not only that but you could also make the religious argument of God said that Horses were for eatin..

How can you make an arguement for that?

05-22-2009, 03:33 PM
Vick is a thug, so's his brother. NFL and NBA is full of 'em. He got of easy and I'm sure he'll be back playing ball. As I'm sure he'll be back in trouble with the law! Not doubt about that!
Look at OJ!

Please define thug

05-22-2009, 03:34 PM
Vick should be released from prison the day the dogs he killed come back to life. Let him rot in the hole....

well, there goes our judicial system. lol

05-22-2009, 03:36 PM
Fuck them damn dogs.

05-22-2009, 04:00 PM
Motherfuckers have been having dog fights for years.Vicks not the first,he won't be the last.God forbid some of you self-rightous pricks make any mistakes in life,and they send your self-rightous ass to the pen.As always with threads on this forum it starts to drift from the topic,and idiots start saying shit like he's a thug,his brothers a thug.What the fuck are you? Fuck peta,lassie,them dogs and you,self-rightous pricks.

05-22-2009, 04:01 PM
Fuck them damn dogs.

Exactly. Isn't that how you were conceived?

05-22-2009, 04:03 PM
Fuck them damn dogs.

Exactly. Isn't that how you were conceived?

Don't know,i never asked

05-22-2009, 04:07 PM
drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. :popcorn

LMAO...perhaps next he will sermonize about how OJ's persecution by the government and public finally landed OJ in prison, thus preventing his dedicated and relentless search for the real killers...

05-22-2009, 04:10 PM
orse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

Only a complete moron with the morals of a psychopath could possibly compare horse-racing to dog-fighting.

Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks".

Indeed they do; it's very good too. I have eaten it many times and certainly will again.

But four-star restaurants and butchers never buy ex-racehorses or any other ex-anything horses for human consumption. All meat, of whatever type, which is sold for human consumption in Europe, is subject to very, very stringent rules on the breeding, raising, health, killing and butchering of the animals; horses too.

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?


All horses sold for humans to eat in Europe are bred and raised specifically for the purpose, just like cattle and sheep, usually by specialist farmers who understand the business. No more cruelty is involved than in any other form of meat eating.

So unless you are a Vegan, I suggest you STFU.

No, You Shut The Fuck Up! If you like eating horses, then be my guest. I along with millions of other Americans would not eat a horse.

If eating horses is the norm, then why is it that you will not find any horse meat in any American Supermarket Chain Store? The story was featured on HBO Real Sports regarding the slaughter and selling of race horses. So are you trying to say that a show that has won fifteen Emmy Sports Award in the past fifteen years is lying?

You cannot impose your perception upon anyone that eating horses is normal and fine. That is your taste. Who the fuck are you to judge anyone that does not agree with your perception?

05-22-2009, 04:22 PM
I along with millions of other Americans would not eat a horse.

But you'll happily eat a MacDonalds! :shock:

05-22-2009, 04:27 PM
drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. :popcorn

LMAO...perhaps next he will sermonize about how OJ's persecution by the government and public finally landed OJ in prison, thus preventing his dedicated and relentless search for the real killers...

Well, I must agree that OJ blew it. The first OJ trial was pretty interesting. Here is a guy with two arthritic knees that was on trial for killing two people. One was his former wife and the other was a young man who had a belt in the martial arts.

Did he do it? I don't know. I wasn't there. The jury has instructions that they are only supposed to convict if they find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Was there doubt as to if he did it? Sure, there was.

Did the prosecution fully convince me that he did it? No, they didn't! Has OJ been the target of government persecution? No, he has been the target of media persecution.

Let's look at Robert Blake's situation. The actor from the old cop show "Baretta". He was on trial for murdering his wife. It was a bizarre set of circumstances. He was found not guilty.

Did he do it? I don't know. I was not there.

What is interesting is that Blake was found liable in civil court after he was found not guilty in criminal court! Mmmmmmm.....sound familiar? Didn't that happen to OJ?

Well, guess what? Blake's own three children filed the civil law suit against him and he was found liable for the wrongful death of his wife by the jury in 2005. An appeal was filed on Blake's behalf, but the original verdict was upheld. By the way, Blake filed for bankruptcy........

Has the media discussed Blake's situation? No. Did they treat Blake the way that OJ was treated? No!

It's another unfortunate case of a white celebrity getting preferential treatment from the media.

05-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does.

Well if he does get to play again..then at least you'd be able to put your "Racism" arrow back in your quiver. Wouldn't want you to use em all up. :roll:

05-22-2009, 04:36 PM
Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does.

Well if he does get to play again..then at least you'd be able to put your "Racism" arrow back in your quiver. Wouldn't want you to use em all up. :roll:

Looks like that ship may have already sailed...

05-22-2009, 04:37 PM
Actually, you're an ignorant cunt who clearly has difficulty with reading and comprehension. That is all.

05-22-2009, 06:36 PM
drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. :popcorn

LMAO...perhaps next he will sermonize about how OJ's persecution by the government and public finally landed OJ in prison, thus preventing his dedicated and relentless search for the real killers...

Well, I must agree that OJ blew it. The first OJ trial was pretty interesting. Here is a guy with two arthritic knees that was on trial for killing two people. One was his former wife and the other was a young man who had a belt in the martial arts.

Did he do it? I don't know. I wasn't there. The jury has instructions that they are only supposed to convict if they find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Was there doubt as to if he did it? Sure, there was.

Did the prosecution fully convince me that he did it? No, they didn't! Has OJ been the target of government persecution? No, he has been the target of media persecution.

Let's look at Robert Blake's situation. The actor from the old cop show "Baretta". He was on trial for murdering his wife. It was a bizarre set of circumstances. He was found not guilty.

Did he do it? I don't know. I was not there.

What is interesting is that Blake was found liable in civil court after he was found not guilty in criminal court! Mmmmmmm.....sound familiar? Didn't that happen to OJ?

Well, guess what? Blake's own three children filed the civil law suit against him and he was found liable for the wrongful death of his wife by the jury in 2005. An appeal was filed on Blake's behalf, but the original verdict was upheld. By the way, Blake filed for bankruptcy........

