View Full Version : wtf is up with these TS's calling everyone gay?

02-24-2009, 02:27 AM
Ok this is my first topic/post so it might suck but oh well here goes.

Some TS's here keep calling all the guys here gay. Ok, so some of them are, some of them don't know it and some of them aren't.

Some guys here are just comfortable with their sexuality and realize that anal stimulation actually FEELS GOOD. Or that sucking another "girls" dick is enjoyable because you are pleasing your partner and it turns them on.

I myself love eating pussy, but if I like the pre-op...wtf why can I not suck her/let her have her way with me if its entirely sexual?

A gay guy likes men, they do not like girls. So technically they wouldn't like TS's unless they are Bi.

I've never been with a TS, but i guarantee you it wont be an escort or some one night stand bullshit. I want to have a relationship etc...

This forum is popular for bashing, so I am ready to get my head bashed in but fuck it, i'm sick and tired of the people on here that might feel the same way I do and don't voice their opinion.

It's just sick. "Oh your a fucking faggot"....shut up bitch you DO have a dick in between your legs and you DO like it up the ass most of the time so shut the fuck up.

I personally cannot in any way touch a guy intimately...it just feels wrong.
I started off with toys, because it increased my orgasms a lot, and well it is quite enjoyable in private.

That does not make me gay. That just means I am curious and do not mind extra sexual stimuli.

Also If i want a TS to let me suck her off, or have her way with me isn't gay either. That just makes me caring for my TS partner showing her that I accept her for who she is and that I will do whatever it takes to please her all the way.

If she doesn't like to have her dick sucked, well im sry but maybe I dont like geting fucked in the ass either but you wanted to do it and it was intimate and erotic etc...vice versa w/e u get it. If you dont you are narrow minded and just haven't been out much...

Or TS's could be an aswer to the curious ones who enjoy different kind of stimuli. But no, some bitches here claim authority and call every guy a faggot. I have not been called one yet but im sure of two "girls" on here that will most likely just say one word in their post "faggot" to try and get at ME. wrong.

I am not posting this because it gets me off, im posting this for the people that try and justify themselves but your only childish answer is faggot. Grow up, get a life, stop getting paid by gay clients or curious clients, or clients that might actually like you and the only way they can talk to you is buy your services because you wont be inviting otherwise but yet you shun them down.

You like it in the butt, you have a dick, you have feelings, you have a life, don't think for one second that other people don't have lives and feelings and that they may be comfortable with their sexuality and are not gay at all yet they try to defend themselves. But oh no, defending your self from being called gay MEANS your gay bullshit doesn't fly or at least SHOULD not fly on such an open forum.

Thank you,


P.S. This can be classified as a rant if you want. LOL I cant wait to see the funny shit that's about to be posted...hopefully some people here can be serious, but otherwise bring it on.

I don't know if I will answer any posts in this Thread just because it will make it complicated and make me say some st00pid shit that I shoudnt say. Otherwise gladly look forward to what people have to say.

02-24-2009, 02:32 AM
Didn't read all of this... Write less next time.

02-24-2009, 02:37 AM
Would have, but writing less means more ways of getting attacked or judged etc, so print this out, go to the crapper and have a fun read LOL.

But yea, glad you brought the popcorn out haha makes it seem worth the write up.

02-24-2009, 03:03 AM
I don't know if you're gay but that hair cut is SO gay.

02-24-2009, 03:07 AM
I read and I agree with your post. This has been discussed at length here recently. This led to the threat by mods to ban anyone using the word "fag", recently.

Some people make excuses for rude behaviors here, but that does not mean we should accept that as ok. It boils down to the wisdom of the ages: treat others as you wish to be treated. Some women here are called negative names, but it is usually ones who regularly call others negative names. It is not right to call anyone names, but it is more understandable that people who put out negativity will receive it back.

One more thing that is seldom recognized here, is that some people are attracted to others for their potential, as well as thier present reality. The thread about the potential of so called "Club Kids", becoming trans, has been the most controversial thread here. This is also true about a certain 'new' girl here.

There was someone out there, that fell in love with me, not only for who I was at the time, but also for my potential. Boy, did I fool her. But it helps to keep it in mind that some people can find beauty in those that others don't see. So we should let them pursue their own happiness, and cut back on the judgments.

02-24-2009, 03:22 AM
Ok this is my first topic/post so it might suck
bingo :idea:

02-24-2009, 03:32 AM
But it helps to keep it in mind that some people can find beauty in those that others don't see. So we should let them pursue their own happiness, and cut back on the judgments.

