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10-01-2005, 06:50 AM
So I am sitting at home with my eyebrows burning from an electrolysis treatment- I am not going out obviously and I though if anyone here had an appreciation for modern art as I do?

I have a good friend in Paris who is much more schooled in art- and has an art hisotry degree and she has a great dislike for modern art. We argue about this all the time, but of course she wins because shes much schooled than I in art. Though of ocurse I love the technique and the works of the classical masters, modern art does it for me.

My favorite "movements" are cubism, surrealism, abstract, and pop art-
but I am huge fan of pop art and and the surrealist with Dali of course being one of my favorites. An interesting fact about Dali that a lot of people do not know was that desides his wife Gala, a transsexual, Amanda Lear, was a long time muse of his. Warhol aslo had a few ts muses- Candy Darling and Hollywood Lawn. Sadly, Amanda Lear- refuses her transsexuality today, but it is a well known fact.

I must say my collection of very modern art is the Saatchi Gallery in London- though I like the Tate modern as well, but really as a building.
Of course we have MoMa here- which is 2 blocks from my apt and the Guggemheim- but one of dreams id to go to The Guggenheim in BilBao.

Maybe I am just rambling LOL- but any others on here that might be art fans- or photography fans?

Avedon, Newton, & Lachapelle are my faves....

these are some Lachapelle images of my friend post op Amanda Lepore-
who happens to be his muse....

10-01-2005, 06:59 AM
interpritations of warhols silks screens of marylun and liz taylor-
both models are amanda lepore

10-01-2005, 07:04 AM
I love those pix! Have u seen these of Pam and Amanda? ...


10-01-2005, 07:10 AM

They were for an italian magazine-
he also did a swatch watch with Amanda's face on it called tranny time

really great!

here is here site in case anyone wants to see more of her


i love her cause shes really sweet and shes really crosed over into the fashion/art mainstream world

10-01-2005, 07:15 AM
a non lachapelle image but she reminds me of jayne mansfield here...

10-01-2005, 07:19 AM
I love Amanda's look! And Allanah your so lucky to be her friend and lucky to meet *HEATHERETTE*! I love Traver & Richie ... Oops and Aimee too!.. Too bad i missed there *HEATHERETE launch shopping party at Henri Bendels (Manhattan) in August! I was over it!

10-01-2005, 07:52 AM
Yes they are all very sweet people. I have known Amanda for years and we used to be better friends, before we both were so busy. But I see her from time to time and she performed at my party in January and cut the ribbon for the opening of Gurlesque Burlesque @ Romi.

I have always admired her very much and I love her look-the best thing is that she is really sweet and funny and cooky ;).

10-01-2005, 08:49 AM
I "get" the appeal of modern art, I just don't like it. I imagine that makes me sound like a jerk. My sister Laura is way into the whole deal, she's done the scene from Minneapolis to Budapest, and she dragged me over to the newly revamped Walker here in town a few months ago, since it's a couple blocks from my apartment. The first thing we see is a blank canvas ripped in half. That's lame.

I don't get the Mondrian and real abstract stuff either, maybe I'm stupid, but it seems to be burning the idea of art down to a very silly form. Andy Warhol said that the artist of the future would just point his or her finger at something and declair "That's art". That cheapens things, I think (and bringing up Warhol makes me sound like an Artsy Ass in denial, I just can't win).

I've got a poster art Renoir hung up on one of my walls. I look at it all the time, and I imagine what those people in the painting are thinking. What the hell is going on there? I've thought up millions of different stories. It makes me think. I like that. Renoir poured himself into capturing a moment in time. That's art.

That's just my take on art, but anything that makes a person think is a good thing.

10-01-2005, 08:52 AM
I had no idea you were so into contemporary and modern art Allanah. I assume you saw the Matthew Barney show at the Guggenheim a couple of years ago? The videos are very much worth seeing. They might even have them at Kims.

I know this is forward right on the board and everything but we should do a gallery day some time. I used to try and tour the galleries in soho and chelsea at least once a month and even once a week before my schedule changed.

