View Full Version : Transexual Occupations

09-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Its no secret that the majority of Tgirls are escorts, and im sure that everyone understands why. Society hasnt fully accepted us yet, not enough to welcome us into the work force.
Escorting isnt the best job in the world, and actually some girls are ashamed of the job that they do..understandably. I get questioned every singke day... "why do u escort". So can some one tell me what other options do tgirls have to make a living? What other occupations have you seen tgirls working in? And how can a tgirl get into the work force without experiencing some type of discrimination or prejudice?
Alot of girls start escorting temoorarily, to get on thier feet, pay for scoll, or just for sum quick cash, but after a while the money gets addictive and you do it so long that you find yourself stuck. You wake up one day and find that you have been doin it for years.
Initially I started escorting part time, to help pay for my schooling, when i was living in Moami. After a while i took off a semester to escort full time thinking i would just save up all that money and start back. Unfortunately it has been 4 yrs and I havent stopped escorting or started back school.
As of late...realization has set in that if I dont make a change, if I dont do something, that I will be doin this for the rest of my life, and honestly I dont want that. I would love to have a regular job, live a regular life, and not let my day to day activities not revolve around my cell phone and clients.
This may be funny coming from me, a girl who seems so zealous and dedicated to my profession. But this is the reality. Idont wanna wake up at 30 still answering my cell phone and setting appointments. Is there hope out there for me? Is it possible to live a normal life after escortung for so long? Or do I need to give up and accept my fate and just try to make the most of the cards life has dealt me.
Sorry, but like every other girl im sure, I go thru emotions sometime, Im just thinking about my future, Im still young, but that doesn't last long.


09-25-2005, 02:29 PM
Save as much money as you can and/or invest it in a mainstream business...
One TS I work with is currently setting up (with the money she's getting from escorting) a very nice mainstream business that should allow her to get a real nice income in a new or two from now...

09-25-2005, 02:36 PM
Not to sound like your high school counselor, but I can't imagine you failing at anything you put your mind to. You sound as intelligent and self-aware as any woman I know. And you're gorgeous besides. With some degrees under your belt, I can't see you being "trapped" in any situation.

Damn, can we date?

Lemme calm down.

09-25-2005, 03:20 PM
Jade, it's really cool that you are open about this and I hope the guys stay supportive.

Here's the way I look at it. When I was in college, I quit for a year. I felt it was too hard, I wasn't making any money, I was broke all the time, my friends were making (what seemed like good money). So I quit, I got a crappy job working 80 hours a week (just to make decent money). It sucked. I almost joined the Marines (would've too, if the recruiter wasn't trying to fuck me over). I talked to my mother and she said something that stuck with me ever since: "It's easy to say, fuck it, but nothing worth getting is easy." So, I re-enrolled and I graduated with high honors. My attitude changed completely and somehow, I went back more mature than the kids that hadn't dropped out.

I'm not saying, you're saying fuck it. You seem stuck in a rut. I'm sure the money you make from escorting and your website is very good. At this point, I'm imagining you're making enough money to pay for a few college credits. You should just go ahead and take them. Once you start, you can keep going from there. You're going to have to sacrifice something in order to do it though. If you're just trying to save up to go back, that might not be a good idea because things happen in life and you'll start to say, "I can't do it right now" but you'll look up and five years have passed you by.

Working sometimes sucks. I'd imagine way more than escorting, but I'm sure that has some things that suck about it too. Everybody faces difficultly in the workplace. You being a TS is just another thing, but you can't get fired for it.

I said all of that to say, it's on you what you do. Sometimes doing what's right for you isn't easy. I don't think escorting and school mix very well. You have a plus though, you have your website and that's some kind of income.

The TS girl I'm dating right now (yes, I'm dating a TS) is kind of in the same boat. She lives in subsidized housing, she won't go back and finish beauty school or go to school for anything else. That doesn't feel very good to me. Eventually, it'll put a strain on our relationship. Sure, she gets to live in a nice spot for cheap, but there's more to life than that. The alternative is not as comfortable. But, I know she can do it, she's just not doing it. Guys like me that want to have a "normal" relationship, that kind of lifestyle isn't very acceptable. Some sacrifices have to be made.

You can do it if you try. Just try though.

09-25-2005, 03:38 PM
Honestly, I know quite a few transexuals, and I can't think of one who works a regular "job type job". I'm sure it's probably fairly common, but I just know the other types of tgirls. Even the drag queens I can think of off hand don't do the 9-5 thing for the most part. But then again, you have to consider if you'd really want to. I myself couldn't go from maintaining a big nightclub to punching a clock, sitting in a cubicle, and blabbing by the water cooler. I'd go nuts.

So what would be a fun, legit, lucrative option for a shemale? I don't know why this hasn't happened yet, but why isn't there a strictly tgirl strip club? Start-up would be easy, it would be considered a glbt club and they get liquor liscenses pretty easy (city councils don't like to appear prejudiced). Might not even have to get a permit for topless dancing. From the goofy legal perspective, that probably only applies to genetic girls. Tgirls can dance pretty wild while tucked, I've seen it done thousands of times. I know there are clubs where tgirls dance topless, but I've never heard of a bar that offers it exclusively, seven nights a week. I know for a fact that LA and NYC could provide a large clientelle base.

Table dances would probably require booty shorts or something. There's quit a few girls I can think who would have a hard time staying inside their panties once they got turned on, but that would the big draw. A guy gets a lap dance from a rock hard tgirl wearing a pair of those girly tighty whiteys or something, that guys gonna come back every week and throw hundred dollar bills at her.

So that's my idea. I'd start a club like that myself, but I don't have the cash to do it. It would make tons of money though, strip clubs are money machines. Buy a case of beer for $10, sell each beer for $8. Don't even have to pay the staff anything beyond minimum wage, they work for tips.

I'm saying, money machine. Anybody with a cool million dollars for start-up sitting around let me know (actually, it probably wouldn't cost that much), I'll get it up and running.

Oh, and yes, I'd hire Jade if she wanted a job.

Man Fuck It
09-25-2005, 04:04 PM
Its no secret that the majority of Tgirls are escorts, and im sure that everyone understands why. Society hasnt fully accepted us yet, not enough to welcome us into the work force.
Escorting isnt the best job in the world, and actually some girls are ashamed of the job that they do..understandably. I get questioned every singke day... "why do u escort". So can some one tell me what other options do tgirls have to make a living? What other occupations have you seen tgirls working in? And how can a tgirl get into the work force without experiencing some type of discrimination or prejudice?
Alot of girls start escorting temoorarily, to get on thier feet, pay for scoll, or just for sum quick cash, but after a while the money gets addictive and you do it so long that you find yourself stuck. You wake up one day and find that you have been doin it for years.
Initially I started escorting part time, to help pay for my schooling, when i was living in Moami. After a while i took off a semester to escort full time thinking i would just save up all that money and start back. Unfortunately it has been 4 yrs and I havent stopped escorting or started back school.
As of late...realization has set in that if I dont make a change, if I dont do something, that I will be doin this for the rest of my life, and honestly I dont want that. I would love to have a regular job, live a regular life, and not let my day to day activities not revolve around my cell phone and clients.
This may be funny coming from me, a girl who seems so zealous and dedicated to my profession. But this is the reality. Idont wanna wake up at 30 still answering my cell phone and setting appointments. Is there hope out there for me? Is it possible to live a normal life after escortung for so long? Or do I need to give up and accept my fate and just try to make the most of the cards life has dealt me.
Sorry, but like every other girl im sure, I go thru emotions sometime, Im just thinking about my future, Im still young, but that doesn't last long.


Sometimes Why takes 2nd to How. Even though i've never escorted, i've done some pretty shitty things to get me through some rough situations, some i'm not so proud of. I've sold crack, robbed, shot, and stole. I also paid my way through college with the prior mentioned. Being 16, in the ghetto and raising 3 younger siblings, you pretty much do what you do to survive. Like escorting, living the thug life becomes addictive to some. Fast money (the shit ain't EASY), girls, cars, clothes...you come to idolize the material wealth that the lifestyle brings. However, there was something deep inside of me that wanted more. I knew that I couldn't retire slinging dope and that I was just a small clog in the governments crack machine. I knew that I couldn't raise kids or have a family doing what I was doing.

But then reality sunk in. I also knew that the likelihood of a minority getting a decent-well paying job in America is still very sketchy. I had experienced discrimination and racism in some shitty jobs i'd taken while in school, trying to leave the d game alone. It was then that I realized that discrimination and prejudice isn't going to fade away on any job you go after. Wether it's outfront or latent, it's still there. The constantly getting the "You speak very well" comments come to mind.

Sometimes you just have to step out there and see what God has in store for you. That's what I did. I knew that working for someone 9-5 wasn't for me. I'd been a leader all my life. So I stacked my paper, saved up $30K and invested in starting my own company. That's the only way I knew I could really get the most out of life for myself.


