View Full Version : Trial Begins in Slaying of Transgender Woman

Floyd R
04-16-2009, 10:49 PM
Trial Begins in Slaying of Transgender Woman

Story Highlights
Prosecutors charge man with murder in slaying of transgender woman, age 18
Suspect and victim had met online before seeing each other in person
"Hate crime" case has been closely watched by transgender-rights groups
If convicted, defendant could be sentence to life in prison with no parole

By Jim Spellman

GREELEY, Colorado (CNN) -- It started as a tryst, arranged online, in a quiet town in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. She was an 18-year-old transgender woman. He was a 32-year-old rough-and-tumble gang member.

It ended in homicide.

Opening statments behgan Thursday in the trial of Allen Andrade, accused of murdering Justin "Angie" Zapata, .

Andrade also has been charged with a bias-motivated crime.

Zapata was 18 years old in the summer of 2008 when prosecutors say she met Andrade, then 32, on the popular online networking site MocoSpace.

According to a police affidavit, the two arranged to meet and Zapata brought Andrade to her apartment in Greeley, Colorado, where they spent two days together. During that time, according to the affidavit, Andrade says Zapata performed oral sex on him. When Zapata was out of the apartment, Andrade noticed photographs of Zapata that made him "question victim Zapata's sex."

When Zapata returned, Andrade confronted her. Zapata declared, "I am all woman." Andrade then grabbed Zapata's crotch and discovered a penis.

What happened next is gruesome.

According to the affidavit, Andrade told police he began hitting Zapata with his fists, knocking her to the ground. He then grabbed a fire extinguisher and hit her in the head two times.

He told police he thought he had "killed it," referring to Zapata, and covered her with a blanket. He then set about trying to clean up the crime scene. While doing this, he heard "gurgling" sounds coming from the victim and saw Zapata sitting up. He hit her again with the fire extinguisher.

This time Zapata was dead.

Andrade took Zapata's car and fled. Two weeks later, police discovered the car and arrested Andrade.

Calls to Andrade's public defender for comment have not been returned.

The case has become a rallying point for supporters of the transgender community who have held vigils and launched Web sites in remembrance of Zapata. They are calling for the inclusion of transgender people in hate-crime statues across the country and at the federal level. Currently 11 states and the District of Columbia recognize transgender people in their anti-hate crime laws.

Mindy Barton, legal director for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Colorado, says this has the makings of a landmark case.

"We believe this is the first case of any hate crime law being applied in an anti-transgender murder case," Barton says. "A vicious attack such as this, with the evidence of overkill and excessive brutality, leaves the whole transgender community feeling afraid to live their daily lives."

If convicted of first-degree murder, Andrade will face a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. The charge of a bias-motivated crime carries only a one- to three-year sentence, but Barton says the length of sentence isn't important.

"It is not the sentence which is important, but the fact that victims, perpetrators and law enforcement officials recognize that such bigotry and hatred will not be tolerated," she says. "That is the important message when there is a charge and a conviction under a hate-crime law."

Court officials in Greeley are preparing for possible protests outside the courthouse. The trial is expected to last about two weeks.

copied from http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/16/transgender.slaying.trial/index.html?iref=topnews

04-16-2009, 11:59 PM
Heart breaking story.
This case is a good argument for full disclosure to guys though.

04-17-2009, 01:42 AM
Although it is completely uncalled for to assault and or murder a transsexual because of this, you are a complete IDIOT to think you can go around and pull that type of crap with men or anyone for that matter. You may be a woman in your mind but as long as you have a dick, you are a man and cannot mess around with people. This girl could have avoided this by telling the guy she was a man before even meeting with him. It's stupid crap like this that makes transsexuals look bad.

04-17-2009, 01:50 AM
I'm almost in tears : (
I dont think you have to disclose the t to someone off the bat, but a weekend shack-up situation wasnt so smart.

18? Poor baby.

miss.kitty- those are harsh words.
"It's stupid crap like this that makes transsexuals look bad."

Sweetie, that wig and bad makeup you're sporting makes transsexuals look bad ;)

"You may be a woman in your mind but as long as you have a dick, you are a man "

...well SIR- you are entitled to your own opinion.
but you should speak for yourself.
Rephrase those you's to I's : )

I hope they put him away for life

04-17-2009, 01:59 AM
I'm almost in tears : (
I dont think you have to disclose the t to someone off the bat, but a weekend shack-up situation wasnt so smart.

18? Poor baby.

miss.kitty- those are harsh words.
"It's stupid crap like this that makes transsexuals look bad."