Has the media discussed Blake's situation? No. Did they treat Blake the way that OJ was treated? No!

It's another unfortunate case of a white celebrity getting preferential treatment from the media.

I have never ever heard of Robert Blake or his case.

05-22-2009, 07:57 PM
of course michael vick will be playing again one day the nfl and roger goodell are all laughing there way to the bank, they love this publicity although they openly deny it. personally i think vick is a douche-bag and think he should be covered in alpo and dropped into the cages he kept his "toys." why does sportscenter have his release as the main story when the magic upset the cavs? its a form of brainwashing, trying to steer the public into believing he has served his penance, i don't buy any of it. i wish that people would petition in front of his home and make him the one living in a cage.

05-22-2009, 08:48 PM
I hope he burns in hell. Being an animal lover and also a forgiving person for the most part, I can honestly say I hate Michael Vick for his crimes and the jail term wasn't nearly long enough. But alas, that is the celebrity world.

Now, if the authorities could focus on nabbing some of these other douchebags commiting the same crimes instead of relishing in the fact that they put an athlete behind bars for too short a time, then maybe we'd start getting somewhere with the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Danielle Foxx
05-22-2009, 09:45 PM
I didn't read any of the responses so I am going by the subject...

Unfair treatment??? The man is a beast - what kind of a person does this shit to animals?


05-23-2009, 12:01 AM
he didnt spend enough time in jail, he deserves it, any dumbass millionaire that does something illegal and gets caught deserves anything that comes their way

05-23-2009, 12:09 AM
I do not see how a Vick discussion is intellectual... but any who why don't we torture you a little bit?

Why isn't it? Is this not an event that is being celebrated by the media? Oh, I forgot we should only comment on the dick sizes of shemales...

Torturing dogs? Do you know anything about dog fighting? I don't think you do. I don't endorse it. I am against it. Dog fighters do not torture their animals. They are well feed, well kept, and put into fights. The dogs are killed when they are seriously injured so they will not suffer emotionally, mentally, and physically from their injuries.

Let's look at race horsing....Wow, the horses are bred and kept with the intentions of being commodities to make money for the owners, investors, and track owners. They are whipped by the jockeys during the race in order for the horse to speed up. I guess you don't see anything wrong with this?

The horses are ran, ran, and ran again until they cannot run anymore. Many have heart attacks and other physical injuries due to horse racing. Many are sold to outfits that kill them here in the U.S and sold to outfits in Europe that slice them down into what they call "Steaks". Four star restaurants serve their patrons horse meat that is elegantly called "Steaks". LOL.......

So this isn't a form of animal abuse?

Torture me? Come on down to sunny Florida where I reside. Don't be suprised to be looking down the barrel of the .380 caliber (that I legally own) that is with me at all times!

Why aren't you addressing the preferential treatment that Martha Stewart has received?

Shouldn't the appropriate response to perceived preferential treatment for Martha Stewart be to make sure justice is applied appropriately, rather than using it as an argument supporting preferential treatment for Michael Vick? It's like people who get pissed when the government gives money to someone (banks, automakers, immigrants, welfare receipients, I leave no one out), but instead of putting a stop to it they put their hand out and say "where's mine?". Sorry, weak argument.

And guess what? Michael Vick has paid his debt to society through prison, but like most convicted felons he will have a tough time gaining employment. Tough shit, that's the way it goes. Besides, even if he gets reinstated there is no team that will sign him, and it's all due to dollars and cents. No one wants to risk losing huge ticket sales because they can sign Vick, a great athlete but average quarterback and not one who invokes taking a team to the Super Bowl and therefore justifying the risk.

I remember back in the mid '80s when the Vikings signed Mossy Cade after his sexual assault conviction. He was with the team for about three weeks before the uproar caused the Vikings to cut him. Now, this was in the spring, not even during the season, and without the media crush that is available today.

If Vick really wants to play football, he should try the new league that is starting up for a year, then the NFL. It would give him a chance to get back in real playing shape - the guy hasn't played in 2 years, he needs the time. It would also give him a chance to prove to the world that he can be a functioning citizen and not be a burden to society but a contributing member of society. And yes, conducting dogfighting matches constitutes a burden to society.

Finally, if you really think race has anything to do with it, you are nuts. I can name 50 athletes that are playing today that have had so much bullshit in their lives it's unbelievable they aren't in prison right now. Start with Pacman Jones and work your way down. Racism does exist (I live in Minnesota, home of the closet racist!), but this is not it. You want to see racism, check corporate America first. Pro sports is definitely low on the racism totem pole (pun intended).

Star Angel 86
05-23-2009, 12:11 AM
I didn't read any of the responses so I am going by the subject...

Unfair treatment??? The man is a beast - what kind of a person does this shit to animals?


I absolutely love animals and I agree with you 100%.

05-23-2009, 12:24 AM
Motherfuckers have been having dog fights for years.Vicks not the first,he won't be the last.God forbid some of you self-rightous pricks make any mistakes in life,and they send your self-rightous ass to the pen.As always with threads on this forum it starts to drift from the topic,and idiots start saying shit like he's a thug,his brothers a thug.What the fuck are you? Fuck peta,lassie,them dogs and you,self-rightous pricks.

Sorry, choosing to run a dog fighting ring is not a 'mistake'. It's an intentional criminal act that carries a punishment, which he got. If you want to call people who consider what he did an intentional, criminal act, then guilty as charged.

Can he reform and become a contributing member of society? Definitely. Does he deserve a 2nd chance? He already got it by getting out of prison, now it's up to him. And no, he does not have to be an NFL player to reform. Just because he wants to play football doesn't mean he gets to. I want to fuck Angelina Jolie and Jesse Flores in a 3 way, let's see who gets lucky first.

Why the hell did I respond to this guy's ramble? Never mind.

05-23-2009, 12:39 AM
drmindbender03 wrote:"Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!"

What are your thoughts on OJ? High profile celebrity, got a second chance, blew it. :popcorn

LMAO...perhaps next he will sermonize about how OJ's persecution by the government and public finally landed OJ in prison, thus preventing his dedicated and relentless search for the real killers...