10-01-2005, 09:21 AM
Hey Angela! Bunuel and Dali were a kinda weird team (Bunuel thought Dali was nuts, I think). But then the crazy bastards team up and film a girls eye getting cut in half (it was actually a cows eye, clever editing). That's just something that can only be done once, and it's fuckin disturbing.

But Bunuel was an awesome film maker. Lars von Trier seems to be the heir apparent, but someone out there is really gonna bust things loose soon.

10-01-2005, 06:33 PM
Hey Honda- well I think a lot of people probably feel the same way you do about modern art. I think the great thing about modern art as opposed to classical art that I think it evokes a quicker emotinal response from the viewr. Rather than looking at a piece and saying oh its beaitufil- which is fantastic- you can look at a modern art piece, and love it, hate, it be disgusted by it- etc. It's like looking a a Pollock- I was once at the Guggenheim in NY and I over heard a woman say- "my two year old daughter could do that", which is quite funny-but perefectly explains how an art piece can mean so many different things to different people. But I can totally be in awe of classical art- this summer I went to the Prado Museum in Madrid and saw a great deal that I liked.

It's funny that you mention Mondrain-- because he is one of my favorites.
Besides being influential on modern architecture and design ( as I am a greart fan of minimilast architecture and design), Mondrian was really obssesed with order and symmetry. When you look at a Mondrian paiting everything is in a perfect order, in a perfect place, and perfect shapes. He was very detailed oriented visually, And I can identify with that and see the beauty of the composition of what some may say-"just squares". In simple terms, lets say with my apt. or my appearance. If a table or lamp in my home is not in the perfect spot where its pleasing to my eye and the symmetry of the design, it drives me maddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. Mayne that is why I like his work so much. But I also love the confusion of artist suchs as Pollock- so my tastes are quite eclectic.

Caleigh- I missed the Mathew Barney show- I must say that sometimes I am not impressed by the collections or exibitions at The Guggenheim- but the building is what I do not get tired of seeing over and over. Sure, I would love to join you for a museum trip one day ;).

Angela- you must, must must see Andy Warhol's remake of Dracula and Frankenstein. Of course Trash and Flesh are great ones as well- you have to appreciate the genre of Warhol fims- but that is another one of my hobbies, films.

Recently, I really like the work of alot of young Brittish artist like The Chapman Brothers who are abosultely my favorite artists at the moment.
Who are obsessed with science, mass comsumerism, the integration of the two.

If you have the chance try to find images of their "Fuck Face" sculpture
and their "african" carvings that all have refferences to mcdonalds hidden within them.

10-01-2005, 07:16 PM
Hey Allanah- I absolutely respect someone who appreciates modern art, I just don't have the appreciation myself. I suppose it's all about taking the time to understand new things. When I went to the Walker (it's our local modern art museum) I only liked one piece, because something about it grabbed my attention. It was this huge Pollack type painting, just seemed like a bunch of random nonsense at first, but there was some reason I kept looking at it.

After awhile I noticed some really faint lines, straight and seeming to follow some sense of purpose. Now the thing was huge, so it took some time to fully figure things out, but after awhile I yelled over to my sister "Hey! Check it out. This whole crazy mess was drawn over an faded out architectural sketch or blueprint of some sort!" And it was. Everyone in the room drifted over and we all just blabbed about what an interesting idea that was to do that. Like modernism overtaking order and perfection.

Actually I guess the moment was kinda wanky, like some wine and cheese gallery opening crap, but what the hell, I enjoyed it at the time.

That was cool to me. But mostly I prefer the Art Institute with the more conventional stuff (and no, I don't hang out there, maybe go once a year). I like the paintings where I think "Hmmm, this guy or girl spent weeks, maybe months, trying to get this image out of his head and set on canvas. Why? What's the story the're trying to tell here?".

Maybe I just read too much into things. But going back, for an example, to my Renoir picture. What was so important to Renoir that he put so much effort into the intricate details of that scene?

