View Full Version : Perhaps ALLANAH and VICKI should consider making a movie :)

09-26-2005, 09:45 PM
I can see it now.......Together.....hot sweaty bodies wrestling for "top" supremacy.

I'd place my order TONIGHT


Vicki Richter
09-26-2005, 10:01 PM
Who is this Allanah you are talking about? Never heard of her.

09-26-2005, 10:17 PM
Tell you what, Vicki, til you find out who she is, I'm willing to stand in for her in rehearsal, ok? :lol:

09-26-2005, 11:25 PM
I can picture them in clay form, like that celebrity death match show. "Tranny Death Match". I'd watch that.

09-26-2005, 11:30 PM
You know Vicki

I'm new here and I don't really know what it was that set you two off,

but If I were either of you, I would try to get along, even if I didn't particularly like that person. I mean, its not like the TS market/network is super huge. Its niche at best, so you never know when you may do well by pooling resourses together to make a nice profitable venture. I remember reading from a TS star that they were tired of seeing a large portionable cut being divided up with a sizable cut being given overseas and that money could be used right here in America.

Im not positive, but I think it was you.

Don't take my "goody-goody" remark as indicting you Vicki, or Allanah, because everybody has a "nemesis", it could very well be you two as such, I just hope you wouldn't shun an invite to her club or whatever, and I hope she would invite you.

I would hope you would do the same as well.

Or, you could simply ignore all this and lets get this movie idea crackin :P

09-27-2005, 12:05 AM
"Ricky Balboa Vs Allanah Green" ....it could be a great success :mrgreen:

09-27-2005, 12:29 AM
"Ricky Balboa Vs Allanah Green" ....it could be a great success :mrgreen:

where can I place my order? :-)

Vicki Richter
09-27-2005, 08:25 PM
I would work with a real pornstar like Danielle if I was going to pool my resources. I would work with Jade as well. She's got tons of upside in the adult industry.

09-27-2005, 09:02 PM
... I know Seanchai has talked about this before, and I know I'm probably in the minority in here, but I for one would like to see more foreplay or erotic gestures between the actors before all the bam, bam, bam. In most videos, it's like "Hi", "Hello", "Okay let's fuck" ... Okay, so I'm stretching it a bit there -- the faux introductions I just mentioned generally end up on the edit room cutting floor. :(

All I'm saying is to show these women and their great bodies through the eyes of a fly. Show a woman such as Vicki, Allanah, or Danielle, et all, possibly shower (full body shots please), walk around in a towel or sexy panties, or simply out sunbathing by a pool. Put their femininity, womanhood and incredible bodies on display for just a few seconds. ...Wouldn't it be neat to actually see full head-to-toe body shots of these beautiful women before they engage in sex instead of just seeing the same selected pieces of their figures ???

09-27-2005, 09:12 PM
You're in the minority, Delano. Vicki, in the eyes of most in here, including yours truly, is an extremely hot woman -- what a body on that woman ... what a body.

She's smart too.

Vicki Richter
09-27-2005, 09:17 PM
vikki ,you really are not that hot.your very miss piggy.whoever voted you best ts performer.they must have been paid off

hehe. oink. oink. I love you Kermit!


ps - Did you want me to come to Chicago so you could talk to me about my views on poetry?

09-27-2005, 09:40 PM
your right.i used to like you.but all you do dis allanah.i dont get it.what the point.

Vicki Richter
09-27-2005, 09:53 PM
No I don't. If you had read through the threads she asked that I ignore her so that is what I am doing.

But anyway, that has nothing to do with you and I Kermit my love.

09-27-2005, 10:32 PM
oh goodness...

the madness continues

im still waiting to be ignored- since she aptly responded to my last post with negative comments

but u know, some people are just busy bodies and miserable

i guess i'll pray to be ignored by her again tonight-

its hard to remain peaceful in these situations when people just wanna badger you- but thats the misery of some


09-28-2005, 01:14 AM
Enough already.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 01:34 AM
That comment will not get you where you want to be and I'm not going to pretend you didn't say it. Dropping countless inuendo's against me does not constitute "rising above" it. However, if that is what people consider taking the high road, so be it.

You come in here and accuse me of starting shit just because I have a difference of opinion than you on a key medical issue plaguing our community. Then you start with these little snipes which are transparent to all but the most idiotic.

Trust me, you have many more reasons to be miserable than I do. My life kicks ass. I don't know what I would do if I lived in a 400 sq foot shoe box apartment without a car, had to photoshop all my photos, and got clocked every day. Please.