Very true.

02-24-2009, 03:39 AM
WTF is up with guys referring to a ts as a guy or any male pronoun for that matter? It goes both ways.

02-24-2009, 03:40 AM
what's up with that hairstyle in that avatar?!?

02-24-2009, 03:42 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,


02-24-2009, 03:45 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,


cmon man, you put up a pic from a party you went to and the guy you went as is gay in real life.................
as far as the thread goes I agree with you, but a tranny calling a man gay is a joke in itself.............don't let it bug ya

02-24-2009, 03:48 AM
I knew you were going to say that LOL. And it is a coincidence, but not one that "damages my brain" in any way haha. Well to some people a TS calling a guy is a joke, to other people its an offense...like I said no TS has called me gay so this wasnt for me, it was for the other dudes that seem to have trouble warding the "curse" (if thats what you wanna call it) off.

But yea, I dont care, just pissed about seeing people on this OPEN forum having to go through tough shit when it shoudnt happen.

02-24-2009, 03:50 AM
Love is never having to say you're sorry.

02-24-2009, 03:54 AM
I knew you were going to say that LOL. And it is a coincidence, but not one that "damages my brain" in any way haha. Well to some people a TS calling a guy is a joke, to other people its an offense...like I said no TS has called me gay so this wasnt for me, it was for the other dudes that seem to have trouble warding the "curse" (if thats what you wanna call it) off.

But yea, I dont care, just pissed about seeing people on this OPEN forum having to go through tough shit when it shoudnt happen.


02-24-2009, 03:56 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,

Just playin' :wink:
Btw Everyone here is a little bit GAY :twisted:

02-24-2009, 04:16 AM
Didn't read all of this... Write less next time.

same here

just dont act gay or like a fag and im sure noone will say that about you

tho a long winded bitchy post isnt a good way to not look gay

02-24-2009, 04:18 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael ....

so basically him calling ur hairstyle WAS accurate

02-24-2009, 04:21 AM
Tsntx is pretty good at calling fags.. I get it.. shes a girl.. and girls can say and do whatever the fuck they want.

btwJohnnie.. that is a damn good avatar pic

02-24-2009, 04:26 AM
Tsntx is pretty good at calling fags.. I get it.. shes a girl.. and girls can say and do whatever the fuck they want.

btwJohnnie.. that is a damn good avatar pic

i wouldnt be as good at it as i am if the guys didnt give me so many opportunities to perfect the craft

02-24-2009, 05:03 AM
Haha i understand now...yea no I like my voice and the way I hold myself very well.

I just tend to write very long posts in general my reply's are short by my posts are long so that people who barely read it (half of it is usually ok) cant really say much. Its like a filter I guess LOL.

And yes his statement about my hair was technically correct, but he didnt know the George Michaels thing at first so I was assuming it was towards me and I had a logical (well at least reasonable) explanation as to why.

Glad to see everyone is somewhat on the same page

02-24-2009, 05:09 AM
O and the youtube thing was funny...haha

"gangsters" tend to be like that when the bro hug is in place lol

02-24-2009, 05:12 AM
tl;dr has been said already, right?

because yeah, that.

Harvey Byrdman
02-24-2009, 05:13 AM
So have you always known you were gay?

Why do people get so caught up with labels and what everyone else is going to think of you? If you like something and you're not hurting anyone else by indulging in it, then by all means do it.

02-24-2009, 05:37 AM
Do you even know me? I'm not gay but I guess because I like different stimuli you think so.

Extremely narrow minded and its sad.

O well, nice try though you almost got my blood pressure up

02-24-2009, 05:42 AM
This post wasnt for me. It was for other people, so next time u gear your miseries in life towards me its not gonna matter whether I answer or not, you obviously didnt read the post.

02-24-2009, 05:49 AM
The issue is, at least in part, the nature of bullying.

There is a lot of fear of being called gay (face it, in the real world there are consequences in many circles) and some folks have been hurt by the world and need to strike out of folks. They see it bothers some and they start swinging.

The macho man example... if a man hits his hand with a hammer and swears for five minutes, he's the tough guy, admired. If another man hits his hand with a hammer and cries for five minutes, he's a fag and derided. Neither man got shit done for five minutes, but we tend to admire the angry guy for some reason. Note that in no case was anyone's sexuality actually part of the equation.


02-24-2009, 05:51 AM
HAHA that is so true

you hit the nail on the head there

02-24-2009, 05:52 AM
The issue is, at least in part, the nature of bullying.

There is a lot of fear of being called gay (face it, in the real world there are consequences in many circles) and some folks have been hurt by the world and need to strike out of folks. They see it bothers some and they start swinging.

The macho man example... if a man hits his hand with a hammer and swears for five minutes, he's the tough guy, admired. If another man hits his hand with a hammer and cries for five minutes, he's a fag and derided. Neither man got shit done for five minutes, but we tend to admire the angry guy for some reason. Note that in no case was anyone's sexuality actually part of the equation.




02-24-2009, 05:54 AM
it is gay to worry about being called gay.

Harvey Byrdman
02-24-2009, 05:55 AM
Do you even know me? I'm not gay but I guess because I like different stimuli you think so.

Extremely narrow minded and its sad.

O well, nice try though you almost got my blood pressure up

Way to take a joke Bruce.

I personally don't give a flying fuck what you like or anyone else for that matter. I say do what makes you happy, and if that involves a penis and you have one yourself be prepared for some people to call you gay. If you really didn't care you wouldn't have made this rediculous thread to begin with.

02-24-2009, 06:00 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

02-24-2009, 06:03 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....


Are you calling carrot top a homo?

02-24-2009, 06:06 AM
Of course if "I didnt care I woudnt make this thread to begin with"

But i dont really fucking care about me because I know im not gay and it shoudnt fucking matter.

But I joined a forum expecting some sort of formality. I mean i know its about a touchy subject on very thin lines but still.

Ok well i gotta do some homework now, and I think im done with this thread, it was to help others but its making me look bad cuz I actually feel like answering to all these people and proving my point.

How that was a joke i have no idea...you didnt put any lol's or smileys indicating funny shit so to me it was serious.

That being said, everyone that was constructive thank you.

Everyone that was dumb and just wanted to say something to watch me answer it quickly and still prove my point i'll catch ya on the flip side.


02-24-2009, 06:08 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

it seems like there's a goodly portion of your personality caught up in others' perception of you. why in the name of turd ferguson would anybody ever throw a hissy over being called names on the internet? it's been a reeeeeeeeal long time, even in real life, since i let anything other than sticks and stones get to me. and furthermore, you should be even less concerned with what some idiot calls some other idiot.

Solitary Brother
02-24-2009, 06:08 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,


cmon man, you put up a pic from a party you went to and the guy you went as is gay in real life.................
as far as the thread goes I agree with you, but a tranny calling a man gay is a joke in itself.............don't let it bug ya

Once again....I agree with JWBL....a tranny is a gay man on steroids!
It really shouldnt bug you .....especially coming from them.

02-24-2009, 06:13 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,


cmon man, you put up a pic from a party you went to and the guy you went as is gay in real life.................
as far as the thread goes I agree with you, but a tranny calling a man gay is a joke in itself.............don't let it bug ya

Once again....I agree with JWBL....a tranny is a gay man on steroids!
It really shouldnt bug you .....especially coming from them.

exactly--a gay man on steroids...I mean--i would never call a transgendered person that--but if becomes hard to resist when they go around calling people gay--lets face it--its pretty fucking ironic for Tss to call their admirers "gay"
it borders on the absurd

02-24-2009, 06:13 AM
O and the youtube thing was funny...haha

"gangsters" tend to be like that when the bro hug is in place lol

Ignore Legend. he's only 14 years old, and shouldn't really be on here.

02-24-2009, 06:21 AM
O and the youtube thing was funny...haha

"gangsters" tend to be like that when the bro hug is in place lol

Ignore Legend. he's only 14 years old, and shouldn't really be on here.

I would be offended if that wasn't coming from a moron with a teletubby as his avatar and his location is "Tinky Winky Land".Fag go make some more stupid ass polls and STFU.

02-24-2009, 06:25 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:

02-24-2009, 06:43 AM
if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:

a novel concept, yet overlooked by so many.

02-24-2009, 06:44 AM
never waste a second on bullshit, Regis

get in get out :P

you're young so you think there's room for talking

for understanding

there is, just not here

the root meaning of the word pornography is

*the writing of harlots*

and the writing of harlots is what you have here, so

enjoy :)

02-24-2009, 07:50 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:

How can this guy not be gay, that's like you not being an annoying little fridged asshole. But I doubt anyone has to call you out on that since your mirror never lies...... :arrow:

Danielle Foxx
02-24-2009, 09:18 AM
This on going shit is soooooo gay

02-24-2009, 10:03 AM
What a bunch of horseshit. Will these stupid threads ever end? The only worthwhile thing in this whole thread is Jens new avatar pic.