The fact that he did allows these, possibly imaginary from the beginning, people to live forever. As long as human beings still look at pictures, that little Luncheon Of The Boating Party will keep going on. It's been 124 years since it was painted, and somewhere in the world, someone is checking it out right now and thinking "why is that girl in the upper right hand corner holding her hands over her ears?", or something or other.

I think that's pretty cool. But yes, art is art, it's all a matter of personal preference.

Vicki Richter
10-01-2005, 07:20 PM
What a great thread.

Here is one of my favorite prints.


I have an appreciation for art photography as well, particularly those depicting nature or cold leafless trees in a black and white setting.

I also have some prints from Monet and Picasso.

Impressionism, Monet's speciality, is great for it's use of color or setting a, sometimes somber, mood. I have a large print of "The Poppyfield" in my family room. It sets off the room balance. The light reflection is tremendous.

Some might think it cheesy to buy prints but the originals are worth millions or labeled priceless. The value and beauty of the work has already been declared by people a lot more educated on the subject than me. I just know what I like and that is all over the map really.

10-01-2005, 07:34 PM
That's interesting. I've got a Monet on the inside of the door to my apartment. I probably spend too much time on that sort of stuff.

Everytime a guy friend comes over for the first time they remark "For christs sake, it looks like this place was decorated by a girl!" And of course being single and working at a gay bar doesn't help matters in favor of my masculinity either, I suppose.

Art is good. It's not like I'm going to throw a bunch of pictures of rock stars and astronauts or something all over the place.


10-01-2005, 07:46 PM

u derserve alot of credit- rather than having some horrific posters of girls, car models, etc- which may look fine in a home ofice, or fora 14 year old- but i think prints are an excellent way to dress up a decor.

If you buy the print and you go to the effort of having it mounted, and framed nicely, it can look quite good.

i have a print of andy warhol's marylin, in which i had the excess cut out- inclusing his name, added a three inch white border, and framed it on a red laquer frame- anf it looks really well done.

i thinl prints are an excellent way of bringing art to everyone- art should not be only for the elite, or those who can afford it, or even those who are knowledgeable in the subject.

i know this might sound silly, but i always see a little art in all the design and and my surroundings. i often look at things- wether it a lamp, or a show, a building,- etc and see the design influence in it. which of ocurse is not always art- but everything requires some creative process.

10-01-2005, 07:54 PM
Thanks, I agree with both of you that prints are fine. Art is meant to be for everyone.

Now I'm going to go ride my bike around the lake. Nothing to do with art really, I just like checking out the girls running around in skimpy jogging outfits.


10-01-2005, 08:59 PM

but i have a soft spot for performance art, especially Joseph Beuys

10-01-2005, 09:56 PM
A few years ago I was in D.C. when they were doing a Van Gogh Exhibition at the National Gallery of Art. I come from one of those suburban families that never seemed to take us kids to a museum or symphony - so it was my first time seeing the work of a major artist. I was so blown away by nearly very painting I saw. I couldn't believe they let the public get as close as they wanted to these priceless old paintings. I was so naive I didn't realize it wasn't okay to have a video camera on, and somehow got most of the way through the museum before anyone stopped me. At times I was alone in smaller rooms. Just me and Van Gogh. I found a couple of the paintings I remember seeing. The Potato Eaters and Skull with a Cigarette were quite small, but Crows over a Wheatfield was about six feet wide I think. My father died from smoking, so that painting made on impression on me.

10-01-2005, 10:03 PM
I love Dali, I had heard that he had a TS mistress, but a TS wife also? Wow. I also like H. Bosch, and of course Picasso, among others. As for photography, what was the guys name that did the Betty Page bondage stuff? I think it was Irving Klaw, I'll have to double check. Helmut Newton is great.

Here is a Newton photograph of the Italian goddess .ca Bellucci, whose voluptuous qualities are shared by the lovely Allanah...

