View Full Version : Teeth.

04-20-2009, 08:08 PM
Dental Care

What is up with this? Curious as to everyone's opinion on importance level and priority level. I for one am some what fanatical about myself, and appreciate the same in others. What strikes me as odd is that there are girls that are in the process of, or have transitioned, and are obviously vain, and are spending thousands of dollars, euros, baht, or whatever on getting to their vision of a perfect body but they still have jacked up horrible teeth. The price to fix a hacked up grill is significantly less than many other procedures, but yet one of the first things noticed on a person, so why not have it taken care of as soon as possible?

Any thoughts?

04-20-2009, 09:23 PM


04-20-2009, 09:45 PM
I totally agree. A nice smile is often overlooked for big breast implants. The funny thing is a lot of people might not know that nice teeth might require more money than new boobs.

04-20-2009, 10:10 PM
Dental Care

What is up with this? Curious as to everyone's opinion on importance level and priority level. I for one am some what fanatical about myself, and appreciate the same in others. What strikes me as odd is that there are girls that are in the process of, or have transitioned, and are obviously vain, and are spending thousands of dollars, euros, baht, or whatever on getting to their vision of a perfect body but they still have jacked up horrible teeth. The price to fix a hacked up grill is significantly less than many other procedures, but yet one of the first things noticed on a person, so why not have it taken care of as soon as possible?

Any thoughts?

Some people just have bad teeth from being unlucky.

Dental care isn't something all families have, so its not that abnormal for someone who obviously needed braces, to have their family not get it for them when they were young. It's one of those things were the longer its put off, the more work, time, and money it could take to fix it.

Then sometimes dental care itself carries risks that can create problems. Like braces carry a risk of weakening the teeth to the point of causing chips & cracks, a dentist who doesn't know what the hell he's doing can cause someone major problems.

Then there are all those self destructive things people do which hurt their teeth; drinking too much coke (coke is very close chemically to the abrasive they use on teeth before fixing cavities, it will erode your enamel off entirely if consumed in excess), smoking, chewing tabacco, etc.

I almost didn't get braces when I was little, I had literally just had them put in when my parents split and in court my dad tried to get them removed because he didn't want to have to pay for it (never was close to my dad). The judge was like, "are you fucking kidding me? You signed the contract 3 months ago, you can't change your mind now just b/c you're getting a divorce." So they stayed in, and that was that.

04-20-2009, 10:15 PM
Just my opinion, and please don't hate me for saying this Sarah, but your dad sounds like a first class dick for trying to get away with not paying for your braces.

04-20-2009, 10:22 PM
Just my opinion, and please don't hate me for saying this Sarah, but your dad sounds like a first class dick for trying to get away with not paying for your braces.

People do stupid things when they think they've been hurt or attacked.

04-20-2009, 10:32 PM
True, some people do have bad teeth just for being unlucky. But at the same time, being born into a body you don't believe is meant for you wouldn't exactly be considered a stroke of fortune either. And dental care is something most families actually don't have easy access to.

I agree, braces, dental reconstruction, crowns, whatever it may be can be very expensive. But so are many other surgical procedures if done well. So is the cost directly relegated to the importance? When the decision is made to start putting thousand of dollars into you body, should teeth be high on the list?

04-20-2009, 10:32 PM
I don't lecture 20 somethings about dental care anymore so I'll make this brief. I kno youngns who go years without seeing a dentist cuz their teeth look good and they have no symptoms but u will regret that when you hit your 40's or early 50's.
everything goes wrong at once and the pain and expense is as bad as any serious health issue you could have. when the dentist looks in your mouth and asks when the last time you've seen a dentist, that's not a good thing

04-20-2009, 10:45 PM
The scary thing is it only costs $80 to $85 for a yearly dental cleaning and that's without any dental insurance. In my company, dental insurance costs as much as medical. For some odd reason, some people just don't place dental work as high up on their lists as medical stuff. I guess with medical, you get more bang for the buck.

I believe a filling costs $160. That's cheap. It's the crowns and stuff that cost a hell of a lot.