09-28-2005, 01:37 AM

The evil continues....

ps. my apt is 1,100 sq feet right by central park ;)

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 01:40 AM
You're such a victim.

09-28-2005, 01:41 AM

The evil continues....

PS. my apt. is 1,100 sq. ft.really ...why waste your breath...

09-28-2005, 01:44 AM
trust me at this point its just hysterically funny and the lunatic antics are even funnier.


it' time for me to go out to dinner and get clocked LMAO

someone call AA right NOW please.

09-28-2005, 02:13 AM
It's the kissing & making up that makes it all worth it.

09-28-2005, 02:16 AM
i just saw those two--

we went out to the way out club together in london and had a blast

they were not doing that of course ;)

09-28-2005, 02:17 AM
I agree with you about the full body shots. These girls has some awesome bodies, some of the best camera shots is when the girl is walking around swingin’ it or it's buldging through the panties. The full body shot and the azz clap, yes!

09-28-2005, 02:20 AM
If Allanah and Vicki do make a movie, I volunteer to be Allanah's personal fluffer.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 02:26 AM
trust me at this point its just hysterically funny and the lunatic antics are even funnier.


it' time for me to go out to dinner and get clocked LMAO

someone call AA right NOW please.

This is my point exactly. Allanah creates an entire post called "Internet Rage" just to fuck with me, validates the intent by stating the above, and then tries to take the high road. It doesn't work like that. I'm direct and honest about my feelings at all times.

The facts are that A and I just think totally opposite about every single possible thing. I have never seen such a total opposite to me. She thinks HIV doesn't cause AIDS, I think it does. She thinks George Bush is the anti-Christ, I think he is doing the best he can. She thinks silicone doesn't kill people and it's God's gift in a syringe, I think it kills girls, and often. I think mindlessly using forums to hawk your wares is distasteful, she sees it as enterprising.

I could go on and on... but the simple fact is that we think different. I don't go out of my way to target her posts, but if I disagree on a topic (ANY TOPIC), I am going to state my opinion. If I didn't really believe any of the stuff I was posting, but was arguing with her anyway, then that's something else.

I mean seriously, a post about "hey look how great silicone is" is infinitely going to pursuade other girls to go out and get that pumped into them. Some of them will die. Some of them like some friends of mine will regret it because it doesn't look "real". Where is the counter to that saying, hey it looks good, but it can kill you. Similarly, posting truly whacky theories about HIV can also be determintal to other TS or TS "john's" when girls decide that what they have isn't really dangerous and start sleeping around. Do I have an agenda? Yes. I believe in showing alternate views when warranted because I realize that more than just Internet guys wanting to see she-cock are out there reading this. As one of the closest things to a celebrity this genre has, I have a responsibility to counter what I feel is ignorance.

If that gets me dubbed as irrational, evil, lunatic, or any of the other names she decides to bestow on me in her own passive aggressive manner, so be it.

09-28-2005, 02:29 AM
I agree with you about the full body shots. These girls has some awesome bodies, some of the best camera shots is when the girl is walking around swingin’ it or it's buldging through the panties. The full body shot and the azz clap, yes!

Yes, can you, or anyone, tell me why just a few minutes of a girl primping before her big date is too much to ask for ? Imagine seeing one of these girls exit a shower, dry herself, and then watch her slip some panties on ? How long can that take ? I want my imagination fed, so provide erotic scenes to make that happen please.

All that money spent on looking so beautiful only to have your orifices shown or an occasional boob shot ??? I think the girls should be allowed some creative license to showcase their incredible figures.

09-28-2005, 02:38 AM
think pretty things allanah, pretty things-
much better ;)

just more generilizations and attacks

how funny that the one person who was not mentioned about my internet rage posts thinks it was made up just for her

i apologize everyone if am responsible for the aids epidemic, the goverment, and the unfortunately deaths of some transsexuals who have been administered silicone incorrectly.

yes u guessed it - I AM THE ANTI CHRIST!!


09-28-2005, 02:45 AM
I think it's obvious that geekmeat has finally morphed into the female he always wanted to be...

09-28-2005, 02:48 AM
Hey, I'm nobody here, but I can't help but jump in:

"I think mindlessly using forums to hawk your wares is distasteful, she sees it as enterprising."--Vicki



09-28-2005, 02:49 AM

One more thing(analogy). Imagine if TV car commercials never showed the entire vehicle through its paces ? That is, we the audience would only be privy to selected shots of the front fender, the rear lights, seat shots, or the proverbial front tire squirming through curves. Well, that's basically what most porn movies are like today. The same tired positions and shots. ... Lots of times I get turned on more by some of the behind-the-scenes shots than I do from the main video itself.

