View Full Version : A strange email...

09-30-2005, 05:29 AM

I have been a longtime subscriber at Shemale Yum and now have a series
Shemale and Femme Domme worship Groups on Yahoo. I am the Founder of
Kybelism, a religion that studies and worships Active and Dominant
Members want to hook up with Shemales and I have always referred them
subscription services like your sites and other Web Escort Listings. I
also writing a series of raps dedicated to and inspired by Sheeba at
Black T Girls Group.

Now can I qualify as a partner through my Yahoo Groups? Or will I have
have a website whose web host allows adult content?

Questions about Kybelism is that it is a researching tool that uses
as hieroglyphs to explain the religion based on early Egyptian and
Babylonian Goddess religions that featured Transvestites as Priests.
It is
a part of a greater religion of the Feminine Divine with this being the
portion dealing with Shemale-Transvestites.

There are 20 Groups each dealing with specific genre and the largest
over 2200 members but more are familiar with Kybelism that come and go.
Three more of these Groups have over 1000 members.


09-30-2005, 05:35 AM
I never quite knew what to make of this guy. I joined his Yahoo Group out of curiosity for a time (I'm something of a student of mythology from various cultures) and thought he had some intriguing ideas but was more than a little "out there" in extremis, fanatical and, well, not quite casting with a full Tarot deck.

Felicia Katt
09-30-2005, 06:06 AM
somehow I don't think this is the kind of faith based organization that the Bush Administration would support


09-30-2005, 06:07 AM
Here's a temple I wanna join. Notice the Egyptian motif.

09-30-2005, 01:54 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol:

09-30-2005, 02:21 PM
Mega, sounds like your religion is very similar to Ecstaticism. ;^)

Of course you're right; there are girls who enjoy topping and girls who enjoy being dom (not necessarily the same thing), but most girls prefer to be bottom or to occasionally mix it up for variety but still like being bottom.

The thing about this guy's "religion" (and he has done substantial research into ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, and related religious traditions) is that he kinows what he wants to find and so his "research" always supports his conclusions, rather than the other way around. Much of the mythology from the time and area (eastern Mediterranean basin ca. 2500-500 BCE) was Great Goddess oriented, where eunuchs were the only male priests allowed in certain sacred areas otherwise serviced by priestesses. Hermaphroditic gods were among those worshipped. So-called Kybelism is based on the goddess Cybele, worshipped in Asia Minor.

09-30-2005, 02:36 PM

I did a google search on Kybelism and nothing came up :cry:

Anyway the idea would be great for a porno flick. :idea:

09-30-2005, 02:41 PM
Google Cybele. I'm not sure why dude spells it with a /k/, except that he loves the "key bell" pose (upskirt shot of a TS, where the cock and balls form the bell clapper and the full skirt the shape of the bell.

09-30-2005, 05:32 PM
I think this guy use to mass email alot of the girls- and I was one of the lucky recepients. It would always contain some sort of coded message about where he was going, doing, and how we would all some day do something.

It was as if he was developing some sort of cult that no one was belonging to.

09-30-2005, 05:46 PM
seanchai, you should have asked him if he's a eunuch? Pantheon.org says:
The cult of Cybele was directed by eunuch priests called Corybantes, who led the faithful in orgiastic rites accompanied by wild cries and the frenzied music of flutes, drums, and cymbals. Her annual spring festival celebrated the death and resurrection of her beloved Attis.

Keybell shots. Is that what they're called? Maybe if I join this guy's religion he'll email me some more. Unless I have to castrate myself too!

Another website says:

Cybele (also known/identified with/merged with Agdistis, Magna Mater, and Kybele/Kybebe) was originally born a hermaphrodite, but the gods castrated her and she became female.

Interesting stuff. A pile of horsehit it may be, but interesting nonetheless.

09-30-2005, 09:23 PM
on starting your own religion...L. Ron Hubbard, crazy(like a fox), founder of the cult of scientology said: "if you really want to make a lot of money-start your own religion!"

and if your wanna find out the skinny on this very expensive cult:



09-30-2005, 10:50 PM
It was as if he was developing some sort of cult that no one was belonging to.
Well said, Allanah. :lol:

According to Raven Kaldera in the book Hermaphrodeities: "The gallae, or male-to-female transsexual priest/esses of Cybele seem to have begun in Phrygia, and were documented there 2300 years ago. When the religion of Cybele was imported into Rome for political reasons (the Romans wanted to pretend that they were descended from the Trojans and thus thought that importing an Eastern religion would enhance their credibility) the gallae came with them, scandalizing the conservative Romans. They immediately passed a law stating that the gallae could not hold citizenship, and that any Roman who went through the ritual castration and became a galla would lose their citizenship as well. Although they had temples, called "metro'ons", gallae were frequently "on tour" most of the time, wandering from place to place and telling fortunes and blessing homes for their living.