02-24-2009, 10:46 AM
The issue is, at least in part, the nature of bullying.

There is a lot of fear of being called gay (face it, in the real world there are consequences in many circles) and some folks have been hurt by the world and need to strike out of folks. They see it bothers some and they start swinging.

The macho man example... if a man hits his hand with a hammer and swears for five minutes, he's the tough guy, admired. If another man hits his hand with a hammer and cries for five minutes, he's a fag and derided. Neither man got shit done for five minutes, but we tend to admire the angry guy for some reason. Note that in no case was anyone's sexuality actually part of the equation.

This so true. A lot of TS and GG like these thugs and then turn around and complain about how bad they are being treated...what did they expect?...a nice thug?

02-24-2009, 10:47 AM
Thank you YodaJazz for calrifying things for me and being thourough and understanding.

Btw timxxx my hair cut and outfit was for an 80's night party. I was George Michael and it was a funny joke and got me in the party for free. So your comment was useless btw and I just thought i'd let you know.

Now lilwyte your opinion is your opinion, so just keep it to yourself unless it is constructive towards the post. Hence the W/E after me saying this is my first post and it might suck.

Otherwise i'm glad no one seems to have taken offense to this (unless you are a name caller yourself). Because it was not my intention to do so unless u are calling people names immaturely.

in good regards,


cmon man, you put up a pic from a party you went to and the guy you went as is gay in real life.................
as far as the thread goes I agree with you, but a tranny calling a man gay is a joke in itself.............don't let it bug ya

Once again....I agree with JWBL....a tranny is a gay man on steroids!
It really shouldnt bug you .....especially coming from them.

So didn't any of you people get the memo? It was decided by the powers that be - that people here wouldn't call others "gay" anymore in a derogatory fashion. (As opposed to discussing the topic.)

And I'm really saddened by some of the comments here by some guys who should know better.

But it's nice to know how you feel about us. - That we are "gay men" in drag or something.

Obviously after all this time you haven't learned a single thing.

TS Jamie :-(

02-24-2009, 10:51 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:
And your definition of "acting gay" is?

02-24-2009, 10:56 AM
I read and I agree with your post. This has been discussed at length here recently. This led to the threat by mods to ban anyone using the word "fag", recently.

Some people make excuses for rude behaviors here, but that does not mean we should accept that as ok. It boils down to the wisdom of the ages: treat others as you wish to be treated. Some women here are called negative names, but it is usually ones who regularly call others negative names. It is not right to call anyone names, but it is more understandable that people who put out negativity will receive it back.

One more thing that is seldom recognized here, is that some people are attracted to others for their potential, as well as thier present reality. The thread about the potential of so called "Club Kids", becoming trans, has been the most controversial thread here. This is also true about a certain 'new' girl here.

There was someone out there, that fell in love with me, not only for who I was at the time, but also for my potential. Boy, did I fool her. But it helps to keep it in mind that some people can find beauty in those that others don't see. So we should let them pursue their own happiness, and cut back on the judgments.
Another fine post by yodajazz.

02-24-2009, 11:31 AM
...Another fine post by yodajazz.
Thanks fitz207!

I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:

How can this guy not be gay, that's like you not being an annoying little fridged asshole. But I doubt anyone has to call you out on that since your mirror never lies...... :arrow:

Wrong! The general principle is that human beings should be able to self identify. If everyone can call people what ever they think the person is, there would be little human dignity on the planet. Yes, people have been calling one another bad names and killing one another from the beginning, but humanity is constantly trying to evolve into a better world.

Transexuals are on the current cutting edge of the human struggle to self identify. There are many who refuse to accept transsexuals in their identified gender. They believe they have the right to call the person by their birth gender no matter what, the person does to themselves. But transgender people and their allies are fighting through the legal system and every other avenue to gain the right to be who they believe they are. It’s a tough fight, but progress is being made. Lots of people don't realize that the people attracted to transgender persons are part of the same struggle.

...---lets face it--its pretty fucking ironic for Tss to call their admirers "gay" it borders on the absurd
sheyum is right on, about the irony of the situation. People who ask for respect, but feel they have the right to disrespect other people for trivial shit, like a funny haircut. And this is done by some people who are afraid to show their own face. Women call themselves women, but call men who love them gay. Men who like special women, judge other men, for their sexual desires, when they know all along most of the greater world is judging them for liking special women, and they hate it.