09-28-2005, 02:52 AM



09-28-2005, 02:54 AM
And I second and third the motion that videos show more of the women's full bodies in motion.

All the obsessive focus on assholes and dicks is boring and probably more appealing to gay men too shy to go all the way.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 02:56 AM
Hey, I'm nobody here, but I can't help but jump in:

"I think mindlessly using forums to hawk your wares is distasteful, she sees it as enterprising."--Vicki



It doesn't support your argument that you had to go back to 2002 to find something even remotely comparable. For reference, I didn't make a commission off of Jet Set and I didn't keep mindlessly bumping the topic either.

This is far from "being caught red handed". But hey, whatever you guys think. :shock:

09-28-2005, 02:58 AM
she makes her own rules, she discredits everyone on her own anylysis, yes its her world and we are just living in it.

rock on.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 03:01 AM
she makes her own rules, she discredits everyone on her own anylysis, yes its her world and we are just living in it.

rock on.

I'm glad you understand that now. With your new found knowledge of these facts we should get along much better in the future.

Fortunately, anyone with a mouse can click the link to make their own educated conclusion.

09-28-2005, 03:02 AM

09-28-2005, 03:07 AM
I shouldn't have to point out that a shot of you spreading your admittedly gorgeous ass in your thumbnail avatar as well as reminding us that you're...

Vicki Richter
2005 AVN Transsexual Performer of the Year

...in every post is tantamount to hawking your wares. Vicki, I think you're smart and very sexy, but I don't get the hypocrisy. (Not to mention sticking up for Bush. Dayumn.)

09-28-2005, 03:12 AM
And I second and third the motion that videos show more of the women's full bodies in motion.

All the obsessive focus on assholes and dicks is boring and probably more appealing to gay men too shy to go all the way.

Yes, extremely boring. ... I thought the one camera thing went out with the old Milton Berle variety shows ? If the majority of today's porn directors and producers were to cover baseball games like they do their flicks, we'd only get the home plate shot without telephoto capabilities. Imagine what watching a baseball game on TV would be like if such was the case ?

... Loan me 40k, so I could give it a try. :)

09-28-2005, 03:16 AM

we are all on here to promote something as well as be part of a coummunity and express views. those girls who are adult entertainers and say they are just here for the sake of being here are FULL OF IT.

that is the way it is.

its' just convinient for others to be hyprotical and say oh its shameless self promotion

instead of being happy for the business/personal accomplishments of others in their own community. i am not sure if its jealousy or what- but i don't see how it can be, because every girl here has her own fans and her own thing going for her.

but then again-

some people are just loony.

i am proud of all i do and i have done, so i am not ashamed to post it, say it, whatever. i have a product to sell- ME.

if some people would spend more time on just being civil, letting each other live, and celebrating each other- then maybe as a community we would not be so fucked up.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 03:17 AM
I've already explained that. My tag line was something I added upon to returning to the boards a month or two ago. I spent 3 years here not doing so and using it as merely a recreational forum.

Have you been to usenet where 99% of the posts are advertisements for this or that? They suck. Yahoo Groups are the same way. What happens when you have 20 girls in here all wanting to advertise their latest movies or tell about their latest event. Then you get 20 web masters in here posting "what's next on blah blah blah web site". What about when they keep bumping their posts over and over to keep real posts out of the boards. Don't even pretend like you like all that spam you get in your email.

Yes this is unlikely and worst case, but I still stand by what I've said. I could find several posts here where people have complimented me for being here just to mingle with the fans instead of because I had something to sell.

09-28-2005, 03:23 AM

Am I the only one in here who'd wish you two would stop with the cat fighting ? I take no pleasure in seeing two women I respect go down the gutter.

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 03:25 AM
ps - about the GW thing. I realize that this would upset people. I didn't vote for him. But more than half of the voting polulation did. I am just saying give those people respect. People spit on our soldiers physically after Viet Nam, now we are spitting on them over the Internet by saying they are dying needlessly and not for the greater good. Pull out of Iraq now and see what happens. What's done is done and you aren't going to fix it by critisizing the guy in a shemale forum. Are you?

He was voted back in by the people after he did it. Personally do whatever you guys want. But I think it's anti-american to bash the President, particularly during war time when we need unity. Politics are a joke because people can't hear another viewpoint without getting irrational.

