View Full Version : Just Saw the Watchmen

03-05-2009, 06:55 PM
and I honestly do not recall seeing a worse movie in many years.

Two and half hours of self indulgence disguised in a pretty wrapper.I feel like the kid who got suckered twice...once by "300" and yet again now.

The only positive thing I can say about this boring,disjointed pile of shit is at least I know what Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears grew up to look like.

03-05-2009, 07:33 PM
Thanks for comparing it to 300! That movie sucked rotten eggs. I will definitely avoid Watchmen, despite it showing at a very nice theatre just down the street from me.

03-05-2009, 08:26 PM
Odelay 300 was bad fucking ass...The thing is Watchmen came out 2 years too early I knew they would bust it the fuck up Marvel allows Directors to screw things up...Maybe to intrigue the children of today but is off the Old school. lol...Other than that you are still entilted to the opinion....O yea Johnny I told you mutherfucker lol.

03-05-2009, 08:27 PM
Hahaha. Tell us how you really feel, DJ. :soapbox

03-05-2009, 09:18 PM
Somebody actually went to watch that crap...

03-05-2009, 09:21 PM
Odelay 300 was bad fucking ass...The thing is Watchmen came out 2 years too early I knew they would bust it the fuck up Marvel allows Directors to screw things up...Maybe to intrigue the children of today but is off the Old school. lol...Other than that you are still entilted to the opinion....O yea Johnny I told you mutherfucker lol.

what the hell are you talking about? watchmen is a DC comic book, and this movie is one of the most faithful adaptations ever.

as far the OP is concerned, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. but don't think you really "got it" self-indulgence as a theme is prolly number 50 on the list of 100 different topics the graphic novel and subsequently the movie attempt to speak on

03-05-2009, 09:34 PM
Mr Buttermaker was still a damn fine LL manager!

03-05-2009, 09:57 PM
I have to see this movie now,then I can judge if it's crappy or not.

03-05-2009, 10:53 PM
I wonder how many people are going to see this thinking "ohh another comic movie" and then think it's crap when it isn't like IronMan or Batman?

Watchmen was pivotal in changing the way comics were written and laid out. It's supposed to be a deconstruction of the superhero genre not just another flashy caped hero story.

I'm curious to know if any of those who hated the movie read the comics.

03-05-2009, 11:36 PM
im going saturday with a group of the girls. i love comic movies, and i hope ilike this one

03-05-2009, 11:41 PM
Ruby, I went with a girl who said the same thing, she loves comic book movies and sadly she was disappointed. However as a huge fan of the source material, I loved it. This is not your typical comic book movie, so just keep that in mind when you see the film.

Jim Brown
03-06-2009, 12:05 AM
and I honestly do not recall seeing a worse movie in many years.

Two and half hours of self indulgence disguised in a pretty wrapper.I feel like the kid who got suckered twice...once by "300" and yet again now.

Wow, if you thought 300 hundred sucked...well I'm def. gonna see Watchmen now....I wont wait to download it. I'm gonna actually pay money to see it just because you said 300 sucked. Your movie loving scale is like the opposite of mine.

03-06-2009, 12:08 AM
I wonder how many people are going to see this thinking "ohh another comic movie" and then think it's crap when it isn't like IronMan or Batman?

Watchmen was pivotal in changing the way comics were written and laid out. It's supposed to be a deconstruction of the superhero genre not just another flashy caped hero story.

I'm curious to know if any of those who hated the movie read the comics.

Well said.

This movie is not supposed to be like X-Men, Spiderman, TDK, or the other comic-movies. The novel (listed as one of Time's greatest 100 novels written, and possibly the best graphic novel ever) is not typical to those stories. According to reviews from those who know the source material, it is actually reviewed quite well. I am seeing it tomorrow, and I will walk in as unbiased as I can for someone who read the book. I hope that people that did not read the book can walk in and not expect it to be another Iron Man, but I guess the ticket sales and reviews will let us know.

03-06-2009, 01:20 AM
and I honestly do not recall seeing a worse movie in many years.

Two and half hours of self indulgence disguised in a pretty wrapper.I feel like the kid who got suckered twice...once by "300" and yet again now.

The only positive thing I can say about this boring,disjointed pile of shit is at least I know what Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears grew up to look like.

You could have watched "Little Children" and saw both, a grown up Kelly Leak, and a great Film. As for "Watcman", I hated "300", so ill probably never see it. If its great movie, well thats my loss.

03-06-2009, 01:45 AM
300 was a great flawless adaptation of Frank Miller's vision i thought......

ya, if you went in with the same expectations as Iron Man, X-Men, Batman, or any of the other generic comic storylines then you were wrong, very wrong to do so! im looking forward to a change of pace in the comic movie genre.

I could be wrong, but everyone underestimates how big this movie just may be.

03-06-2009, 03:31 AM
To be perfectly honest, while i've not seen it yet, I do NOT get the hype. It's yet ANOTHER "Comic Superhero Movie." Wow. That blows my mind. Right.

