View Full Version : Why Do Non-Tranny Daters Act Stupid in Public?

04-19-2009, 02:52 AM
Sorry no pics to share, but. . .

So I arrange to meet up with some hot Hawaiian TS's in Honolulu for drinks at a local nightspot. The girls are hot and passable. So far so good.

We are all sitting at the bar getting to know each other and enjoying the drinks more with each sip, and some dude comes up to me and tells me those "chicks are dudes".

No shit Sherlock!

Luckily I am at the age now (40) where such comments don't matter and easily ignored. But I couldn't help but notice and laugh to myself that there were four military guys standing in a corner with drinks in their hands who had nothing better to do but stare at my three friends.

Now I am thinking to myself obviously those guys are hard up and want to get laid, but they don't have the courage to approach my little group and make conversation. So instead they will stand and stare like dopes. If one of them would have approached my group and been nice chances are good that they would have gotten laid that night.

I am beginning to go out more with TS's in public for the first time, but I have to say, be prepared for all kinds of weird attitudes and behaviors by other people.

Hooking up through Craig's and Eros is fun and easy, but I like going out with the girls first. After getting to know each other and connecting the sex is way better. But if going out in public means dealing with morons all the time a part of me wonders if it is worth it.

BTW, other chicks can be really stupid to. Comments like "I love your boobs, wish I had some like that" are so fucking dumb and show how jealous many girls are of TS's.

Oh well, one of these days I will make it out to Vegas or New York where I can have a better time. I hope?

04-19-2009, 03:08 AM
If that's what you like to do ..come to New York..you will love it . I promise.

..I think you're right about the age thing too... I'm in my 40s and I pretty much could give a flying crap about anyone else's opinions of me or what I do.There's only one person I need to make happy (besides myself of course..lol) ..and that's whomever I'm with.

..I'm not talking about anyone in particular..but I notice a lot of times much younger guys will talk a lot of shit (talk the talk)...but that's all it is ..talk. THey've never actually gone out with any TS girls. It's easy to say you'd do this and that..but at some point you need to actually do it (walk the walk)..not just talk about it (and not just under the cover of darkness either..lol)

Solitary Brother
04-19-2009, 03:57 AM
This is the way it is out there....be prepared for lots of rude comment and hatred thrown your way.
I commend you for being so open but there is a lot of ignorance out there.

04-19-2009, 04:05 AM
Yep, it's just the way it is.

You'll most likely never see them again for the rest of your life. Who cares about what they have to say.

04-19-2009, 04:09 AM
This man speaks the truth ...

some people are just nasty and stare, some just make dumb ass comments thinking its funny to show off to their mates... I also think some of it is to do with people often fear what they dont understand...

I occassionaly get nasty glances when out shopping off giggly little teenyboppers but you just have to laugh it off at the end of the day.. sticks and stones....

This is the way it is out there....be prepared for lots of rude comment and hatred thrown your way.
I commend you for being so open but there is a lot of ignorance out there.

04-19-2009, 10:53 AM
So true!

04-19-2009, 11:06 AM
Let's face it. In the whole scheme of things, there just not that many men that date T-girls and there are not that many T-girls out there. So when so called straight people see a T-girl out there, they dont know how to act.

If you are a guy dating a girl, you will get a lot of stares and people talking quietly as you walk by. But in all of the times I have been out with a girl, nobody has ever said anything rude to my face or to any of my dates face.