"According to Apuleius and many other contemporary writers, a procession of gallae was a sight to be seen. A shrine containing a statue of Cybele was borne strapped to the back of a donkey, adorned with flowers. The gallae, dressed in bright-colored women's chitons and stolae, heavily made up, bedecked with jewelry and golden hairnets over their bleached and curled locks. Archigallae wore a tall mitred cap that was copied by the early Catholic Church; the Pope essentially wears the same headdress today!"


"Although throughout most of the history of the Cybelline temple the castration was reported as being a complete removal of all external genitalia with a pottery shard, by the time of the late empire they were using bronze clamps decorated with figures of Cybele (some found as far north as Roman London) and the castration may have been reduced only to removal of the testicles.

Current scholars of gay history are frequently stymied in their attempts to interpret the gallae as homosexual men when they are forced to consider the ritual castration custom. Although they are characterized as having sexual encounters with men (and occasionally women), and though female garb was often donned by male prostitutes, the castration set the gallae apart in more ways than just religious ones. Psychologically, removal of the organs of sexual pleasure are usually due either to an ascetic distrust of sexual pleasure as evil or that old bugaboo that no one but a transsexual understands, body dysphoria. Since the Cybelline cult was not an ascetic but rather a hedonistic religion, I don't believe it's too far a leap to assume that these castrations were what passed for SRS in those days."

Very interesting book, if you haven't encountered it before: Hermaphrodeities: The Transgendered Spirituality Workbook combines a wealth of information about myths and rituals with personal exercises, discussion questions and interviews.

03-12-2012, 08:41 PM

A thread on Kybelism based on my email. A lot of negative feedback though by people lacking any respect.

I will answer some of it now.

KYBELE. The use of C rather than K is because the Greeks did not have a C, thats Roman or Latin. KYBELE is also spelled in the way it was received.

KYBELE is not accurately revealed in the same way ARTEMIS and DIANA have been misrepresented by forces hostile to Greek and Roman Paganism but who could not totally eradicate it.


The common notion is that KYBELE required castration. Thats total nonsense as She is a Fertility Deity. Castration is more akin to notions of punishment arising from the Abrahamic religions.

The belief that castration was a requirement by KYBELE is the result of Roman Pagan and later Christian attempts to dissuade Roman youths from following the religion.

It takes Logic when all references point to an issue which does not fit the times like the notion that ARTEMIS or DIANA are Celibate Virgins and yet be considered Goddesses of Nature. That reeks of Roman Catholic revisions.

Understand that the biggest competitors to Christianity in Rome were the religions of
ISIS, KYBELE and DIANA. So all had to be re-edited or slandered to fit the new religion and the hostility towards the Feminine Divine.

The story of KYBELE then asks the question of why would a Feminine Fertility Deity require males to castrate themselves? And if this is based on some notion that eunuchs were Feminine that is not true because it takes more than a hole between a man's legs and makeup to be a Femme. The ancients knew of the feminine internal organs. That knowledge was lost with the Asexuality of Christianity and was only rediscovered with the introduction of scientific gynecology.

The issue of Feminized-Male Priestesses is ancient, much older than even KYBELE of Phrygia. INANNA of Sumeria had specialized Priestesses which meant that ISHTAR and the various Semitic Versions worshiped throughout the Great Rift Valley had them as well.
This is the origin of the Adonis male figure and not a single one was required to castrate themselves.

In virtually all the Pagan sources available today have been re-edited by early Christian writers who could not eradicate them. This is especially true of all Feminine Divine Deities and their Priestesses. You just have to have some knowledge of the era and the intent.

The Catholics replaced the sexually active Feminine Divine with the Virgin Mary, thats why they placed her in Ephesus which was the seat of KYBELE then ARTEMIS and DIANA in succession.

The Neo-Pagans such as Wicca regard DIANA as Chaste or Celibate without asking how this would be inconsistent of a Goddess of Nature. So to the notions of KYBELE requiring castration.

Understand how to read beyond what is given. Most people follow what they have been told in religion without investigating. For example the etymology of the word RELIGION has sexual meaning which has been lost due to the substitution of books and celibate priesthoods.

The original and natural religions were based on the Heavens, Earth and FERTILITY.
KYBELE like APHRODITE and VENUS were Sexual Deities with Priestesses, devotees and temples some of which can still be seen.

Even the Amazon has to be revisited. The Amazons were Feminine but that does not mean they were Femmes.