09-28-2005, 03:53 AM
ps - about the GW thing. I realize that this would upset people. I didn't vote for him. But more than half of the voting polulation did. I am just saying give those people respect. People spit on our soldiers physically after Viet Nam, now we are spitting on them over the Internet by saying they are dying needlessly and not for the greater good. Pull out of Iraq now and see what happens. What's done is done and you aren't going to fix it by critisizing the guy in a shemale forum. Are you?

He was voted back in by the people after he did it. Personally do whatever you guys want. But I think it's anti-american to bash the President, particularly during war time when we need unity. Politics are a joke because people can't hear another viewpoint without getting irrational.hey patriot...I served 4 years on the flight deck of thr USS Kitty Hawk...last time I checked, flight deck work was rated as one of the worlds most dangerous jobs...I don't know anyone against the war who's bashing the guys and girls putting their lives on the line for this vendetta (that saddam wanted to kill my daddy!)... that shrub and his saudi masters have going on...shit, adolf would have loved you eva vichter...do not criticize the fatherland!...send their asses to the camps!..and we can't bring this up in this forum?...some of us give a shit about this country...we are now owned by other nations now due to our debts, thanks to monkey boy...Quinn knows way more about this than I do...but you spouted mindless drivel instead of logic at him, also...

09-28-2005, 04:07 AM
1: How could anyone diss on living in Manhattan... much less who owns a car in NYC? Do you know how much a disadvantage it is to mantain a car in NYC? lol...

2: Bush... ouch. How could anyone interpret child like buffonery with somone's best ability level...

Everyone is not playing with a full deck I see...

"I think it's anti-american to bash the President"

^^^ founding fathers would disagree.

09-28-2005, 04:12 AM

Am I the only one in here who'd wish you two would stop with the cat fighting ? I take no pleasure in seeing two women I respect go down the gutter.I must respectfully disagree, my HA brother... Allanah is not going down in the gutter...there is a TOMCAT trying to drag her down there...

09-28-2005, 05:22 AM
first of all real girls- i am not cat fighting with anyone-

have u seen me insult anyone directly or say something derogotary about them? no. i have insisted on being ignored and left alone- but her compulsive need to harrass me never goes away. even after her apology or whatever.

it is my conclusiom that she likes the attention, the drama and to try to taunt me. but it does not work anymore- the last straw was the last things she said to me not so long ago before the infamous apology. so now, i just find anything and everythign she says as laughable, ridiculous jibber.
so i do not take it seriously and find it quite funny...

like saying that i live in 400 sq ft shooe box-
yes i have lived in very small apartments before and i am lucky that i do not do now. manhattan in a fabullous city- one of the best in the world and many people wish they could live here, but not many can afford it. i consider to be lucky and a privelage to live here. for all she knows, what i pay in rent is probably more than most people pay in a few months combined.

not having a car-
why in the hell would i need a car in manhattan- when taxis and car services are right outside my door step 24/7? and if i want , the subway is literally on the corner of my apt. if i want to go somewhere i simply walk, call a car, or take a taxi-everything i could possibly want or need is in the city. and furthermore, i don't like to drive and preffer to live in a city were i do not need to.

getting clocked-
another ridiculous insult. im glad she knows what people think of me as they see me walking down the street. she must be a mind reader or work for the psychic friends network as i live in the one the busiests areas of the city, walk by hundreds of people daily-day, night whatever time and trust me most men on the street are trying to pick me up rather than clocking me.

so the fuck what? i like to look my best in my promotional fotos and i have admitted this mnay times. i admit that i am completley artificial- from my toe nails to my extensions. so what?

she is a ball on confusion , and a prime example of an internet rager. she says that criticizing the president is unamerican, but says she hates to be censored, yet doesnt vote. she claims not to promote herslef but yet she displays her reviews, links, and has posted several times the projects she has done. she often starts to "debate" with people but ends up insulthing them and not using logic but berrating them and trying to make them feel small.

listen i could really care less about her and i have asked her several times to leave me the fuck alone and not bother with me. but she can't help it becuase i have come to the conclusion that she likes to instigate, cause drama, and bother people. and i am not the only one either.

i am on this board every day and i post on many subjects that reach beyond my self promotion and such.

her presence here does not bother me one bit. she obviously thinks i am more important to her than she is to me as she AGAIN insults me and makes it a point to counter everything i say in the idea of "debate"

well debate usually takes two people who ar einterested in debating and not one angry person who sets out to belittle everyone she tries to "debate" with.