10-01-2005, 10:14 PM
This is very supprising.... I always figured that Allanah was into art and prints but you like the Chapman Brothers... They are the best contempory artisits around at the moment.... they use art in such a manner that it actually haunts you.... i love the way they use african tribal statues and put their own spin on it.... very deep.... just look at the pic below

i live in london so i do get the opportunity to visit the galleries often and now they are free admision i can get to go more frequently..... i too prefer the saatchi gallery it has more of an emphasis on the art instead of uber contempary art such as which is housed at the Tate... when the Tate first opened it housed some of the best art but recently it has lost out to the Saatchi Gallery....

Well thats just some thoughts off the top of my head...

10-01-2005, 10:15 PM
I just wanted to add, if anyone's interested, check out Lust for Life by Irving Stone, about Van Gogh's life and exactly how much he endured. For years he tried to be a minister in a little mining town - the Potato Eaters was painted from that time I believe - and basically, that book and The Agony and the Ecstasy, about Michelangelo, also by Stone, makes one realize just how hard these people worked refining their art. It's pretty humbling for me.

10-01-2005, 10:50 PM
Great thread! I love many types of art, but especially surrealism (along with Dali, Matisse is a favorite of mine--Angela, I caught an incredible exhibit of Matisse at Le Musee des Beaux Arts in Montreal a few years ago, a great if small fine art museum) and impressionism.

My best friend from grade school until my mid-30s was a gifted printmaker who was apprenticing with Barry Moser when he tragically died of a cerebral aneurysm at 33. His work will never be known because he died too young without having had a major showing or the like, but he was on his way. His work is hanging throughout my house.

I also love fine art photography.

10-01-2005, 11:06 PM
Moon I adore the Chapman Brothers!!!!! They are my absolute favorite artist at the moment. I was very lucky to catch their HELL exibit at the Saatchi last year and I was mesmerized. You are so right about the Tate-it is an impressive building but that is it. The collection, I found greatly dissapointing-though I did catch the Frida Kahlo exibit recently. The Saatchi Gallery is absolutely my favorite in London- I think thhat the best movement in comtemp. art now is definately coming from Brittish artists.
London has a great variety of museums and what I really like that so much of it is accessible to the public because most museums are FREE and you usually have to pay for special exibitions only.

amanda lear was dalis' ts muse- you can search her on the net. she has a website- shes also an aritist, has been a recording artists since the 70's and has released multipe albums-and she also has a tv show in france.

I love Helmut Newton and well what can be said about .ca Belucci-an absolute . goddess

PS. Chef someone actually thinks we are the same person -LMAO. That si hysterically, I do not have any alter egos online- only Allanah Starr. And we have never met either- on only interaction has been on thos board.
I guess because you are a fan and supportive of me- that's hard to swallow, lol. Kiss lova*

10-01-2005, 11:24 PM
I think we should just drop the whole subject. Not the Art one, the other one that's simmering below the surface.

Personally, I've known for a long time who's side I'm on, for better or worse.

This fighting is silly.

10-02-2005, 12:42 AM
Moon I adore the Chapman Brothers!!!!! They are my absolute favorite artist at the moment. I was very lucky to catch their HELL exibit at the Saatchi last year and I was mesmerized. You are so right about the Tate-it is an impressive building but that is it. The collection, I found greatly dissapointing-though I did catch the Frida Kahlo exibit recently. The Saatchi Gallery is absolutely my favorite in London- I think thhat the best movement in comtemp. art now is definately coming from Brittish artists.
London has a great variety of museums and what I really like that so much of it is accessible to the public because most museums are FREE and you usually have to pay for special exibitions only.

amanda lear was dalis' ts muse- you can search her on the net. she has a website- shes also an aritist, has been a recording artists since the 70's and has released multipe albums-and she also has a tv show in france.

