View Full Version : should I Try this??

09-27-2005, 06:21 AM
Can anyone help me with this please. I am really interested in hooking up with a tgirl. About a year ago i met one online and we have been talking of and on but never met up. I have a girlfriend that im really serious with and I don't want to hurt in anyway. But I find myself looking at alot of tgirl porn. If I needed to do it I could since I have a really a cool relationship with my tgirl friend, but Im really confused about what i should do. I think i might really like it it i do. Would somkeone help me please. Im a 25 year old black male

09-27-2005, 06:35 AM
If you're serious about your girlfriend and continuing your relationship with her - don't do it.
Look at porn and jack off.

09-27-2005, 06:38 AM
thanks for the advise. Anyone has more advise for me?

09-27-2005, 09:19 AM
although i must say there is nothing more thrilling then having a t-girl jam a stiff one down your throat

09-27-2005, 11:20 AM
I had the same problem a few years ago, and I was just a tad bit younger than you.

I got a computer that I "liberated" from work, then I got AOL. I would be up late nights chatting both online and on the phone. There was 1 that called me the next day and told me to go to her hotel (she was visiting from San Diego) by leaving a message on my answering machine. It turned out that I jacked off the night before and I wasn't horney so I didn't go.

Then I met another from Virginia, we exchanged pics and we talked for about ,oh, Id say almost 2 months, with plans to meet up in Vegas.

Then there was one from L.A. but she also stayed in D.C., she liked my pics and her pics made her look too fine, but I think she escorted even though she said she had a regular job.

The bottom line, everytime I have an opportunity, I back off. I'm afraid one of these days I won't and well, then I'll have to fight off the, "Am I gay" syndrome.

Anyways, I got off AOL because my relationship got better with my girl, and she saw the pics of the TS's that I was talking to....She was very intimidated lol.

I can't tell you if you should do it or not, but I can tell you that if you have a good or salvagable relationship, mabey you should give it more thought.

If not, tell me how it goes :)

09-27-2005, 11:45 PM

You are either going to be honest with yourself (and your girl) or you're not. If you're not going to be honest - then she will get hurt (and you will too) in the long run. If you are honest, then you'll have a much better time (not necessarily easier - but better).

I say all that to say this:

If you are serious with your girlfriend - then don't wander off. Let her know like different kinds of porn including TS porn - so that if she sees you looking or finds it - then its no surprise. If you already fuck around on your girl with GG's then you already set up the parameters of the relationship - and I think there is little difference whether the person you're cheating with has a dick or not (though your girl may care to debate me on that - lol).

If you're not serious with your girl. Then let her know that you're not ready to be exclusive and that you'll see = meaning fuck other people. Talk to your Tgirl friend and see if she'd be interested in being your 'Guinea pig' cause that's what you want - someone to experiment with. If she's cool - do it and learn whether that's what you want.

Your post is really bi-polar - as you have a girl you're serious with, but you've been talkin to a Tgirl for about a year. Make up your mind - before circumstances removes your options.


09-28-2005, 12:30 AM
Get a bisexual girlfriend who is cool with you seeing tgirls casually. Worked for me.

My girl would KILL me if I dated another genetic female, but she actually encourages me to explore my urges toward tgirls-- so long as I play it safe and am up front with her about my feelings and intentions. She relates to my situation because she remembers when she first started having feelings about other women that the only way she was able to put it in perspective was to go out and explore it.

Whatever you do, don't suppress your curiosity but don't lie to protect anyone's feelings either. It will come back to bite you on the ass.

09-28-2005, 04:56 AM
thanks everyone, this was a great help

09-28-2005, 08:42 AM

But good luck tryin to find a straight black girl who's not a stripper, hooker, escort, or anything of the sort to go for her man having sex with a TS.

good luck indeed :p

09-28-2005, 08:51 AM

But good luck tryin to find a straight black girl who's not a stripper, hooker, escort, or anything of the sort to go for her man having sex with a TS.

good luck indeed :pneedle in a haystack, smh

09-28-2005, 11:02 AM
If you're serious about your girlfriend and continuing your relationship with her - don't do it.
Look at porn and jack off.
Why do men continually ask this question.
If you are cheating on her, it doesn't matter if it is with a Tgirl or a GG, it's still cheating.