Well, I must agree that OJ blew it. The first OJ trial was pretty interesting. Here is a guy with two arthritic knees that was on trial for killing two people. One was his former wife and the other was a young man who had a belt in the martial arts.

Did he do it? I don't know. I wasn't there. The jury has instructions that they are only supposed to convict if they find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Was there doubt as to if he did it? Sure, there was.

Did the prosecution fully convince me that he did it? No, they didn't! Has OJ been the target of government persecution? No, he has been the target of media persecution.

Let's look at Robert Blake's situation. The actor from the old cop show "Baretta". He was on trial for murdering his wife. It was a bizarre set of circumstances. He was found not guilty.

Did he do it? I don't know. I was not there.

What is interesting is that Blake was found liable in civil court after he was found not guilty in criminal court! Mmmmmmm.....sound familiar? Didn't that happen to OJ?

Well, guess what? Blake's own three children filed the civil law suit against him and he was found liable for the wrongful death of his wife by the jury in 2005. An appeal was filed on Blake's behalf, but the original verdict was upheld. By the way, Blake filed for bankruptcy........

Has the media discussed Blake's situation? No. Did they treat Blake the way that OJ was treated? No!

It's another unfortunate case of a white celebrity getting preferential treatment from the media.

For one, Robert Blake was a beyond washed up actor that no one gave a fuck about, thus the lack of media coverage. 2nd, he didn't give America the viewing pleasure of a 2 hour race across Los Angeles in a Ford Bronco, thereby creating everlasting interest. 3rd, he stayed out of the spotlight, whereas OJ has looked for it ever since the initial incident. I don't know if I would call it preferential treatment for Blake, more of a statement of how little anyone really cares about Blake.

People are interested in OJ, whether they care about him or not. Thus, it's profitable to cover him, which means he won't get fair coverage. Just a symptom of being in the spotlight.

I should also say that I failed to add in my first post that I really hope Vick proves everyone wrong and actually does make something positive out of his life. If he does it the right way (on his own, no star treatment), he will gain much more respect from people than just getting back on the football field.

The hard part for me is Vick is a product of a lot of what is wrong with our country. We allow for inadequate and unequal K-12 education, yet we make athletes into idols. It's obvious Vick needed better education growing up, but as a great athlete my guess is those needs were ignored. And as much as people want to believe prison is a rehabilitator, I don't think so.

05-23-2009, 01:58 AM
Michael Vick! Michael Vick! I wouldn't mind him as a second string qb for my team. but everyone know that he sucks in the cold

Star Angel 86
05-23-2009, 03:34 AM
Motherfuckers have been having dog fights for years.Vicks not the first,he won't be the last.God forbid some of you self-rightous pricks make any mistakes in life,and they send your self-rightous ass to the pen.As always with threads on this forum it starts to drift from the topic,and idiots start saying shit like he's a thug,his brothers a thug.What the fuck are you? Fuck peta,lassie,them dogs and you,self-rightous pricks.

Sorry, choosing to run a dog fighting ring is not a 'mistake'. It's an intentional criminal act that carries a punishment, which he got. If you want to call people who consider what he did an intentional, criminal act, then guilty as charged.

Can he reform and become a contributing member of society? Definitely. Does he deserve a 2nd chance? He already got it by getting out of prison, now it's up to him. And no, he does not have to be an NFL player to reform. Just because he wants to play football doesn't mean he gets to. I want to fuck Angelina Jolie and Jesse Flores in a 3 way, let's see who gets lucky first.

Why the hell did I respond to this guy's ramble? Never mind.

I'm glad you did deceid to respond that was a great post. 8)

05-23-2009, 04:59 AM
did anyone else see the special on national geographic about the dogs they rescued?
some of it was so disturbing. like the dog who had her teeth removed so she could be bred easier? it was sickening

05-23-2009, 05:04 AM
haha dumbass even spelt it wrong

05-23-2009, 05:42 AM
fuck him! :evil: should have rotted in there!

05-23-2009, 07:05 AM
He knew what he was doing was a felony in the State of Virginia. He knew that getting caught could be the end of his career.

He got caught. (Surprise. With all the reporters covering him what was the chance he would not get caught?)

My sympathy is with the dogs. They didn't have a choice, he did.

05-23-2009, 02:39 PM
Playing in the NFL is a privilage. He does not automatically have the right to return. There are many professions you cannot return to after certain convictions. If he was a cop or a teacher he would not be allowed to return to his job. Fuck him, he's a dumb douche who blew it.

He's got a right to earn a living, I hope he spends the rest of his life making min wage.

05-23-2009, 03:45 PM
Sure, dog fighting is horrible, but Vick got his punishment, he did his time. Now that he's "paid his debt to society" he should be given a 2nd chance. I don't like it that people condemn him and shun him forever. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

05-23-2009, 03:54 PM
Even to those of you'll that are non religious this statement is still valid "Him that is without fault cast the first stone" yall stoning the brother. He did the crime, and he paid his time. Let him move on.

05-23-2009, 06:33 PM
Who cares really.....Mike Vick doesnt give a crap about any of us, so why should we give a crap about him?

Vick wasn't even a good QB when he was in the NFL. He was just a guy with a ton of god gifted talent that never applied himself.

05-23-2009, 06:55 PM
Even to those of you'll that are non religious this statement is still valid "Him that is without fault cast the first stone" yall stoning the brother. He did the crime, and he paid his time. Let him move on.

thats cute, and those of you'll, first time i heard something as dumb as that, the brother didnt do enough time, and morons like you are the reason why

05-23-2009, 06:59 PM
Even to those of you'll that are non religious this statement is still valid "Him that is without fault cast the first stone" yall stoning the brother. He did the crime, and he paid his time. Let him move on.

thats cute, and those of you'll, first time i heard something as dumb as that, the brother didnt do enough time, and morons like you are the reason why

How much longer would you have like for him to be in prison?

