View Full Version : Uh oH

09-23-2005, 05:23 AM

Vicki Richter
09-23-2005, 05:49 AM
Well... They are just rehashing old news. That's really nothing new.

09-23-2005, 07:56 AM
No,there is something new.
The company is evasive angels......TT Boys company.
One of his performers tested positive for hiv which he got(allegedly) from brazil.
He came back and infected at least 3 girls already(they have tested positive).
This person slept with 13 different girls..........multiply that by their partners and you got a problem.
I can see mandatory condom usage in the future.

09-23-2005, 06:32 PM
Word is that in California state officials will start doing inspections on porn sets to make sure tests are current and that condoms are being used.
This will hurt the straight porn industry in a huge way if it happens, not so much shemale porn because condoms are much more widely used and we as viewers of this genre have become used to seeing them in almost all t-girl flicks.
Straight porn will be hurt because people don't want to see condoms in their movies.
Gay porn will be decimated because 60% - 75% of the talent would fail an HIV test if they were forced to get them to work.
T-girl porn I'm not sure of, do most producers require a valid test to work? or do they not bother because condoms are so widely used?

09-23-2005, 06:39 PM
i just had a thought-

if condoms are used mostly in gay and ts porn-but in the str8 industry it seen as almost sacriligious- do you think it is because people who practice heteroseuxal sex are less likely to use condoms in real life?

09-23-2005, 10:17 PM
i just had a thought-

if condoms are used mostly in gay and ts porn-but in the str8 industry it seen as almost sacriligious- do you think it is because people who practice heteroseuxal sex are less likely to use condoms in real life?

I cant tell you that in general black men DONT like to use condoms.
Before some of you get all mad at me its true!
I have to admit I havent used a condom everytime......I am ashamed to say so.
But for some relationships I had I ALWAYS used one.
Trust me,being ex military I know,they had a branch of the hospital for venerial diseases and stuff gets around fast.
I have to say that TS porn is WAY safer than straight porn.
Straight porn is so dangerous and disgusting,mainly for women.
We ALL know what goes on.

09-23-2005, 10:37 PM
Geek, are you in the bedroom with EVERY black man while he's fucking? No you haven't, so you're statement is not correct or nearly right. And before you start saying why is the black HIV/AIDS rate so high you need to think about where most black people go to get treatment. They go to a clinic, where information is given to the CDC. Other people, who have better healthcare, can go to a private doctor. Private doctors don't report HIV and AIDS cases as much because many health insurance plans don't cover clients with HIV. That means they'll lose money. So they purposefully misdiagnose and treat it anyway.

I don't know what kind of straight porn you all have been watching, but most of the newer stuff guys wear a condom, and it's obvious they have on a condom.

Geek, you still need to just find a tranny and get some bootie. Just get it over with, man, because you don't know what you're talking about.

09-24-2005, 12:48 AM
I always use condoms, and I hate them. I also don't like them in porn, the industry is highly tested and many (perhaps most) performers only have unprotected sex with others within the porn "family". Seems pretty safe to me.

I did get tested not long ago anyway, because really, who uses a condom for oral sex. Just in case no one here has had the Test, here's a cautionary story:

I hate needles, so I was freaked out about getting blood drawn. I tell the nurse this and she says "Oh there's no needle, we use a mouth swab that's just as accurate."

Whew. Then she tells me that there is one slightly uncomfortable part of the full test. Pfft, if it isn't a needle, no worries.

"OK, I'll need you to drop your pants, hop up on the table, and I'll stick a cotton swab in your eurethra."

I think I actually lost my mind for a second and nearly ran out of the room. But you do what ya gotta do. It wasn't fun.