04-20-2009, 10:59 PM
Dental Care

What is up with this? Curious as to everyone's opinion on importance level and priority level. I for one am some what fanatical about myself, and appreciate the same in others. What strikes me as odd is that there are girls that are in the process of, or have transitioned, and are obviously vain, and are spending thousands of dollars, euros, baht, or whatever on getting to their vision of a perfect body but they still have jacked up horrible teeth. The price to fix a hacked up grill is significantly less than many other procedures, but yet one of the first things noticed on a person, so why not have it taken care of as soon as possible?

Any thoughts?

Dental Care

What is up with this? Curious as to everyone's opinion on importance level and priority level. I for one am some what fanatical about myself, and appreciate the same in others. What strikes me as odd is that there are girls that are in the process of, or have transitioned, and are obviously vain, and are spending thousands of dollars, euros, baht, or whatever on getting to their vision of a perfect body but they still have jacked up horrible teeth. The price to fix a hacked up grill is significantly less than many other procedures, but yet one of the first things noticed on a person, so why not have it taken care of as soon as possible?

Any thoughts?

I completely agree with you! I believe that a real transexual woman should start by at least 2yrs of hormone therapy, psychological therapy, and before breast and hips...FFS! (including teeth)
As well as invest in some type of professional certificate/diploma/training/degree...since intelligence/brains and acquired skills last longer than physical beauty and youth!

04-20-2009, 11:44 PM
True, some people do have bad teeth just for being unlucky. But at the same time, being born into a body you don't believe is meant for you wouldn't exactly be considered a stroke of fortune either. And dental care is something most families actually don't have easy access to.

I agree, braces, dental reconstruction, crowns, whatever it may be can be very expensive. But so are many other surgical procedures if done well. So is the cost directly relegated to the importance? When the decision is made to start putting thousand of dollars into you body, should teeth be high on the list?

If I were to take a guess its because stuff like implants, trach shaves, ffs come off to some as more urgent. If you can't pass, that's going to impact your day to day life far more than having yellow, crooked teeth.

At my job in highschool there were a couple middle aged transitioners who would come in every few months, don't know their stories, never talked to them- but it was obvious that everything they did in public was different because of how unpassable they were. Simply walking into a retail store and everyone would stare, make comments, laugh etc- from the moment they entered the store to the moment they left. I am sure if someone gave them a choice between getting their teeth fixed (straightening, caps, crowns, whitening, the works) or getting FFS for free- they'd pick FFS.

04-20-2009, 11:58 PM
I agree. I have seen some otherwise pretty girls with some of the worst teeth I have ever seen!

Now Hazel's one out of place tooth is cute
as hell, but an entire rack out of alignment
is another story completely.

04-21-2009, 12:33 AM
I agree that teeth should be ON the list, but not very high. Bad teeth won't keep you from much, but looking like a man in a dress will.
That said, there are some girls (one stands out in my mind), that have done a wonderful job with the rest, BUT NOW IT'S TIME TO SPEND SOME MONEY ON DENTAL WORK. I've met my share of beautiful chicks who open that mouth and ruin it all! Always beware of girls with alotta pics, but none of them show her smile!

04-21-2009, 12:40 AM
Go to a dental school near you, they will be longer in cost, and in some
instances free.

Another option is to have your dental work outside of the United states.

Be true to your teeth, and they won't be false to you. :wink:

04-21-2009, 12:43 AM
I completely agree with you! I believe that a real transexual woman should start by at least 2yrs of hormone therapy, psychological therapy, and before breast and hips...FFS! (including teeth)
As well as invest in some type of professional certificate/diploma/training/degree...since intelligence/brains and acquired skills last longer than physical beauty and youth!

I agree with you.

Make sure that the foundation and inside of your house is as stable,
and attractive as the outside.

04-21-2009, 01:06 AM


Wot yer trying to say?

04-21-2009, 01:08 AM
I agree with most of the comments so far, but don't agree that you won't be discriminated against severely for how your teeth look.

Everyone notices your teeth and your smile. Regardless of whether you are trans or not, man or woman, if your teeth are really bad, you will be discriminated against. I think for a lot of people, because it is so in your face, they see it as symbolic as how you take care of everything else. Can anyone really truly have inner confidence and be happy with a jacked up grill?

Truly, I am talking about women that do not look like a man in a dress, I am talking more about those that have done everything else but neglected the importance of dental work, or put it behind for implants, lips, silicone injections or whatever else. And really, if they are passing and stunning and beautiful but have a messed up mouth, how is that received? Is it something people can overlook?