05-23-2009, 07:06 PM
Even to those of you'll that are non religious this statement is still valid "Him that is without fault cast the first stone" yall stoning the brother. He did the crime, and he paid his time. Let him move on.

thats cute, and those of you'll, first time i heard something as dumb as that, the brother didnt do enough time, and morons like you are the reason why

How much longer would you have like for him to be in prison?

ok, i'll try to make some sense of that retarded question, could you hold a dog's head under water till it died?

05-23-2009, 07:12 PM
Wasn't a retarded question, just asked you a simple question, and no I couldn't do that. Some people do not see a dog life on par with a human life. So while you say he should have spent more time in prison, many people think the time that he did was good enough. I think he should have stayed a little bit longer, but not 5 or 10 years in prison. He served the time and now is out of prison. Can't really do that much about it unless he fucks up again.

05-23-2009, 07:17 PM
I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!

05-23-2009, 07:18 PM
Wasn't a retarded question, just asked you a simple question, and no I couldn't do that. Some people do not see a dog life on par with a human life. So while you say he should have spent more time in prison, many people think the time that he did was good enough. I think he should have stayed a little bit longer, but not 5 or 10 years in prison. He served the time and now is out of prison. Can't really do that much about it unless he fucks up again.

nah i agree with you, did u notice how you phrased it, but shit, if i was a millionaire i wouldnt do something as horrible like that, he knew what he did was wronf, and as for the nfl, he wont catch up to the speed and skills of the game right now

05-23-2009, 07:21 PM
Wasn't a retarded question, just asked you a simple question, and no I couldn't do that. Some people do not see a dog life on par with a human life. So while you say he should have spent more time in prison, many people think the time that he did was good enough. I think he should have stayed a little bit longer, but not 5 or 10 years in prison. He served the time and now is out of prison. Can't really do that much about it unless he fucks up again.

nah i agree with you, did u notice how you phrased it, but shit, if i was a millionaire i wouldnt do something as horrible like that, he knew what he did was wronf, and as for the nfl, he wont catch up to the speed and skills of the game right now

I didn't notice how I phrased it, but I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you or anything like that. I don't know why Vick decided to go into dog fighting. I mean it's not like he needed money, because he was a millionaire. I think that when people get rich, then they get bored. So they find outlets to lessen their boredom. Unfortunately, he didn't think he would get caught.

He was probably thinking, "Damn all this attention over some goddamn dogs."

05-23-2009, 07:21 PM
I have a problem with how all of these so-called Animal Rights Groups are treating Mike. I did not see them standing in front of the Insurance Companies Buildings that told homeowners that they would be dropped from their coverage if they were the owner(s) of an aggressive breed of dog! Where were all of the picketers?

I did not see any of the so-called Animal Rights Groups challenging the media when they have portrayed Pit Bulls as vicious animals that attack children and turn on their owners. Where were they?

Here's what you're missing- the fanatical animal rights groups, like PETA- think that pet ownership itself is morally wrong.

They consider pets to be "comfort slaves" and want to make the practice 100% illegal.

You're failing to realize just how fanatical some of the animal rights activists really are.

To use a non-dog example, when it comes to exotic bird ownership, many states have laws against owning specific bird species. Several of the animal rights activists want to extend that to all pet-bird ownership, all the while knowing that when states enforce those laws- they do so not by "releasing them into the wild," but by killing contraband birds that they find.

Whenever exotic birds kept as pets escape, they usually die because the US is nothing like their natural habitats, but some species can survive in the US- and when they form colonies, even when they fail to pose any health risk or ecosystem risk (we're not talking invasive species here), the animal rights groups respond by lobbying states to go in and kill them "for not being native to the area."

Several states here will destroy any quaker parakeets they find- in the wild or in peoples' homes, a few states will do the same to nanday conures. PA just this year tried implementing a law to destroy all nanday conures in the state- the animal rights groups didn't complain, in fact some supported the measure.

There was actually a documentary about this, done a few years ago out in San Francisco IIRC. There is a colony of non-native conures there, living in part of the city. The animal rights groups kept trying to get the city to kill them all, even though they were posing no risk to the environment, people or economy. The only reason why the city failed to go along with it was because a conure pet-owner who lived in the city decided to make an independent film to document how threatless they were.

05-23-2009, 07:28 PM
Wasn't a retarded question, just asked you a simple question, and no I couldn't do that. Some people do not see a dog life on par with a human life. So while you say he should have spent more time in prison, many people think the time that he did was good enough. I think he should have stayed a little bit longer, but not 5 or 10 years in prison. He served the time and now is out of prison. Can't really do that much about it unless he fucks up again.

nah i agree with you, did u notice how you phrased it, but shit, if i was a millionaire i wouldnt do something as horrible like that, he knew what he did was wronf, and as for the nfl, he wont catch up to the speed and skills of the game right now

I didn't notice how I phrased it, but I wasn't trying to pick a fight with you or anything like that. I don't know why Vick decided to go into dog fighting. I mean it's not like he needed money, because he was a millionaire. I think that when people get rich, then they get bored. So they find outlets to lessen their boredom. Unfortunately, he didn't think he would get caught.

He was probably thinking, "Damn all this attention over some goddamn dogs."

nah i didnt take it like that, but shit id find something fun to do too, but hold dogs heads under water, is wrong, im glad he got busted, spent enough time in jail, i dont think so, dudes get busted for less and spend more time

05-23-2009, 07:31 PM
If society judged Michael Vick of a crime and convicted him either as punishment or rehabilitation, then he's served his time.
What is the point of having a penal system, if after you've served time you continue to be discriminated against?

He should be allowed back into his profession. Failure to permit do that, shows the inability of the system. If he was going back to work in a dog farm, that would be a different matter.

As distasteful as his crime was to me, I have to agree with the OP, that Martha Stewart, wasn't stopped from running her business, Jeffrey Archer wasn't stopped from being a writer, blah, blah, blah...

The purpose of our legal system is for neither justice nor for rehabilitation. Hobbes wrote that the purpose of legal punishment was not justice or revenge, but for terror- that is essentially the way our system operates.

Nobody in the US-system wants to rehabilitate criminals. If anything they want to go in the opposite direction as far as they can. If it weren't for the way our public schooling system is run, I might go so far as to say that some of our so-called "rehabilitation" policies were taken from Les Miserables to prevent rehabilitation...