I love Helmut Newton and well what can be said about .ca Belucci-an absolute . goddess

PS. Chef someone actually thinks we are the same person -LMAO. That si hysterically, I do not have any alter egos online- only Allanah Starr. And we have never met either- on only interaction has been on thos board.
I guess because you are a fan and supportive of me- that's hard to swallow, lol. Kiss lova*

LMAO...I'm flattered, I guess...there seems to be a lot of conspiracy theories floating around here lately... word has it I'm being accused of a lot of insidious dealings...I haven't been accused of putting the gun in John Hinckley's hand... YET...but Taxi Driver IS one of my favorite flicks...but...I once heard the hardest thing to prove...is a good conspiracy...perhaps we have an enigma... wrapped in a conundrum...the plot thickens...Alfred Hitchcock, anyone?


PS...My sexy"alter ego"...I caught those Warhol versions of Frankenstein and Dracula years ago...who else could redo those classics in that manner...I gotta try to see em again...but is this me talking...OR SOMEONE ELSE?...The plot thickens...stay tuned...

10-02-2005, 01:08 AM
That's pretty funny chef mike, conspiracy theories everywhere. . .

I realize she can seem kinda crazy some times, but don't fuckin talk shit about a girl I've actually hung out with and we had a great date.

Talk shit about her again and I'll knock you the fuck out. Virtually, of course.

Beyond that, it's all good times. You seem like a pretty good guy. Work with me here, OK? This forum is more then just talking shit about Vicki.


10-02-2005, 01:30 AM
That's pretty funny chef mike, conspiracy theories everywhere. . .

I realize she can seem kinda crazy some times, but don't fuckin talk shit about a girl I've actually hung out with and we had a great date.

Talk shit about her again and I'll knock you the fuck out. Virtually, of course.

Beyond that, it's all good times. You seem like a pretty good guy. Work with me here, OK? This forum is more then just talking shit about Vicki.

:)Neither Allanah, or myself ever mentioned the name Vicki in that post...up yours too, old chap...who you have, and haven't hung out with, is neither my business...OR MY CONCERN...the only interaction I've had with her on this board are differences about POLITICS...I got no quarrel with you...I'm not talkin shit about anybody...and talkin" non-virtually"...I worked the door at many a club as a young buck...don't talk silly...we are online ...not toe-to-toe...


10-02-2005, 01:41 AM
Toe to toe would be interesting.

Let's just call it even, a war of words is just silly.

Do me a favor on this Vicki war, and let it go. I'll owe ya one, OK?

I really do think you're a good guy

10-02-2005, 01:59 AM
dude I got no quarrel with you...we seem to be sympatico, on a number of issues...hey...the more I hear from Allanah, the more I agree with her...politics...movies...art, etc....and, hell yes I think she's hot as shit...so what's your point...why do you feel the need to referee their differences...as far Allanah is concerned ...she tries to rise above this nonsense...the only one I've seen trying to constantly stir up shit, is the lady you have declared yourself the spokesperson for...we all have our opinions about who is a class act...gracious...and demure...

10-02-2005, 02:01 AM
Chef- are you ROSEBUD lol

10-02-2005, 02:14 AM
Chef- are you ROSEBUD lol

ah...rosebud...I know, that you know, what Mr. Welles was referring to when he mentioned ROSEBUD...an inside joke in tinseltown, mentioned in Kenneth Anger's awesome book Hollywood Babylon...but is this chefmike talking...or is it Memorex?...


10-02-2005, 02:15 AM
I see what you're saying. But sometimes a person goes crazy and tries to storm the gates of heaven.

And if that isn't melodrama I don't know what is.

Oh well, maybe crazy is good for me right now.

I'm tired and going to bed now.

10-02-2005, 02:17 AM
I see what you're saying. But sometimes a person goes crazy and tries to storm the gates of heaven.

And if that isn't melodrama I don't know what is.

Oh well, maybe crazy is good for me right now.

I'm tired and going to bed now.

hey, man...no harm...no foul...later...

10-02-2005, 03:17 AM
and while we're on the subject of art...as opposed to this other drama :lol: ...If you like Dali, Bosch, etc...you might like this guy...

R.S. Connett...stumbled upon his work late one night...

I called him a twisted genious in that thread...and he is...great website


10-02-2005, 03:29 AM
and one more...this is not directed toward anyone...I repeat ANYONE...