04-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Why should we all have bloody grave yards for mouths?
I mean would you kick Kristen Kreuk out of bed?

04-21-2009, 09:58 PM
I saw this one and just had to comment.

I have really crooked teeth by nature. My mother has them, my nephew has them, they are in the family. This is in spite of bushing and flossing religiously all my life. I just have a small mouth and big teeth.

So they came in crooked. My mother like I said has crooked teeth she never got them braced. She grew up in the projects in Saint Louis and said to me "I'll tell you what my mother told me, grow up get a job and pay for the braces yourself."* Then she took vacations by herself to Cancun, Alaska and Brazil... sacrificing just one would have bought me braces. But from her perspective she's lived her whole life with crooked teeth and it's not a big deal if you are used to them.

A second point is I have had breast implants, and I am in the process of getting my teeth fixed.. I have been for two years. I had to have five root canals and get two teeth capped and crowned that cost about $3000 and was more painful than breast surgery itself. That was a couple of years ago. It involves being awake while the dentist scrapes drills and fills your mouth repeatedly with disgusting tasting fluids and such... Now that mama is getting old and I have said I'll put her in a crooked nursing home, where she has worked and pissed people off...she ponied up and helped pay the $5000 that the braces alone have cost me. That's matter of principal to me, had we been really poor I would feel different. Just getting the brackets on was an ordeal... next I am going to have four front teeth pulled to make some room. Then latter I am going to have to have oral surgery to get my wisdom teeth removed that'll likely cost another $2000 by itself.... that's $10000 begged borrows and whored for just to get my teeth worked on!... Then the actual treatment takes two years if all goes to plan!

My final point is that as a person with crooked teeth and now a metal mouth there is not a prejudice against crooked (but otherwise healthy) teeth in most people. There is however a prejudice against people who don't smile which is well documented by anthropologist. Take a look at the following pictures... which one looks better? Honestly?

*My father's practice of medicine was already suffering because at the time though we did not know it he has already lost most of his vision he is now legally blind. He could not help me given what he was dealing with. What is Sara say about being unlucky? Oh why did my Irish ancestors have to give me actual Irish luck?

04-21-2009, 10:03 PM
Scroll down for the answer

If everything I know (which is not allot) about the science of beauty...from watching doccumentaries on TV A smiling mouth full of metal and crooked teeth (not just teeth that are cutely a little off kilter but I man real baboon teeth like mine.) Is still more attractive than the same face not smiling.

When I sit for pictures I have to actively remind myself to smile. It does not come naturally because I become self conscious of them. It is a bad habit I am trying to break.

04-22-2009, 02:39 AM
*My father's practice of medicine was already suffering because at the time though we did not know it he has already lost most of his vision he is now legally blind. He could not help me given what he was dealing with. What is Sara say about being unlucky? Oh why did my Irish ancestors have to give me actual Irish luck?

What I said about being unlucky is that people don't always have problems with their teeth because of lifestyle choices.

Sometimes someone has bad teeth just because the hand they were dealt. It can take a really long time to fix stuff like that, especially if they had to wait years to get it fixed because of family problems or money problems. Usually the longer its put off, the more time & money it takes to fix it- and you get a snowballing effect.

I sympathize with anyone who needs a massive list of procedures to get good teeth, even more so if they need it because they couldn't get good dental care growing up. It sucks that some people are just born needing more dental work than others, but life is rarely fair so that is to be expected.

04-22-2009, 03:11 AM
Well who knows.. It's possible that crooked teeth can be a advantage in certain situations. There were times I had to hold things in my mouth which I think was easier because of my teeth, as well as taking bigger bites. Less room between teeth, means less places for plaque to form. OTOH brushing could be harder.

If it weren't for one particular tooth which is behind the main line and does not mesh with any others, I would just not get the braces. They are a ton of trouble. They are not a procedure, they are a lifestyle.

04-22-2009, 03:29 AM
Well who knows.. It's possible that crooked teeth can be a advantage in certain situations. There were times I had to hold things in my mouth which I think was easier because of my teeth, as well as taking bigger bites. Less room between teeth, means less places for plaque to form. OTOH brushing could be harder.