This is the internet. Some people feel they hide behind screen identities and throw stones. But other people such as the OP and myself ask why can’t we promote dignity. We want it for ourselves and the people we love. Look at HA as road that we are all on together because we want to be here. Maybe we are going in different directions and destination, but we are seeking the same thing, happiness.

02-24-2009, 11:55 AM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:
And your definition of "acting gay" is?

I believe from observation of previous Jen threads it should be obvious ... If you are breathing you are acting gay! So as she said earlier in this thread if you stop acting "gay" she will stop calling you "gay"!

02-24-2009, 02:10 PM
On a forum like this, with this subject area, I should think we'd all be tolerant of "gay" and not care what people call us.

As for why TGirls may call us that, I suppose they are "busting our balls" -- a derogatory joke. And to the extent some of us find it offensive, it's an effective joke.

But jokes mean something, so what does it mean ? Probably hard to say in general but it may be a defense mechanism, a "pushing back", due to resentment about men being down-low (DL), dishonest, secretive, etc. about their desires for TGirls. That's my reading of it.

02-24-2009, 02:52 PM
listen in . You put a pic up where you are modeling yourself on a known cock scoffer. You write about people being called gay and about the TS's who indulge in the sport. Which to me is touching but rather effeminate.You make out that somehow being bottom to a Ts is more Gay then fucking a TS in the butt. To the mainstream (people off this forum) whoever is doing the fucking, merely getting off on the pics of TS's means you are a bloody shirtlifter. I'd wager whether the girls call you fag or not , depends more on if you top or bottom.

You are worried about some online transexuals calling you names when to be honest it's just a bit of internet banter. I don't think a girl on here has called me Gay once but if they did I would either not bother responding or take the urine out of her to get a reaction.Depending on the mood I was in or how drunk I was.

Point is if you are so bothered about random people online thinking you are Gay ,how do you function off this forum? I'm serious how can someone so senstive deal with people being rather beastly to you? I mean come on Lad, toughen up and get a backbone.

02-24-2009, 06:19 PM
Didn't read all of this... Write less next time.

same here

just dont act gay or like a fag and im sure noone will say that about you

tho a long winded bitchy post isn't a good way to not look gay
Ok, tsntx, I like you and I think that you are cool and funny, but your 'faggot' comments are really getting into my nerves. It is not cool, and only perpetuates and marginalizes another minority. If you seriously think that someone's sexual orientation is not heterosexual, use the word GAY or BI, if you think that someone's been a coward jerk, then say 'YOU JERK, OR INSULT OF A MAN' But seriously, your abuse of the word faggot, is really annoying, insulting and does not go with your beautiful avatar.

02-24-2009, 06:21 PM
Didn't read all of this... Write less next time.

same here

just dont act gay or like a fag and im sure noone will say that about you

tho a long winded bitchy post isnt a good way to not look gay
Ok, tsntx, I like you and I think that you are cool and funny, but your 'faggot' comments are really getting into my nerves. It is not cool, and only perpetuates and marginalizes another minority. If you seriously think that someone's sexual orientation is not heterosexual, use the word GAY or BI, if you think that someone's been a coward jerk, then say 'YOU JERK, OR INSULT OF A MAN' But seriously, your abuse of the word faggot, is really annoying, insulting and does not go with your beautiful avatar.

02-24-2009, 07:40 PM
OK, I'm in on this one too. I'm not going to even touch on the labeling. .

However a previous poster made a remark to the effect of a girl can say anything she wants or something like that.

BINGO. Somebody hit the nail on the head.

To those of you with kids, specifically daughters, you can recognize a particular behavior here(providing you paid any attention). The newfound realization and exercising of female sexual power. It's an amazing female trait to witness as it develops from an awkward tease to a highly developed feminine wile. The conscious knowledge that the boy's have taken interest in you and are watching. You've been elevated to a stage with an audience. The ability to cut a boy right to the quick with a few choice words in front of his peers by calling his masculinity into question. Emaculate him, embarrass him, and neutralize him. She realizes she now has the power and the control. The fragile,pathetic, ego of a male who's greatest fear is to be laughed at and ridiculed by a woman. There's a narcissistic supply involved in this act that enormously raises her self esteem and social standing among her clique. She finds herslef now a puppetress yanking boy's chains, eliciting reactions,pittinig them against each other, and making them jump at her will. She discovers the buttons to push to manipulate them with this new found power. She plays them as chumps and marvels how blind they are.

Need I say more ?

02-24-2009, 08:01 PM
I'm not worried about being called gay, i'm worried about how the forrum allows other people to call other people gay.

And even if so...of course you would be worried.