05-23-2009, 07:39 PM
I along with millions of other Americans would not eat a horse.

But you'll happily eat a MacDonalds! :shock:



It wouldn't surprise me if our fastfood is made out of sewer rats, stray cats, and ex-race horses.

05-23-2009, 09:11 PM
Who cares really.....Mike Vick doesnt give a crap about any of us, so why should we give a crap about him?

Vick wasn't even a good QB when he was in the NFL. He was just a guy with a ton of god gifted talent that never applied himself.

Lol, he may not care about us, but back when things were good he bought my drinks the whole night one time at the club. Anybody that buys me henny and cokes all night is cool with me

05-23-2009, 09:48 PM
Vick should be released from prison the day the dogs he killed come back to life. Let him rot in the hole....

Faldur, unless you're a vegetarian/vegan you're full of shyt! People stuffing their face with steak, hamburgers, pork chops, fried chicken etc, coming from animals that were slaughtered and lost the right to live, for the personal enjoyment of their human palate. Yet, these same people want to be self-righteous about Michael Vick. This is the land where the stupid and easily manipulated dwell. I remember reading a funny story years ago about Ricki Lake (who was hosting her popular talk show at the time), who had gotten arrested at a PETA protest, yet was stuffing her fat face with a bologna sandwich while sitting in the holding cell. Vick's two friends really ran the dogfighting ring and performed most of the dirty work, such as killing the mangled up pitbulls who lost. Vick was the financier of the operation (Bad News Kennels) and allowed the fights to go on at his compound and did some dirty work I'll admit, but very little. Yet, these two coward azz friends of his, who were the REAL day to day perpetrators, were allowed to snitch and get a slap on the wrist, because the FEDS and PETA wanted to make Michael Vick the face of dogfighting and animal cruelty. Making a famous Black male athlete (especially post O.J Simpson) the face of anything negative, will always cause more anger and troop rallying, than some White athlete with the million dollar smile, like Tom Brady or the Manning Brothers. I read the online forums while the Vick scandal was going on and the racism was just sickening and omnipresent, especially on AOL and Youtube. So, for people to act like us Blacks are just playing the "race card" again, are naive and have their heads in the sand. Director Michael Moore has talked about the media and how they portray Black criminals versus White criminals on numerous occasions. He touched on this in "Bowling for Columbine". The Columbine shooter was just a disturbed and troubled youth, whereas young Black youth are called predators, savage and psychotic, when they shoot something up. This Craigslist killer guy, is also getting described as some preppy, educated guy who had deep mental healthy issues driving him to commit such heinous acts. PLEASE!

These fake azz animal rights people have no problem with the real perpetrators at Bad News Kennels getting off, for ratting out a celebrity, who could act as a rallying cry for their agenda. It was this whole "I can deal with letting the real animal killers off, because imprisoning and stripping Michael Vick of everything, for all the public to see, while be a bigger future deterrent to people who might think to dogfight in the future". While, I understand the politics of that move, don't hit me with the self-righteous bullshyt in the process, because if you're going to do that, then you should be calling for the heads of the two spineless jellyfish that got off. Do not get me wrong, Vick fucked up and deserved to be punished, but to act like he was the one and only person at fault is delusional. I went to college in VA and trust me, White boys in the backwoods are dogfighting like crazy, actually more than the Black guys are, but we've become the face of the sport.

05-23-2009, 09:55 PM
I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!

That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.

05-23-2009, 10:18 PM
I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!

I'm sure you and your friends at the KKK rally really chuckle at the a Black man falling from grace, especially one who made more money in one NFL game, than you made in last 5 years.

So, all Black men who play professional sports and received college scholarships prior to that are "trying to sound" educated? Michael Vick and that dumbazz brother of his Marcus, are not the litmus test for all Black collegiate and pro athletes. So, cookiepuss, I guess only White collegiate and pro athletes are allowed to sound "educated" in your small world. A lot of people don't know this, but Peyton Manning was accused of sexual assault by a female student, while at the University of Tennessee, but the school and his handlers made the potential scandal go away. Told her, it's your word against his and he's "King Shit" around here, so just take some of this hush NFL money he has coming his way or risk being portrayed as some spiteful groupie golddigger, who ends up with nothing. Larry Bird has a whole bunch of children out of wedlock and isn't really a good father to them, but only poor Black men don't handle their fatherhood duties right? My point is, all races have their fuck ups who play pro sports. More Black athletes come from extreme poverty and crime riddled neighborhoods, so they tend to fall victim to the evil side of excess once they start living the pro lifestyle, than a White kid from the suburbs. Peyton's father Archie was a pro quarterback, but he still got into something, that could have caused him to go to jail, if not for his connections and status at that school and city.

Losers like cookiepuss, are closet White supremacist who jerk off to pictures and videos of Latina shemales in the opposite closet.

05-23-2009, 11:06 PM
what do you wanna hear dude? cause hes black is that what your waitng for? or why is michael jackson and r kelly making music videaos and such? how is ray lewis back in the nfl/ how marvin harrison totally exonerated/ get over it dude

05-23-2009, 11:10 PM
I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!

That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.


05-23-2009, 11:25 PM
I always have a good laugh when these "college educated" NFL and NBA thugs give an interview. They try to sound educated but come across as having no more than a 3rd grade education. They'd be criminals if they weren't athletic. Oh wait, most still are!!!
Vick will be back. Both on the field and in a cell, eventually!

That's got to hurt knowing that these uneducated people accomplished more by 18 than the majority of world will ever accomplish. To top it all off the only place we can share our disgust is on internet chat forums, cause we would get smacked if we said the the same comments in public.