09-25-2005, 04:15 PM
Good questions, Jade. Right up front, I'd say that you shouldn't escort if you don't enjoy it, and you should continue to escort only so long as you do. My impression from your posts that you do enjoy it but you find it limiting and not something you want to continue doing for a long time.

There are alternatives out there to escorting: you're already pursuing one with your own paid website. Some girls do quite well with web and other adult-oriented enterprises (just ask Allanah). But outside the escort/adult entertainment arena there are options as well. A TS friend of mine who escorts is also co-owner of a hip restaurant which is doing very well. She saved enough money from escorting for the investment, and it is paying off--though she admits she has to work more hours for less pay than escorting allows her. But she's looking at the long-term picture. Another girl I know is in school for interior design, and yet another has invested in real estate.

However, I disagree with the assumption that "the majority of Tgirls are escorts": the majority are relatively invisible to society. Estimates run from a low of 40,000 to as many as 400,000 or more TS in America today, and most of these women are not escorts, but are working 9-5 gigs. (Counterpoint: it may be true that a far higher percentage of truly hot and beautiful Tgirls escort or work in adult films simply because their beauty makes this more accessible to them.)

My advice (if you want it) is to escort so long as you enjoy it and save, save, save to invest the money in a long-term plan (owning a business, real estate, getting a degree, whatever).

09-25-2005, 05:27 PM

It’s never easy to change the direction of your life, but I can identify with what you are going through. Most of the guys I grew up with are dead, in prison, or, most recently, in Mexico attempting to avoid one of the aforementioned outcomes. In my earlier days, I was among the very worst of their number and should have, by all rights, shared a similar fate. Had I not chosen to go to school for computers – which eventually helped to bring me to NYC (via PA) where everything really changed – that is exactly what would have happened.

To make a long story short, today I am able to live in a manner I would not have believed possible for someone with my background. Making this change was the hardest thing I have ever done. For a long time, I was afraid and full of doubt, but I stayed the course because I really wanted to change everything.

What’s the bottom line here? Look, the fact that you made such a heartfelt post shows that you have a genuine desire to really change things for yourself. It won’t be easy, but the hardship you experience while changing things will help to make you a better and ultimately more successful person. And don’t be frustrated or surprised if you are unable to initially make a clear break with the parts of your life you desire to change. I don’t believe it’s every that simple. Still, so long as you are working on a long-term alternative and sticking with your plan to get there, what you are doing now will merely become a vehicle to help you get to something better (rather than an end in itself). Not to sound like an after school special, but with discipline, ambition, and an education, anything is possible.

I know you can do this and wish you the very best of luck in your journey.


09-25-2005, 05:54 PM
Its no secret that the majority of Tgirls are escorts, and im sure that everyone understands why. Society hasnt fully accepted us yet, not enough to welcome us into the work force.

To quote the Mythbusters, you are wrong, wrong, wrongity, wrong. I was in a relationship with a TS who worked a full time job as a social worker for the State DHS, and she's working on getting her masters degree. While it is true that society hasn't fully accepted, and believe me, when out on a date, I always made sure that I had my ASP and KeyDefender, thank God I never had to use it, but yes, she was afraid that someone would find out and try to cause trouble.

I think escorting is like a drug...you try it once, "Hey, made some good money in less than an hour." And you get hooked on it, not that I'm judging, you just can't stop doing it. It's part of your lifestyle now. Actually..I really can't even start on this topic, because if I get started, I'm not gonna stop.

09-25-2005, 06:04 PM
I think it's a myth that you have to be "stealth" to have a decent job. Being stealth also means worrying that you will be outed. Go to school, get some skills and be a positive force wherever you go. Most employers don't really care if you are straight/gay/trans/hairy/short as long as you have the skills they are looking for and seem to be prepared to do the work. To do a good job and to be a positive contribution to the work situation.

This is experience talking.

09-25-2005, 06:34 PM
theres a lot of ts out there who hold 9-5's. i know for you, doin the escort thing is bringin in a lot of money and it may be hard to turn away, but once you do, then you can move on with your life. i agree with alot of the posters who said to save up some money and start your own business doing whatever you like doing. its all on you. it'll be hard at first, no doubt, but as long as you have the will and determination to get the job done, you'll succeed.

on some real shit, this is a major life changing decision. and IMO, the longer you wait to act on a decision, the harder it'll be for you to give up what you have and are doing right now. hope everythin works out for you

09-25-2005, 07:41 PM
i think there are probably a number of girls who have actually good insight into this situation and can offer some "from the girl" point of view. I personally know a very successful full tim t girl in nyc working in real estate. i think people's attitudes about t girls will like so many other things will be going thur some changes, right now, mainstream has some pretty distorted ideas about the whole transgendered thing....but the more girls that come out, and be somebody, and be all you can be, the more mainstream people have to deal with you. You cant let potential prejudice and all that stop ;you.....fk that, while you are making money, and have options, start to think about WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO AND START MOVING IN THAT DIRECTION... doing the school thing would certainly be a start.....but make no mistake about it....THE MONEY AND THE EASE TO PUT TOGETHER MONEY FROM TRICKING IS SSERIOULY ADDICTIVE....but your real challenge is to want to do something , for real in your life..and move toward it....you got to find that "thing" that makes you jump out of bed in the morning and want to pursue....thats the challenge....until you find your "calling", for lack of a better word, escorting will always seem like a better alternative, quick and cash and carry.......the fact that you are thinking about this is a good sign....now you got to make it more than a passing thought....dajuicy

09-25-2005, 10:25 PM
Tho I appreciate all the insight from you guys and your opinions, I was hoping that some actual Tgirls who hold real life jobs would see my post and offer some sound and help0ful advice. You all "know of" a girl or "have seen" a girl working 9-5 and doing the real job thing. But there is nothing like experience. Guys are always on the outside looking in and can only comment on what they have seen girls do or heard of.
Alot of you posted that it isnt true that most girls escort, but I was only commenting from my experiences. I have been escorting since 1999 and between now and then out of all the girls I have known, only about 10 percent of them have had real jobs. This is only my experience
Pic up the news paper and tell me house many TS you see in the job market???? Now log onto eros.com and tell me how many TS that you see???? Thats the point Im trying to make, only soeaking from my experience.
Saving is a hard thing for me, because ever since I have been making this money I have been overwhelmed with material things, fashion...Im very dedicated to my home and art deco, etc. I shop everyday...EVERYDAY. This is bad I know. But if I save I dont know what I could invest in, a businesss....hmmm thats something to think about but i cant see myself really doing nething.
Believe it or not, I use to work for a big insurance company ( the lizard), which paid pretty good. This was around the time where I had started becoming full time, and was scared to deal with the changes that would come with transitioning on the job...so i quite. Tisk tisk right.
Anyway, thanx for all of the positive imput and constructive criticism, it really means alot. I would like to hear from Allanah, Vicki, Wendy, and other girls on this topic. So hopefully it will stay fresh for a few days.


09-25-2005, 10:46 PM

i know alot of girls who work non sex jobs-

my assistant sonia
i know some make up artists
retail girls

there are alot- they are just not visible because we of course in the sex industry are th emost visible.

being a sex worker is like any other job-
sometimes u hate it, sometimes u love it
it has aits great and bad things about it
it just happenes to be sex.

i think if u are not careful then yes it can totally screw up with your mind-make you very jaded, and afect your relationships with men in general.

i have always seen the sex business as a means to an end- you just have to figure out what you are trying to get from it.

if would suggest to anyone who is extrmely unhappy with what they do no matter if it is sex, electricia, etc that they look for something else to do because eventually it will drive you mad.

i really don't think there is any moral objection to selling sex wether it be as an escort, adult actress, website, playboy model, or paris hilton eating a humburger in a bikini. sex sells.

but i will tell you a personal story-

when i first started my transition- i was not in the sex business. i actually performed all around the county and at night clubs for aobut four years before i transitioned. when alot of that work started drying up in miami, i got a job at the lucky chengs that was then open there. i was a waitress, show hostess, u name it. i worked there for four years and saved hard to be able to afford my initial surgeries, electrolysis, etc. i also had met a gentleman who helped me out financially a bit then. then everything fell apart when the restaurant closed, the man that i was seeing left (it was hard because we never had sex and i could not bring myself to do it- so he left) AND i was stuck without a job and very little money left. i had my apt, and was still in the earlier stages of my transition. now, i did have a degree, but i have not held a regulat job in many years and in mnay ways i was still very uncomfortable with my appearance. i had facialhair still and did not feel passable at all. and really going to get a job for 10 dollars an hour was not going to cute my rent, bill, as i want spending about 300 a week alone on electrolysis at the time. so i knew alot of the girls were int he escort business and i bit the bullet and decided that was the only way i could remedy my situation fast. it was difficult at first because i had never been or had anyone to guide me about the industry- so initially i ended up working for some crazy agencies and then finally went independant and on my own.

there is alot more to that story- and how i ended up in new york, and in porn , etc- but as you can see i did do other things before i was a sex worker.

i do see that for most girls- its difficult to make the money they need to transition without being involved in the sex industry somehow.