Sweetie, that wig and bad makeup you're sporting makes transsexuals look bad ;)

"You may be a woman in your mind but as long as you have a dick, you are a man "

...well SIR- you are entitled to your own opinion.
but you should speak for yourself.
Rephrase those you's to I's : )

I hope they put him away for life

The truth hurts doesn't it? You can NOT go around and claim to be a woman without warning people. You are going to get hurt or killed. Your childish comments are pathetic, btw.

04-17-2009, 02:06 AM
I'm almost in tears : (
I dont think you have to disclose the t to someone off the bat, but a weekend shack-up situation wasnt so smart.

18? Poor baby.

miss.kitty- those are harsh words.
"It's stupid crap like this that makes transsexuals look bad."

Sweetie, that wig and bad makeup you're sporting makes transsexuals look bad ;)

"You may be a woman in your mind but as long as you have a dick, you are a man "

...well SIR- you are entitled to your own opinion.
but you should speak for yourself.
Rephrase those you's to I's : )

I hope they put him away for life

The truth hurts doesn't it? You can NOT go around and claim to be a woman without warning people. You are going to get hurt or killed. Your childish comments are pathetic, btw.

Well thats YOUR truth Kitty. not THE truth.
i want to encourage you to speak for yourself, and refrain from blanket statments.

Many PASSABLE girls do not feel the need to tell everyone.
I see nothing wrong with keeping my T from a man when i meet him, or even as i first get to know him.
As long as sex hasnt come into play yet, my sex organs dont have to be up for conversation.

Granted, when i do tell them, i'm usually rejected. and i can respect that.
But i've never been threatened or hit :roll:

my childish comment about your bad wig and makeup was just a friendly jab.
the one about you referring to yourself as a man.. well thats on you.

04-17-2009, 02:15 AM
I refer to myself as a woman but I am intelligent enough to make sure to warn people of what I am because I don't feel like being assaulted.

04-17-2009, 02:18 AM
I refer to myself as a woman but I am intelligent enough to make sure to warn people of what I am because I don't feel like being assaulted.

(you replied before i added this...)

If you refer to yourself as a woman, you should re-write your comment about you being a man as long as you have a dick.

intelligent enough to warn people?
Kitty listen...
Granted, when i do tell a man my T, i'm usually rejected. and i can respect that.
But i've never been threatened or assaulted :roll:

04-17-2009, 02:18 AM
Heart breaking story.
This case is a good argument for full disclosure to guys though.

It's an even stronger argument for taking guys like that, locking them up and throwing away the keys.

Anything less than that is complete bullshit, no one should be able to beat someone to death in this manner, and then take off with the victim's car, and expect to be let off easy.

This guy had no credibility even before he beat her to death. For all we know claiming she "tricked" him is just a ploy to get off using gay panic defense. And since she's dead, we really have no idea if he knew she was trans, how he knew it, or when he knew it.

Someone give me a good reason why we should believe this ex-con?*

*And simply saying "well, other tgirls have tricked guys" doesn't cut it.

04-17-2009, 02:19 AM
Heart breaking story.
This case is a good argument for full disclosure to guys though.

It's an even stronger argument for taking guys like that, locking them up and throwing away the keys.

Anything less than that is complete bullshit, no one should be able to beat someone to death in this manner, and then take off with the victim's car, and expect to be let off easy.

This guy had no credibility even before he beat her to death. For all we know claiming she "tricked" him is just a ploy to get off using gay panic defense. And since she's dead, we really have no idea if he knew she was trans, how he knew it, or when he knew it.


04-17-2009, 02:20 AM
Damn everytime i read this shit it makes me cringe "kill it" "hit her in the head two times" this guy should be charged with first degree murder and given the death penalty.

04-17-2009, 02:35 AM
You may be a woman in your mind but as long as you have a dick, you are a man in their eyes and cannot mess around with people. This girl could have avoided this by telling the guy she is trans before even meeting with him. It's stupid crap like this that makes transsexuals look bad.

Moral of the thread: If a guy wants to get a good chance at getting away with murder, all he has to do is pick a tgirl. And who knows, maybe if he steals her car the cops will just think "its another worthless tranny," not bother to investigate, and he'll have something out of the deal. Worst case the cops will do a just for show investigation, and he'll have to make up some sob story about being traumatized, she'd be dead and be unable to say one way or another- and even people in her "community" will assign her partial blame for getting killed & robbed. After all, the girl was trans- she just had to have tricked him, why else would he kill her and make off with her car?


04-17-2009, 02:38 AM
Heart breaking story.
This case is a good argument for full disclosure to guys though.