i am sick and tired of her saying that i do not think that hiv causes aids.
i have stated alternate opinions about the hiv=aids theory in the realm of bring up different view points, and my self am not sure what i think of the whole thing-

i have never advocated anyone getting silicone injections-i have never said its a miracle in syringe- i know the risk complication and i have a small granuloma from an injection in my laugh line that was done by a real dermatologist- so there- i am happy with my body and eveyrwhere else i have had positive effects with silicone- she doesnt have any in her body yet she is an expert?

she takes everything i say and twists and turns it to make me look like i am some sort of quack. i am a very honest person and tell it like it is-
from my surgeries, boy pictures, photo shop- whatever- i talk freely and openly about it all

yet she twists and turns eveyrhting i do such as assuming she knows me-
i.e the 400 sq, foot apt remark.

its really sad that space on this board has to be used to combat all the bullshit she rants and raves about- but i am not going to let her walk over me either.

she is really insignificant to me and i have tried to ignore her and not bother with her- but it is impossible becasue she is like a spoiled child or dog that only screams or barls louder when it doesnt get attention.

09-28-2005, 05:34 AM
the most american thing you can do IS bash the president. thats why its america!

keep in mind half the people didn't vote for GW as well.

you CAN criticize the war and support the military. i'm still not sure why that concept is so hard for people to understand. you're supporting the individuals and their situation but not the inane war.

i couldn't get my head around why we are in this quagmire in iraq until i saw how poorly managed the federal effort was in regards to Katrina. trust me if me if we could turn so many cameras loose on Bahgdad for a week as they did in New Orleans we would withdraw.

there is more than one way to be an American.

09-28-2005, 05:43 AM

09-28-2005, 05:51 AM
Allanah: Um? Holy Crap?

Are you not the, um, Goddess of Diplomatic Rebuttals? I think there are several nations, a few dozen religions and at least eight thousand neighborhoods who need some lessons from you on how to handle a emotionally based tirade.

Mine: here are some salient points (maybe):

1) Car in Manhattan is like a boat anchor off the diving board. it's not impossible or illegal - just a REALLY bad waste of resources.

2) Rent in Manhattan is like carrying your wealth around as a diamond. Sometimes, when the flood waters rise, those damn gold bars are fricken' heavy...

As in, living in Boston costs you half a Gold Bar, but Living in Manhattan costs around 2.5 carats of a decent blue-white.

Try getting famous in Boston. You try a lot harder for less money, but you do get a lower priced rent.

3) Photoshop is the most valuable publicly available software outside of the shite that runs the electric companies. There is a reason for this.

Live people have a breathing dynamic that still photos of them do not. A casual observer can ignore everything except a mole or a 'deadhead' pimple on a model's butt when he/she has unlimited time to stare at a single point that doesn't move.

I've used Photoshop for slightly more than a decade to make truly beautiful people look that way on still shots.

BTW - Allanah has ruined me for 97% of all humanity. I'm glad I've never met her because I'd be yet another fool in love with her that she just found, frankly, annoying [YAFILWHTSJF,F,A]

I, for one, am impressed with her maturity in these vitriolic exchanges. She could take a lower path.

I'm just glad that she doesn't. I wish other 'net-oids could learn something here.

"Allanah - don't go! The plants will all die!"



09-28-2005, 05:54 AM
thank you- that was sweet

but will some of you please stop calling this a cat fight?
becuase it isn't- i am merley defending myself from attacks.

09-28-2005, 05:55 AM
Try getting famous in Boston. You try a lot harder for less money, but you do get a lower priced rent.

But you would still be in Boston. :(

09-28-2005, 08:31 AM
Damn....just got back from work,

This thread took off big time :o

Should I start charging? :lol:

09-28-2005, 09:08 AM

The evil continues....

ps. my apt is 1,100 sq feet right by central park ;)

agreed.... its the biggest apartment ive been in mANhattan.....just boo all those tourists, and all those steps :lol:

09-28-2005, 04:12 PM
lol oh pickles

its not like i live in the trump building by the un- buts i a nice size ;)

pickles i have one world for you- EPHEDRA lol

09-28-2005, 08:41 PM

09-28-2005, 09:13 PM
Try getting famous in Boston. You try a lot harder for less money, but you do get a lower priced rent.

But you would still be in Boston. :(
I don't quite get the comparison of Boston and NYC: they are both very expensive cities. The most recent report from the Economic Policy Institute in Washington shows that Boston is actually the most expensive metro area in the US:

The report found that last year, a family of four living in the Boston area needed $64,656 to cover its basic needs. This was $6,000 more than in New York City, and about $7,000 more than in San Francisco. Living expenses, which include healthcare, child care, and other basic needs, were $44,000 or less in Austin, Texas; Chicago; Miami; and Raleigh, N.C.