1985 Batman style Bam!!!

05-23-2009, 11:45 PM
I feel discussions like this do nothing to bring real attention to, or truly bring us closer to, solving the problem of dog fighting. The NFL is a non issue and Vicks race SHOULD be a non issue. The guys that were doing this with Vick were back at it the next day. All they did was stop using his house and property. All discussions like this do is make one man bigger than the real issue so people who've had nothing to say about dog fighting can all of a sudden sound like they care- in a very safe way, and from a safe distance. Here in Los Angeles for example, the south side SPCA is full of Pitbulls that need homes and rehabilitation. But for some strange reason people only seem to care about Vick's Pitbulls and want to be able to say they rescued one so they can impress their friends.
Is Vick a repenter or a recidivist? Only time will tell. What if he were in your family? Would you say the same things? It's amazing how the families of criminals claim no member of their family would EVER engage in_________. Then it happens; said family member is caught engaging in some unspeakable act. Then they're all of a sudden forced to backtrack and plead for compassion and understanding all the while having offered none to those who've needed it. I'm a dog owner and a black man. As a dog owner I was HORRIFIED. As a black man I was embarrassed and pissed. First and foremost however I'm a human being with the capacity to forgive and give others the latitude to show me, in their way, that they have seen the error of their ways and move on. Sometimes ugly actions are a sign of true damage and illness and sometimes they're the catalyst for true spiritual awakening. It would be nice if we NEVER visited harm upon others in the process, two legged or four legged, but that's simply not realistic. Again, only time will tell which path Vick will take.

05-23-2009, 11:58 PM
Let's see how long it takes to get to 20 pages............

05-24-2009, 12:41 AM
Let's see how long it takes to get to 20 pages............

Only 20 pages?


05-24-2009, 01:50 AM
QUICK! Someone call Al Sharpton! Vick is being oppressed.

05-24-2009, 02:03 AM
Wow, my man is back at home. I have mixed feelings about Mike. I am disappointed in him and I am also proud of him.

I am disappointed that he did not select better friends to associate with. I am disappointed that he jeopardized his career and reputation. Well, what makes him different than the rest of us? Human beings are prone to making mistakes that can be considered to either immoral and/or illegal.

I believe Mike deserved the sentenced he received, but I also believe that he deserves another chance to be a productive person in our society. If he wants to play and if someone wants to hire him, then so be it! I thought that America was supposed to be composed of a society where you have a choice of deciding what you want to do for a living?!

The NFL is nothing but an organization that provides entertainment to the public. It didn't matter how many games The Detroit Lions won or lost. The Lions nor The NFL were able to save thousands of jobs that were lost within the past couple of years in Detroit, Michigan!

I have a problem with how all of these so-called Animal Rights Groups are treating Mike. I did not see them standing in front of the Insurance Companies Buildings that told homeowners that they would be dropped from their coverage if they were the owner(s) of an aggressive breed of dog! Where were all of the picketers?

I did not see any of the so-called Animal Rights Groups challenging the media when they have portrayed Pit Bulls as vicious animals that attack children and turn on their owners. Where were they?

Now these groups are trying to promote the facade that those pit bulls were these angelic creatures that were poorly victimized by a young black man that felt he was above the law.

Did Mike commit a crime against another human being? Has he ever sold drugs? Is he a threat to society?

It would be interesting to see how many people on this forum were convicted of a sexual crime, a drug crime, and a violent crime.

Does racism play a role in his treatment? Sure it does. The media almost allowed me forget that Martha "America's Favorite Homemaker" Stewart was convicted of a felony. I almost forgot that she served time in a federal institution. I don't see any newspapers, radio shows, and televisions shows discussing her incident. I have never seen or read about anyone challenging her passion and choice to resume doing what she did before she went to prison!

Isn't she back on televison? Hasn't she resumed her daily activities of making millions of dollars? If she went back to work, why can't Mike go back to work?

Mike and Martha were both convicted of non-violent felonies.

Why can't Mike be treated in the same fashion? Oh, I forgot....He is a little darker than her.

Yep, racism is still around. Racism is not wearing the suspenders and straw hat as it did back in the 70's, 60's, 50's, and etc. Racism is wearing a nice tuxedo. It is more suave and sophisticated!

Welcome home Mike! We love you and we will support you in every way as you travel down the road of redemption.



05-24-2009, 03:16 AM
QUICK! Someone call Al Sharpton! Vick is being oppressed.

Al Sharpton does not respond to oppression, if so he would never get any sleep. He responds to discrimination.

05-24-2009, 06:31 AM
I tried not to even read this fucking thread because I knew the kind of bullshit that it would incur. It's Fucking' hilarious that a community that revolves around sodomy, illegal activities, and questionable moral activities has the nerve to judge anyone. You fucking hypocrites! One day you'll be judged by the same measure you mete out to Vick. Hope you're up for it!
(And as a man who lived with a yard full of pitbulls, I echo previous sentiments-- fuck them God-forsaken-hell spawn-eat anything, even metal, dogs!) and any idiot who has sympathy for them. You guys probably cry for snake head fish too!
Hey, do you simpletons actually think Vick thought this up on his own? That he's a dog fighting innovator? Apparently somebody, who's still out there and you don't give a fuck about, was doing worse shit than Vick, because he was winning!

05-24-2009, 06:46 AM
I tried not to even read this fucking thread because I knew the kind of bullshit that it would incur.

But, you had to come in add to it anyway, didn't you, cupcake.

Hey, do you simpletons actually think Vick thought this up on his own? That he's a dog fighting innovator? Apparently somebody, who's still out there and you don't give a fuck about, was doing worse shit than Vick, because he was winning!

Golly gee, ya mean someone else is breaking the law, too?
Must be ok then, let give Vick a full reprieve!

05-24-2009, 06:54 AM
If these pictures look normal to you, then I'm not sure what to say. If you think he had no idea what was going on, you're clearly quite ignorant. I don't care if you like dogs or not, mistreating an animal for your own personal pleasure is vile and disgusting.



You can go to this website to see how they rehabilitated four of his dogs after they saved them.


Other links to learn what happened to the dogs that were saved.


05-24-2009, 08:45 AM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

05-24-2009, 08:51 AM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Yep, that should get it to 20
(dumb ass statement!)

