View Full Version : Why do trannies cheat?!?

03-11-2009, 02:40 AM
I was answering Jesse's Maury rant thread and saw this thread below in similar threads http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=42491. Nothing similar about it but I thought it was interesting that no one ever talks about why trannies cheat.

Now I'm not saying that ALL of you ladies cheat but I see enough of it going on here where I live to ask the question. I know a few chicks will probably say something about guys they're with being clients or whatever but the main thing is: IF YOU HAVE A MAN WHY CHEAT?!?

Is it mainly a sex drive thing? Could it possibly be that the dude you're seeing can't satisfy your every need and you have the urge to branch out to get satisfaction elsewhere without sacrificing your current relationship?


Is it all just a cosmic joke? You've embraced being a woman mentally but you still have that "playa" mentality of a man and refuse to give it up?!?

03-11-2009, 03:05 AM

Solitary Brother
03-11-2009, 03:33 AM
The second one.
I wont go into it any further because I will be banned if I do but yep....


03-11-2009, 03:33 AM
:popcorn :popcorn

03-11-2009, 03:34 AM
LOL thats funny but Ive never done that.

03-11-2009, 03:36 AM
The second one.
I wont go into it any further because I will be banned if I do but yep....


you're not getting banned......................sheesh

jus spit it out (no pun intended)

Solitary Brother
03-11-2009, 03:38 AM
It has to do with trannies claiming they are women but acting like fags.
And thats ALL I will say on the subject.

I am SURE you know what Im talking about.

03-11-2009, 03:39 AM
I think it's a question of opportunity and temptation.

There's like 300 guys for every 1 attractive tgirl, all consistantly pining at them.

Imagine if you had those odds in your favor.

03-11-2009, 03:45 AM
Surely if you still have a cock and balls then you must still have testosterone pumping through you?
If that shit can make priests and monks go astray, then never mind trannies :/

03-11-2009, 03:47 AM
It has to do with trannies claiming they are women but acting like fags.
And thats ALL I will say on the subject.

I am SURE you know what Im talking about.

Word to the wise... Someone wrote a book that kinda said that. His life didn't go to well after that point. Best keep that one to yourself.

It's a little of both JWBL. The same reasons men and women cheat are involved to different degres's.

Emotionally we are like women. But especially when pre op that key piece of anatomy is just like a man's. It needs proper care and feeding.

03-11-2009, 04:06 AM
It has to do with trannies claiming they are women but acting like fags.
And thats ALL I will say on the subject.

I am SURE you know what Im talking about.

Word to the wise... Someone wrote a book that kinda said that. His life didn't go to well after that point. Best keep that one to yourself.

It's a little of both JWBL. The same reasons men and women cheat are involved to different degres's.

Emotionally we are like women. But especially when pre op that key piece of anatomy is just like a man's. It needs proper care and feeding.

I dont agree with that. I think that is just an excuse, especially for the girls that are actually gay men....(im zipping it). I havent had sex with anyone in over 1 year.

03-11-2009, 04:13 AM
I thought this place was a haven for individuals to sit behind their pc's and say what the heck they wanted without fear?!?

Out with it

Solitary ty, Luna ty

don't be shy on this shit if you've got something to say, say it

Solitary Brother
03-11-2009, 04:16 AM
I thought this place was a haven for individuals to sit behind their pc's and say what the heck they wanted without fear?!?

Out with it

Solitary ty, Luna ty

don't be shy on this shit if you've got something to say, say it

Oh no.........
Im hated enough as it is.

03-11-2009, 04:26 AM
Same reason men and women cheat.

Because they have a need, its not being fulfilled and an opportunity arises. Maybe its attention in bed. Often times its attention out of the bed. If they feel that they can't live without what their partner can't or doesn't give them, they cheat.
Now a ts may feel empowered when she gets her look, and has cats chasing her left and right, up and down, and then she turns from the hunted, to the hunter.
It al boils down to whoever has the power is going to be the one with the option to cheat when things go sour.