If it weren't for one particular tooth which is behind the main line and does not mesh with any others, I would just not get the braces. They are a ton of trouble. They are not a procedure, they are a lifestyle.

I agree but I am assuming we're talking more about then braces.

I.e. someone without dental care growing up can have who knows what problems in terms of decay, gum disease, trenchmouth etc.

Most of dental care isn't cosmetics, rather it's preventative care.

04-22-2009, 03:41 AM
I don't really see anyone discriminating against people because of their teeth, but maybe I'm just ignorant of the facts. Nearly everyone could use SOME dental work--- even stars in Hollywood. Going to the dentist is not something everyone does, hell it's almost elitist. Most people only go when something hurts so bad they have to! Alot of people don't have health insurance--- even more don't have dental insurance!! To many, it's an optional expense. So it's not a question of tranny priorities, but society as a whole.

BTW, I'm one of the few who find chicks with braces sexy, for some reason.

04-22-2009, 03:43 AM
Trenchmouth... etc now stuff like that is a matter of not just dental care but not being taught proper dental hygine. My mamma did teach me that. Basic taking care of yourself can avoid so many many problems.

04-22-2009, 08:09 AM
I don't really see anyone discriminating against people because of their teeth, but maybe I'm just ignorant of the facts. Nearly everyone could use SOME dental work--- even stars in Hollywood. Going to the dentist is not something everyone does, hell it's almost elitist. Most people only go when something hurts so bad they have to! Alot of people don't have health insurance--- even more don't have dental insurance!! To many, it's an optional expense. So it's not a question of tranny priorities, but society as a whole.

BTW, I'm one of the few who find chicks with braces sexy, for some reason.Thats the problem Hollywood white teeth and perfectly arranged looks sickening.

04-22-2009, 10:44 AM
Personally I cant even talk to people with bad breath let alone with messed up teeth. I mean a few mins each morning and night will not hurt a damn thing...P.S. carrying Breathmints is good for you -_-
I understand alot of people cannot afford Dental care especially at times like this but At least keep the grill smelling nice...Glad I have service writers at work :D

04-22-2009, 02:42 PM
Well aren't you the prize pig at the county fair? :roll:

Quiet Reflections
04-22-2009, 04:16 PM
sorry for those with bad teeth i know it cant be helped in some cases but i took great care of mine and expect it in a partner. my teeth have been perfect for 30 years(clean,no cavities,no gum disease)and of course i don't think that's normal, however i do expect nice breath and relatively clean teeth on a lady. it may be shallow but a busted grill to me is one of the worst things on a lady. a few crooked teeth is OK but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. It all comes back to hygiene and personal preferences i guess.

04-23-2009, 01:26 AM
Oh, to add another thought in this:

Calcium deficiencies will fuck up your teeth fast. If you get your testes removed and stop HRT for an extended period of time, you're teeth may literally rot out of your mouth despite how good you take care of them.

The body often needs sex hormones to be healthy, no sex hormones (t or e) can cause a whole host of problems... tooth decay among them.

04-23-2009, 03:16 AM
I think everyone has their own point of view about this, but I tend to believe that the people that don't place a very high priority on teeth when looking for a partner are probably people that don't have that great of teeth of their own.

And now we are not talking about Kristin Kreuk, and woman of the like, a little slant here or there no big thing. We are talking about seriously jacked up grills.

I appreciate Brenda being so forthcoming and honest with her situation. She is a perfect example of being born with bad luck in that area and is open about it. Obviously she has chosen to take care of at whatever costs so it is a priority. To me that is admirable.

Also regarding the smile, sure it is always more attractive when someone smiles. But referring once again to what Brenda had mentioned, it is forced for someone in that situation. Smiles do not come that easy if you are embarrassed, and that affects confidence levels all across the board. When people have such a blatant trait that they have to show everyday, I think it can be much more difficult to walk and show the confidence and beauty from within.

04-23-2009, 05:25 AM
teeh are what makes me cute and sexy, and can make or break yah,

i try to smile this is an old pic of me and kalina

04-23-2009, 07:07 AM
Well aren't you the prize pig at the county fair? :roll: so my personal opinions on shit offends you? or so I am guessing from this reply which is very unthought and childish aisha. My post was a OPINION...I know people cannot choose how their jaw forms but to get mad over it SMH@that.

