View Full Version : Ladies, it's in the auroma right?

04-29-2009, 12:36 AM
OK,ladies. I'm very sorry to bother you....i know you are all working on your tans on this beautiful day. I have a quick question for you which may or may not be controversial and I'm sorry if this becomes a flame fest.

A mans sent, our smell....not the fragrances we utilize day in and day out or perfumes...rather our primal aroma how strong of an indicator of attraction is it to you? Does it or has it ever been a bench mark for your desire for a man?

The reason I ask is that an old flame from 10 years ago has come into my life. And as fate would have it she's half a world away from me. And we are both talking online and wondering what to do and what not to do. And a good friend recommended that I take a shirt I wore to Yoga class, unwashed, place it in a zip lock bag and send it to her. To have her "smell" me. She says that she knew she loved her current husband not when she kissed him or when she had sex with him but when one night she stole one of his undershirts and his aroma his pheromones relaxed to and calmed her and she knew she was addicted to him.

A bit nuts? Yeah! I know....will some guys say just throw in a fist full of hundreds? Ok yeah...sure....but ladies, pleas be honest what do you think?

Thank you so much in advance for your response.

04-29-2009, 04:15 AM
Either I was very offensive or my nutty friend with her zip lock bag full of my sweated in shirt is onto something.

04-29-2009, 04:50 AM
There was a thread about this, idk 9 months ago?

Pheromones play a big role in almost everyone's attractions but not everyone is aware enough about them to take notice.

When the body thinks, based on someone's pheromones, that someone is genetically compatible for reproduction they will "smell" differently (for some girls its perceived as a vanilla extract like smell, IDK how guys perceive girls' pheromones).

Hormones influence how it most of it works. They've known for a long time that GG's on the pill will detect guys' pheromones differently. So a GG on the pill might only find her BF attractive while on the pill, but not when she goes off the pill trying to start a family or vice versa.

I don't have a sense of smell for the most part, like I can burn something real bad in the kitchen and never know it yet I can really notice a guy's pheromones. It comes off as very strong, but I only seem to notice it on some guys.

04-29-2009, 07:09 AM
She says that she knew she loved her current husband

Ummm alrighty then lol

04-30-2009, 12:49 AM
There was a thread about this, idk 9 months ago?

Pheromones play a big role in almost everyone's attractions but not everyone is aware enough about them to take notice.

When the body thinks, based on someone's pheromones, that someone is genetically compatible for reproduction they will "smell" differently (for some girls its perceived as a vanilla extract like smell, IDK how guys perceive girls' pheromones).

Hormones influence how it most of it works. They've known for a long time that GG's on the pill will detect guys' pheromones differently. So a GG on the pill might only find her BF attractive while on the pill, but not when she goes off the pill trying to start a family or vice versa.

I don't have a sense of smell for the most part, like I can burn something real bad in the kitchen and never know it yet I can really notice a guy's pheromones. It comes off as very strong, but I only seem to notice it on some guys.
Thank you so much, I don't know....I guess it can't hurt....we'll see.

04-30-2009, 02:37 AM
I'm very sorry to bother you....but can you perhaps tell me when you were most susceptible to the pheromones?
The reason I ask is my friends recommendation of me sending a shirt I wore during a work out seems.....well a bit nutty. Wouldn't a shirt I slept in be better?
And hopefully less stinky?

04-30-2009, 04:15 AM
I'm very sorry to bother you....but can you perhaps tell me when you were most susceptible to the pheromones?
The reason I ask is my friends recommendation of me sending a shirt I wore during a work out seems.....well a bit nutty. Wouldn't a shirt I slept in be better?
And hopefully less stinky?

There is a difference between pheromones and BO, I am not sure wearing dirty gym clothes would be a good idea. BO is, if I am correct, odor cased by bacteria that thrive in hot sweaty environments, so if you're wearing your gym clothes or not showering thinking it will make your scent stronger, that could backfire.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, bathing in over powering cologne isn't really a good idea either. Its never good when someone (girls or guys) are wearing so much in the way of perfumes that people in the opposite side of the room are coughing trying to get clean air. Old ladies seem to be the worst for this, there is this one restaurant I go to some times locally, and sometimes these old ladies who come in have so much perfume on that I gotta wonder if they're just dunking full bottles over themselves before they leave the car. :shock:

Also, since hormones and genetics play such a big role, there's no sure way of knowing whether or not she'd like your pheromones. I haven't personally noticed a rhyme or reason to when I can smell someone's pheromones, but then again I do have a weak sense of smell.

I am kinda surprised there haven't been more posts in this thread.

04-30-2009, 04:22 AM
Thank you so much.
I always take a shower prior to my Yoga class.
It's a fragrance free zone. So basically deodorant and that's about it.
And I'm not funky after the two hours of class. A bit tired, very limber and very relaxed but not "funky".
So maybe that may be enough.
The issue is, I'm trying to gauge if what this girl and I feel for each other is simply a response to the situation we are in or if there is more, if there is something deeper, more primal.
Thank you so much for your help, greatly appreciated.