03-11-2009, 04:38 AM
From what I've observed about the scene, BrendaQG's answer is accurate: it's a little of both. You pretty much have to accept that you have to share them with others. On the other hand, my experiences are limited and it's alwys hard to generalize about a population group. So I look forward to other responses to learn more.

03-11-2009, 04:51 AM
I thought this place was a haven for individuals to sit behind their pc's and say what the heck they wanted without fear?!?

Out with it

Solitary ty, Luna ty

don't be shy on this shit if you've got something to say, say it

Oh no.........
Im hated enough as it is.


03-11-2009, 04:57 AM
The second one.
I wont go into it any further because I will be banned if I do but yep....



i gave up TS quite a while ago. i only come here for the entertainment value. i had 1 TS experience in my life and it was my last. it was a prolonged experience that was so bad and so negative that i will never allow another to get near me. it was probably my fault for trusting this person and giving her the benefit of the doubt. little did i know i was dealing with the biggest con artist i have ever come across and i've known a few.

over a period of time she was able gain my trust at a level to where i would do just about anything for her and i did which cost me dearly. i finally started backing away when she began requesting large amounts of money to back her various ventures, none of which actually came to exist. when i refused things really went down hill and it became her goal to ruin my life on every level possible. she and her TS friends started contacting my employer, family, you name it , she tried it. i will spare you the gory details but you will be able to buy my book...lol

in the end everything came out ok. it turns out that i was not her final target. she had several. i was just a pawn in her game to trap the biggest dupe she could. i was being used to get her target to come out of the closet and commit to her. i was being used to make him jealous.

she got him big time. she's no longer my problem. thank God! but i will never be able to forgive her for what she did. i was at a vulnerable point in my life and she knew it. anyone that takes advantage of another's kindness and generosity when they are in a vulnerable state is the lowest form of human being.

i do know the end result cost her almost $20k and cost me $200. i'm sure her sugar daddy paid the bill and will continue paying for a long, long time.

anybody believe in karma?


03-11-2009, 04:59 AM
Interesting question.I guess if you're an escort clients aren't really"cheating",money would be the motive.But some how,some way,if you're in a serious relationship there comes a time when a hard dick has no conscience.Neither does a wet pussy.TS,male,gg,it don't matter.Cheat
you will.

03-11-2009, 06:34 AM
Believe it or not, ive never cheated personally. But then again i take relatiosnhips very seriously so i wouldnt get involved with someone who didnt satisfy me all around. And if i weren't happy with them i'd leave them before looking for dik elsewhere.

A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! They transition for all the wrong reasons. Some do it for money, some do it for attention, some do it for the boys. A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true. And like someone said earlier, when u have like 300 dudes to 1 chick, its really easy to appreciate variety.

03-11-2009, 06:58 AM
A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true.


03-11-2009, 08:48 AM
I wont go into it any further because I will be banned if I do but yep....

It has to do with trannies claiming they are women but acting like fags.
And thats ALL I will say on the subject.

BAN him for that... LOL :-)

Oh no.........
Im hated enough as it is.

Yeah, join the crowd sweetie... :-)

As for why "trannies" cheat. We only cheat on guys who call us trannies.

TS Jamie :-)

03-11-2009, 09:26 AM
Believe it or not, ive never cheated personally. But then again i take relatiosnhips very seriously so i wouldnt get involved with someone who didnt satisfy me all around. And if i weren't happy with them i'd leave them before looking for dik elsewhere.

A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! They transition for all the wrong reasons. Some do it for money, some do it for attention, some do it for the boys. A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true. And like someone said earlier, when u have like 300 dudes to 1 chick, its really easy to appreciate variety.

:-| Lemme get this straight.... Your saying that real women never cheat? :-/

Did you ever watch "Sex and the City", "Desperate Housewives", or "Divorce Court"? Or how about the many times on Maury where some girl would talk about how the guy she brought in has to be the father and... he is NOT the father. How do ya think that happens?

(I can't believe I have to say this to a well heeled entertainer such as yourself) That's really nieve. I'm sorry but it's true.