05-24-2009, 08:56 AM
I tried not to even read this fucking thread because I knew the kind of bullshit that it would incur. It's Fucking' hilarious that a community that revolves around sodomy, illegal activities, and questionable moral activities has the nerve to judge anyone. You fucking hypocrites! One day you'll be judged by the same measure you mete out to Vick. Hope you're up for it!
(And as a man who lived with a yard full of pitbulls, I echo previous sentiments-- fuck them God-forsaken-hell spawn-eat anything, even metal, dogs!) and any idiot who has sympathy for them. You guys probably cry for snake head fish too!
Hey, do you simpletons actually think Vick thought this up on his own? That he's a dog fighting innovator? Apparently somebody, who's still out there and you don't give a fuck about, was doing worse shit than Vick, because he was winning!

Wow...so you're saying if I enjoy a little sodomy now and then..that puts me on the same moral ground as some asshole who does the above to dogs.You're amazingly stupid..go back to your yard full of pitbulls.

05-24-2009, 04:13 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Yep, that should get it to 20
(dumb ass statement!)

What are you trying to communicate?

05-24-2009, 04:16 PM
Does any one have any examples of ANY NFL players that were not allowed to play because of something they did off the field? (drugs excluded)

05-24-2009, 04:18 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

05-24-2009, 04:38 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

You've got to better than that. What exactly are you trying to say?
Think before you scrawl.

05-24-2009, 04:45 PM
The unfair treatment is that he is getting so much press. I don't care if he is black or blue, the guy is probably just a violent yob. :roll:

05-24-2009, 04:47 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

You've got to better than that. What exactly are you trying to say?
Think before you scrawl.

Im saying make sure everyone around you knows the type of comments that you send into cyberspace. Dont use this forum to unleash your alter ego. Make sure your kids know how you are wishing death onto someone else's father.

05-24-2009, 04:59 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

You've got to better than that. What exactly are you trying to say?
Think before you scrawl.

Im saying make sure everyone around you knows the type of comments that you send into cyberspace. Dont use this forum to unleash your alter ego. Make sure your kids know how you are wishing death onto someone else's father.

Wow! That's some very astute thinking you display. Unfortunately, you say more about yourself than me. For instance, why do you think I wouldn't wish scum like Vick was killed in public? Maybe you're the coward. I'm stating my opinion....which, by the way, I do not tailor for other people. That may seem foreign to you but hey, you may be simply too frightened to speak truthfully.
Also, you refer to my kids......kids?!?!?!? What the fuck?!?!? Again, maybe you're one of those suits everyone laughs at, who chases trannies before going home to the wife and kids.

In any case, you'd do better laying off the judgments and trying to control that sick mind of yours. You're always going to fail if you choose to defend violent sociopaths.

Well done! All you did here was prove what weak person you are...and sadly, not very well educated either.

Talk about unleashing an alter-ego. The irony is so thick, you can choke.

Thanks for the laugh, dick. :lol:

05-24-2009, 05:22 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

You've got to better than that. What exactly are you trying to say?
Think before you scrawl.

Im saying make sure everyone around you knows the type of comments that you send into cyberspace. Dont use this forum to unleash your alter ego. Make sure your kids know how you are wishing death onto someone else's father.

Wow! That's some very astute thinking you display. Unfortunately, you say more about yourself than me. For instance, why do you think I wouldn't wish scum like Vick was killed in public? Maybe you're the coward. I'm stating my opinion....which, by the way, I do not tailor for other people. That may seem foreign to you but hey, you may be simply too frightened to speak truthfully.
Also, you refer to my kids......kids?!?!?!? What the fuck?!?!? Again, maybe you're one of those suits everyone laughs at, who chases trannies before going home to the wife and kids.

In any case, you'd do better laying off the judgments and trying to control that sick mind of yours. You're always going to fail if you choose to defend violent sociopaths.

Well done! All you did here was prove what weak person you are...and sadly, not very well educated either.

Talk about unleashing an alter-ego. The irony is so thick, you can choke.

Thanks for the laugh, dick. :lol:

Review your threads, only one of us reduced themselves to name calling. And you must speak for your self. I have never chased a Tranny in my life.

05-24-2009, 05:43 PM
I hope he gets killed.

The world would be a better place if he was dead.

Make sure you children as well as the rest of your family reads this

You've got to better than that. What exactly are you trying to say?
Think before you scrawl.

Im saying make sure everyone around you knows the type of comments that you send into cyberspace. Dont use this forum to unleash your alter ego. Make sure your kids know how you are wishing death onto someone else's father.

Wow! That's some very astute thinking you display. Unfortunately, you say more about yourself than me. For instance, why do you think I wouldn't wish scum like Vick was killed in public? Maybe you're the coward. I'm stating my opinion....which, by the way, I do not tailor for other people. That may seem foreign to you but hey, you may be simply too frightened to speak truthfully.
Also, you refer to my kids......kids?!?!?!? What the fuck?!?!? Again, maybe you're one of those suits everyone laughs at, who chases trannies before going home to the wife and kids.

In any case, you'd do better laying off the judgments and trying to control that sick mind of yours. You're always going to fail if you choose to defend violent sociopaths.

Well done! All you did here was prove what weak person you are...and sadly, not very well educated either.

Talk about unleashing an alter-ego. The irony is so thick, you can choke.

Thanks for the laugh, dick. :lol:

Review your threads, only one of us reduced themselves to name calling. And you must speak for your self. I have never chased a Tranny in my life.

Dude......you are a pussy. It's fitting. That's why so many people use terms like these: they fit. You're even dumber than I thought. A crybaby, too.

05-24-2009, 06:19 PM
"Dude......you are a pussy. It's fitting. That's why so many people use terms like these: they fit. You're even dumber than I thought. A crybaby, too"

Yea I agree, A real man would maximize his insults in a chat room knowing there is no consequences. Nothing cowardice about that.

05-24-2009, 06:31 PM
simple ur both pussies

05-24-2009, 06:34 PM
simple ur both pussies

correction: we are all pussies

05-24-2009, 06:37 PM
now thats the world i one day wanna live in

05-24-2009, 06:41 PM
I along with millions of other Americans would not eat a horse.

But you'll happily eat a MacDonalds! :shock:

No........I don't like McDonalds

05-24-2009, 06:41 PM
Only on HA can u be called a pussy by someone who represents them self with a picture of a dick, lol. And you talk about irony

05-24-2009, 06:44 PM
Actually, you're an ignorant cunt who clearly has difficulty with reading and comprehension. That is all.