If your not gay you wanna keep your pride, you wanna stand your ground, your gonna fucking worry about it, and your gonna get nervous because if you say the wrong thing then your gonna be accused of being a faggot.

Unless you already are one and it dosnt matter, or you are one and your still in the closet your gonna freak out and try and act like a man on steroids.

but yea, i just wanted to clarify some shit before more people start shitting on a thread they didnt read....

if youre going to act gay or even be gay..... ppl have the right to call you out on it

if you dont wanna be called gay... dont be gay :idea:

And what, exactly, is "gay"? If you think that a man who occasionally or frequently enjoys bottoming to t-girls qualifies him as "gay", I'd say you are wrong. If you think a man-or woman-who desires sexual and intimate relationships exclusively with members of the same sex is "gay", I'd agree.

Danielle Foxx
02-24-2009, 11:03 PM
all this shit is so gay

02-25-2009, 01:30 AM

Nearly 7 pages in one day, not too shabby!

It really comes down sometimes to how boring the day is though.

02-25-2009, 02:58 AM
Im gay, i want to fuck men in the arse mmmmmmmmmmmmm :lol:

02-25-2009, 03:39 AM
Cool first post, Regisbou.

I'll give a more detailed/informed/sober response in the morning. :)

02-25-2009, 04:00 AM
Haha I never wrote this post for me. So all those people saying why do I post something about people calling me gay...I dont give a rats ass. Im just trying to clarify this.

My stance on this is like SF_julie's....it just pisses me off when someone just says faggot. I go to a liberal arts school and sure you can escape with saying that word but our school is about diversity not about being a bully to everyone because you can. Its called ethics, im sure some of you people have a college education.

So I'm gay? Don't think so...dont get how you people got that in your head.

As to how I respond in real life, it just dosnt phase me. I laugh and go "no dude your fucking gay! how would know if i'm gay or not?" and then we just crack jokes and shit like nothing happened because it just dosnt matter.

Maybe that pic of me dosnt help my situation here, but damn you people couldn't be more shallow.

But yes, this thread is interesting and atleast so far has shown me who is not worth even asking a question to.

02-25-2009, 05:10 AM
Haha I never wrote this post for me. So all those people saying why do I post something about people calling me gay...I dont give a rats ass. Im just trying to clarify this.

My stance on this is like SF_julie's....it just pisses me off when someone just says faggot. I go to a liberal arts school and sure you can escape with saying that word but our school is about diversity not about being a bully to everyone because you can. Its called ethics, im sure some of you people have a college education.

So I'm gay? Don't think so...dont get how you people got that in your head.

As to how I respond in real life, it just dosnt phase me. I laugh and go "no dude your fucking gay! how would know if i'm gay or not?" and then we just crack jokes and shit like nothing happened because it just dosnt matter.

Maybe that pic of me dosnt help my situation here, but damn you people couldn't be more shallow.

But yes, this thread is interesting and atleast so far has shown me who is not worth even asking a question to.

Vote for "Gay" Pedro!!!! :lol:

02-25-2009, 06:13 AM
OK... please go to http://www.ehow.com/how_16939_know-gay.html and see if you're gay. If you crotch itches when thinking about this topic then take a gay test here http://www.gay-test.com/

Kindly post your findings.

El Nino
02-25-2009, 06:17 AM
This forum in the past year or so has taken a turn south in tems of tolerance. People take out their own pent up issues and phobias on others. People generally suck.

02-25-2009, 06:50 AM
This forum in the past year or so has taken a turn south in tems of tolerance. People take out their own pent up issues and phobias on others. People generally suck.
So you're a man who likes dick but you don't suck?

El Nino
02-25-2009, 07:07 AM
What the phuck are you talking about? Your interpretation is twisted, like your diabolical mind. Go try and start trouble somewhere else son.

El Nino
02-25-2009, 07:17 AM
Phobun, your post served nothing more than to be confrontational and negative. This is exactly what I mean by the board being infested by cockroaches like yourself.

02-25-2009, 07:24 AM
Phobun, your post served nothing more than to be confrontational and negative. This is exactly what I mean by the board being infested by cockroaches like yourself.
It was obviously a play on words. Lighten up and stop feeling so paranoid.

02-25-2009, 07:33 AM
I am 22% gay. (http://www.gay-test.com)
Am I gay? (http://www.gay-test.com)

Wtf are all these shows they talk about?