The Religion is there despite anyone's acceptance. It is what happens when two people are joined not some book reading and recitation.

RELIGION = RELIGO which means to be binded from behind or to be fastened

As the original religions were Sexual and Fertile then what is this binding? One of them is the binding of male and female for procreation and recreation. There was another. That was the role Sissis played in the Temples and even in the Oracles.

SISSIS comes from the name ISIS which is the Greek form of the name AST.

03-12-2012, 09:04 PM
KYBELE did not require castration. That was a Roman ploy to discourage youth from joining the religion. The question is never asked concerning the Roman position on homosexuality as to how and why it differed from Greek. We do have one religion which has been consistently hostile towards sex and the feminine which did takeover Rome.

All that is about KYBELE has been re-edited to the slander of the Pagans.
Almost Pagan Rome consistently made war against Amazons. History does not recognize Amazons but here's a short list of warrior Queens Rome made war against.

BOADICCA, the British Queen of the Iceni
ZENOBIA, the Queen of Palmyra
TEUTA the Queen of Illyria

Now on the issue of Amazons. First, stop treating history and Paganism as fossilized static entities.

The Amazons were Feminine not Femme but Fallic-Femmes.
The Amazons were Feminized-Males in the service of KYBELE.
The Femmes were called Melissae.

This requires common sense, logic and the ability to read between the lines.
It also requires the knowledge that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are hostile to all
Feminine Divinity and has blasphemed, slandered and humiliated all traces of it where they could and re-edited or plagiarized what they could not eliminate.

The etymology of the word AMAZON = Without Breasts

This is still the common notion held even by some Feminists.
KYBELE was a Mother Deity so why would She require Her Femme Priestesses to cutoff their breast? One of the explanations given is to facilitate archery.

Then what about if the Amazons had not Breasts because they were Feminine but not Femmes? What if the Amazons were Feminized-Males called to serve the Deity?

Breast implants are a recent thing. What did the ancients do?

You support the common notion of Fertility and Mothering Deities requiring their Priestesses to castrate themselves or have mastectomies done? How very Roman Catholic of you. There is nothing new about the sacredness of male to Femme TVs.
Castration was a punishment for crimes or a mark of slavery. The Pagans were not
so adverse to human sexuality and have been presented as statue worshipers by the very people who condemn them.

The Trojan association of Rome goes through the Aenid as the story of Prince Aeneas being the son of VENUS and Anchises. The Amazons fought on the side of Troy.
You are reading about Pagans who have been neutered to hide the Feminine Power.

Again, Rome consistently fought Queens noted for their warrior skills. In the case of KLIOPATRA VII. As the Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt She was reqarded as the Daughter of ISIS but also the High Priestess of ARTEMIS. Did you consider that one of the reasons She was hated by the 'Conservative Romans' was that She brought a specialized group of Priestesses to Rome to correct the improper way Romans were worshiping ISIS?

These special Priestesses were called 'SISSIS.'

I know. Its easier to make mockery over something not a single one of you have done any research on and approach religion from the view of Asexualism which has been hostile.

Wendy Summers
03-12-2012, 09:14 PM
(I'm something of a student of mythology from various cultures)

You are? We'll have to discuss this at some point - comparative mythology is a passion of mine.

03-12-2012, 09:18 PM
Holy Resurrection! (thread)

Wendy Summers
03-12-2012, 09:21 PM
Holy Resurrection! (thread)

An example of ego surfing at its finest... or a great troll effort...

03-12-2012, 09:25 PM
I have never emailed Miss Allanah on any issue concerning Kybelism. However lets look at this since I am being attacked for research I have done.

How to approach this? I am sure the name Allanah has some meaning or else it would not have been chosen. Before looking it up here's the obvious Math.


I am sure most of you have heard of the name ALLAH before just not in this context.
The religion is there whether you want to accept it or not. Its in the name and what you do.

This is called KABBALAH

Now I am sure you have a conventional view of that word too.

KABBALAH = KBL which is the consonantal skeleton of the name KyBeLe

But I digress. Back to ALLANAH

AN = The Sumerian word for HEAVEN
It is also the first part of the word ANus I am sure most of you can see how
That relates to Shemales. You may even know the old URANUS joke but
lack the knowledge of its religious symbolism.

So you mock a person finding religious significance to Shemales and Shemale Lust without saying one negative word about any of it? Save it. Wonder why so-called
Transgender is always left out whenever Gays and Lesbians get ahead?

AN ALLAH now thats in the name ALLANAH. No one is mocking religion that is a fact of the name.