It's an even stronger argument for taking guys like that, locking them up and throwing away the keys.

Anything less than that is complete bullshit, no one should be able to beat someone to death in this manner, and then take off with the victim's car, and expect to be let off easy.

This guy had no credibility even before he beat her to death. For all we know claiming she "tricked" him is just a ploy to get off using gay panic defense. And since she's dead, we really have no idea if he knew she was trans, how he knew it, or when he knew it.

Someone give me a good reason why we should believe this ex-con?*

*And simply saying "well, other tgirls have tricked guys" doesn't cut it. :claps Well said Sarah, well said.

04-17-2009, 02:39 AM
i love you Sarah : )

04-17-2009, 03:48 AM
he needs to be get rhe book thrown at him fort evil act no mattwr what murder is ever option only in self defense

T-girl hound
04-17-2009, 10:18 AM
I've been covering this awhile, and common sense come on. A weekend a hot girl and only oral? No showers, no penetration and you only think something when she's gone. Honestly during oral I'm caressing everything, getting things warmed up. I cannot believe you spend a whole weekend with a woman and not ge completely "down". Just doesnt sound believable, just my two cents.

Oh yeah firing squad is my execution choice

04-17-2009, 12:25 PM
yeah, hard to believe they spent 2 days together and he never figured it out? Best to bring it up beforehand though, just to play it safe...

that being said, this guy should get the needle...what I'd like to see is him die the way he murdered but naturally that's not gonna happen...unfortunately, this idiot will probably plea bargain his way to a 10 year sentence

04-17-2009, 07:34 PM

GREELEY, Colorado–The murder trial of Allen Andrade, underway in Greeley, Colorado, is being watched closely across the country. Andrade is accused of bludgeoning to death Angie Zapata, a transgender female, last July.

Since the defense concedes Andrade is the killer, the question at trial is what level of homicide it is: first-degree murder or some lesser degree. The defense says Andrade killed Zapata in rage after learning that the woman he was with was biologically male. The prosecution says Andrade knew for at least 36 hours before the murder that Zapata was born a male, which supports their theory of a premeditated murder—not an uncontrollable rage.

Andrade is charged not only with murder, but with a bias-motivated crime. Though bias-motivated crime is a lower felony than murder, the charge is significant for this is believed to be one of the first cases to charge a hate crime where the victim is a transgender person.

This is the first I've heard of this. Something that I'm sure that HA would want to keep an eye on here. This could possibly be precedent-setting.

Well well, could it be the thug was lying? Who would have guessed! :shock: :shock: :shock:

This is sounding more and more like the guy was thinking "a tranny will be an easy target, no one will care and I can make off with her car" than anything else.

04-17-2009, 08:45 PM
. Just because a transexual 'tricks' a man and we only have his word for this in terms of what transpired between them.It is in no way any kind of defence and should not in any way attract sympathy for a murdering theiving bastard.

Short of her drugging him tieing him up and then ass raping him for days there is just no excuse for him to use any kind of violence. And how many of these cases do you hear of? We and the courts should not be even giving this the time of day . So he grabbed her cock and balls and was suitably disgusted. Why didn't he just walk away? No string him up in my view,

04-21-2009, 03:41 AM
Damn after listening to a little bit of the trial this guy know she was transgender and killed her out of cold blood.To the people who make assumptions that she was trying to trick him you should really look at the facts before judging her.For some odd reason they aren't letting the jury hear his confession.This whole trial is a waste the guy already confessed he should be put to death.

04-21-2009, 03:59 AM
.For some odd reason they aren't letting the jury hear his confession.This whole trial is a waste the guy already confessed he should be put to death.

1) The police screwed up. Once he told detectives he wanted to remain silent, they should have stopped talking to him, that is the law, it is meant to protect all of us if we are ever questioned by police.

2) The death penalty is not on the table in this case.

3) His recorded phone call will most likely lead to a guilty verdict.


A judge last month threw out part of Andrade's confession, saying police didn't honor his request to remain silent 39 minutes into his interrogation. Tape-recorded jail calls in which Andrade allegedly told his girlfriend that he "snapped" and that "gay things need to die" will be allowed by District Judge Marcelo Kopcow during the trial.

04-21-2009, 08:12 AM
She should not have been fucking with fire in the first place. :twisted:
Even so He spent the weekend with her and says he didn't know.if thats the case I get you don't have to be very bright to be in a gang??? :?
Maybe she had a death wish and this was here way of doing it....

can't we all just get along????

04-21-2009, 08:21 AM
She should not have been fucking with fire in the first place. :twisted:
Even so He spent the weekend with her and says he didn't know.if thats the case I get you don't have to be very bright to be in a gang??? :?
Maybe she had a death wish and this was here way of doing it....

can't we all just get along????

According to the DA he knew for more than 36 hours before he killed her.

04-21-2009, 08:57 AM
She should not have been fucking with fire in the first place. :twisted:
Even so He spent the weekend with her and says he didn't know.if thats the case I get you don't have to be very bright to be in a gang??? :?
Maybe she had a death wish and this was here way of doing it....

can't we all just get along????

According to the DA he knew for more than 36 hours before he killed her.

He'll go to prison and meet up with some bad asses who life weights and know how to be men, and who will expect him to drop the soap.

04-21-2009, 08:40 PM
So this thug that so many people here believed was telling the truth about being "tricked" didn't just steal her car.... but he stole her purse as well and (get ready for it):


Andrade, 32, gave purses he is accused of stealing from Angie Zapata's apartment as gifts to his girlfriend and became much more affectionate toward her, according to testimony Monday in Weld District Court.

http://m.denverpost.com/denverpost/db_13980/contentdetail.htm%3Bjsessionid=8AC717D1DB2D83D2C2C B6FAB8627A0D5?contentguid=0sxzD5Wo&storycount=9&detailindex=3&full=true

Because, well, we all know that someone who beats a tgirl to death after being tricked immediately thinks that the poor girl's purse (with blood splatter on it) would be a romantic gift for his girlfriend. :angry :thumbsdown

04-21-2009, 08:54 PM
.For some odd reason they aren't letting the jury hear his confession.This whole trial is a waste the guy already confessed he should be put to death.

1) The police screwed up. Once he told detectives he wanted to remain silent, they should have stopped talking to him, that is the law, it is meant to protect all of us if we are ever questioned by police.

2) The death penalty is not on the table in this case.

3) His recorded phone call will most likely lead to a guilty verdict.


A judge last month threw out part of Andrade's confession, saying police didn't honor his request to remain silent 39 minutes into his interrogation. Tape-recorded jail calls in which Andrade allegedly told his girlfriend that he "snapped" and that "gay things need to die" will be allowed by District Judge Marcelo Kopcow during the trial.

Thanks for the info.

04-21-2009, 09:06 PM
She should not have been fucking with fire in the first place. :twisted:
Even so He spent the weekend with her and says he didn't know.if thats the case I get you don't have to be very bright to be in a gang??? :?
Maybe she had a death wish and this was here way of doing it....

can't we all just get along????

You didn't know her personality so why put her in that category.

04-21-2009, 09:43 PM
Its a dangerous world no matter which way you go.
Whether its hooking up off the internet,escorting,or even your fucking attorney.We have a medical student robbing craiglist escorts,killing one of them,
This thug,killing a TS girl,and eddie curry's baby momma and 8 month old baby being shot to death by HER attorney.In past threads there have been girls on here who have advertised as gg's on craiglist.Girls who LOVE thugs,Girls who won't date black men anymore,and yet,if you follow recent events,you just fucking never know.There are people on this forum that i've grown quite fond of and some that i can't stand,but i wouldn't wish this on them and their families.Quit judging the victim,and be as careful as you can in this crazy world.You just never know.

04-22-2009, 11:12 PM
Jury just got in:

Guilty on all counts (1st degree murder, grand theft auto, identity theft, hate crime).

Now let's see what they do with him at sentencing.

04-22-2009, 11:38 PM
Jury just got in:

Guilty on all counts (1st degree murder, grand theft auto, identity theft, hate crime).

Now let's see what they do with him at sentencing.
Good! Let that S.O.B. rot in prison.

04-23-2009, 12:59 AM
Can you imagine how lacking in any type of compassion or guilt someone would have to be to commit a brutal crime like this?! There really are some truly evil people in the world.....I hope this creature suffers very much in prison...every minute of the day.

04-23-2009, 01:07 AM
Jury just got in:

Guilty on all counts (1st degree murder, grand theft auto, identity theft, hate crime).

Now let's see what they do with him at sentencing.

life, no parole


04-23-2009, 01:24 AM
The state is required to give him life with no parole with a first-degree murder.

That motherfucker will be in a cage for the rest of his life.

At least the justice system worked in this instance.

04-23-2009, 01:29 AM
The state is required to give him life with no parole with a first-degree murder.

That motherfucker will be in a cage for the rest of his life.

At least the justice system worked in this instance.

Let's hope he lives to the normal life expectancy in jail so he'll get every minute of it.

I will be so displeased if he's killed the first week in gen pop.