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View Full Version : pics of Camilla DeCastro

09-26-2005, 12:12 AM
Am i the only one who wiggs a little when someone posts a pic of Camilla?........Whenever I see one im like...yeah she WAS hot...mmm....deceased now...uhh...(entering wierdness zone if i get aroused by picture of dead chick).....next page.

Maybe its because it so recent....I cant watch her vids anymore either...

then again maybe its just me and my death phobia lol.....

09-26-2005, 02:45 AM
How is that any different from getting a stiffy from looking at Natalie Wood? She's dead too. Or Aaliyah?

09-26-2005, 07:49 AM
here some camila

09-26-2005, 07:50 AM

09-26-2005, 08:13 AM
Am i the only one who wiggs a little when someone posts a pic of Camilla?........Whenever I see one im like...yeah she WAS hot...mmm....deceased now...uhh...(entering wierdness zone if i get aroused by picture of dead chick).....next page.

Maybe its because it so recent....I cant watch her vids anymore either...

then again maybe its just me and my death phobia lol.....

Nope, that's fairly common.
When you're masturbating you're fantasising about that person and you're interaction with them (or sometimes even being them). You create a world of altered reality.
When you know a fact about somebody which invades that reality, ie; her death, she's a bitch, she has hiv, she only likes dykey lesbos, etc (these aren't about Camilla BTW just examples) then the fantasy is called into question.
You know she's dead - you can't fantasise about meeting her, when you know this fact (although I suspect some people on this forum will be having supernatural TS fantasies).

09-26-2005, 04:07 PM
Camila is for sure a "Hall of Famer", she was great looking and knew how to fuck like crazy, it's a damn shame she isn't with us any longer.

09-27-2005, 01:05 AM
Considering her near-ethereal beauty, and the fact that I never met her, I have the desire and ability to place her in a completely imaginary world. It's an arteficial method of splitting reality from fantasy so one can enjoy the fantasy without being mired in the sad reality.

Frankly, the reality is that I hate the thought of ANY TGirl suffering violence, misery or death because of her Transitioning, and this was a tragic of epic proportions.

Sometimes i just wallow in the sorrow that this star is extinguished. But i also revel in the fact that she, for a short while at least, lived.

Hell, I was in love with Audrey Hepburn for years, and she's long passed. I still enjoy Roman Holiday and My Fair Lady.

09-27-2005, 02:09 AM
I still can't believe she is gone ... what an incredible beauty; definitely one of the most beautiful women on the planet. One of a kind.

( Just thinking outloud here, but what would send someone who appeared to have everything in the world to live for over the edge like that ? What ?)

Anyone know exactly how many videos she is in ?

andy finesse
12-07-2005, 05:07 AM
I found a short movie of camilla de castro some while ago. I watched it b4 she passed away. Really shocked me she left, she seemed very nice and of course her face is so beautiful and her slim body just fabulous.


enjoy watching


p.s. hope this link works

10-01-2007, 10:19 AM
http://www.bosniakii.hpg.ig.com.br/camila/camila.htm 350 pics of camilla decastro

10-01-2007, 11:54 AM
I have this thing about 'saving girls'. It's probably why I'm always attracted to the fucked up one's. But it also makes me sad whenever I see one pass so young and pretty: somewhere inside me there's this little voice saying "you should have helped her".

10-01-2007, 06:20 PM
http://www.bosniakii.hpg.ig.com.br/camila/camila.htm 350 pics of camilla decastro

The link didn't work. Want to try again?

No matter how much I juggle my All Time favorites list, Camilla never seems to drop out of my top five. She really was one of the most beautiful women on the planet. End of discussion.

01-29-2011, 02:47 PM
My dear ilovealexis, and others, specially Ietavait, that I know from the San Diego gang ... Many years ago.
I have made that crappy site Bosniakii about 10 years ago, I am not sure..
I have never updated it.
Camilla was the very first shemale I have ever buggered, can not even remember the year it was .. sorry.
It took me a lot of time to decide to fuck her, I was blocked by hetero standards, d'you know what I mean ...
She had a cat by that time and lived in São Paulo, downtown.
Velvet ass. Suede ass.
If I ever make a search in my cavern maybe I can find EVERYTHING about her.
Best regards ..

P.S. I still remember her real name and remember the day when she commited suicide !

01-29-2011, 08:25 PM
RIP my dear Camilla.