I did not write Allanah about Kybelism for a number of reasons but I am not surprized with reading this. It steps out of the comfort zone and has a lot to do with the common usage of the word RELIGION.

So here's an example of the original meaning of the word as demonstrated by ALLANAH herself. Just look at "Little Red Riding Hood and the Thug." Religion or RELIGO occurs
when ALLANAH attaches Herself to the thugs' butt.

Thats also the deeper meaning of EVANGEL because She (She is a Feminine Fallic-Being)
is bringing RELIGO to a Man in the only way possible as a Messenger of AN. Its in Her Name. Now it could be this is a simple matter of turning Alan into ALLANAH or finding a new way to use ELAINA whatever. The Religion is in the Name, the Person and the Act.
All I am doing is being a witness through the Media but I also have 30 years experience in dealing with these Fabulous Beings.

Nicole Dupre
03-12-2012, 09:35 PM
How about ARIANNA ?

03-12-2012, 09:42 PM

The sources you mentioned are the same type which convey the idea that ARTEMIS and DIANA were Celibate or Chaste Virgins. Did you ever consider how it would be that Goddesses of Nature would be Chaste Virgins? Did you ever consider that DIANA and KYBELE were major rivals of Christianity and that these required a re-editing to fit Roman Catholicism? No you did not.

Did you ever consider that the Pagans did not worship statues but that the sculptors saw reflections of an APHRODITE in Living Models he or she may have asked to pose?

No you did not?

DIANA and KYBELE were the ones castrated to blaspheme them and dissuade people from following the religions. You are offering Christian revisions of those religions and deities which resisted total eradication.

There had been Feminized-Males called to the Deity since the time of INANNA in Uruk and Ur. None of them required castration.

And also, Shemales are allowed to progress from this status of Pre-Operative to Post-Operative as if becoming a eunuch equates with being a Femme. Thats because the religion has been taken out and all thats left is a hollow clinical shell called 'transsexual.'

Look at this word.


Its beautiful and descriptive but its being treated as derogatory by some. Why? Shemale is a word of Power? Transsexual is not. Transsexual is an adjective describing a clinical process not a Person. Its not clear either because there are femme to male transsexuals.

Look at this word again.




Can you expand your mind to see this?


So lets do a little KABBALAH trick and change the vowels


Get it?

Ok here's the deal. Maybe since you love to find some Asexual-Misogynist references to try and mock my research lets look at BERDACHE. Wait. Thats derogatory so lets deal with the Native Heritage of those 'special' Shaman called 'Two Souls.'

These Feminized-Male Shaman were common to many cultures until the rise of the Abrahamic religions.

SHE-MALE rather by intent or accident shows a relationship to SHAMAN.

If you did not respect this subject matter to the degree of finding its Religious root, I did. By chance actually.

03-12-2012, 09:43 PM
there is much to this.. . intersex. .the perfect combination of yin and yang.. very real ancient manuscripts describe this as being a part of the alchemical record.. of symbolism.. and magic..

THE GOLDEN CHILD> .eddie murphy movie.. they briefly allude to the fact that the child had a spontaneous sex change ,and that is why it is divine.. the boy was in fact played by a girl..

03-12-2012, 10:15 PM
This guy might fit right in around the San Francisco Bay Area. He should put up a booth at the annual Folsom Street Fair and see how many people are interested. If he's not openly psychotic, that is.

Nicole Dupre
03-12-2012, 10:16 PM
Eunuchs have existed and were held in high regard in so many cultures. The castratos were allowed in churches when women weren't. The 3rd gender only fell from grace within the last few centuries. Now the just molest the choir boys and relocate to another church.

03-13-2012, 12:25 AM
To anyone interested in Eunuchs in Arabia and Islamic societies, I strongly recommend Shaun Marmon's book

Eunuchs and Sacred Boundaries in Islamic Society

http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Eunuchs_and_Sacred_Boundaries_in_Islamic.html?id=9 nwtCFFsPDwC&redir_esc=y

03-13-2012, 01:27 AM

A thread on Kybelism based on my email. A lot of negative feedback though by people lacking any respect.

I will answer some of it now.


SISSIS comes from the name ISIS which is the Greek form of the name AST.


03-13-2012, 11:02 AM
How to approach this? I am sure the name Allanah has some meaning or else it would not have been chosen. Before looking it up here's the obvious Math.


obvious Math is not so obvious, huh? Shouldn't it be ALLAH + AN?

So you mock a person finding religious significance to Shemales and Shemale Lust without saying one negative word about any of it? Save it. Wonder why so-called
Transgender is always left out whenever Gays and Lesbians get ahead?

Yet another example of a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing ...