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03-05-2009, 05:19 AM
I did a search and read a lot about HIV/AIDS, just curious on what people think about herpes?

Aren't people worried about getting herpes? From what I read on sites, the virus can show no symptoms for people who are affected, but still be active in the body, and say you sucked the TS's cock who has herpes, then you will have a good chance of getting it if no condom was used. But even if a condom was used, say the herpes was on the balls or near the thighs, and that touched your skin.

I am pretty scared about this, since the person may not show signs and symptoms, but they still have the disease, and then they can spread it to someone else. Herpes sucks, because from what I read, it's for life!

03-05-2009, 05:24 AM
I did a search and read a lot about HIV/AIDS, just curious on what people think about herpes?

Sounds awesome dude! Seriously wtf are you expecting here? It's an STD obviously no one wants to get herpes even if it's just a cold sore on the face.

Danielle Foxx
03-05-2009, 05:30 AM
Have you ever had a cold sore? That is herpes my dear. The only difference between Herpes 1 and 2 is the area affected. I am sure you have kissed people with sores on their lips right? NO???? Well then just don't suck a cock that has visible brake outs, be selective on partners and practice safe sex. Herpes won't kill ya. It will make your nuts brake out but you'll get over it.

You should worry about things that could kill you such as HIV and worst Hep C

03-05-2009, 06:01 AM
I could be totally wrong, but I vaguely remember that herpes 1 & 2 are actually genetically different. The version of herpes that attacks the mouth will not "infect" genitalia & vice-versa.

Yes you can get herpes from someone not having a breakout at the time, but the risk is lower than when someone is having a breakout.

The question boils down to "how much risk is too much risk for you?" To use a different example: My GP warns me not to shave my legs because it is linked to an increase in risk of becoming infected with MRSA (a type of staph infection). But you know what? I still shave & epilate my legs anyway. And unlike herpes, staph will really fuck you up & possibly kill you.

03-05-2009, 06:12 AM
simple advice for anyone who shaves any part of the body:

when you finish shaving

coat the area with 100% pure aloe vera gel or juice and add a *pure emu oil* to help the aloe penetrate the skin more effectively

Fruit of the Earth makes the best aloe gel product

and if you ever get a suspicious looking sore

slater *Manuka honey* on it, b/c that's probably more effective against

the monster staph

than anything else

03-05-2009, 06:39 AM
I could be totally wrong, but I vaguely remember that herpes 1 & 2 are actually genetically different. The version of herpes that attacks the mouth will not "infect" genitalia & vice-versa.

Yes you can get herpes from someone not having a breakout at the time, but the risk is lower than when someone is having a breakout.

The question boils down to "how much risk is too much risk for you?" To use a different example: My GP warns me not to shave my legs because it is linked to an increase in risk of becoming infected with MRSA (a type of staph infection). But you know what? I still shave & epilate my legs anyway. And unlike herpes, staph will really fuck you up & possibly kill you.

I actually read something else, Type 1 (cold sore), can transfer to your genitals. Even though it'll be Type 1, but now it'll be, Type 1, on your genitals. It doesn't really matter, Type 1 or Type 2, I guess that's just the genetic make-up of the virus.

The reason for my post was to see what other people were doing or if they have thought about this. In regards to HIV, Hep C, etc., those are harder to get if you practice safe sex, I am referring to people who do practice safe sex, but are still worried about possibly contracting something. Like Herpes or HPV...........................

I guess you said it, how much risk are you willing to take? The more I read about Herpes and HPV, it just makes me shy away from hobbying. I read articles where they say, even if the infection is not present, you still have a 70% chance of contracting it. Especially if you have an open cut, or say, you just shaved...

03-05-2009, 06:42 AM
Have you ever had a cold sore? That is herpes my dear. The only difference between Herpes 1 and 2 is the area affected. I am sure you have kissed people with sores on their lips right? NO???? Well then just don't suck a cock that has visible brake outs, be selective on partners and practice safe sex. Herpes won't kill ya. It will make your nuts brake out but you'll get over it.

You should worry about things that could kill you such as HIV and worst Hep C

So wait, you do kiss people with cold sores on their mouth? Hmmmm...

03-05-2009, 06:53 AM
I did a search and read a lot about HIV/AIDS, just curious on what people think about herpes?

Sounds awesome dude! Seriously wtf are you expecting here? It's an STD obviously no one wants to get herpes even if it's just a cold sore on the face.

What I'm expecting is to possibly talk to people who may know more then me or have a better understanding of the risks involved when you see an escort. Isn't that the whole point of a forum? To discuss topics, or would you rather prefer we just talk about who has the biggest cock? Damn, what's up with everyone and the hostility.