However, Manhatten remains the most expensive major city area for rents and cost of living, putting NYC 13th worldwide (the most expensive city? Tokyo, followed by Osaka, London, Moscow, and Seoul).

Vicki Richter
09-28-2005, 09:54 PM
This could go back and forth for the rest of eternity but I am going to take the high road.

09-28-2005, 10:02 PM
Well thank God that's over. I think most people who reads these boards agree that too much of the fighting stuff just gets out of hand.

That's just my opinion, unsolicited.

09-28-2005, 10:10 PM
hey i read that you work at that club in minneapolis-

i have bee there-

i wonder if i saw you?

09-28-2005, 10:21 PM
Maybe, it's pretty big place. What bars did you go into? I'm assuming you checked out the Show Lounge upstairs, that's where most everyone who comes here stops in eventually (I'm actually in the soundbooth right now). When were you here?

09-28-2005, 10:26 PM
The last time I visited a few months ago-

Yeah, the show lounge. I went because my friend Bianca had told me about it and actually the guy who does my make up is originally from there.

Are you a dj?

I actually had fun.

09-28-2005, 10:39 PM
A few months ago? If it was a friday, I would have been the guy with a shaved head standing by the main bar downstairs around 9 or 10, next to a guy with big arms and a ring in his nose. If that sounds like I'm joking, I'm not. If I had seen you I would had recognized you, so we probably missed each other.

I don't really hang out at night much anymore. Hope you had fun while you were here. Oh, and I'm not a DJ, I'm the guy who yells at the DJ's and Light Jockeys. My main job is as the Equipment Chief (I deal with all the lights and sound equipment), but mostly I just sit around all day posting on Hung Angels :)

Got to run a bunch of errands now. It's quitting time!

09-28-2005, 10:43 PM
well next time i come i will let you know

i don't have nay friends there...

09-29-2005, 01:30 AM
Try getting famous in Boston. You try a lot harder for less money, but you do get a lower priced rent.

But you would still be in Boston. :(
I don't quite get the comparison of Boston and NYC: they are both very expensive cities. The most recent report from the Economic Policy Institute in Washington shows that Boston is actually the most expensive metro area in the US:

The report found that last year, a family of four living in the Boston area needed $64,656 to cover its basic needs. This was $6,000 more than in New York City, and about $7,000 more than in San Francisco. Living expenses, which include healthcare, child care, and other basic needs, were $44,000 or less in Austin, Texas; Chicago; Miami; and Raleigh, N.C.

However, Manhatten remains the most expensive major city area for rents and cost of living, putting NYC 13th worldwide (the most expensive city? Tokyo, followed by Osaka, London, Moscow, and Seoul).

Picky, picky, picky. I meant Manhattan specifically, and Boston was just a wild card. My bad.

Hell, I used to live in Santa Barbara. High rent and NO chance to advance your carreer.

kiss, kiss, hug hug.


09-29-2005, 05:35 AM
Well, I wasn't trying to be picky at all, just that comparing two of the most expensive cities in North America doesn't really distinguish one from the other all that much. But speaking of wild cards, both have a chance to be the AL wild card this fall....the race is tight between the archrivals!

11-03-2006, 05:04 AM

11-03-2006, 05:12 AM
Ha. Good grief why would you do a thing like this? This thread and most threads associated with it are long since dead.

For the record, it was all the blonde girls fault. Hate to say it, but it was. No need to open old wounds anymore.

Bad thread necromancy. This thread was all bad.

11-03-2006, 05:20 AM
Wait a second, don't make me read this whole thread again. Was this the big Allanah vs Vicki war? That's what I was talking about.

Allanah, and pretty much every other girl on this forum, will always be welcome at the 90's in Minneapolis. It would be an honor to have them if they are in the city for whatever reason.

One or two are not welcome, and never will be. Not that they really care, I'm sure.

11-04-2006, 12:10 AM
Wait a second, don't make me read this whole thread again. Was this the big Allanah vs Vicki war? That's what I was talking about.

Allanah, and pretty much every other girl on this forum, will always be welcome at the 90's in Minneapolis. It would be an honor to have them if they are in the city for whatever reason.

One or two are not welcome, and never will be. Not that they really care, I'm sure.

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The 90's? Is that a specific TS club there MN?