09-25-2005, 10:54 PM

Well I could tell you all the hard shit I dealt with growing up, but that would be pretty much pointless. As far as a job, I don't have much advice. One thing I live is the downfall effect. I usually take three hours to myself(with the work and scheduling you have I think you may owe it to yourself to do the same or more) about twice a week and analyze who and what may be my eventual downfall. It could be a bestfriend, alcohol,weed, even shopping like in your case, or it could be the lack of something (like looking into your spirituality). After I analyze and reflect I immediately attempt to rid myself of those things.
If shopping is stopping you from saving and doing what you want in life then it can be your downfall...in life and from what you're saying you dont want that. Maybe start off by finding out what you want in life or what you wanna do. Hell I'm in post-graduate school and I don't know what I wanna do. If advocacy is your thing I believe you would be a good representative for the TS community in many agencies (public and private sector). That I could help you with as far as contacts because thats my profession.
Thats all the advice I have. I wish I could tell you how to save your money and open a chicken shack, but I didn't get my MBA....sorry.
Stay up though and I hope your prayers are answered seriously and "The Man" upstairs points you in the right direction, and you follow.

09-25-2005, 11:34 PM
Well my story is somewhat similar to Allanahs, After graduation from Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelors in "Small Business Marketing" GO FIGURE, lol . Anhow I was working for the IRS for two years meanwhile at nights working at gay clubs, I began wanting to transition but working fulltime for the government wasnt enough to pay and working at the club at night SURE wasnt helping. I met a guy whom I fell in love with he promised to help me with my transitioning if I would give up working as a boy during the day and begin my transition with him in Florida. At this time hotwendywilliams.com was a site pretty much a personal website NOT a porn site. Working in the club I had been approached to escort but boy on boy sex wasnt ideal for me. Anyhow I needed money to pay student loans, moving expenses, etc so I took an offer from a sex change in Ohio (rumorhasit.com) to escort as a "ts" for her company. I did that briefly before I moved and was over whelmed by the fast money.

Just before I moved a guy approached me about turning my website into a porn site, (now that is a long story LOL). Anyhow I moved to Florida with this guy who was so ready to help me until I got there and he treated me like a slave, literally. I had no where to go and was confused I need money quick so I started shooting for websites (shemaleyum and foxyangel) and started an ad in the local paper.

AND BAM now Ive turned it into a nice business career for myself. I enjoy the production and marketing (shameless self promotion) of it. I have NEVER fit in with the barbie big dicked shemale stereotype but with great friends and determination I have done well for myself.

I think people misunderstand that when I say that I run a business like Allanah its really is a 9-5 job, it just happens to be the adult industry. I pay taxes, have a office, business license, license to sell videos, etccc.

And believe me some clients are like a full time job, LOL

09-25-2005, 11:52 PM
Its no secret that the majority of Tgirls are escorts, and im sure that everyone understands why. Society hasnt fully accepted us yet, not enough to welcome us into the work force.

That's absurd. Most trannies are escorts because they're gold diggers and you know it. Being an escort is not a career. It's illegal and ya'll should be arrested for it. It takes no skill, education or experience. Shit, ANYONE can be an escort, even a one legged toothless midget so it's not something I'd brag about if I were one. There are other transsexuals who finance their transitions without ever resorting to escorting. It's possible to do it without being a hoe. That's the only pet peeve I have about the whole transsexual community, it's based on promiscuity and I'm not down with that so that's why I basically don't mess with trannies who are escorts.

09-26-2005, 12:05 AM
My respect for Jade went up 10 fold......because the only Tgirl ive ever dated has to escort at 40 now because she never saved a penny of the literally tons of money she made when she was younger.

Much props to you Jade, and like the other posters here have suggested....open up your own mainstream business using whatever loans/grants the gubment will help you with...Hair salon, trendy clothing store, yeah even a nightclub....all decent money makers with little risk.

09-26-2005, 01:34 AM
Its no secret that the majority of Tgirls are escorts, and im sure that everyone understands why. Society hasnt fully accepted us yet, not enough to welcome us into the work force.

That's absurd. Most trannies are escorts because they're gold diggers and you know it. Being an escort is not a career. It's illegal and ya'll should be arrested for it. It takes no skill, education or experience. Shit, ANYONE can be an escort, even a one legged toothless midget so it's not something I'd brag about if I were one. There are other transsexuals who finance their transitions without ever resorting to escorting. It's possible to do it without being a hoe. That's the only pet peeve I have about the whole transsexual community, it's based on promiscuity and I'm not down with that so that's why I basically don't mess with trannies who are escorts.

You always have such motivating replys Mixed, but as always I wont comment on what you say. But I will say this...this site is for transexual lovers and admirers. No matter what a girl does rather she escorts,sell drugs, or do backward flips for a living, this site is teill dedicated to her...a hung angel. There is no reason to be here if you have to be so negatively judgemental towards any girl. There is no reason to have opposition towards any transexual if you are truly an admirer. I have noticed from day one that your posts seem to always be negative in sum way, so i take it that you obviously have issues with your self. I am not the type of girl to have hostility towards anyone, I am the nicest person you could ever meet, but it has gottento the point where I had to say whats on my mind. Now if you choose to slay me like you do Eendy Williams, or to never say anything to me ever again at all, it is entirely your choice, but I made this post to get positive f3ed back from sincere posters. Thanx for your time.


09-26-2005, 01:42 AM
Jade, fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I'm not one to sit here and kiss some chick's ass like half these other fools do. I'm not some trick and never will be so there's no reason for me to. I don't particularly care for GG's who get paid for bein hoes either. In fact I was taught it was disrespectful. But since I'm attracted to trannies(which has been more like a curse) I'm supposed to overlook it because they need lots of money to transition? Please. If you don't agree with me, then thats your perogative.

And what does this have to do with anything?

Now if you choose to slay me like you do Eendy Williams, or to never say anything to me ever again at all, it is entirely your choice, but I made this post to get positive f3ed back from sincere posters.

There was no reason for you to even bring this person up.

09-26-2005, 01:57 AM
Because I know your type, She was only an example of how you slay girls, escorts or whoever for no reason. Unfortunately you judge a person by thier occupation instead of getting to know them as a person. Because im an esxort im also a golddigger? a hoe? I should be arrested? My occupations says nothing about me as a person, about my charcter, simple an occupation like any other.

P.S. This is one of the main reasons I dont wanna do this for long, so i guess i can say thank you for the motivating me to stop...people like you....

09-26-2005, 01:59 AM
Isn't the point of this thread that Jade wants to get out of the sex industry and get a straight job?

And Jade, in case you never looked, I"m TS, not a guy.

I will say again, get some education, make some kind of plan based on what you really like to do (besides have sex ;) ) and then figure out how to make it happen.

Am I the only person that somehow managed to pay for electrolysis doing 9-5 work??

09-26-2005, 02:07 AM
Anyway, I'm glad that you have a plan and decided you're not going to do this forever. Too many girls say that, but don't stop because they're truely gold diggers. They're just out for the money. I was taught that people who have sex for money are hoes and hoes aren't to be respected. I'm not into GG's who are escorts either so it's not like I'm only singling out trannies who do it. I mean, being an escort means you only have your body to offer and nothing else. That to me seems like YOU have issues with yourself as well.

09-26-2005, 02:08 AM
Isn't the point of this thread that Jade wants to get out of the sex industry and get a straight job?

And Jade, in case you never looked, I"m TS, not a guy.

I will say again, get some education, make some kind of plan based on what you really like to do (besides have sex ;) ) and then figure out how to make it happen.

Am I the only person that somehow managed to pay for electrolysis doing 9-5 work??

The point of this thread has nothing to do with me getting out of the sex industry. I will always be a "sex symbol" unlike alot of transgenders who tryyyy to live as women. My post was pointing out the fact that I didnt want to escort forever, I will always do movies and always have my site, whoch in my ooinion is a safer way out.
As far as you being a TS or not is far from my concern Miss Caleigh, Im only reading your advice and taking it in...maybe you should write the site adm and asked to be labled as a Hot Hung Angel if you want to be distinguished as one. Congratulations for trasitioning without escorting, I will commend you for that, but you are no better than any girl who has done it differently..judging from your pictures.....anyway thanx again for the CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.....and goodday to you!

09-26-2005, 02:17 AM
This is a quote from your first post:
As of late...realization has set in that if I dont make a change, if I dont do something, that I will be doin this for the rest of my life, and honestly I dont want that. I would love to have a regular job, live a regular life, and not let my day to day activities not revolve around my cell phone and clients.

The reason I re-iterated that I'm TS is because just after my posting YOU posted and complained how you weren't getting any advice from other girls.