I just read a post of some 18 year old kid who posted about possibly thinking of going BB on a escort. And he got ripped a new one. Now imagine, if he didn't post on the forum, he probably might have done something stupid. Also think about all the people that do searches, and learn just from previous posts, I'm sure other young kids have thought about that, but after they read his "stupid" post - (as some said), will not make that mistake again.

Also, as I read another post, someone mentioned about risks and escorting, and then all you read was... HIV this.. HIV that.. HEP C this.. HEP C that... but two diseases which weren't discussed, and are pretty relevant, at least IMHO, are herpes and HPV. Because there is no cure for either and they can cause life long problems.

Do you really want to tell your wife, sorry dear, I just contracted fucking herpes or HPV, and now you have a chance of getting it too? Cause HPV, from what I read, you can't even see some of the projects and it's just skin to skin contact........

But back to your point about posting, I actually did learn something. I shall never shave, right before I go see an escort (if I ever even decide to do it again), because your chances of getting Herpes must increase if the escort has it, through the micro-tears the razor will leave on your penis, balls, and thigh.

03-05-2009, 09:04 AM
I actually read something else, Type 1 (cold sore), can transfer to your genitals. Even though it'll be Type 1, but now it'll be, Type 1, on your genitals.

which happens so rarely that its not worth thinking about
also you have a good ~80% chance of being infected with type 1 anyway which luckily also gives you some resistance against being infected with type 2

Dino Velvet
03-05-2009, 09:20 AM
I wouldn't doubt many here have it. I mean to go to a doctor to let Old Sawbones look me over but I'm too lazy and I don't care for bad news. I've had women say to me, "I'm not sure where you've been." I respond, "With all the drinkin' that I do, I'm not sure either. Are we gonna screw or what?" If my smooth gab doesn't work, I stop by the mortuary where I used to work. They forgot to change the locks after I got fired and I still have a set of keys. It's always fun to crack open a cold one if those are the only honeys around and they never nag you about getting tested.

03-05-2009, 09:49 PM
ozone therepy can reverse herpes

03-05-2009, 10:29 PM
I actually read something else, Type 1 (cold sore), can transfer to your genitals. Even though it'll be Type 1, but now it'll be, Type 1, on your genitals.

which happens so rarely that its not worth thinking about
also you have a good ~80% chance of being infected with type 1 anyway which luckily also gives you some resistance against being infected with type 2

That's good to know. Can you post where you read that, just curious because I've been reading a lot, and didn't find that out as well.

Also, to make the thread more productive, are there any other recommendations people have in regards to preventing HSV or HPV? Tricks you have learned over the year, besides the obvious, like wear a condom.

03-05-2009, 10:30 PM
Sepreh, otherwise known as reverse herpes, is a painful outbreak of deep, inflamed pits in the dermis caused by the direct application of ozone to the raised bumps and pimples of a herpes inflammation. :) Best stay away from crackpot cures.

03-05-2009, 10:59 PM
I actually read something else, Type 1 (cold sore), can transfer to your genitals. Even though it'll be Type 1, but now it'll be, Type 1, on your genitals.

which happens so rarely that its not worth thinking about
also you have a good ~80% chance of being infected with type 1 anyway which luckily also gives you some resistance against being infected with type 2

That's good to know. Can you post where you read that, just curious because I've been reading a lot, and didn't find that out as well.

Also, to make the thread more productive, are there any other recommendations people have in regards to preventing HSV or HPV? Tricks you have learned over the year, besides the obvious, like wear a condom.

For guys a lot of the time they will be HPV carriers without ever showing symptoms of it or knowing they have it. It's far worse of an STI for GG's than it is for GB's.

03-05-2009, 11:04 PM
I wouldn't doubt many here have it. I mean to go to a doctor to let Old Sawbones look me over but I'm too lazy and I don't care for bad news. I've had women say to me, "I'm not sure where you've been." I respond, "With all the drinkin' that I do, I'm not sure either. Are we gonna screw or what?" If my smooth gab doesn't work, I stop by the mortuary where I used to work. They forgot to change the locks after I got fired and I still have a set of keys. It's always fun to crack open a cold one if those are the only honeys around and they never nag you about getting tested.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

03-05-2009, 11:06 PM
I wouldn't doubt many here have it. I mean to go to a doctor to let Old Sawbones look me over but I'm too lazy and I don't care for bad news. I've had women say to me, "I'm not sure where you've been." I respond, "With all the drinkin' that I do, I'm not sure either. Are we gonna screw or what?" If my smooth gab doesn't work, I stop by the mortuary where I used to work. They forgot to change the locks after I got fired and I still have a set of keys. It's always fun to crack open a cold one if those are the only honeys around and they never nag you about getting tested.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Just goes to show that there's someone for everyone.

