View Full Version : Question about this family we call Hung Angels

03-06-2009, 02:58 AM
Howdy folks!

I was reading a couple of posts tonight and, rather than hijack a thread, I am tossing out this question(s).

This forum is pretty unique as forums I belong to go. What I mean is, we have folks who fetishize tgirls (just into the porn, escorts and such) and we have women who understand and relate to that. And we have men who live a life dating GGs, TGs, men and everything else and women who understand and relate to that.

Those are two extremely different dynamics that, as evidenced by many threads, don't play well together. The concept of forums, as I understand them, is to unite like minded or acting people. That ain't us. How did such vastly different groups get together? Not that it is a problem to me, but is it a problem to any of y'all? Am I off in my assessment of our family? Hell, is this even and interesting topic? LOL

Apologies for the long-windedness and also if this has been discussed before.

Clark - No glasses

03-06-2009, 03:07 AM
We're here to call each other names and threaten one another. :-)

As for family, well I used to feel that this was sort of a family, but now I think we are all just a bunch of people with social and sexual problems who can't relate outside of others of our ilk. And some people are here to make $$. I'm not sure why I'm here anymore. :-)

This outta get the thread off to a good start!

TS Jamie :-)

03-06-2009, 07:04 AM
You call it a family. I call it a community, the transgender community. A community is anyone who self identifies as a member. But different elements in the community can still have different interests, besides the uniting principle, for example men and women community members.

I have no idea how many people are singed up here, but I bet you could find similarities with that number and city of comparable numbers. I notice the other day one thread had over a million views! So we are talking about a large amount of people. Therefore, sub groups are to be expected.

03-06-2009, 07:37 AM
9 out of 10 days I would say there is no transgendered community only cliques; on that last day I sometimes feel different like maybe there is such a dream as a true community unfortunately I then wake up.

I don't live in NYC I don't have a web site I don't do porn I don't speak the lingual. I just live as a reg girl in a fucking crazy world. Anyways that is my opinion.

You call it a family. I call it a community, the transgender community. A community is anyone who self identifies as a member. But different elements in the community can still have different interests, besides the uniting principle, for example men and women community members.

03-06-2009, 09:35 AM
Good point...that is why some people here get upset when they are called a fag, because of the spectrum of people and i guess the specrum of sexuality here. You would have people here who have sex with guys and enjoy trans sex or at the other end of spectrum you have the guys who go out with genetic girls and enjoy watching a bit of trans sex porn.

03-06-2009, 10:22 AM
I don't see this forum as a "family" ...I just come here for a few laughs.
It can be entertaining here, when it's busy. It's all of the different types of people all one place that in part, makes it entertaining.

03-06-2009, 10:37 AM
Why so many different kinds of people here?

There are few things in life that are great equalizers, among them everyone and (almost) every thing that moves needs to eat, sleep, shit, and fuck.

Basically some involvement with the "transgender" community and adult business is what brings people here.

03-06-2009, 11:15 AM
If this was a family it would be the most drugged out, non-sober, dysfunctional, diabolic, gossiping, paranoid, snitch-filled, and most-forgiving family ever assembled........... in other words it'd be the Carringtons of Dynasty

03-06-2009, 05:11 PM
If this was a family it would be the most drugged out, non-sober, dysfunctional, diabolic, gossiping, paranoid, snitch-filled, and most-forgiving family ever assembled........... in other words it'd be the Carringtons of Dynasty

At first I was hesitant to use the word family, but this definition works perfectly.

Clark - No glasses

03-06-2009, 05:22 PM
"family?" it's a fucking porn board!

A cocklubber is sucking a tgirl while she gets topped by another tgirl, Lord, kumbaya

03-06-2009, 05:35 PM
"family?" it's a fucking porn board!

A cocklubber is sucking a tgirl while she gets topped by another tgirl, Lord, kumbaya

A simple assessment of this forum is a porn board. And I belong to a few porn boards (maybe too many), so I know what they look like. But the number of posts that deal with deeper TG issues would lead most to believe it isn't.

One man's opinion, though.

Clark - No glasses

Ts CinthyaNY
03-06-2009, 09:44 PM
If this was a family it would be the most drugged out, non-sober, dysfunctional, diabolic, gossiping, paranoid, snitch-filled, and most-forgiving family ever assembled........... in other words it'd be the Carringtons of Dynasty

I go with this... Perfect description JW... +1