I know some people were raised on comics and get an orgasm whenever they see 'DC' by a movie, but that really isn't enough for me.

Still, I'll be fair and listen. Any of you who are crazy about this, explain to me how this will be so radically different than the 10,000 other Comic Superhero Movies that have came out over the last several years....

Solitary Brother
03-06-2009, 03:40 AM
3 hundred?
Yeah they could have done WAY more with this movie but the visuals were amazing.

03-06-2009, 03:56 AM
I'm going to see it soon

03-06-2009, 04:08 AM
To be perfectly honest, while i've not seen it yet, I do NOT get the hype. It's yet ANOTHER "Comic Superhero Movie." Wow. That blows my mind. Right.

I know some people were raised on comics and get an orgasm whenever they see 'DC' by a movie, but that really isn't enough for me.

Still, I'll be fair and listen. Any of you who are crazy about this, explain to me how this will be so radically different than the 10,000 other Comic Superhero Movies that have came out over the last several years....


03-06-2009, 04:13 AM
300 was bad fucking ass...

:smh Gayest movie this side of gay porn :smh

That explains a lot about what happens in chat!

Going to IMAX to see Watchmen this weekend

03-06-2009, 05:25 AM
What I keep reading from the defenders of 300 and this film is how wonderful an adaptation it is...Im not doubting that at all.

Fact is the vast majority of humankind has never read either soutce material,so if its goal is to appeal to its core followers than perhaps you may enjoy it if you read the series.I did not.Im also not a person going in expecting another X-Men or Spiderman either...disliked those flicks too...in fact "Dark Knight" is about the only comic based movie I really liked.

The bottom line is what took this movie 2 hours and 46 minutes couldve easily been told in an hour and a half.Further its neither exciting,sad,funny,deep,dramatic,scary...its NOTHING...again a self celebratory vehicle to show off what cool imagery the SFX crew could pull ouuta their hats,and in between shots of The Twin Towers this movie offers nothing dead dark space...

DJ gives this movie a 2 outta 10...truly awful.

Solitary Brother
03-06-2009, 05:35 AM
What I keep reading from the defenders of 300 and this film is how wonderful an adaptation it is...Im not doubting that at all.

Fact is the vast majority of humankind has never read either soutce material,so if its goal is to appeal to its core followers than perhaps you may enjoy it if you read the series.I did not.Im also not a person going in expecting another X-Men or Spiderman either...disliked those flicks too...in fact "Dark Knight" is about the only comic based movie I really liked.

The bottom line is what took this movie 2 hours and 46 minutes couldve easily been told in an hour and a half.Further its neither exciting,sad,funny,deep,dramatic,scary...its NOTHING...again a self celebratory vehicle to show off what cool imagery the SFX crew could pull ouuta their hats,and in between shots of The Twin Towers this movie offers nothing dead dark space...

DJ gives this movie a 2 outta 10...truly awful.

Yeah your right
But how many movies of this genre that are made in the U.S are any good anyways?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was made by a New Zealander that Hollywood now hates.
I just think Hollywood is very uncreative and money hungry hence the mediocre films.

03-06-2009, 05:44 AM
Yeah your right
But how many movies of this genre that are made in the U.S are any good anyways?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was made by a New Zealander that Hollywood now hates.
I just think Hollywood is very uncreative and money hungry hence the mediocre films.

That's cus he made me spend 3 hours of my life that I'll never get back watching a pos movie about an ape in which almost half the movie it seems took place on the stupid ship....

03-06-2009, 05:53 AM

I went and saw this and it kicked all sorts of ass. People who liked the source material will like it. People who like darker toned material will probably like it but others may not.

The point of watchmen is it's a deconstruction of superheroes

Dr Manhatten is a Superman type whose sheer level of power means he simply cannot relate to normal humans.

Rorschach is a Batman type but one so obsessed he is totally non functional as anythin else.

The Comedian is Captain America if Cptain America was a tad right of Hitler politically

etc etc

Normally superheroes in films are noble and self sacrificing. In watchmen they are much more like the dysfunctional freaks who do extreme things in the real world.

I undestand how some people will absolutly hate it. Thats their right but the truth is it's got something to say and a lot of films dont.

03-06-2009, 06:20 AM
The point of watchmen is it's a deconstruction of superheroes

thats probably the most you could say about watchmen in the least amount of words....pretty much sums it up. it shows what the world would be like if these ppl actually existed, in real life, and how world history would be affected. that's all. it shouldnt be some flashy bang bang childhood comic dream come true....it goes beyond that.

03-06-2009, 06:21 AM
I wonder how many people are going to see this thinking "ohh another comic movie" and then think it's crap when it isn't like IronMan or Batman?

Watchmen was pivotal in changing the way comics were written and laid out. It's supposed to be a deconstruction of the superhero genre not just another flashy caped hero story.