I will mention to NYCe to change my designation so that people understand I'm TS since it seems to affect the way people act towards you on here.

And lastly, I never said, nor meant to imply that I am in any way better than anyone else. I was just bitching about having had to eat ramen and plain pasta for years to pay for electro and hormones. That's all.

I was just trying to give you some support in your stated (see above) desire to get a "straight" job. Whatever you choose in life I wish the best for you.


09-26-2005, 02:25 AM
Its cool girllll thx
but from now on, keep it cute!

09-26-2005, 02:34 AM
Wow this was an interesting turn of a thread.

know when you posted here this is more of a "guys" board. I saw that you posted on the "other" board too and got pretty much the same response.

The only thing I will say is, sometimes the best advice you can get is from someone on the outside looking in. You know like the little boy saying "THE EMPEROR IS NAKED!!!" It might not be what you want to hear but it's still real as any advice you might get from a girl.

09-26-2005, 02:36 AM
I will say again, get some education, make some kind of plan based on what you really like to do (besides have sex ;) ) and then figure out how to make it happen.

Am I the only person that somehow managed to pay for electrolysis doing 9-5 work??

Jade...I agree with Caleigh.
Forgoing present gain for future reward is the way to go. By that I mean...you will have to make sacrifice. Figure out waht you like to do and then go to school for whatever degree, diploma or ceritficate you need. Considering what you do now...I don't know if you really care for working for someone. You strike me as a very independent sister...you might do better being your own boss (as you are now :) ) in a more mainstream line of work.

Caleigh is right that turning tricks isn't the only way to pay the bills, get elctrolysis etc. My TS girlfriend holds down a regular 9-5, and is taking steps towards finishing her business degree.
I myself have my bachelors... it has opened doors and given me opportunities that I would have otherwise not had. I made the sacrifice...went to school and worked part time,sometimes crappy, jobs to make ends meet. I was lucky to have a supportive family structure to help me. I'd get home late from school while most of the guys in my hood were selling drugs and alll that mess. Some of them are dead others locked up etc. It's all about choices...

I've recently seen a thread about "vintage transsexual porn stars"
When the topic came to where they are now...many are dead from disease, and the few living have long since faded into the shadows. The point is as fine as your body is, it is not immune to the ravages of time. Save your money girl, invest it, property ownership...

Just the fact that you started this thread indicates how intelligent a lady you are! I wish you the best and I know you will be successful in whatever you eventually decide to do after you give up escorting :wink:

09-26-2005, 03:51 AM
When growing up as a Transsexual in New York I can honestly say i saw alot of Ts with real jobs .."Who was surged outt"...I feel that alot in most cases transexuals from the south mainly ,Georgia, N.c,S.c and other small country states are not exposed to what more GLBT Foward states Like Nyc ,and cali....A prime example of this is the Harvey milk school which is a school that caters to only glbt youth Located only in Nyc,and sanFranncisco... No other schools like this across the country....And not to mention the 100s of GLBT organization throuout Nyc and sanfrancisco..etc
This could be the reason Jada May feel that Most Ts are Escorts..Because I thinking she really hasnt been exposed to the full Ts Spectrum except from what she can see online,on Tv,Newspapers ..etc
But i can Honestly say that i will stop escorting very soon and start college for Graphic design or Advertising and Marketing ...And i do take my escorting very seriously because i feel if ur gonna do anything be the best at it ..and this is what i have choosen so im gonna be one of the best.. although i plan to quit the footwork i will still keep my feet in the Sex Industry Cause i enjoy selling sex from all aspect

09-26-2005, 04:50 AM
I've recently seen a thread about "vintage transsexual porn stars"
When the topic came to where they are now...many are dead from disease, and the few living have long since faded into the shadows. The point is as fine as your body is, it is not immune to the ravages of time. Save your money girl, invest it, property ownership...

cosign, thats some real shit there

09-26-2005, 06:36 AM
what i dont get is that some people on here think that escorting is easy work. it really isn't. it can be a very physically demanding and psychologically demanding job. please don't think you know if you have not done it because you have not- as the old saying goes, until u have walked a mile in my shoes.

and mixed pretty boy- your posts are downright ignorant and make u look foolish at time-

all escorts are gold diggers-
? how is providing a service and getting paid for it illegal?

esciorting is illegal and you all should be arrested for it-
? actually escorting is perfectly legal- selling time and companinionship in this country is completley legal- solicitation and prostitution are not

and what is so morally demeaming about having or selling sex for a living?
who are you or anyone to judge anyone's career

because you are an escort you only hve your body to offer and nothing else?
utter nonsense.

listen- u have to be happy in what ever career that u do. if you arent- then you life sucks. im older than you jade and this business is what u make of it.

be smart and value your choices because the grass may be not be necessarily greener on the other side.

heres another story lol

when i started escorting i did so for about 6 months- then i met a guy. and i quit working for the sake of the relationship. i got a job as a make up artists , then i worked at the lucky chengs here in nyc. the relationship lasted 2 years and when i left i had spent all the money i had saved and knew how hard it was to ive in the city having a non adult job. stopping escoritng for the relationship was the worst mistake i ever made. i put my life, surgeries, self on hold and when i left i had nothing but a heartache. it was after then that i decided i was going to exploit my transsexulaity and do films, develop my website, etc..and voila i am here.
best decision i ever made and i have not one moment of regret from it.

of course there are alot of trade offs as well- but besides my work, travel, parties, etc i lead a very kinda normal life-normal for me at least.

im not married with a white picket fence but that was never my dream.

09-26-2005, 06:51 AM
esciorting is illegal and you all should be arrested for it-
? actually escorting is perfectly legal- selling time and companinionship in this country is completley legal- solicitation and prostitution are not

Basically ads on eros and similar sites are just online solicitation.

And you're trying to tell me you're not having sex with these men who pay $300/hour of your time? If you're having sex for money it's prostitution. And if you're NOT having sex with these men, why is it necessary to include your penis size and versatility? "Escort" is just a fancier word for prostitute.

09-26-2005, 06:55 AM
actually u dont know what i am doing really-
and my fee isnt $300 pr hour.

get the facts straight.

09-26-2005, 06:59 AM
Oh ok. I realize you're only trying to justify prostitution, but it can never be justified. It hasn't for hundreds of years, it isn't going to just become acceptable for the sake of poor transsexuals who can't afford surgeries to look like women.

Also I guess you just include you're versatile and your penis size for the hell of it.

You're not having sex, you're really going out to dinner about 5 times a day with different clients.

My bad. I'm so naive to think you made all your money by sleeping with hundreds and thousands of men all across the nation.


09-26-2005, 07:01 AM
When growing up as a Transsexual in New York I can honestly say i saw alot of Ts with real jobs .."Who was surged outt"...I feel that alot in most cases transexuals from the south mainly ,Georgia, N.c,S.c and other small country states are not exposed to what more GLBT Foward states Like Nyc ,and cali....A prime example of this is the Harvey milk school which is a school that caters to only glbt youth Located only in Nyc,and sanFranncisco... No other schools like this across the country....And not to mention the 100s of GLBT organization throuout Nyc and sanfrancisco..etc
This could be the reason Jada May feel that Most Ts are Escorts..Because I thinking she really hasnt been exposed to the full Ts Spectrum except from what she can see online,on Tv,Newspapers ..etc
But i can Honestly say that i will stop escorting very soon and start college for Graphic design or Advertising and Marketing ...And i do take my escorting very seriously because i feel if ur gonna do anything be the best at it ..and this is what i have choosen so im gonna be one of the best.. although i plan to quit the footwork i will still keep my feet in the Sex Industry Cause i enjoy selling sex from all aspect

Here I go again!
Your response Ms.Aniyah is the best one so far.
Its so easy for people who arent transgender to judge,they have NO vested interest in the outcome.
When you were talking about the Harvey Milk school that really struck me.
I live out here in San Francisco....the home of the late Harvey Milk.
SO MANY RUNAWAYS come from all over the states to live HERE in san francsico because there is NO life for them elsewhere.
I remember seeing a girl who was young on Market street in the city......She was all pierced,kind of a punker and I asked her why she was out here like this.
She told me she came from atlanta and that it was "hellish".
People just arent feeling......they dont care about anything but themselves.
There are SO many gay,lesbian and transgender youth that are at risk right now.........HOMELESS because of homophobia in there family.
I was watching this show called "In the life" on PBS this week.
They had a segment on homeless youth in NYC near the "stroll" and in L.A.
It was SO sad......these kids have to prostitute themselves just to eat......some of them are beaten and raped.....and nobody cares!
Its just so sad to see people who have done nothing to nobody thrown away like trash by this soceity.
I wish I was rich......I would help all the gay,lesbian and transgender homeless,get them all the services they need.
None of you guys eat out of garbage cans or have AIDS because you were raped while you were on the street because they were thrown out of their house because they were gay!
Soceity is SO hurtful towards gay people.........and for you all to judge these women is wrong.
Some of you(not all) are like the old dudes that prey on these homeless gay youth and use them for sex.
Dont criticise,help!
I give money to transgender orginazations when I can and suggest you all do to.
GMHC is a good orginazation too.
Help these people please.

09-26-2005, 07:05 AM

are u always this ignorant?

prostitution has never been justified?

exactly by who? a vicmtimless crime?

in most ocuntries on the word prostitution is legal and its been going on for thousands of years-

and it has more than to do with transsexulas, because the majority of prostitutes in this world are women.

im so glad u know me so well- i forgot we were the best of friends!

why dont we just say i have slept with a million men, hey whata bout 10 million!



09-26-2005, 07:08 AM
The trannies on this site don't need to prostitute to eat. They do it because they're selfish and just want the money. The more the better.

They've basically transitioned, hair removal, implants, ect yet they still continue to escort. It's because they're gold diggers. They're just out for the money, they just see men as dollar signs. And it's completely laughable that some would say they're not having sex for a couple hundred dollars an hour. Now you're living in a fanatasy world.

At first I wasn't aware of how these chicks really operate, but I've come to notice they're all money hungry gold diggers and as far as I'm concerned they're not getting a single penny from me. If it weren't for the tricks they'd have to rely on a 9-5 jobs like a typical person. "Poor me, I have no money to look like a woman."

09-26-2005, 07:12 AM
man, you have some serious issues with women and transsexuals.

you should get that sorted out really.

i have always said that most men treat women/transsexuals a certain way because they either hate themselves for having this attraction or have lot of unresolved issues within themselves.

what i am curious to know is- how exactly is it affecting you personally that someone is an escort or prostitute- why do you care?

09-26-2005, 07:15 AM
I love how guys "assume" that every guy that calls a girls phone is getting sex:

Hmm there is role playing, personal companionship, fetish's, xdressing, etc.........Believe me there's more than "sex".

09-26-2005, 07:20 AM
Thank you Wendy- u said it perfectly.

09-26-2005, 07:22 AM
I don't care for GG's who are escorts either so it's not like I'm only blaming transsexuals for being escorts. But I don't have to deal with the GG's I'm into being escorts. But with trannies, most of them are escorts. I don't know about other men, but the thought of a girl or TS having sex with several different strangers is a big turn-off. It's just safer looking at pics online.

09-26-2005, 07:32 AM
I really don't care to discuss this topic any further because it's a controversial one especially for me. I'll keep debating the issue if people continue to respond.

I just think that sometimes my attraction to trannies gets the best of me, although I really wish it wouldn't.

But I still do not accept escorting whether it's a TS or a GG. It's only my opinion, it's the way I was brought up. I'm not trying to start any arguments.

I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone.

09-26-2005, 07:36 AM
Since when did owning your own body need justification?

09-26-2005, 07:44 AM
Well ok.
Allanah is right, I do have issues with myself, women, and trannies.
I seem to have latched onto an identity through my struggling attraction to trannies and taken it to an extreme. Most tranny lovers are reasonable and devoted and can voice their preference in a peaceful, albeit unwavering, manner. I'll admit sometimes I take pride in my aggression and go out of my way to infect every thread that I can with venomous comments on the appearance of certain trannies that I'm not particularly fond of. I guess I feel that the whole world is against me for liking trannies and that I'm being singled out and dealt with unjustly because of it. All of my animosity and hostility stems from my attraction to trannies. Being a fan is supposed to be a hobby. A hobby should interest you, relax you, and make you smile. It shouldn't make you angry and get you banned from a message board.
Again I sincerely apologize if I've offended anyone.

09-26-2005, 11:53 AM







oh shit, my bad with the caps, tend to type my emails in caps.

09-26-2005, 12:39 PM
Well said... :wink:

09-26-2005, 02:34 PM
Hey JAde great question, I posted lately about tgirls on my job. It is possible my best suggestion since I talked to these girls is talk to glb alliance they will inform u of some gay friendly companies such as at&t .alot of my mgrs are gay and as I said b4 some girls there are tgirls passable and non passable.

09-26-2005, 09:38 PM
Im gonna go ahead and be the party spoiler here.

I think that most of the talk of "What else can I do", mindset of TS groups is bullshit.

If you hook, strip, porn or deal, rob, steal, kill, or whatever you do through life is what you do.....period. But don't lay that thick bullshit on us as though the world is an utter cruel, wicked, and terrible place that you cannot set different and higher goals, goals that will come inline with your ideals.

The world is not a candy covered shell that you can believe will cater to your every whim. It will take work, time, effort, even struggle. But the most important aspect is it takes time. If you are not willing to put forth any and all of those variables in order to get to your ultimate goal, then, so be it.

I'm not sayin its good or bad to do what it is you want to do, but don't go playin yourself and believing you have no other options because there are ALWAYS options that differ from the path you are on....ALWAYS.

Vicki Richter
09-26-2005, 10:10 PM
I agree completely. You will note that very few of the girls reinvest their escorting money into a formal education. A lot of companies are under guidelines which would make it advantageous to hire TS. I saw a tv show with an extremely clockable TS working for a big company. She was even wearing goofy totally inappropriate non-business attire like half shirts and other such nonsense.

What it boils down to is the $. I have no issue with that, but how can anyone justify otherwise. There are girls who have a hard time transcending their social class boundaries despite being beautiful in both GG and TG. However, I see a lot of girls making 6 figures and just spending it flying around the country to parties and other meaningless events. Granted they escort while there, but I mean really.

I respect girls wanting to do their own businesses, but without good business and financial planning it almost always will never happen. I know maybe 2 TS who have financial planners.

The things I totally respect and understand are girls using escorting to pay for surgeries (methods to integrate better) and education. I know a few like that.

09-26-2005, 10:38 PM
Saving is a hard thing for me, because ever since I have been making this money I have been overwhelmed with material things, fashion...Im very dedicated to my home and art deco, etc. I shop everyday...EVERYDAY. This is bad I know. But if I save I dont know what I could invest in, a businesss....hmmm thats something to think about but i cant see myself really doing nething.

Try to earmark a small part of your earnings (10%, 15%, 30%, depends on how much you make and how much you need to live confortably) and put it on a separate account.
Even if you don't know yet if you'll invest it in real estate, your next business, etc, to have money to invest, you need to save some 1st.
Oh! and try to cut down on shopping a bit :-D

09-27-2005, 01:58 AM
Is that mixedprettyboy, or mixed-upprettyboy?....Reminds me of customers who would come to my bar,just once a month or so, and you knew that it was just a matter of time till the fight broke out....for no reason and with no one person in particular. The one common denominator was the instigator, It was part of their persona...that periodically exposed itself to move away from the reality of self-acceptance,in a word, denial. I think the "hoes are disrespectful" attitude comes not so much from upbringing as it does from blaming others for your own unresolved issues of your sexuality.....it's like blaming the substance for the addiction.....wrong! Once you are ok with yourself, it's a lot easier to be ok with others,really...try it and see.

09-27-2005, 07:32 AM

Not only do i wonder how the majority of these tgirls who DON"T
escort manage their steady & current income
but i also wonder about what they are doing when preparing
for the long term future and eventual retirement.

what kind of savings plans do they have set up ?
( even the ones who DO escorts )

how does IRA savings, 401K plans and trust funds play
into their future ?

what will they do for medical and dental benefits ?
even life insurance ?

Today's economics, inflation, gas prices , rent, car notes ,
auto insurance , upkeep and household needs , personal needs,
etc. , ...all these items and inconviences can really add up big time.

sure enough if they are surviving month to month and
doing it all alone, it just has to be a killer of a bitch.

and combining with live- in boyfriends & roomates
may help for awhile , but in the long run , who knows how long
that could last.

and let's be honest in that a lot of tg-escorts are not
near as successful as others in gaining attention from potential
clients that they are counting on heavily to sustain their living .

in fact , a number of them get next to nothing in regards to
appointments and cash flow , so what do they do ?

Do they pack up and move to other cities that have
more financial potential ?

and let's face it , the escort business has to be tiresome
and an incredible strain to these girls, considering some of
the hard asses and morons they have to go thru and put up
with on a daily basis .

and worse , it can be extremely risky and dangerous., we've often
heard about some of the horror stories of robberies , physical
abuse , muggings, death threats, attempted murder , ....
...... and murder that some of these girls unfortunately experienced.

what has to make it tougher and frustrating has to be the
discrimination , gossip and ridicule they have to endure on
nearly an every day basis.

Even if some transexual who gain the necessary business
education and skill level to qualify for good paying corporate jobs
may have found it very difficult to deal with people
in a large corporate office atmosphere .
( which it already so incredibly cut- throat and backstabbing as it is )

i've seen personally how that working atmosphere can be near-
unbearable for some tgirls to work at . ( i've know a tgirl who was
an accountant
and another who was a legal secretary ) and both when
through true hell trying to gain acceptance and peace of mind.