And really football? I barely watch football, but I watch F1, nascar, and moto GP all the time depending on the season of course. Im a fuckin gear head, most people woudnt know shit about engines, but hey everyone has something they like. Who dosnt know a endzone is 10 yards? I mean thats like asking someone how many bases are there in a baseball diamond c'mon wtf?

02-25-2009, 07:36 AM
Im a fuckin gear head, most people woudnt know shit about engines, but hey everyone has something they like.
Do you like the stickshift on trannys?

El Nino
02-25-2009, 07:40 AM
Phobun, your post served nothing more than to be confrontational and negative. This is exactly what I mean by the board being infested by cockroaches like yourself.
It was obviously a play on words. Lighten up and stop feeling so paranoid. Might I suggest you stop "playing" with other peoples words so much and maybe play with yours some more? Thanks buddy!

02-25-2009, 07:50 AM
I mean why get an automatic. Your paying for a car, get all the power you can get out of it.

These are my favorite kind of shifters http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mgwltd.com/images/MGW05MUSTANGSHIFTER2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mgwltd.com/mustang2005_shifter.shtml&usg=__zsqmdzwqrm9nwVR7hEgNSxICX70=&h=524&w=480&sz=19&hl=en&start=9&sig2=GU89smYgBkl4HflYK6HJ5A&um=1&tbnid=hVZMErNTh478mM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=121&ei=OdmkScnsBYzOMqSm5dgK&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMustang%2Bshift%2Bknob%26um%3D1%26hl% 3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN, obviously short throw and as low to the car with as much functionality as possible.

I love everything about cars, so of course i'm gonna like the stick to shift with it. It feels amazing when your on a race track (infeneon, atlanta raceway, leguna seca, danville raceway) all amazing tracks depending on the car you rent but you cant feel the car without a shifter i dont think. Automatic transmissions suck cuz they shift when they want to, paddle shifters suck cuz there is no clutch (why shift manually without a clutch?) and I think these methods of shifting are only good for high traffic places. I dont mind pushing the clutch in and out and shifting all the time, it gets a little annoying but hey who cares.

And your question if trying to prove me gay in any manner is fucking stupid. Anyone that has driven a performance car (98% of them stick btw) know that shifting is an amazing feeling as you unleash the beast to the best of your/its ability.

The only reason you would get an automatic transmission is if your drag racing in the 7's or maybe even 8's (depending on ur skill) on the 1/4 mile. Not enough time to shift, you gotta concentrate on the short ass road ahead make sure you dont hit the car next to you or start getting the wobbles and flip over.

I know, i make long posts w/e its what i do live with it.

02-25-2009, 07:55 AM
O lol...see im too much of a gear head.

Tranny means transmission to me. Stickshift means stick shift or manual transmission to me.

Honestly I coudnt say never been with one, but I have tried toys and it feels quite nice. Dosnt mean im gay, just means I like the stimuli. If her shits to big NO im not dumb i like to play safe. If its not cut, no, if it looks like a turd with juice in it no thanks i'll pass.

So there ya go...i answered you dumb ass play on words both ways because i was dumb enough to not get it at first.

Do you like the stickshift on tranny's?

02-25-2009, 07:57 AM
Asking that question felt more gay than answering it btw, not sure if that helps to clarify anything...

Felicia Katt
02-25-2009, 08:30 AM
The only truly gay things on here are

a)being worried about, or upset by being called gay

b)claiming to be 100 per cent straight

As soon as you can concede the latter, you won't be concerned with the former.


02-25-2009, 08:33 AM
All this car talk just reminded me what my dad said after I told him I was a woman: 'I guess that explains why your driving sucks'

02-25-2009, 09:03 AM
Julie... LOL :-) :-) :-)

Felicia... good comment, I mean why does anyone here care? :claps :claps :claps

TS Jamie :-)

02-25-2009, 09:08 AM
I mean why does anyone here care?

don't know about *care*

maybe it just annoys the fuck out of 'em :P

but the implication that no one shd. care is obviously: right

i mean: w/e

02-25-2009, 09:10 AM
All this car talk just reminded me what my dad told me after I told him I was a woman, he said: I guess that explains why you driving sucks... lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-25-2009, 10:07 AM
Ok this is my first topic/post so it might suck but oh well here goes.

If i want a TS to let me suck her off, or have her way with me isn't gay either.

If you want to think that you are not gay, thats just fine by me. There are a lot of guys that suck cock that insist they are not gay.

Just remember one thing. It's not gay as long as you are not the one with the cock in his mouth and you are not gay as long as you are not the bottom. LOL

02-25-2009, 01:51 PM
Ok this is my first topic/post so it might suck but oh well here goes.