I'm curious to know if any of those who hated the movie read the comics.nerd

03-06-2009, 07:04 AM
I went out and bought the Watchmen graphic novel and read it. It's a great story until the last chapter. The ending kinda throws you, and it seems hurried. However, the great experience is the reading and looking at Dave Gibbon's really detailed scenes - pick them apart, there's a lot of detail in there. Then you realize it's not really about the story, but how the story is told. Of course, if you don't have patience for that kind of thing, you wont like it. So much for the book.

The movie almost seems overhyped, with a lot of viral marketing websites created for it. Certainly a lush production for what many will say is a bloated film about an obscure graphic novel that only sees the light of day at ComiCon. If you decide to go see the movie, I'd say the biggest enjoyment will probably be the actual experience of having the story told to you...

that's my two cents...

03-06-2009, 07:24 AM

Jim Brown
03-06-2009, 07:27 AM

:) :D

03-06-2009, 07:45 AM
Odelay 300 was bad fucking ass...The thing is Watchmen came out 2 years too early I knew they would bust it the fuck up Marvel allows Directors to screw things up...Maybe to intrigue the children of today but is off the Old school. lol...Other than that you are still entilted to the opinion....O yea Johnny I told you mutherfucker lol.

what the hell are you talking about? watchmen is a DC comic book, and this movie is one of the most faithful adaptations ever.

as far the OP is concerned, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. but don't think you really "got it" self-indulgence as a theme is prolly number 50 on the list of 100 different topics the graphic novel and subsequently the movie attempt to speak onBah 2 hrs of sleep will make you forget lol. My bad Talking to ruby about Origins etc...

03-06-2009, 10:16 AM
and proud of it.

Give me the latest Batman over a copy of Cosmo any day!

03-07-2009, 09:37 AM
I've been an avid reader and casual collector of comics since the early 80's. I remember when "Watchmen" first hit the stands. I was immediately hooked on the works of Alan Moore and I honestly believe that "Watchmen" is the greatest graphic novel/limited series (depending on you own it) ever written.

That being said, I offer this...if you read "Watchmen" and loved it even half as much as I did then, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT GO SEE THE MOVIE. I believe, with certainty, that you will walk away from the film with as much disappointment and frustration as I did.

Now, this is all my opinion of course and this post just may very well spurn some people to go see it. If you must go see it, then my best advice is fo you to try and forget that you ever read it...you will enjoy the film much more.

03-08-2009, 06:23 AM
I just saw the movie and I really liked it. I thought it did a fine job of capturing the essence of the novel. The changes made were improvements in my opinion.

I don't think anyone could have done it better - unless they would have split it into three movies.

Even the person who I went with liked it and they had no prior Watchmen experience. The theater was packed by the way.

03-08-2009, 06:31 AM
I saw Watchmen yesterday - Friday, and loved it. The introduction - first five toe 10 minutes was worth the price of admission. This is an alternartive history of the second half of the 20th Century (among other things).

The score was great. Some of the acting could have been better.

This was not just another Costume Hero movie. And it had a very nice undertone of pure kink. I can't wait to see the unrated Directors Cut on Blu-Ray.

03-08-2009, 06:51 AM
Inspired by Ruby's Marvel thread, here's who I see as Watchmen here on HA :

Oxymandias - Nyce
Dr. Manhattan - JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel
The Comedian - Chefmike
Silk Spectre - Jennifer Paris
Nite Owl - me since I'd get to sleep with JP
Rorschach - Jennifer Justice for her unrelenting pursuit of faggotry

Loved the book, loved the movie. Casting was dead on. This movie is proof positive that nerds are taking over the world ....

03-08-2009, 08:31 AM
I also hated 300 I was told by my bro not to see watchmen too. was it like as brian posehn says "where your uncle sticks his penis in your ear"?

03-08-2009, 09:57 AM
I really liked it. It was long and I suppose slow to ADD folks who demand constant explosions but I never noticed, I really got into the story (I was surprised at how long it was when I finally looked at the time when it was over). It was dark and gritty (as I understand the comic was) and made me wish I'd read the comic as the characters were really intriguing. The punctuations of extreme violence added to the story and were a reminder that justice/heroism isn't always as glorious/romantic as people want to believe.

03-08-2009, 11:09 AM
I'm on the fence about seeing it.

I read the comic. I liked the comic. I certainly don't think it was the greatest comic of all time like most fanatics do. But I'm definitely willing to call it Alan Moore's Magnum Opus.

I personally think that Frank Miller pulled off a better deconstruction with The Dark Knight Returns and the more contemporary (although rarely seen) All Star Batman and Robin.

