View Full Version : DATING!! POST OP VS PRE-OP....Post Ops share your exp.

04-18-2009, 04:56 AM
This is not a topic about what or who's better, but two sincere questions to post ops about their dating and sex life.

1. When it comes to dating, do men accept you more easily as a post op (knowing you are post-op), or do you experience the same amount of acceptance/rejection you did as pre-op?

2. How has your sex reassingment affected your sensation 'down there?'

04-18-2009, 07:19 PM
This is not a topic about what or who's better, but two sincere questions to post ops about their dating and sex life.

1. When it comes to dating, do men accept you more easily as a post op (knowing you are post-op), or do you experience the same amount of acceptance/rejection you did as pre-op?

2. How has your sex reassingment affected your sensation 'down there?'

I would say that is definitely has improved it, in a number of ways.

1. With the men that I dated or was in relationships with, I never
penetrated or used my penis on them. So there was no sense of loss
there. Indeed, not having a penis has made me feel more comfortable
with my body, and more uninhibited sexually.

2. GRS also widened my potential dating pool. Though I might not tell a
casual partner that I had GRS, those that I did, didn't have as much of
issue with the fact that I used to have a penis, as long as I didn't
currently have one.

Funny how some men have such a problem with two penises in the bed. :peanutbutter

Then there's the transattracted men. A fair number of them don't have
a 'problem with pussy'.

There's a large number of men that will be into you for what's in your
mind, heart and soul, and not what's between your legs.

The pool also includes women. When I had a penis, I didn't feel
comfortable being intimate with a woman. And while I have a preference
for men, I could be in a relationship with the right woman.

In terms of aesthetics and functionality I am very, very pleased with my
vagina, and I thank God and my surgeons for it daily.

Danielle Foxx
04-18-2009, 07:38 PM
Well, I just recently had my GRS and I have had a few funny and bad stories already.

A week back I met this guy at a 7/11. He comments on my tats and I didn't tell him the "T" until he reached over to kiss me at my place. Turns out he knew already - or had an idea - but he is also a hobbyist so no offense taken. Last night he came over again to eat me out but I noticed that both times I asked him to cum for me he asked me to lay on my back and was "ghost" ridding my groin area. Now, that's some fucked up shit when you are a post op LOL. I find that the guys that I tell about my GRS are very interested on the fact that I did have one as opposed to me being a girl, a person, etc...

As far as what Peggy said about wide dating pools, it is very true. But above all I feel like I am free to be myself now, therefore I am happier.

But on a deeper level, and I am not a scientist... But I think pheromones have a huge deal to do with the way perceive you. We forget we are animals sometimes with instincts, and I truly believed after my GRS either I, subconsciously think people see me and are attracted to me differently or that it does in fact have something to do with the fact I no loner have my male parts.... Some food for the deep thinkers on the board.

But for the ladies who are thinking about getting GRS because they want their man to like them as women... WRONG!

The men who like you for being transsexual are a bit off the map when it comes to understanding the complexity of a transsexual mind. They do not grasp that we are two sexes in one. Not for what's between our legs but what flows through our veins. We were born this way and once you understand that and come to terms with it then you are ready to have GRS.

The decision for castration and body modification isn't for everyone. For me it was more of a practical thing. More for the way I see myself in the mirror and not for what others see me as, because truthfully I wish we walked around naked but we don't . If someone sees me naked they have to know me first, all of me. My power, strength, determination, vulnerability, love, affection, creativity... I mean, that's what men want right???

Wait... this just in .... Hell just froze over!

I was an extra in this straight movie recently and I was practically naked around 30 GGs and 6 male actors, it was very liberating to be seen as just another chick, no one took a second look except the main starlet who wanted sooooo bad to see the "creation". She knows the "T" and is a total cool chick.