That someone may not have a pulse, but they exist. LOL!

Danielle Foxx
03-06-2009, 01:03 AM
As far as HVP there is a vaccine for it now, as soon as it came out I went to the health clinic and got it done. I suggest everyone do the same.

03-06-2009, 01:08 AM
As far as HVP there is a vaccine for it now, as soon as it came out I went to the health clinic and got it done. I suggest everyone do the same.

Vaccine does nothing if you've already been exposed to HVP (read the fine print). And since guys usually show no signs of having it, you'd have no way to know if you've been exposed or not. That's partly why there is so much controversy, to be effective a girl needs to start taking the vaccine before their first sexual encounter- and the rel right freaks out at the idea of injecting 10 y/o girls with a sti vaccine (in the cities girls get preg at 11 & 12 so we're talking a very early intervention if we wanted to actually dent HVP transmission).

The hvp vaccine is also only effective against two of the HVP strains out there, and somewhat effective against similar strains. About 30% of the HVP strains out there are unaffected by the vaccine.

03-06-2009, 03:59 AM
I did a search and read a lot about HIV/AIDS, just curious on what people think about herpes?

Ah, Herpes, the gift that just keeps giving!

03-06-2009, 04:03 AM
Jesus fucking Christ people, we're a high risk category.
Spend a couple of hours reading up on STD's and their prevention.
A few hours in the library could last you a lifetime!

03-06-2009, 05:59 AM
Herpes is the most common of all STD's, it is believed that upto 50% of the population has it, and that figure doesn't include people who don't know they have it, most people who have herpes don't get any symptoms..

02-16-2017, 05:56 PM
As time goes on and more vaccines are made for these viruses do you think it will change peoples behaviours about sex?

02-16-2017, 09:16 PM
There is a foolproof way to never catch an STD. and that is to never have sex and never kiss anyone.

But if you want to fully enjoy life, that won't be an option. So just have fun and play safe.

We all take chances in life. Most of us drive a car everyday. About 1.3 million people die evey year from accidents. Will that stop you from driving? Soooooooo scary. Or you can become an agoraphobic claustrophobic. Now that would be funny.

02-17-2017, 03:10 PM
however you wouldn't see many people drive without a seat belt, its about limiting risk, just a question on sexual behaviours and what people attitude is towards it. i certainly think i would attend more sex parties etc if incurable viruses were not on my mind.

02-18-2017, 03:24 PM
Have you ever had a cold sore? That is herpes my dear. The only difference between Herpes 1 and 2 is the area affected. I am sure you have kissed people with sores on their lips right? NO???? Well then just don't suck a cock that has visible brake outs, be selective on partners and practice safe sex. Herpes won't kill ya. It will make your nuts brake out but you'll get over it.

You should worry about things that could kill you such as HIV and worst Hep C

One of the most common / painful is Herpes Zoster, commonly known as Shingles...
It's often carried by people who haven't fully experienced chicken pox.. it's damned painful and itchy, and can reoccur , as it "hides" in nerve endings...

02-18-2017, 07:09 PM
I am sure you have kissed people with sores on their lips right? NO???? Well then just don't suck a cock that has visible brake outs,.

You should worry about things that could kill you such as HIV and worst Hep C

One of the most common / painful is Herpes Zoster, commonly known as Shingles...
It's often carried by people who haven't fully experienced chicken pox.. it's damned painful and itchy, and can reoccur , as it "hides" in nerve endings...

Good reasons why you shouldn't take medical advice from non-professionals who can't even google.

Avoiding unprotected sex with people who don't have a break out will NOT protect you from HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) infection, as people with HSV-2 (genital herpes) shed viral cells on about 10% of days when they're symptom free. You can get herpes by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the disease.

You can also get herpes if you come into contact with the herpes virus in the saliva, genital secretions, or skin (in the oral or genital area, depending on the site of infection) of a person with herpes infection. You can get herpes from an infected sex partner who does not have a visible sore or who may not know he or she is infected. It is also possible to get genital herpes if you receive oral sex from a sex partner has oral herpes.

The virus that causes shingles, the varicella zoster virus aka chicken pox, can be spread from a person with active shingles to another person who has never had chickenpox. In such cases, the person exposed to the virus might develop chickenpox, but they would not develop shingles.