. and they end up bouncing around job-to-job until they fianlly found a suitable, comfortable
enough workplace that allow them to function nornally .

Only a couple i've known and talked to have managed well
because they are extremely passable and feminent , they don't have
a large office number and they ve managed keep to themselves
a great deal .

but these are such an exception.

Our society is just barely accepting gay men into the high
corporate working places.
but i haven't found that to be the case with the very few
transexuals that work in that same working environment.

IMO , i think transexuals go thru three times as much oppression
and discrimination than even gay men do.

Over time, i wish there were more and more media coverage ,
tv siticoms, talk shows and movies that directed to educating ,
interviewing, profiling and getting general society to know & understand
transgendered lifefstyle.

that's one reason why i dislike the way shows like Maury Povich
are directed into making transexuals look like a freak show ,
( but perhaps this is another topic discussion for another time )

As a previous poster mentioned , Getting tgirls connected with
local business alliances that cater to gay friendly companies
does sound like a very good idea. as well.

I fear most of the local tgirl escorts in my city are somewhat
lost and clueless in finding a long term option in securing
a better financial life and too many are totally relying
on boyfriends and live in roommates when the escort business
is not going too well.

From my observation , the few tgirls that i've seen that
don't escort are seen in general stores, cashiers,
certain beauty shops and night clubs ( that are primarily located
in the more acceptable gay community ) behind the scenes as ,
stocking & inventory details , retail clothing stores , and telemarketing.

in all honest, i don't see that many tgirls on a every day
regular basis , so i, too often wonder what kind of general
work do they do
.. ...or educational skills and opportunies they are seeking.

i , too respect the ladies that are using the escort business for
financial gains for personal surgeries, savings
and educational purposes , but are we only talking a
small percentage of them that are doing this ?


09-30-2005, 10:03 AM
Well my story is somewhat similar to Allanahs, After graduation from Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelors in "Small Business Marketing"

Wendy, dearie, you have a bachelors degree in small business marketing? In the post below you said you had a bachelors degree in psychology! Which is it?


Shining Star
09-30-2005, 10:19 AM
You cannot invest or put money in a bank account without filing tax returns, which most TS escorts do not do. Post 9/11 and this "war on terrorism", and under the Patriot Act banks and investment brokers, etc are required to verify whom is opening an account and reporting requirements have tightened.

As for careers open to trannies, much depends on whom they are and their ambitions. Have known trannies who were everything from sales professionals at major companies, to nurses, to selling perfume at a department store. Again if one has issues with holding down a 9-5 (read bad work habits/ethics), then it doesn't matter what one's sex or gender is, you are not going to find gainful employment or advance in a career.

The one thing that stops many trannies from working "real" jobs, is lack of ID in their "new" name and gender. You can be drop dead gorgeous, but if your passport or birth certificate says "Charles" and you wish to work as "Charlene" it may cause problems. I say "may" because now many states and local areas have equal rights laws for gays and trannies so one cannot be discriminated based on that. But as anyone knows employers can discriminate by finding something legal to pick on.

Another problem is "attitude". Many trannies just do not know how to behave like "ladies" and it can make others in the work place uncomfortable. If enough people complain, things could go badly.

Think by an large many trannies that are working spend too long escorting and get used to all that money. Some might take a job, but instead of sticking things out may simply think to themselves "what am I doing here for only $$ per week, when I can make twice that or more in a day of working my phones? It takes allot to get up every day and hit a 9-5, even if you don't like your job, just to pay bills.

You do find lots of trannies just like gays and other minorities having their own businesses. Weather in the beauty field, or costume design, or whatever, owning one's own business does reduce some of the discrimination, but it takes WORK to make it happen.

Finally some girls stay in the business too long and end up with a nice long rap sheet. That more than anything else will put the kybosh on many good job offers. You maybe can talk your way out of one arrest/conviction, but three, four, ten, twenty-five, fifty?

Other jobs/professions have seen trannies working in:
Flight Attendant
Sanitation Worker (NYC)
Law Enforcement
Secretary/Administrative Assistant/Sales Assistant

10-01-2005, 12:24 AM
I am going to be watching this topic and looking for ways for Tgirls to get into the work force. I want you to have every chance that eveyone else has...I am know one special but my mind works very well...Please keep a look out and together we will over come....


10-01-2005, 09:08 AM
I just had a party at my house last week and the carreers of the TG people there were

restaurant manger
video distribution manager
data systems specialist for a hospital
professor of law
film/tv lighting designer

all of these people i met online in various chats or via personals sites

10-16-2005, 05:34 PM
I found this in one of my new sites and I hope that will help is some way...If anyone applies please let us know what happens.....

New York Times To Protect Trans Workers From Discrimination

Beth Shapiro
May 26, 2004

(New York City) The New York Times has announced it will add "gender identity or expression" to the nondiscrimination terms of its corporate human resource policy.

The announcement was made in a corporate email to employees this week. It said that the New York Times is "committed to maintaining a fair and professional work environment for all our employees and, to that end, we routinely review our policies and practices. Our policy now makes clear that we provide equal employment opportunity regardless of gender identity or expression, in hiring and all other terms and conditions of

The change in policy was hailed by LGBT journalists.

"Transgender employees are often most at risk in the workplace, facing harassment, ignorance and instances of discrimination," said Steven Petrow, President of the Board of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.

"The New York Times once again is a leader in recognizing its responsibility to treat all of its employees fairly and without bias."

The new policy will not only extend to all Times employees, but also to other New York Times corporate properties, including the Boston Globe and the Worcester Telegram.

Last year the Times became the first major newspaper to print same-sex marriage announcements.

10-16-2005, 07:22 PM
i have never escorted im in my life and i hold a $28 an hour job working as a freelance makeup artist... i've gone to school for cosmotology and now finishing up goin for business and photography b/c i plan on opening my own studio and wanted to be able to do all aspects of doing such until i have enough $$$ to hire employees... so now u think ok well im an escort w/ no job how do i pay for it... helloooo welcome to america land of opportunity... fill out a form www.fafsa.com or .edu or .org something like that do a search on google... point is broke girl + no job +over the age of 24= huge fucking $$$ for school if you go to a reg college you will get enough for a place to live, enough to eat and pay NORMAL bills...just this year alone i got almost $47k in student loans and most of it was pell grants which means FREE MONEY that i never have to pay back.... you dont even need to know what u want to do w/ ur life just sign up to do basics at a reg college and BAM the govt. will send your ass some fat checks.. its easy peezy lemon squeezy

10-16-2005, 07:34 PM
I agree completely. You will note that very few of the girls reinvest their escorting money into a formal education. A lot of companies are under guidelines which would make it advantageous to hire TS. I saw a tv show with an extremely clockable TS working for a big company. She was even wearing goofy totally inappropriate non-business attire like half shirts and other such nonsense.

What it boils down to is the $. I have no issue with that, but how can anyone justify otherwise. There are girls who have a hard time transcending their social class boundaries despite being beautiful in both GG and TG. However, I see a lot of girls making 6 figures and just spending it flying around the country to parties and other meaningless events. Granted they escort while there, but I mean really.

I respect girls wanting to do their own businesses, but without good business and financial planning it almost always will never happen. I know maybe 2 TS who have financial planners.

The things I totally respect and understand are girls using escorting to pay for surgeries (methods to integrate better) and education. I know a few like that.

omg vicki are you talking about gender swap on discovery health?? lol w/ brandy taylor? lol i was SHOCKED when i saw the show and she was on there w/ her white crop on making copies... and i remember how i struggled for awhile after i transitioned and thought "how the fuck did she get a good job and here i am wearing suits to interviews at the mall and "passable" to an extent" the answer is simple.... shes got a degree and went to school so i did the same and doing MUCH better now... i suggest that anyone wanting to get away from the sex industry to go to school...like i said before FREE MONEY FREE MONEY FREE MONEY

Vicki Richter
10-16-2005, 08:17 PM
Yeah that is the person. She was dress ridiculously for an office environment.

I totally agree on going to school. It makes all the difference. I hate hearing about how girls don't think companies will hire them. The more educated, articulate, and passable you are, the higher your probability of being accepted.

The sex industry will only take someone so far. My personal opinion is that people should use the sex industry to pay for their transition and college but trying to make a career out of it is pretty short sited.

10-16-2005, 09:46 PM
While I think education is essential- it is not always a gautantee to success by any means- I think alot has to do with drive, determination, "luck" if you believe in it, and being at the right place at the right time.

check out this list-

Famous High School Dropouts

Shaun Kerry, M.D.
Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
• H.G. Wells.......best-selling British author (dropped out to help family earn income; later returned and went on to college)

• Jim Clark........self-made billionaire American businessman; founder of "Netscape"; first Internet billionaire (17, U.S. Navy)

• Jimmy Dean..........singer-songwriter-actor; self-made multimillionaire American businessman; founder of the "Jimmy Dean
Foods" brand sausage business (16, U.S. Merchant Marines; 18, U.S. Air Force)

• Andrew Jackson......7th U.S. President; face is pictured on the U.S. twenty dollar bill (13, U.S. Continental Army; orphaned at 14; little formal education; home schooling/life experience; studied law in his late teens and became a lawyer)

• Leon Uris..........best-selling American author (Exodus, etc.) (17, U.S. Marines)

• Walter L. Smith.....former president of Florida A&M University (equivalency diploma, at age 23)

• W. Clement Stone....self-made multimillionaire (some sources indicate billionaire) American businessman-author; founder of "Success" magazine (elementary school dropout; later attended high-school night courses and then some college)

• Jack London.......best-selling American author (dropped out at 14 to work; later gained admission to the University of California; left after one semester)

• Arthur Ernest Morgan....American flood-control engineer; college president-author; appointed by President Roosevelt to be director of the Tennessee Valley Authority public works project (left high school after three years; later attended the University of Colorado for six weeks)

• Ray Charles.........singer-pianist; Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee

• Cher......Oscar-winning actress-singer

• Maurice Chevalier.... Oscar-winning actor-singer; French Legion of Honor inductee/Medal recipient (note: rank bestowed in 1938

• Pierce Brosnan......actor

• Ellen Burnstyn......Oscar-winning actress

• Raymond Burr.......actor

• Sammy Cahn.......... Oscar-winning American songwriter-composer

• Michael Caine.......Oscar-winning actor; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Michael Caine)

• Glen Campbell.......country music star

• Daniel Gilbert......Harvard University psychology professor (equivalency diploma)

• Dizzy Gillespie.....musician-composer (received honorary diploma from high school he attended)

• Patrick Henry.......American Revolutionary War era politician; Virginia's first governor; famous quote: "Give me liberty, or give me death!" (little formal education; home schooling/life experience; later studied on his own and earned a law degree)

• Peter Jennings......Canadian-born American television journalist; evening news anchorman

• Ansel Adams.........American wilderness photographer; photography book author; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Julie Andrews.......Oscar-winning actress-singer

• Louis Armstrong.....singer-musician

• Brooke Astor........wealthy American socialite-philanthropist-author; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Pearl Bailey........singer-actress; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Lucille Ball........actress-comedienne-producer; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Bill Bartman........self-made billionaire American businessman

• Count Basie.........bandleader-pianist

• Jack Benny.......... comedian-actor-violinist

• Humphrey Bogart.....Oscar-winning actor

• Peter Bogdanovich....Oscar-nominated American film director-screenwriter (The Last Picture Show, Paper Moon, Mask, etc.)

• Whoopie Goldberg....Oscar-winning actress-comedienne

• Benny Goodman.....bandleader-clarinetist

• Lew Grade.........British film/TV producer (TV: The Avengers, The Saint, Secret Agent, The Prisoner, The Muppet Show, etc.); knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Lew Grade)

• Philip Emeagwali....supercomputer scientist; one of the pioneers of the Internet (high-IQ high-school dropout; left school in native Nigeria due to war conditions and lack of tuition money; continued to study on his own and earned an equivalency diploma; later won a scholarship to Oregon College of Education in the United States; transferred after one year to Oregon State University)

• Danny Thomas........actor-producer-humanitarian (actor: Make Room for Daddy/The Danny Thomas Show; co-producer: The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Andy Griffith Show, etc.); Congressional Gold Medal recipient

• Peter Ustinov.......Oscar-winning actor

• Hiram Stevens.......American-born engineering inventor; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Hiram Stevens)

• Patrick Stewart..... actor-writer-producer-director; former captain of the Enterprise on TV's Star Trek: The Next Generation and in films.

• Kemmons Wilson.......self-made multimillionaire American businessman; founder of the "Holiday Inn" hotel chain

• Kjell Inge Rokke.....self-made billionaire Norwegian businessman

• David Puttnam.......Oscar-winning British film producer (Chariots of Fire, Midnight Express, etc.); knighted (United Kingdom: Sir David Puttnam)

• Anthony Quinn.......Oscar-winning actor

• Julie London....... singer-actress

• Sophia Loren.......Oscar-winning actress; best-selling Italian-born author; former model (elementary school dropout)

• Joe Louis..........boxer; Congressional Gold Medal recipient

• Roy Rogers..........actor-singer-guitarist

• Walter Nash.......New Zealand Prime Minister 1957-1960; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Walter Nash)

• Olivia Newton-John.... singer-actress; British-born Australian author

• Rosa Parks.........U.S. civil rights activist-pioneer; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient; Congressional Gold Medal recipient

• Mary Pickford......Oscar-winning actress; early Hollywood pioneer; co-founder of "United Artists Corporation" (little formal education [six months]; home schooling/life experience)

• Sydney Poitier.....Oscar-winning actor (elementary school dropout)

• Frederick "Freddy" Laker.... self-made multimillionaire British businessman; airline entrepreneur; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Frederick [or Freddy] Laker)

• Tommy Lasorda...... baseball team manager; National Baseball Hall of Fame inductee

• David Lean.........Oscar-winning British film director (Lawrence of Arabia, Dr .Zhivago, etc.); knighted (United Kingdom: Sir David Lean)

• Anton van Leeuwenhoek....Dutch microscope maker; world's first microbiologist; discoverer of bacteria, blood cells, and sperm cells)

• Richard Branson.....self-made billionaire British businessman; founder of "Virgin Atlantic Airways," "Virgin Records," etc.; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Richard Branson)

• Isaac Merrit Singer....American sewing machine inventor; self-made multimillionaire founder of "Singer Industries," "I.M. Singer and Company," etc. (elementary school dropout)

• Alfred E. Smith.....New York Governor; 1928 Democratic U.S. Presidential candidate (elementary school dropout)

• Charles Chaplin.....Oscar-winning actor-writer-director-producer; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Charles [or Charlie] Chaplin) (elementary school dropout)

• Sean Connery........Oscar-winning actor; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Sean Connery)

• Jack Kent Cooke.....self-made billionaire Canadian-born American media businessman

• Noel Coward.........Oscar-winning actor-director-producer-playwright-composer; knighted (United Kingdom: Sir Noel Coward) (elementary school dropout)

• Joan Crawford....... Oscar-winning actress; former dancer

• Charles E. Culpeper....self-made multimillionaire American businessman; early 1900s' owner and head of "The Coca Cola Bottling Company"

• Robert De Niro......Oscar-winning actor-producer; knighted (France: Chevalier [Knight] of the Legion of Honor; Chevalier [or Chev.] Robert De Niro)

• Gerard Depardieu....Oscar-nominated actor; knighted (France: Chevalier [or Chev.] Gerard Depardieu) (elementary school dropout)

• Richard Desmond.....self-made billionaire British publisher

• Thomas Dolby........ musician-composer; music producer

• Joe Lewis........self-made billionaire British businessman

• Carl Lindner.......self-made billionaire American businessman

• John Llewellyn.....U.S. Labor leader pioneer; for 40 years until his retirement, president of the United Mine Workers' Union

• Marcus Loew........self-made multimillionaire American businessman; early Hollywood pioneer; founder of the "Loews" movie-theater chain; co-founder of "MGM" studios (elementary school dropout)

• Mary Lyon.........American women's education pioneer; early American teacher; founder of Mount Holyoke College (America's first women's college)

• Sonny Bono...........singer-songwriter-actor; U.S. Congressman (California U.S. Representative)

• Duke Ellington......Oscar-nominated American composer-bandleader; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Ella Fitzgerald.....singer; Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

• Aretha Franklin....singer; Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee

• Horace Greeley.... American newspaper publisher-editor; U.S. Congressman; 1872 U.S. Presidential candidate; co-founder of the Republican party in the United States

• Thomas Haffa......self-made double-digit billionaire German media businessman

• J.R. Simplot.......self-made billionaire American agricultural businessman

• Robert Maxwell.....self-made billionaire British publisher

• Rod McKuen.........best-selling American poet (elementary school dropout)

10-16-2005, 10:28 PM
Thats cool that all those people made it being high school drop-outs. The truth NOW is that the majority of people in America are high school grads. Jobs that were available in the 60's, 70's and 80's (car plants, some factories) that average high school grad would get are only hiring college grads, because most people have degrees from Universities these days.
Some college grads may not be street smart and seem dumb as rocks...but I'd rather be dumb as rocks and making more money than some GED educated individual.
FASFSA....THANK YOU. You don't NEED to escort to get through school. Its called student loands, GRANTS, federal work-study...then you can get internships while in college and get a JOB. And no that is not a put down towards escorting.

10-16-2005, 11:47 PM
Wow, that’s a really interesting list cited in Allanah’s post. I have to say that while it is possible to make it without an education, the fact is that it gets progressively harder with each new generation. Both of my parents did very well with just a high school diploma, but things are very different now then they were in their day.