My biggest problem with Watchmen has always been the fact that it's totally character driven; every time I read it, I always caught myself just drifting through the thought/speech bubbles just because I wanted to get to the next part that involved Rorschach rather than to immerse myself in the story. You might as well go pick up Steve Ditko's "The Question" (the character whom the creation of Rorschach was inspired by) and leave yourself content with him (although, Ditko's creation as he made him only lasted a few issues before DC bought the character and gutted him like a fish). If it weren't for a few plot points of interest provided by the Comedian, I probably wouldn't bother buying the book.

In which case, the story's conclusion was just so ridiculous--and I'm not talking about what happened to Rorschach0. What the Watchmen decide to do in the end makes sense according to their authoritative mentalities, which was Moore's point. But to say that they'd be given the opportunity to make such a decision based on what Ozymandias did is ludicrous. I mean, seriously: It wouldn't work.

If the movie's totally faithful, that means I'll just being seeing this same story played out on screen with beautiful visuals. I'm not sure if those visuals and the Rorschach segments will be worth ten bucks and 3 hours of my life.

03-08-2009, 05:39 PM
This movie sucked!

03-11-2009, 02:05 PM
I thought it was pretty good. Long, but good.

Bob's Tgirls
03-12-2009, 10:05 AM
Hey buddy, I thought I was the only one who felt this way.

03-12-2009, 06:08 PM
Watchmen was probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I took my son and my gf to see it last weekend and was very disappointed. It was way too long and the story was something out of a true geeky, nerd, dorks fantasy world. I suppose if you are a geeky, nerdy, dorky kind of guy, you will love this movie.

03-12-2009, 08:13 PM
I saw Watchmen last Friday and I loved it. I've never read the graphic novel and I never even heard of it until plans for the movie were announced. I stayed away from the novel because I wanted to see the movie fresh with as few preconceptions as possible. The friend I saw it with read the novel before seeing the movie and felt it was a faithful adaptation except for the ending.

03-24-2009, 05:13 AM
i would have figured all the cock hounds here would have loved a blue dick shown throughout the movie.

03-26-2009, 08:19 PM
Ok, I try to give a vote without thinking about Silk Spectre II, that wonderful girls, that perfect smile, the long hairs, all tahat latex... DOH!

Leaving Silk Spectre to the movie, I'm one of those who were disappointed after watching the movie.
just because I had read the graphic novel and loved it.
Watchmen - the Movie, in my humble opinion, is still better than a lot of other superheroes movies of the last years. It isn't a bad movie, it's that it was impossible to describe all the complexity, the sub-plots and the parallel-plots of the original novel. As example I can mention the miracle that Peter Jackson did with Lord of the Ring. It was impossible to put all that saga in 3 movies, and it was impossible to do the same for Watchmen.
So... in a scale from 1 to 10 my vote is 8.

04-01-2009, 05:04 AM
I love this movie! I've read the comic, in fact I read comics all the time. This is 1 of the most faithful adaptations so far.

Yes they changed the ending & took out a big subplot, but it still worked.


04-01-2009, 05:05 AM
I was torn. Loved the comic and thought the movie was ok, not great.

04-01-2009, 07:32 AM
watchmen was a good film ... fools

04-01-2009, 03:01 PM
I was ready to be hyper critical of this film and went to see it with nervous intrepedation - I read the book when it first came out though I am not a big fan of comics especially but I will read something once in a blue moon. I re-read the graphic novel again sometime around 96 when I figured I was older and more mature to take in some of its subtleties in the plot and understand the message that the book was trying to achieve.

I went with my partner to see the film at the IMAX, it was sold out months in advance. I knew the bits from the book that had been removed from the cinema release cut, but I also knew that all these sections had been filmed and would be back on the DVD (Under the hood, the comic at the newstand and so on) So I wasn't looking for or expecting to see any of this material and as cuts went I thought these were wise choices.

I thought it was a very faithful adaptation and if it had tried to please everyone or spoonfed people who hadn't read the book, it would have entertained no one. Clearly people's views on it are very split here but I certainly didn't think the film was all style and no substance. It was one of the best adaptations I had seen in a long way, and rightly markedly different from the other superheros films of late - this is simply a different kind of movie. As someone else pointed out, it almost explains what the reality of having superheroes in our lives would be - disasterous, as they are as weak as everyone else in society, just in different ways.

I for one am relieved that it wasn't another shovel from Hollywood of more of the same and finacially it's broken even already so someone made the right decision.

Ny personal gripes are that a couple of action orientated moments from the film are missing, and they could have added a bit of pace if included.

Roll on the DVD, i'll be buying one. My partner who knew nothing about the book or the film before hand, love it.

04-01-2009, 07:13 PM
I think the movie was great, but I can understand why some people totally hate it. I really think it depends how deep you interpret the meaning. The way I see it, this characters in the story represent different segments in society and how they work together. And they try to change different facts in history that we aren't use too. So someone who really doesn't like to throw their imagination on the sort of "what if" scenario may not like what they are doing.