You should save those harsh comments for you Mother...Do you have one?

05-24-2009, 07:03 PM
Actually, you're an ignorant cunt who clearly has difficulty with reading and comprehension. That is all.

You should save those harsh comments for you Mother...Do you have one?

You're saying his mother has difficulty with reading comprehension? :?

05-24-2009, 07:18 PM
Actually, you're an ignorant cunt who clearly has difficulty with reading and comprehension. That is all.

You should save those harsh comments for you Mother...Do you have one?

You're saying his mother has difficulty with reading comprehension? :?

Ummmmmm.....don't worry about it. You try to have a nice day!

05-24-2009, 07:30 PM
Michael Vick is an asshole but that is not a crime. He will never be allowed to own another dog and maybe someone with that little respect should never be allowed to be a parent either. He should however be allowed to continue his profession as it has nothing to do with what he went to jail for. Roy Jones Jr and G Mclennan were both well known supporters of dog fighting, both were allowed to continue boxing, Jones has had his ass whipped a few times now and G Man is permenantly disabled, perhaps they know what it is like to be one of these fighting dogs now. I hope that the same karma doesn't make vick a quadrapalegic when he is hit by a 340lb tackle.

05-24-2009, 07:53 PM
America (I can only speak about America since I live here)considerss one a celebrity whether you have done a television show or movie twenty years ago, thirty years ago, or even forty years ago. Blake is a white celebrity that received preferential treatment from the media. Did they pounce on him and his situation like they did OJ? No...

So many people's minds are controlled by the media. They don't even realize it. Before OJ's verdict was announced in the first criminal case, the media portrayed him as being guilty. They distorted his photos in an attempt to make him look like a criminal. I thought that you were innocent until proven guilty in America?

Yeah, I saw OJ in the infamous "Bronco Chase". Have you ever seen any of these shows that feature police chases? I think one of them is called "World's Wildest Police Videos". They have high speed chases all the time. LOL.....OJ did not invent the high speed chase. What was the big deal?

I believe Vick deserves another chance at making a living in an occupation that he chooses. I heard of the argument that playing in The NFL is a privilege. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Playing in The NFL is just an occupation. It's a job! You don't have the privilege to work where you want in America. You have an opportunity to apply for any job that you want in America. It is up to the employer to decide whether or not they want to hire you.

The NFL is not squeekly clean as many may believe. So many of the players experience so many personal and medical problems due to their involvement in The NFL. The NFL is not a prestigious organization that has been nominated for a Nobel Prize. LOL.....They are simply an organization that provides entertainment! That's all!

If Martha Stewart got a second bite at the apple, Mike should get a bite as well!

05-24-2009, 08:25 PM
"Dude......you are a pussy. It's fitting. That's why so many people use terms like these: they fit. You're even dumber than I thought. A crybaby, too"

Yea I agree, A real man would maximize his insults in a chat room knowing there is no consequences. Nothing cowardice about that.

You just don't when to shut up.
And yes, you are a pussy. Keep crying.

05-24-2009, 08:27 PM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?

05-24-2009, 08:29 PM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?

They want to make into anything but animal cruelty and murder.....anything but a crime.

05-24-2009, 11:25 PM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?

Last I checked those two white people were still dead... So I'd say "pretty good"

05-25-2009, 12:34 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

05-25-2009, 12:36 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?

Last I checked those two white people were still dead... So I'd say "pretty good"

and your boyfriend

05-25-2009, 01:10 AM
Were at page 414 only 6 more to go before we hit the bit TOO OH!

05-25-2009, 01:26 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

05-25-2009, 01:33 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

you are right, im pathetic and weak, and about the dog's dick, wow sick fuck, if this is your way of hitting on me, it's not working. i mean you have to be a muscular god

05-25-2009, 01:35 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

but ill tell you what, my brother lives in nyc, so i'd love to be down there to show how big of a pussy i am

05-25-2009, 01:37 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

you are right, im pathetic and weak, and about the dog's dick, wow sick fuck, if this is your way of hitting on me, it's not working. i mean you have to be a muscular god

You're just a douche.....stupid, too...but I applaud your courage. You are weak and pathetic. You'd shit your pants if we met.......and you know that.

05-25-2009, 01:40 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

you are right, im pathetic and weak, and about the dog's dick, wow sick fuck, if this is your way of hitting on me, it's not working. i mean you have to be a muscular god

You're just a douche.....stupid, too...but I applaud your courage. You are weak and pathetic. You'd shit your pants if we met.......and you know that.

and still with the lol, thats so cute, hang around 13 year old girls much?, and your right, that last thing on earth i'd want to do is meet such an animal as you, and i'd love to find out how big of a pussy you are

05-25-2009, 01:40 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

but ill tell you what, my brother lives in nyc, so i'd love to be down there to show how big of a pussy i am

You're such a pussy. Do you have self-respect??!?!?! :claps

05-25-2009, 01:45 AM
LMAO at these deluded clowns still crying for sickvick(and OJ haha)...

How's that workin' out for ya?
you are one dude i'd love to beat the shit out of

Too bad you're just a pussy mouthing off on the internet.

Keep beating that little red, dog's dick, you asshole. LOL!

but ill tell you what, my brother lives in nyc, so i'd love to be down there to show how big of a pussy i am

You're such a pussy. Do you have self-respect??!?!?! :claps

wow i get bold words, that mean you really mean that i'm a pussy, and self repsect, stop trying to come off cool, that ended about 20 years ago when you were 30, and for nyc, i'm always down there, again i'd love to show you how big of a pussy i am, coming from some bitch that only knows fighting from seeing it in a movie

05-25-2009, 01:48 AM
I have no intention of addressing any of that crap, slick. I really couldn't care less about your whining. If you don't like what I had to say about your boy I also couldn't care less...

You said that you were not interested in addressing any of this crap, but you choose to respond to my post. Isn't responding to my post a form of addressing the matter that is contained within the post itself?

Your argument is weak, get over it.

See you stupid ass?!?!?!?! Now do wish you paid attention in school?!?!