04-24-2009, 03:48 PM
teeh are what makes me cute and sexy, and can make or break yah,

i try to smile this is an old pic of me and kalina

My god, my eyebrows are so dark in that pic... hee hee.
I guess, after reading all the evidence, different people just place different priorities on things and nobody's right or wrong. I'm teeth-centric. Quite honestly, if it wasn't for my teeth, I wouldn't be me in the same way as if another girl didn't have her best feature, she wouldn't be her, too. (And by all that, I mean the one feature that distinguishes you from most everyone else.)

Here's a pic of me from this past weekend. Real hair. Real boobs. Real everything. Oh, yeah, and my eyebrows are much better, too. I hate all my wig and hair extension pics from 2007 and prior.

04-24-2009, 05:16 PM
teeh are what makes me cute and sexy, and can make or break yah,

i try to smile this is an old pic of me and kalina

You do both have lovely teeth.

04-24-2009, 05:20 PM
teeh are what makes me cute and sexy, and can make or break yah,

i try to smile this is an old pic of me and kalina

You do both have lovely teeth.

04-25-2009, 08:20 PM
teeh are what makes me cute and sexy, and can make or break yah,

i try to smile this is an old pic of me and kalina

You do both have lovely teeth.

Thanks. I have my mother to thank for it and indirectly my father. :)
My mother yanked out my loose baby teeth when I was asleep at night. I'd wake up in shock, crying, with blood spilling out of my mouth. My dad had this crappy dental insurance that didn't pay for novacaine so whenever I had a cavity, I endured the pain. I cried a lot in the dentist's chair. This taught me to not eat a lot of sweets and forced me to brush and floss my teeth every day twice a day. Until I was about 23, I never knew that fillings could be relatively painless.

Last night, one of my friends got new bonds on her teeth. She elected to do eight instead of six to cover more of her mouth (and smile). She also got ZOOM whitening on her bottom teeth. Her smile looks great. It cost her $10k, but it's worth every penny.

Consequently, another friend elected to get boobs before laser hair removal so she has to still deal with shaving every day. I saw another ts at Wendy's the other night and she had beard growth and was continually called "him" and "sir" until she finally corrected the cashier.

Like I said, everyone has different priorities.

04-25-2009, 08:39 PM
Worst day of my life....Helping a friend who owns a donut shop......Go in @ 530am today to help fix a compressor for the OIL to cook. I know how to work the register and everything.So he asks while he fixes it if I help customers. So many kids and elderly people that came in without brushed teeth. I really wanted to put some crest on the table as a reminder ^_^
So after a horrid 2 hours the compressor is fixed and I never want to help this friend with a damned thing ever again.-well at his place of ownership at least.

04-25-2009, 09:04 PM
Worst day of my life....Helping a friend who owns a donut shop......Go in @ 530am today to help fix a compressor for the OIL to cook. I know how to work the register and everything.So he asks while he fixes it if I help customers. So many kids and elderly people that came in without brushed teeth. I really wanted to put some crest on the table as a reminder ^_^
So after a horrid 2 hours the compressor is fixed and I never want to help this friend with a damned thing ever again.-well at his place of ownership at least.

Somewhere on earth, a dentist must be hanging out at donut shops handing out his business card :)

04-26-2009, 04:36 AM
Well aren't you the prize pig at the county fair? :roll: so my personal opinions on shit offends you? ....

No your opinion is discounted not because it offends but be cause of the really bad attitude with which it is delivered.

04-26-2009, 09:25 AM
Worst day of my life....Helping a friend who owns a donut shop......Go in @ 530am today to help fix a compressor for the OIL to cook. I know how to work the register and everything.So he asks while he fixes it if I help customers. So many kids and elderly people that came in without brushed teeth. I really wanted to put some crest on the table as a reminder ^_^
So after a horrid 2 hours the compressor is fixed and I never want to help this friend with a damned thing ever again.-well at his place of ownership at least.

Somewhere on earth, a dentist must be hanging out at donut shops handing out his business card :)Im going to make sure of that lol. Taking many business cards from my dentist when my next cleaning is due :D