04-01-2009, 08:07 PM
to all the people who says that watchmen sucks think about this at least it was better than Batman and robin thank God and 300 was 100 times better than watchmen

Tara Emory
04-01-2009, 08:34 PM
I saw it last weekend (I like my theatres to be mostly empty), and I enjoyed it immensely

I hadn't seen the comic book, so I didn't know what to expect.. I don't think the backstories really bogged things down, since there was always great stuff to look at that kept me interested.

I will be reading the comic now, but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in it, since what I've seen of the comic book is done in a fairly generic, 80's comic book style. If the comic looked like the movie, it might interest me more. I'm not much of a fan of the Kirby sort of look, where all the guys look exactly the same, and all the women look like the Invisble girl from the Fantastic Four...


04-01-2009, 09:56 PM
The Watchmen was awesome adaption of the graphic novel. The problem is it was written never to be a movie.

Most people forget that this was written almost 30 years ago. Before the internet, before all these special effects, they were talking about making the movie back in the early 90's with Arnold as Dr. Manhattan.

You cannot compare it to any superhero movie because all of those were written with screen plays. The Watchmen used the graphic novel as the screen play. This is why it is very long. I am glad made it, was I disappointed not really. I wish they used the alien instead of blaming Dr. Manhattan. To compare the characters to other superheros is kind of silly and a waste of time.

04-02-2009, 03:38 AM
Ok here's why I thought it was a terrible movie:

1. Almost 3hrs when the action and plots only needed 1 & 1/2 hrs - it didn't need explosions but it needed something rather than gratuitous sex, blue penis, overblown speeches and cheesy looking Mars sequences(was that special effects from the early 90s?). It took 45min just to get out the "introduction" part of the plot

2. Silk Spectre - she is supposed to be an actress right? Singers / rappers have often done way better than that POS.

3. The Comedian's death as a plot point - we're supposed to care about the death of a guy who was really a rapist? okay - I get the human point of the "superhero"

4. The Smartest Man in the World (Don't remember and don't care to Google his name or character) -- really?! that's all I need to say -- plus another subpar acting job

5. Dr Manhattan -- "I care about some humans, all humans, no humans, I'm on Mars, I forgot that humans need oxygen, I love someone, I couldn't care less about them; I can sacrifice humanity, I care that I gave some people cancer from exposure to me" attitude -- way more waffling than a political candidate on his motivation.

6. Music -- Someone just pressed play on a College Radio Station Jukebox and hoped for the best. The music during funerals and love scenes almost had me laughing out loud.

7 Richard Nixon - did someone think the outrageous nose was funny? I remember Richard Nixon (althought much later in his life) and that sir was no Richard Nixon makeup.

I could go on and on. And yes you can find flaws in every movie about anachronisms, plot / motivation mistakes or some dead girl in a window. It's just that this movie either thought it was way better than it was (i.e., it was the Art History major of the movie college campus). I will admit that the credit sequence showing the Minutemen and the fight scene with an aging comedian were awesome. But that actually contributed to the ungreatness of this movie. I had such high expectations the rest of the movie and it never even came close.

It was like an 11 year old kid that saw something awesome (like two lobsters fighting with knives) and he got so excited, ran to his parents to tell them and left out a whole bunch of important parts to make the story intriguing. This movie tried to build bunkbeds and get so many activities done but end up crushing their step brother.

It may be faithful to the novel (don't know - never read it) and that's fantastic that someone actually made a faithful representation. Maybe that's the problem, it was too faithful. If you've ever read a Tom Robbins novel; it would also be a tragic film to play faithful to the book. But it was totally forgettable except that it was so bad that it is in my top 10 of worst movies ever. Bad acting by several players + bad special effects (even with a big budget) + overly long + several other negative X factors = really bad movie.

Tiffany Anne
04-03-2009, 06:35 AM
I saw it last weekend (I like my theatres to be mostly empty), and I enjoyed it immensely

I was hoping you liked it...and really hoping you'll be inspired to do a Silk Spectre shoot :peanutbutter

I will be reading the comic now, but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in it, since what I've seen of the comic book is done in a fairly generic, 80's comic book style. If the comic looked like the movie, it might interest me more. I'm not much of a fan of the Kirby sort of look, where all the guys look exactly the same, and all the women look like the Invisble girl from the Fantastic Four...

Gibbons isn't really of the Kirby school (well no more than anyone working in comics is). Don't focus on the rendering of the art, so much as the actual story telling of it. Alan Moore gets all the press about Watchmen...but Dave Gibbons is an equal part of it his storytelling, how things are layed out..reoccuring art themes are what brings it from a nice story to a truly great book.

04-03-2009, 08:53 AM
Ok here's why I thought it was a terrible movie:

1. Almost 3hrs when the action and plots only needed 1 & 1/2 hrs - it didn't need explosions but it needed something rather than gratuitous sex, blue penis, overblown speeches and cheesy looking Mars sequences(was that special effects from the early 90s?). It took 45min just to get out the "introduction" part of the plot

2. Silk Spectre - she is supposed to be an actress right? Singers / rappers have often done way better than that POS.

3. The Comedian's death as a plot point - we're supposed to care about the death of a guy who was really a rapist? okay - I get the human point of the "superhero"

4. The Smartest Man in the World (Don't remember and don't care to Google his name or character) -- really?! that's all I need to say -- plus another subpar acting job

5. Dr Manhattan -- "I care about some humans, all humans, no humans, I'm on Mars, I forgot that humans need oxygen, I love someone, I couldn't care less about them; I can sacrifice humanity, I care that I gave some people cancer from exposure to me" attitude -- way more waffling than a political candidate on his motivation.

6. Music -- Someone just pressed play on a College Radio Station Jukebox and hoped for the best. The music during funerals and love scenes almost had me laughing out loud.

7 Richard Nixon - did someone think the outrageous nose was funny? I remember Richard Nixon (althought much later in his life) and that sir was no Richard Nixon makeup.

I could go on and on. And yes you can find flaws in every movie about anachronisms, plot / motivation mistakes or some dead girl in a window. It's just that this movie either thought it was way better than it was (i.e., it was the Art History major of the movie college campus). I will admit that the credit sequence showing the Minutemen and the fight scene with an aging comedian were awesome. But that actually contributed to the ungreatness of this movie. I had such high expectations the rest of the movie and it never even came close.

It was like an 11 year old kid that saw something awesome (like two lobsters fighting with knives) and he got so excited, ran to his parents to tell them and left out a whole bunch of important parts to make the story intriguing. This movie tried to build bunkbeds and get so many activities done but end up crushing their step brother.

It may be faithful to the novel (don't know - never read it) and that's fantastic that someone actually made a faithful representation. Maybe that's the problem, it was too faithful. If you've ever read a Tom Robbins novel; it would also be a tragic film to play faithful to the book. But it was totally forgettable except that it was so bad that it is in my top 10 of worst movies ever. Bad acting by several players + bad special effects (even with a big budget) + overly long + several other negative X factors = really bad movie.

I was disappointed with the movie as well. I've been a big comics fan for 2o years now and felt that Watchment could have been so much more. I was actually quite happy with the first half of the movie, but then it began going downhill for me. However, I think some of the points you are taking exception with need to be addressed:

1. Because you never read the graphic novel, you don't understand that just getting the movie into 3hrs. was a major task because everything you saw was relevant.
2. Come on...she wasn't that bad...plus she was hot.
3. The Comedian's death is THE plot point...if it didn't happen, none of the Watchmen would have gotten involved. It is probably the most critical plot point.
4. Ozymandias/Adrian....yes, he really is that smart. As for his portrayal on screen...yes, the character really is that aloof and somewhat arrogant.
5. Dr. Manhattan...this is a character that undergoes the most drastic changes and evolution of all the characters...of course he is going to go through multiple phases.
7. The whole point was to make Nixon seem larger than life.

I think if you purchase and read the graphic novel, you'll have a better appreciation of why these things were made the way they were made.

04-03-2009, 02:11 PM
1. Because you never read the graphic novel, you don't understand that just getting the movie into 3hrs. was a major task because everything you saw was relevant.
2. Come on...she wasn't that bad...plus she was hot.
3. The Comedian's death is THE plot point...if it didn't happen, none of the Watchmen would have gotten involved. It is probably the most critical plot point.
4. Ozymandias/Adrian....yes, he really is that smart. As for his portrayal on screen...yes, the character really is that aloof and somewhat arrogant.
5. Dr. Manhattan...this is a character that undergoes the most drastic changes and evolution of all the characters...of course he is going to go through multiple phases.
7. The whole point was to make Nixon seem larger than life.

I think if you purchase and read the graphic novel, you'll have a better appreciation of why these things were made the way they were made.

I totally can understand where the movie would be so much better if I had read the graphic novel. The point of any movie is that it should have an introduction, major plot point, rising action, climax & resolution. The movie was not successful on its own. Maybe they should have made two movies.
And yes I realize that The Comedian's death was the plot point. It's just a piss poor one. I even thought what was said in the movie: "One death isn't a trend for killing all the watchmen."
I've always said if there's something I can't describe well to someone. That means I don't understand it well enough. And if characters can't translate to the screen (e.g., Ozymandias (weak name BTW -- I get the reference) and Dr Manhattan), that means that the people didn't understand them well enough to translate them to the viewing public.

I think it's a very strong possibility, the movie may have been too faithful to the novel. Maybe the subjects were too intense. Maybe they tried to cram too much in.
Again I didn't read it. But that doesn't mean I can't pick out a very very bad movie. And there was no excuse for most of the acting, trite dialogue, crazy bad costumes, the intolerable prison sequence (that was in the movie why - don't say because it was in the book; could have been left out -- added nothing to the MOVIE plot) and bad music and special effects.
That was the first movie I ever thought about walking out on. I didn't just because I was at a movie tavern and I had food and hadn't received my check yet.
That movie just tried so hard. I'll give it that.

04-04-2009, 01:33 AM
1. Because you never read the graphic novel, you don't understand that just getting the movie into 3hrs. was a major task because everything you saw was relevant.
2. Come on...she wasn't that bad...plus she was hot.
3. The Comedian's death is THE plot point...if it didn't happen, none of the Watchmen would have gotten involved. It is probably the most critical plot point.
4. Ozymandias/Adrian....yes, he really is that smart. As for his portrayal on screen...yes, the character really is that aloof and somewhat arrogant.
5. Dr. Manhattan...this is a character that undergoes the most drastic changes and evolution of all the characters...of course he is going to go through multiple phases.
7. The whole point was to make Nixon seem larger than life.

I think if you purchase and read the graphic novel, you'll have a better appreciation of why these things were made the way they were made.

I totally can understand where the movie would be so much better if I had read the graphic novel. The point of any movie is that it should have an introduction, major plot point, rising action, climax & resolution. The movie was not successful on its own. Maybe they should have made two movies.
And yes I realize that The Comedian's death was the plot point. It's just a piss poor one. I even thought what was said in the movie: "One death isn't a trend for killing all the watchmen."
I've always said if there's something I can't describe well to someone. That means I don't understand it well enough. And if characters can't translate to the screen (e.g., Ozymandias (weak name BTW -- I get the reference) and Dr Manhattan), that means that the people didn't understand them well enough to translate them to the viewing public.

I think it's a very strong possibility, the movie may have been too faithful to the novel. Maybe the subjects were too intense. Maybe they tried to cram too much in.
Again I didn't read it. But that doesn't mean I can't pick out a very very bad movie. And there was no excuse for most of the acting, trite dialogue, crazy bad costumes, the intolerable prison sequence (that was in the movie why - don't say because it was in the book; could have been left out -- added nothing to the MOVIE plot) and bad music and special effects.
That was the first movie I ever thought about walking out on. I didn't just because I was at a movie tavern and I had food and hadn't received my check yet.
That movie just tried so hard. I'll give it that.

The point I was trying to make was that if you read the graphic novel, then you won't near as critical, especially concerning The Comedian's death and the characterizations of Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias. The translation from the written work to the screen had to be as faithful as possible; otherwise, the impact of the story would have been lost. Of course, your opinion is always valid and cannot simply be dismissed; however, I believe if you read the graphic novel, your criticisms will soften considerably.

04-11-2009, 05:51 PM
The point I was trying to make was that if you read the graphic novel, then you won't near as critical, especially concerning The Comedian's death and the characterizations of Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias. The translation from the written work to the screen had to be as faithful as possible; otherwise, the impact of the story would have been lost. Of course, your opinion is always valid and cannot simply be dismissed; however, I believe if you read the graphic novel, your criticisms will soften considerably.

I can agree on that. I went to see The Matrix 2 with some people that hadn't seen The Matrix. Half of those people thought Matrix 2 was crap (and it kind of was). Matrix 2 wasn't near as good as the first one but necessary in the trilogy.
So I can definitely see knowing the source material as almost required. I think that the screenwriters may have been able to gloss over or recreate some things to make the movie more novice friendly. I know it may be sacrilegious and disappointing to those that like the graphic novels. But maybe the screenwriters shouldn't have been so faithful to the graphic novels. Same as in the Matrix and in other projects, I think that "the religion" of the project betrays the storytelling occasionally.

But again, I could totally see knowing the motivations of these characters from the getgo would have helped me extremely and made it an easier movie to watch.

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
04-11-2009, 07:35 PM
I found that it was really the comics acted out in a movie which I liked but some people may not I probably wouldn't recommend this to someone who has no intent on reading a watchmen comic also I want to say I read the comics first and some of my friends wanted to see the movie and then read the comics and they didn't seem to enjoy it as much until after they read the comics

06-14-2009, 01:02 AM
In short - Watchmen was crap.

06-20-2009, 11:02 PM
there's no comparison betwixt 300 and Watchmen,imo.
300 wasn't even close to being burdened and loaded with over-dialogue.
Watchmen was the longest, restless, drawn out 3 and half hour superhero movie i have ever seen.

06-21-2009, 12:29 AM
Hmm, I haven't seen this movie, but I dug 300. I like OP's Roy Batty avatar, frigging bad-ass!

06-21-2009, 12:52 AM
you deserve to get punched in the face for sayin that 300 wasnt good..u must not like gladiator or tombstone either fag

02-20-2011, 05:45 PM
Alan Moore. The writer of Watchmen.... And by anarchy he means a society free from coercion or authority. Would it work? Who knows.

YouTube - Alan Moore on Anarchism (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKfF-nxjDi0)

02-20-2011, 07:20 PM
The comics are always better than the movies imo.

And the Dr Manhattan section of the film was long winded but it's the best movie adapted from Moore's work so far.

02-20-2011, 09:57 PM
I love the comic and I love the movie...fuckin idiots who say the Comic is better...its exactly the same minus the stupid fuckin space squid.

02-20-2011, 10:30 PM
Hey ... Calamari the Corrupter was an integral part to the story. He was a metaphor.

02-20-2011, 10:46 PM
But Watchmen stuck to the source material and that's what made it great.

Now bring on this ...

02-20-2011, 11:22 PM
The only positive thing I can say about this boring,disjointed pile of shit is at least I know what Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears grew up to look like.

Is he still as ugly as he was when he was a kid? I saw him in a terrible film from the eighties when he was probably in his late teens. Freaky looking dude.

02-20-2011, 11:34 PM
and I honestly do not recall seeing a worse movie in many years.

Two and half hours of self indulgence disguised in a pretty wrapper.I feel like the kid who got suckered twice...once by "300" and yet again now.

The only positive thing I can say about this boring,disjointed pile of shit is at least I know what Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears grew up to look like.

Was it "Losin' It" ?

It had him , Tom Cruise (i think) going to Mexico to get laid.

Nevermind that was Jackie Earl Haley i was thinking of.

No, no. Nice call! I couldn't remember the title but you got it. Remember he was wearing that stupid hat?

02-20-2011, 11:36 PM
Looked like Bing Crosby.

Buddy Wood stole his hat.

02-20-2011, 11:38 PM
He got a new deal playing as Freddy in the new Elm Street trilogy.

02-21-2011, 12:49 AM
He got a new deal playing as Freddy in the new Elm Street trilogy.

Very fitting.

10-02-2011, 03:05 AM
I luv this movie. I had heard of the graphic novel back in 94 or so but never really bothered to find out about it.

10-02-2011, 04:36 AM
I can understand why you might be disappointed with this film if you went in thinking its a superhero movie.

Because its not.

300 was a great movie too. Just like "Shoot em up" was awesome too. Just dont expect something thought provoking from films like these, take them as they are, as popcorn movies.

10-02-2011, 12:11 PM
i loved watchemen:)

10-02-2011, 12:58 PM
i loved watchemen:)

Like this bloke?

10-03-2011, 01:56 AM
I thought the movie kicked ass. It wasn't for little kids where as most comic movies are. It was way better than the Green Blandtern.

10-03-2011, 04:34 AM
I liked Watchmen, and Dawn of the Dead was pretty good...but I thought 300 was meh, and Sucker Punch blows. His next project is the new Superman reboot, so I don't know...I'm a little worried.

10-03-2011, 04:42 AM
"300" was possibly the gayest movie ever made.

"Watchmen" was a refreshing change from the Hollywood usual.

10-03-2011, 12:32 PM
watchmen was like 90minutes to long ... 300 i enjoyed for what iti was .. a visual experiment... but watchmen just bored the hell out of me ..i was dissapointed with it .. bits were ok but my god it dragged on.

Now Kick Ass is a masterpiece

10-03-2011, 12:44 PM
kick ass is boss, watchmen boss. love them both. libby useless skype twat person go read it xxx and buy fifa 12 and some wrestling game and bring them to norwich next week and lets be having ya!


10-03-2011, 12:49 PM
I liked Watchmen, and Dawn of the Dead was pretty good...but I thought 300 was meh, and Sucker Punch blows. His next project is the new Superman reboot, so I don't know...I'm a little worried.

Yeah suckerpunch did blow. Good eyecandy though but thats about it.

10-03-2011, 12:51 PM
suckerpunch was fun visually :)

one of fave films was V for Vendetta? Or whatever it was called? Excellent. :)

10-03-2011, 01:04 PM
V was great film .....

as was sin city ....

10-03-2011, 01:07 PM
V and Kickass, were good. Sin City was great. Marv kicks so much ass in it. I think it really put Micky Rourke back on the map.

Bobby Domino
10-03-2011, 08:32 PM
Just finished Watchmen last night. Visually, it's stunning; very cool production;
However, I barely paid attention so it was alright. I managed to repot 15 plants & knit this winter's outfit, it was so fucking long lol.
For you guys who have Jackie Earl Haley withdraw, this creepy clip from Little Children (fascinating movie, btw) should help your jonze for a bit.
I don't know how to edit the clips (I tried the share feature with time edit, but nothing...) Start the clip at the 4:05 mark. Enjoy:


10-03-2011, 08:48 PM
V was great film .....

as was sin city ....

V and Kickass, were good. Sin City was great. Marv kicks so much ass in it. I think it really put Micky Rourke back on the map.

Sin City was fan-fucking-tastic. It's a shame that the commercial failure of Grindhouse (which was very good, imo) derailed the chances for Sin City 2.

10-03-2011, 09:53 PM
kickass was great
sin city was great
300 great
watchmen was kinda boring and long
sucker punch had great action but otherwise was a bit disappointing