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View Full Version : My Sundays, how about yours?

03-29-2009, 10:17 PM
When I was 19 years old, I could prance up and down Miami beach until 10 AM in 5" heels every night of the week and not feel a darn thing.
These days, one night in one of my 120mm Christian Louboutin Pigalles and I need bed rest for a week!

Actually that is not really true, but Sundays is my day TO DO NOTHING. I dedicated Sundays ME day- a day i just lay in bed, watch TV, and do nada with a capital N.

This week was especially hectic so I am really worn out. I called Kimber James this morning to complain about my neck and back and she said I was getting old and the rain was flarring up my arthritis! That bitch. LOL. We will see what I make her look like whe I do her make up tomm. for her shoot with James Smith!

I don't have arthitis but I spent 9 hours in transit due to delays from Dallas to NYC yesterday which will sure make you feel like you are arthritic. I spent two days in Dallas, and though I did meet some GREAT new friends, it was really a draining two day trip seeing the amount of travel and sleep I got; 4.5 hours in total during my stay.

This week I did an interview for $pread magazine with Jordan Fox @ Lucky Chengs which was a HOOT. Jordan is one of my favorite people, I love her looks and how damn funny she is! $pread is a magazine for and by sex workers, and the interview will be on video as well as transcribed in the mag with images so I am excited! It worked out well because without planning we both wore leaopard prints and ended up shooting at a leapard print booth at Lucky Chengs, so it looked HOT!!

From there it was of to HK, where I went to go visit my friend Persia Lace for her weekly Tuesday party and met a very nice gentleman who took me to a lovely dinner last night to the Stanton Social Club, which is one of my favorite restaurants in the city. Dinner last night was abosulutely lovely and then it wasoff to my party @ Fusion which was really a lot of fun and very much happening. Unfortunately after only two hours of sleep, 9 hours of travel and arriving in NYC @ 7 to have to be @ dinner by 10:30, my energy level really died around 2AM. Red Bull to the rescue! I am very pleased with the way Saturdays have been going after all the new promotions and additions I have made. Next Saturday I am going to have Mia Isabella, from www.mia-isabella.com, as guest star and hostess and I am very much excited as this will be her first promotional apperance ever and I know how large of a fan base she has so I am sure many will be pleased.

Well, I think it is time to take my muscle relaxer and relax! I have to do Miss Kimber James make up tomm. and have an early 9:30 AM appointment (AN UNGODLY HOUR, I am never out of my coffin before 11) then a phone interview and more!

SO I hope you are enjoying your Sunday, however you choose to spend your 'ME' day :). I will be in bed, naked, eating sushi, watchin movies on demand, in heaven!


03-29-2009, 10:43 PM
Thats the way to do it Mamala.

So Allanah did Dallas?
and it didnt let you go without a fight- go figure.
everybody wants a piece.

03-29-2009, 11:21 PM

YES. I was deep in the heart of TEXAS LOL
Literally :)

03-30-2009, 02:39 AM
Sundays have always been my favorite day of the week. I usually sleep in because I go out dancing just about every Saturday. Breakfast is routine—coffee and smoked salmon on an onion roll with cream cheese. Then I chillout out on the couch in my underwear—reading, listening to music and watching TV.

I always check out the Post Secret Community and read the newest secrets that come out every sunday. http://www.postsecretcommunity.com/

I also spend a few hours at my parents house for a big sunday italian dinner.

Then I head home to watch my sunday night TV shows on HBO/SHO.