Women cheat men cheat all have sex drives. Women cheat because of SEXual and emotional unfulfillment men for the same reason. Just with men it seems that the raw need for release is more..pressing.

Furthermore there is nothing superior about cheating because the dude you are comitted to isn't meeting your emotional needs cheating is cheating.

Quiet Reflections
03-11-2009, 10:10 AM
all girls GG and TG cheat for the same reason,...... they aren't getting something they need at home. i know it sounds simple but i have never met a cheater XX or XY that was satisfied on all fronts( even the meeting going sex addicts i know didn't cheat when home was good). if people came correct and didn't perpetrate the fraud on a constant basis then infidelity would be reduced by half i'm sure. you can argue it if you want but lets be real..... that is the america'd down truth

Quiet Reflections
03-11-2009, 10:19 AM
i think TG's should get a pass. imagine holding back your male instinct with you slutty female side... no bueno!!!!!!
JK.......no seriously they have sex a lot.......JK........but really they do......no i'm just playing...... but really are you dating a escort expecting fidelity who's the ass there!!! no really. who?
TG cheat about the same as everyone else we just notice it more because that's where our attention is focused.

03-11-2009, 01:24 PM
we cheat because we lack the ability to understand that we are so much more then biological entities. think about how little of our intellect we actually utilize. we revert to our id and act on compulsion to satisfy a need. talk to some someone who is truly enlightened and u will see a person that exists at a much higher level and where biological needs, like sex are incorporated into ones total being. then the drive is controlled and stops one from impulse reactions. this is not bs. tap into your intellect and you will be amazed at what you can aspire to. we are so much more then response beings, belive me.

03-11-2009, 02:20 PM
I think it's a question of opportunity and temptation.

There's like 300 guys for every 1 attractive tgirl, all consistantly pining at them.

Imagine if you had those odds in your favor.

I agree, I don't even have half that number coming at me, and it's hard as is.

03-11-2009, 02:24 PM
It has to do with trannies claiming they are women but acting like fags.
And thats ALL I will say on the subject.

I am SURE you know what Im talking about.

It has nothing to do with acting like fags. It has to do with biology. No matter how you slice it the fact is that the brain is the brain. The girls see themselves as women as do we but you can't get around biology.

You can be moned the fuck out, have breast, hips, and (get this) even a pussy, and yet there is no way to change functions that take place within the brain which define the true separation of the sexes.

The mind of a man is geared toward his survival and the pro-creation of the species. Men are also plagued with ego. This doesn't go away because one undergoes hormone treatment. As far as procreation is concerned, women outnumber men something like 4 to 1. If you look at nature you will find this to be the case with many species of mammals and in those scenarios the male is instinctively prone to impregnating as many females as he can. So understand that when anyone that was born with male genitalia finds his or herself in a committed monogamous relationship, that person is going against their nature.

We all want love and no one wants to be cheated on. But the fact is that the only reason that we as humans put so much credence on monogamy is because of the way that religion has shaped society.

Ironically this is one of the main reasons that I'm in love with transsexuals. They have the beauty and femininity of a woman yet there's a certain way that I can related to them that's far greater than the way I can relate to a genetic female.

Sadly though this is the reason that although a transsexual can be monogamous the chances are far less than that of a gg.

03-11-2009, 03:29 PM
All women seek affection and attention. The only difference is that tg's seek attention MORE. They wanna feel special/appreciated and sex is one way to temporarily fill that void. Its human nature to be promiscuous.

03-11-2009, 03:43 PM
men *think* they cheat more than women

but in truth:

they just don't *lie* as well

here's a rule to remember:

pretty women are always fucking

say it again

pretty women are always fucking

and that's surely true for TS as well

bet on it

03-11-2009, 03:58 PM
One word: validation.


Ts CinthyaNY
03-11-2009, 04:42 PM
Because we are Human Being....

Cheat is not only the sexual urge to be with another person but your current bf/hubby/lover, could be too of fulfill other needs that we can't have it in our current relationship without alter it .
Depends on the person and how interrelate with the others who feel interest to have something more than just a "hook up" and how the other person would take us.

To me personally Cheating it's the lack of trust in the person you love, meaning that every relationship it's based in trust, so if you are honest enough to talk to your significant other about what it's missing in your relationship and not able to reach that, well sometimes you have to go somewhere else to find what you do not have home.
Because what I do, I do not consider Sexual intercourse with others Cheating, if I get involved with a man aside from my husband without even let him know, then I am cheating. Fortunately for me my husband understand where I come from and what I need from time to time to allow me to meet and date other man without the fear than I would fall for the other person enough to leave him, I would be not only cheating on him but betraying his trust and love.
I order to you to let your significant other to do that you need more than love, but a very strong bond, a great degree of maturity and open mind.
It can affect to how we grow up, the family we coming from and how you see life and society.
At least I can say that even if my father is polygamist by nature and a cheater, he build my family full of love and trust to each other from the other woman to all my brothers and sister (32 all together btw). So guess when you see that normal, you already have a mindset that it's hard to change and sometimes you find that person who would understand and embrace what you need.
Like I say to me Cheat it's not something I go with. I rather to be honest and if I can I can, if my husband do not feel I should then rather not try to go against.


03-11-2009, 06:45 PM
Surely if you still have a cock and balls then you must still have testosterone pumping through you?
If that shit can make priests and monks go astray, then never mind trannies :/

If someone stays on HRT (doesn't randomly go off it to stay functional) and gets their levels frequently checked, then they can say with a level of certainty what their scientifically measured hormone levels are.

Everyone, including GG's- have SOME testosterone in their system, the question is "how much." I know I can say, from my blood work, that I've had less testosterone in my blood than a typical GG of my age going back to 2003. So to say that "tgirls are all full of testosterone and that causes infidelity" is grossly inaccurate.

Let's also remember that this forum has a biased perspective on tgirls... there are a great many tgirls out there who have so much emotional baggage that they can't stand the thought of sex, any sex- while preop, and therefore avoid it altogether. Those girls generally don't post here, probably don't work as escorts, and probably don't hang out at the clubs- but they're out there & there is far more of them then you'd think.

03-11-2009, 06:48 PM
Believe it or not, ive never cheated personally. But then again i take relatiosnhips very seriously so i wouldnt get involved with someone who didnt satisfy me all around. And if i weren't happy with them i'd leave them before looking for dik elsewhere.

A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! They transition for all the wrong reasons. Some do it for money, some do it for attention, some do it for the boys. A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true. And like someone said earlier, when u have like 300 dudes to 1 chick, its really easy to appreciate variety.

:-| Lemme get this straight.... Your saying that real women never cheat? :-/

GG's cheat all the time, anyone who thinks otherwise has to pull their head out of the sand.

A lot of the places that practice female circumcision forcefully cut up the genitals of GG's for one reason and one reason only. They think that if sex is painful, GG's wouldn't want it and therefore won't cheat.

The underlying fear is that GG's are horny sluts who would go out and have all kinds of crazy sex with strangers if their ability to orgasm isn't compromised.

03-11-2009, 07:14 PM
It has nothing to do with acting like fags. It has to do with biology. No matter how you slice it the fact is that the brain is the brain. The girls see themselves as women as do we but you can't get around biology.

You can be moned the fuck out, have breast, hips, and (get this) even a pussy, and yet there is no way to change functions that take place within the brain which define the true separation of the sexes.

Psyc and anthropology has known for years that there is no such thing as a human instinct. If you take a human and find a way to raise it from birth in TOTAL isolation, that baby will develop no behavioral characteristics- it won't know how to talk, crawl, walk, etc. Socialization is needed to infuse offspring with the characteristics typical of a society. That socialization can, to a degree, come from a nonhuman source (think "abandoned babies raised by wolves in the wild").

The bulk of the "separation of the sexes" is self inflicted. There are cultures that have seemingly reversed gender roles/norms from western culture. That doesn't mean gender isn't static, nature defines the biology but socialization (nurture) defines the role of that biological status.

As far as procreation is concerned, women outnumber men something like 4 to 1.

I dunno if that is true or not for other species, but it certainly isn't the case for humans. At birth, sex status is distributed almost equally (close to 50-50), but as a given generation ages- the men have a habit of dying off faster than the girls (guys are more likely to engage in hard physical labor even in youth, more likely to take irrational risks, etc). By the time of adulthood there are more girls than guys because of the way guys kill themselves off threw stupidity... but that doesn't create a 2 to 1 ratio, nevermind this erroneous 4 to 1 ratio.

We all want love and no one wants to be cheated on. But the fact is that the only reason that we as humans put so much credence on monogamy is because of the way that religion has shaped society.

I would say that is a bit of an oversimplification. Polygamy has a few potential problems that may make monogamy seem like a rational alternative (like the Joseph & his coat of many colors story in the bible... the reason why Jews lift up the veil on wives before finalizing the marriage ceremony is because of all the trouble Joseph's family had, resulting from polygamy gone wrong).

Or, to use a modern example, many guys will rashly conclude that it would be cool to have a dozen wives, without realizing that their amount of stress & drama would increase exponentially with every additional wife that they have. You know that guy is gonna have to straighten out all those cat fights that will unavoidably erupt under such a scenario. All it takes is for one of them to think they're not getting enough of the attention, enough of the guy's lust, enough of the guy's love and all hell can break lose in the household. And since that's about perception (what each wife thinks) then even if the guy somehow manages to totally and entirely treat every wife identically (IMHO this would be impossible), he'd still be screwed if a single one of them feels insecure because they're older or fatter or have smaller tits, don't like the phases of the moon, etc.

And, as if that isn't enough to discourage a guy from thinking "12 wives would be cool"- science has determined that when in close proximity, GG's will change their cycles so it's all timed together. That's right, a household consisting of a guy & his 12 wives also means the poor guy would have to deal with 12 GG's having their periods AT THE SAME TIME IN UNISON every month.

Solitary Brother
03-11-2009, 08:52 PM
This is the problem I have with things.....
The people that cheat are usually CHRONIC cheaters.
The whores and sluts are chronic whores and sluts.
When they meet you they dont tell you that.
They dont go "You know I cheated on every guy I was with but it will be different with you".
Oh no!
They play the Mary Poppins role for a while at least and THEN cheat again.
If you chronic cheaters would say that at the BEGINNING of the relationship
and let the guy choose I would have some respect for you.
But you dont.

I was in the military for 10 years and got a good and up close education in adultery,promiscuity and deceit and I consider myself a Ph.D on the subject.

03-11-2009, 08:54 PM
This is the problem I have with things.....
The people that cheat are usually CHRONIC cheaters.
The whores and sluts are chronic whores and sluts.
When they meet you they dont tell you that.
They dont go "You know I cheated on every guy I was with but it will be different with you".
Oh no!
They play the Mary Poppins role for a while at least and THEN cheat again.
If you chronic cheaters would say that at the BEGINNING of the relationship
and let the guy choose I would have some respect for you.
But you dont.

I was in the military for 10 years and got a good and up close education in adultery,promiscuity and deceit and I consider myself a Ph.D on the subject.

Hannibal Lecter
03-11-2009, 09:23 PM
I was answering Jesse's Maury rant thread and saw this thread below in similar threads http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=42491. Nothing similar about it but I thought it was interesting that no one ever talks about why trannies cheat.

Now I'm not saying that ALL of you ladies cheat but I see enough of it going on here where I live to ask the question. I know a few chicks will probably say something about guys they're with being clients or whatever but the main thing is: IF YOU HAVE A MAN WHY CHEAT?!?

Is it mainly a sex drive thing? Could it possibly be that the dude you're seeing can't satisfy your every need and you have the urge to branch out to get satisfaction elsewhere without sacrificing your current relationship?


Is it all just a cosmic joke? You've embraced being a woman mentally but you still have that "playa" mentality of a man and refuse to give it up?!?

Of course they are cheating, and they always will. They are sexual freaks, their entire perception of the world
is somewhat different from other people's. Although it's a funny thing, watching a dirty bird playing an innocent
hurt little soul. LOL. Priceless.

03-11-2009, 11:40 PM
A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true.


dun be shocked.
being "one of the girls", especially to get a certain type of guy, is the thing now.

03-11-2009, 11:41 PM
A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true.


dun be shocked.
being "one of the girls" is the thing now.Says the blackest guy in america -_-....................Co-Signed

03-11-2009, 11:47 PM
A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true.


dun be shocked.
being "one of the girls" is the thing now.Says the blackest guy in america -_-....................Co-Signed

dont be gettin anymore sand in the cotton.
Massa is already pissed off at Johnny for makin a mud colored baby with kelly.

03-11-2009, 11:48 PM
A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true.


dun be shocked.
being "one of the girls" is the thing now.Says the blackest guy in america -_-....................Co-Signed

dont be gettin anymore sand in the cotton.
Massa is already pissed off at Johnny for makin a mud colored baby with kelly.
LMFAO,Kelly wants yer SM. go do work KNEEEGAHA

03-12-2009, 01:18 AM
Why does any one cheat?
It's not in our nature to be manogomous, yes we try our darnedest but every one cheats. Be it physical, emotional or via IM.

03-12-2009, 02:51 AM
Believe it or not, ive never cheated personally. But then again i take relatiosnhips very seriously so i wouldnt get involved with someone who didnt satisfy me all around. And if i weren't happy with them i'd leave them before looking for dik elsewhere.

A lot of "girls" arent actually girls! They transition for all the wrong reasons. Some do it for money, some do it for attention, some do it for the boys. A lot of them are just competative fags im sorry but its true. And like someone said earlier, when u have like 300 dudes to 1 chick, its really easy to appreciate variety.

signature worthy response, well done and thank you

This is the problem I have with things.....
The people that cheat are usually CHRONIC cheaters.
The whores and sluts are chronic whores and sluts.
When they meet you they dont tell you that.
They dont go "You know I cheated on every guy I was with but it will be different with you".
Oh no!
They play the Mary Poppins role for a while at least and THEN cheat again.
If you chronic cheaters would say that at the BEGINNING of the relationship
and let the guy choose I would have some respect for you.
But you dont.

best reply I think you've ever left

Of course they are cheating, and they always will. They are sexual freaks, their entire perception of the world
is somewhat different from other people's. Although it's a funny thing, watching a dirty bird playing an innocent
hurt little soul. LOL. Priceless.

thanks for your input, I often think this is the case

dont be gettin anymore sand in the cotton.
Massa is already pissed off at Johnny for makin a mud colored baby with kelly.

I never touched Kelz.................... I did pull down that heathens dress when she had the audacity to try and show some leg.......fuckin slut...

One of the reasons I created this thread was to bring light to the fact that is often shadowed by moments of anger via women whether they are GG or TS, and that's that "MEN ARE NOT THE ONLY FOLKS THAT CHEAT!!!!!!!!"

Women (GG's)as stated by an earlier poster (brilliantly I might add) do in fact cheat but are wiser about it. The majority of trannies I've seen attempting to cheat are horrible. I've witnessed slapfights in bars between a TS and a dude, street brawls in front of clubs between TS' over some kid laying in one of their beds at home, and thats just naming a few experiences.

Discretion is key but one of the things I have an issue with is (and this is something GG's do also but not as much) the fact that the girls tell their so-called friends (either under the influence of drugs, a need to break the ice to get hormones or money, or a peace offering to get back in one's good graces after there was a mishap in a friendship) everything. Some girls go as far as fabricating stories to get a guy into an argument with another chick who might have been interested so they can have them. Mind you she might already have a man at home.

Keep the replies coming, the responses have been amazing so far.

03-12-2009, 05:31 AM
men ,women ,tgirls all want what makes them happy ,the sad thing is that they want their cake and to eat it two

03-12-2009, 09:33 PM
Lots of people actually suck at the monogamy thing. Why should t-girls be any different?

03-13-2009, 12:02 AM
Because their partner accepts it....
Because society finds it acceptable

and, for those that hunger for role models,

Because politicians do it! :puke