One statistic I recently came across stated that today it takes two incomes to support the same standard of living that one income supported in 1980 (adjusted for inflation, etc.). This is because the cost of living has increased at a faster rate over the last 25 years than have base salaries and wages. Union jobs and other working class staples, which have traditionally paid well while not requiring much education, are now disappearing or failing to provide the security they once did.

Today, unless you are a self-made entrepreneur, the vast majority of jobs that pay a good salary and offer real advancement potential are those that require an education. Not surprisingly, many companies and government agencies are requiring higher levels of education with every passing year. Even the NYPD now requires 60 college credits for new recruits by the time they are finished with their academy training. My wife’s company, like many large global companies these days, now requires new employees to have at least a bachelor’s degree with a 3.8 GPA – and that’s just for an entry level position. If you want to make it to mid-level or senior-level management, they want to see a master’s degree and prefer you to be multilingual.

An education does not necessarily give you the drive, discipline, or common sense necessary to succeed; however, an education does broaden your knowledge and offers you opportunities for success you would not have otherwise had.


Vicki Richter
10-17-2005, 01:04 AM
Now lets see a list of successful shemale highschool drop outs. Once again this is why I get frustrated with Ms. Starr. The successful college drop outs are even more impressive, but they are all the exceptions, not in any way the rule.

The simple fact is that an education still means something in this world and for TS, who are already disadvantaged by their very being, we can use every edge we can get. Somebody going in for a good day job speaking in NYC tranny lingo with no education is going to have a hard time. The girls putting any form of education behind them (not just college) will end up doing better in the long run I think.

Even if TS went to school for specific training, like being able to manage their finances, they'd be better off.

10-17-2005, 01:23 AM
check out this list-

A highly impressive list, Allanah, but note the huge weighting in favour of what you might call "the arts." These are areas where people not suited to college/university can do really well, but not everyone is into them, so if they ain't, the college thing is a no-brainer, especially if you can get funding.

Being smart, determined and articulate, with plenty of self-confidence, is a huge advantage, as you yourself demonstrate very well indeed. Lots of people do need the springboard that college can give them though. However I've been in the position of hiring (I work as a feelance consultant these days, I prefer it) college grads and it is my experience that a college diploma only fits a person for starting a job-- most has to be learned on the tools.

And Vicki is soooo right-- escorts live by their looks and if they're not investing for their future either in education, specialist stuff (like cosmetic surgery in this case) plain old-fashioned stocks and shares or something else, the day will come when they will cry, or worse, over it.


10-17-2005, 01:55 AM
Now lets see a list of successful shemale highschool drop outs. The successful college drop outs are even more impressive, but they are all the exceptions, not in any way the rule.

This brings up an interesting consideration. When one looks at extremely successful high school and college dropouts, what is the one thing the majority of them have in common? They almost always ensure that their own children go on for a complete education – usually to the very best schools. This might indicate that they themselves come to understand the exceptional nature of their own success.


10-17-2005, 01:56 AM
How Allanah's post could be taken as something negative is almost beyond belief. WTF?

I'm not kissing ass or trying to start a war, but sometimes this crap just becomes absurd. It gets to a point where reason just really isn't going to work no matter how bad you want it to, and you just stop giving a damn about what certain people think any more.

10-17-2005, 02:09 AM
How Allanah's post could be taken as something negative is almost beyond belief. WTF?

I'm not kissing ass or trying to start a war, but sometimes this crap just becomes absurd. It gets to a point where reason just really isn't going to work no matter how bad you want it to, and you just stop giving a damn about what certain people think any more.

its just 2 sides to every coin it was an impressive list shes incredibly smart but that quinn guy above you said it best... all those ppl made certain their own kids went to college to further their education b/c they realized it was a lucky brake *and hard work* that they succeeded ... i dont think anyone is thinking allanahs post is "wrong" its just not proof positive anyone can make it

10-17-2005, 02:24 AM
Trust me tsntx, "someone" thinks that a certain post was "wrong".

Loooong story, and it's getting silly.

It was good to see Joanna post on another thread. I still think this forum could remain a really cool place, especially if more of the girls posted from time to time.

10-17-2005, 02:57 AM
It was just a list going to showing that a lot of things are possible without an education. I an an advocate od education and I always try to learn something new- by reading, educative programming- that is why I am learning French now; I am always interested in advancing myself.

But an education is by no means the only way to gaurantee success in life.
I have a friend who has a masters in art history, is much brighter than I am, comes from a considerably wealthy family, and escorts as her choice.

There are two sides two every coin as stated- and I am in no means suggesting to drop out of high school or college.

Some people just have natural talents- instance one of the world most, if not most famous make up artists, the late, Kevin Aucon, who I believe never went to cosmotology school-he never had any training. I actually am a pretty godd make up artist myself and have worked in make up counters- and never had any make up training.

But u know the crabby pattys ;).

10-17-2005, 03:16 AM
I an an advocate od education and I always try to learn something new- by reading, educative programming- that is why I am learning French now; I am always interested in advancing myself.

Some things do come down to natural talent. Though I do speak some Spanish, I can't seem to learn French for the life of me. I gave up on it completely over two years ago. My wife, by contrast, picks up languages, including French, with almost no effort.


Vicki Richter
10-17-2005, 03:21 AM
Trust me tsntx, "someone" thinks that a certain post was "wrong".

Loooong story, and it's getting silly.

It was good to see Joanna post on another thread. I still think this forum could remain a really cool place, especially if more of the girls posted from time to time.

<rolls eyes>

No. I made a simple point that girls should use sex money to get an education because they will be better off. "Someone" decided to post a short list of successful people who didn't need college to become successful. I mean hello? How many "shemales" do you see with a great wonderful lifestyle after a certain age? Beauty is fleeting. I'm just providing practical advice.

/ignore Hondarobot


10-17-2005, 03:26 AM
Whatever :smh

10-17-2005, 03:31 AM
That argument can be used for any woman in the sex business- gg or ts.

Everyone who is in the sex business finds it very difficult to leave it no matter how much they complain about it. Wether it be stripping, escorting, etc.

It's not only transsexuals who have this problem.

I think anyone who is in the sex business- should regard it as that- as a business. And optimize it to their advantage and use it as a stepping stone to either another level in the sex business or another career.

I have a very hard time sometimes because my tastes are rather extravagant when it comes to clothing , shoes, and purses. and if it were upt to me I would only spend my money on shoes, hand bags, and clothes. But luckily I am a smart shopper and I invest most of my money in my body and my business ventures.

Vicki Richter
10-17-2005, 03:56 AM
Great points. I agree with pretty much everything Ms A just said.

However, the difference between TS and GG is that the likelihood of a TS finding a lifepartner vs an attractive GG in the adult industry are not anywhere near as good. Even if they find one, marriage really isn't a viable option for pre-ops. Also where are the kids and social security and many of the other benefits girls get from

TS are largely left in a position to fend for themselves. I think with a lot of entrepreneurs, they will make it before a certain age. I don't know and can't quote the statistics, but the options for an aging TS just don't sound great if they don't focus on mainstream job potential... education.

10-17-2005, 04:06 AM
As I sit here and wait on .ca and Gia, LOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,up to a couple years ago I was completely as Vicki said I had no interest in my future, used my escorting money on stupid pageants, gowns, and trips. However I am not getting any younger and even though I plan on continuing the production side of things we have no promise that the adult industry will continue to be a financial backup. Hence I started investing in property, I have a townhouse in Coral Springs, Florida and I own the home my parents live in. After I get my production company to where I want it Ill start investing into some long term savings of sorts.

I have a Bachelors in Small Business Communications from Eastern Kentucky University so I use my business/promotion skills often just not in the job force it was intended for.

10-17-2005, 10:06 AM
I love it when people claim that you can make it without an education, while their post(s) has(have) numerous grammatical errors.
GREAT! :lol:

11-26-2005, 01:02 PM
Hope all had a nice Thanksgiving

I'm reading about how it is hard for a ts to get a job in the work force....i do'nt think it is fair.If you are good at a trade like typing teaching etc.you sould be giving a job.not base on you gender

Where i live there is a Ts working in a famaily doller store....i know she is one.and a good looking one.....I'm about 20 yrs oler than her...But when i shop there i always speak to her and say hello...And tell her i'm proud of her for working .she know i know she a Ts.but i treat her just like any one else when i shop..

JAde....You are a lovely Woman..you can do it.go back to school...and get what you seek.and the heck with the one that hate.....because in the end..Only GOD make the final call..Beluive and pray

And i'll pray for you for the best for you.and you get out of the escort thing

Be Sweet


07-28-2007, 09:09 PM
I got mah education!I got mah education!

07-28-2007, 11:17 PM


This link is to employers with non-discrimination policies
that include gender identity.


07-29-2007, 06:02 AM
thanks for the resource :)