If i want a TS to let me suck her off, or have her way with me isn't gay either.

If you want to think that you are not gay, thats just fine by me. There are a lot of guys that suck cock that insist they are not gay.

Just remember one thing. It's not gay as long as you are not the one with the cock in his mouth and you are not gay as long as you are not the bottom. LOL
You're kidding right? Tell someone in the mainstream that you're not gay because you only top TS. In the mainstream you would still be gay whether you top or bottom. Nobody here would be considered 100% straight in the real world. If you only like to top, then you should be with GG, then you can call yourself 100% straight.

02-25-2009, 01:58 PM
The only truly gay things on here are

a)being worried about, or upset by being called gay

b)claiming to be 100 per cent straight

As soon as you can concede the latter, you won't be concerned with the former.

I don't think people are worried about being called gay. It's the name calling in general that a lot of ladies on here get carried away with, that bothers people.

02-25-2009, 02:12 PM
I am 22% gay. (http://www.gay-test.com)
Am I gay? (http://www.gay-test.com)

Wtf are all these shows they talk about?

And really football? I barely watch football, but I watch F1, nascar, and moto GP all the time depending on the season of course. Im a fuckin gear head, most people woudnt know shit about engines, but hey everyone has something they like. Who dosnt know a endzone is 10 yards? I mean thats like asking someone how many bases are there in a baseball diamond c'mon wtf?

22% = GAY

02-25-2009, 04:00 PM
Its just the mentality, of some of those very disturbing trans women,
who unfortunately uses those phrases.
Not all of of have those judgments or views.

02-25-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm a huge MMA fan--you know that sport where 1 almost naked guy usually ends up with with his legs wrapped around another almost naked guy from the front (guard) or the back (setup for a "rear naked choke")--what percentage gay does this make me?! (lol).

Seriously, if Kelly Shore (for argument sake) was riding me like a cowgirl and called me gay, my first thought would be "you know, technically she's right." Of course, being in that compromising position, thinking about why she called me gay would be the LAST THING on my mind. :)

Lighten up people.

02-25-2009, 05:02 PM
I'm a huge MMA fan--you know that sport where 1 almost naked guy usually ends up with with his legs wrapped around another almost naked guy from the front (guard) or the back (setup for a "rear naked choke")--what percentage gay does this make me?! (lol).

Seriously, if Kelly Shore (for argument sake) was riding me like a cowgirl and called me gay, my first thought would be "you know, technically she's right." Of course, being in that compromising position, thinking about why she called me gay would be the LAST THING on my mind. :)

Lighten up people.

MMA = gay

02-25-2009, 06:29 PM
Well u must suck at math cuz according to Percentages 22% is no where near the majority.

Thats like saying McCain won the presidency even though Obama had the most votes...

Get your facts straight.

Yes I do admit that being on this site would be considered gay in the mainstream, but this isnt exactly a mainstream site now is it? haha

02-25-2009, 06:48 PM
Well, said Regisbou. I agree. I would imagine "most" guys on here like "females", are involved with "females" sexually, are attracted to "females" or like what "assumes" to be 100% "female". Verdict........Hetro.

Have a great day guys and gals

02-25-2009, 10:25 PM
Well u must suck at math cuz according to Percentages 22% is no where near the majority.

Thats like saying McCain won the presidency even though Obama had the most votes...

Get your facts straight.

Yes I do admit that being on this site would be considered gay in the mainstream, but this isnt exactly a mainstream site now is it? haha

Regisbou I was joking. I could care less who's gay. To each their own.


Another j/k

02-25-2009, 11:15 PM
haha ok well in that case good.

On the internet its hard to see someones facial expression as well as hand movement or their tone of voice for that matter, lol.

02-25-2009, 11:20 PM
Your gay if you wear holliser j/k

who cares

02-26-2009, 12:44 AM
haha lol

Not saying that i care, just it shouldn't be used in a negative context thats all.

Gay used to mean happy, now it means other things in many different ways lol

02-26-2009, 03:40 AM
Who cares?

02-26-2009, 06:00 AM
[quote= 22% = GAY[/quote]


You know what's even more funnier, is that a lot of my friends, who are hardcore conservative christians and are huge MMA fans, have "sparring sessions" a couple of days a week. So imagine all these sweaty homophobic men roll around on each other, then praying afterwords. For real. What's even more hilarious is when they post the pics on there facebook pages; some of the positions they are in, along the looks on their faces, I mean, wow--pardon the pun, but its really hard keeping a "straight" face!! :lol: