View Full Version : Where's bin Laden? Science may...

02-17-2009, 08:47 PM
....have the answer.


02-17-2009, 08:52 PM
They know where he is....Mountains of Pakistan....Only problem is the mountain is threacherous and they cant just bomb it because then it would be tooo obvious,that the US did it. They wish to extract him....Well thats my 2cents on it... http://www.greenpacks.org/2008/12/10/most-dangerous-mountains-in-the-world/

02-18-2009, 01:35 AM
Osama was last seen wearing a pair of Ovation guitars for house slippers as he snuck into a Talabani owned 7/11 in the caves of Pakistan.Apparently a former musician named 'Cat' gave him the Ovation guitars for foot slippers after his attempt to hack Salmon Rushdie to death with guitar strings failed.

02-18-2009, 02:28 AM
Cool, chefmike. It's like an episode of NUMBERS. 8)

ef9 comments:

They know where he is....Mountains of Pakistan....Only problem is the mountain is threacherous and they cant just bomb it because then it would be tooo obvious,that the US did it.

The mountains of Pakistan covers a HUGE expanse. If we dropped everything we got short of nuclear weapons on that range, the odds are we'd kill a lot of innocent people and still miss bin Laden entirely. When it comes to taking out bin Laden, I don't think we'll be worried about being too obvious. We're already engaged in drone missions in Pakistan.

02-18-2009, 02:39 AM
Cool, chefmike. It's like an episode of NUMBERS. 8)

ef9 comments:

They know where he is....Mountains of Pakistan....Only problem is the mountain is threacherous and they cant just bomb it because then it would be tooo obvious,that the US did it.

The mountains of Pakistan covers a HUGE expanse. If we dropped everything we got short of nuclear weapons on that range, the odds are we'd kill a lot of innocent people and still miss bin Laden entirely. When it comes to taking out bin Laden, I don't think we'll be worried about being too obvious. We're already engaged in drone missions in Pakistan. I know im a bit on the tired side today....Studying for a ASE certification test. -_-. I should have been more detailed in what I said....But your spot on.

02-18-2009, 05:25 AM
....have the answer.

I think he's dead.

El Nino
02-18-2009, 05:35 AM
I am not sticking up for the Ahole or anything but, he is not even on the FBI's most wanted list. They don't have enough evidence tying him to the events surrounding 911... Research it it you want to.

02-18-2009, 05:46 AM
The case against bin Laden

http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B06E7DD153CF935A35753C1A9679C8B 63

02-18-2009, 05:48 AM
I am not sticking up for the Ahole or anything but, he is not even on the FBI's most wanted list. They don't have enough evidence tying him to the events surrounding 911... Research it it you want to. ok the discussion is where he may be. not if he is on the us list. he is still on the deck of 52 list fyi

El Nino
02-18-2009, 05:52 AM
Ok, here's the deal. Correction, he IS on the Most wanted list BUT, not for any connection to the Sept 11 attacks. Had to clarify that. Here's the link:



Was anybody aware of this? Just Curious...

02-18-2009, 06:14 AM
Ok then lets say he isnt on the United States Federal Beareau of Intellingence Most wanted list. Although he is still on the United Nations Deck of 52 most wanted.

FBI most wanted list: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorists/terbinladen.htm

El Nino
02-18-2009, 06:35 AM
Ok then lets say he isnt on the United States Federal Beareau of Intellingence Most wanted list. Although he is still on the United Nations Deck of 52 most wanted.

FBI most wanted list: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorists/terbinladen.htm

Hey read my previous post... I corrected and restated.

02-18-2009, 06:38 AM
Ok then lets say he isnt on the United States Federal Beareau of Intellingence Most wanted list. Although he is still on the United Nations Deck of 52 most wanted.

FBI most wanted list: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorists/terbinladen.htm

Hey read my previous post... I corrected and restated.

El Nino
02-18-2009, 06:47 AM

Ok, here's the deal. Correction, he IS on the Most wanted list BUT, not for any connection to the Sept 11 attacks. Had to clarify that. Here's the link:



Was anybody aware of this? Just Curious...

02-18-2009, 06:58 AM

Ok, here's the deal. Correction, he IS on the Most wanted list BUT, not for any connection to the Sept 11 attacks. Had to clarify that. Here's the link:



Was anybody aware of this? Just Curious...
OBL is on the FBI's top ten because he refused to have a reptilian gay circle-jerk with the real cause of 9/11, George W Bush, and his buddies the Illuminati, the Masons, the Jews, Boxcar Willie and various Reptilian-Hybrid humanoid space aliens. Dumbya was incredibly dumb, but smart enough to pull off a conspiracy on the order of 9/11, only to have his plans exposed by geniuses like David Icke and El Nino.

02-18-2009, 07:05 AM
Fuck Bin Laden! - me

02-18-2009, 07:07 AM
Fuck Bin Laden! - methe part of the name BIN means son of basically his true name is Osama Laden...

02-18-2009, 11:29 AM
I am not sticking up for the Ahole or anything but, he is not even on the FBI's most wanted list. They don't have enough evidence tying him to the events surrounding 911... Research it it you want to.

02-18-2009, 03:11 PM
Considering the nature of the original post..... finding someone by way of electricity usage patterns, and satellite photos, I haven't read the paper...

Showing the picture of the guy with the tinfoil hat is kind of ironic. Since he's afraid of just the type of thing that has been reported here.

I'll bet 10/1 This research team has located where bin Laden is or at least was as of 2006. Bin Laden needs kidney dialysis at regular intervals, Internet access, a place to charge a satellite phone and such.

Even more impressive they did that using satellites that the GovT does not use anymore which have low resolution...Like one might see on google earth. As it is I can look at google earth and clearly make out my own car in front of my own house. What can I say. Look up and wave because big brother really is watching.

02-18-2009, 03:32 PM
Considering the nature of the original post..... finding someone by way of electricity usage patterns, and satellite photos, I haven't read the paper...

Showing the picture of the guy with the tinfoil hat is kind of ironic. Since he's afraid of just the type of thing that has been reported here.

I'll bet 10/1 This research team has located where bin Laden is or at least was as of 2006. Bin Laden needs kidney dialysis at regular intervals, Internet access, a place to charge a satellite phone and such.

Even more impressive they did that using satellites that the GovT does not use anymore which have low resolution...Like one might see on google earth. As it is I can look at google earth and clearly make out my own car in front of my own house. What can I say. Look up and wave because big brother really is watching.

Not to worry, Brenda... :roll:

02-18-2009, 03:59 PM
Lol LMAO. Where the hell did you find that?

Tinfoil will not save you from the kinds of satelites they have up there these days. This is info on a type of satellite from 9 years ago. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KH-13) These could resolve something as small as 0.4 meters across, which is really good for 200-600 miles up in orbit. It is known that this year the government will be putting even better ones in orbit.

Edited to correct a bad link.

02-18-2009, 04:08 PM
Lol LMAO. Where the hell did you find that?

Tinfoil will not save you from the kinds of satelites they have up there these days. This is info on a type of satellite from 9 years ago. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KH-13rbi) These could resolve something as small as 0.4 meters across, which is really good for 200-600 miles up in orbit. It is known that this year the government will be putting even better ones in orbit.

Please inform thxtinfoil, El Ninny, and adipshit aka worthless2 of that, Brenda.... :wink:

02-18-2009, 04:20 PM
Really though

You seem to have an infinte supply of these pictures ready to go.

02-18-2009, 04:26 PM
It amuses me how much the rattling of tinfoil drives the jonestards, paulbots, and other assorted cyberspace paranoid trolls crazy...ahem...crazier...

02-18-2009, 04:32 PM
Wow chef, you really dig this tinfoil shit doncha? WOW! The ends you must have to go to to source the piccies you post!! Your entire life must resort around it, now THAT my friend is an obsession and, if I were you, I would seek the advice of a Psychiatrist pronto mate! It would appear that you have been in the kitchen, and around this stuff for too long I fear!! You are aware there is a link between aluminium exposure and alzheimers aren't you? :screwy

02-18-2009, 04:35 PM
lol I see.

You see a pic like that on a board, right click and save for future use.

02-18-2009, 04:36 PM
Imagine that!!

A tinfoil fellow traveler!!

Where's my dang butterfly net?

02-18-2009, 04:39 PM
YAWN! :screwy

02-18-2009, 04:47 PM
Wow chef, you really dig this tinfoil shit doncha? WOW! The ends you must have to go to to source the piccies you post!! Your entire life must resort around it, now THAT my friend is an obsession and, if I were you, I would seek the advice of a Psychiatrist pronto mate! It would appear that you have been in the kitchen, and around this stuff for too long I fear!! You are aware there is a link between aluminium exposure and alzheimers aren't you? :screwy

02-18-2009, 04:53 PM
It's a shame cos that is the best you can do innit? :( Your posts remind me of those books they have for people who can't read, you know with just the pictures in them. Awww bless! :D

02-18-2009, 05:19 PM

02-18-2009, 05:28 PM
Yeah? Where? I feel I acquitted myself quite well in that thread, my favourite passage of which being this one;

It's astonishing that you bang on and on about me being a 'truther' and a 'cyberspace laughingstock' when you, it would appear are the epitome of both! Whilst, in the real world, I practise what I preach. I am, what you may call, an ethical Lawyer, you know the poor kind with principals and an inquiring mind. Not someone, like yourself, who pops on here to crack one off in between being insulted about the quality of my souffle and then, in a fit of post-onanistic pique, engages themself in political arguments without even having the first clue or desire to articulate their 'opinion' - save for the rabid cry of 'T I N F O I L - I T ' S - E V E R Y W H E R E !'. BTW what the fuck is it with you and tinfoil? Where you molested by a Turkey one thanksgiving or something?

Ha-ha! I certainly didn't try to dodge the point and attempt to construct an attack on anyone who disagreed with me via 'funny' pictures involving tinfoil! I feel there is only one fool to be found in the thread you linked to, and it's the one you see reflected in your 'tinfoil' pictures :D

Ciao D

PS I know I've posted this in another thread but if it's ok for you to repeat your posts then it's ok for me!

El Nino
02-18-2009, 06:00 PM
It's a shame cos that is the best you can do innit? :( Your posts remind me of those books they have for people who can't read, you know with just the pictures in them. Awww bless! :D

Pretty much..

El Nino
02-18-2009, 06:03 PM
The 'FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11'.

'We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11'

-Vice President Cheney

Where is the "tinfoil" factor here?

02-18-2009, 06:10 PM
'We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11'

-Vice President Cheney

Don't forget his next line 'That evidence has never been forthcoming.'

Nuff said

02-18-2009, 06:28 PM
'We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11'

-Vice President Cheney

Don't forget his next line 'That evidence has never been forthcoming.'

Nuff said

02-18-2009, 06:30 PM
AWW!! We're back to 'funny' pictures! Bless! What's the matter mate did they take the 'green crayon' off you?

El Nino
02-18-2009, 09:17 PM
YAY! Funny pictures from SheepMike Time!

02-19-2009, 07:19 AM
'We've never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11'

-Vice President Cheney

Don't forget his next line 'That evidence has never been forthcoming.'

Nuff said
It is quite funny how these boners are selective in using Dick Cheney. If the quote fits their bias, they believe Cheney and will use the quote to substantiate their arguments. If a quote does not fit their bias, well everyone knows that Cheney is a lying dick.

If it wasn't for wizards like El Nino who figured out the grand conspiracy, Dumbya and shotgun Cheney would have gotten away with it! Behold El Nino, the genius who has it all figured out!

El Nino
02-19-2009, 07:23 AM
I have never said that I have figured anything out. I just like to ask good questions, meatstick. So don't attempt to put words in my mouth f@*kface. Nice spin by the way; now back to the subject at hand.

02-19-2009, 08:11 AM
I have never said that I have figured anything out. I just like to ask good questions, meatstick. So don't attempt to put words in my mouth f@*kface. Nice spin by the way; now back to the subject at hand.
You ask questions already asked by many other mediocre minds. But your narcissism tells you that they are good questions. It's great to be good, in your own mind.

I don't need to put words in your mouth. You've said enough to establish credibility with your co-paranoids, Mr. Kaczynski.

02-19-2009, 08:36 AM
El Ninny and his tinfoil butt buddy divaretsky are indeed both a chip off of the ol' Kacxynski!

02-19-2009, 08:49 AM
El Ninny and his tinfoil butt buddy divaretsky are indeed both a chip off of the ol' Kacxynski!
They are neokaczynskis who advocate preemptive war against the federal government to ensure peace.
They believe all people want freedom from the NWO and innately value the same basic human values that they value, namely, the Turner Diaries.
One of the original neokaczynkis thought the people of Oklahoma City would greet him as a liberator with flowers.
He thought wrong.

02-19-2009, 08:50 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.

02-19-2009, 09:06 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.

02-19-2009, 09:07 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

02-19-2009, 09:12 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

ROTFLMAO....I guess the little shit stain grabbed some airplane glue before he finished his shift at the 7/11....

El Nino
02-20-2009, 12:22 AM
Ok, so I know that you guys are having fun with the jokes and name calling and other diversions, but just for a minute, it would be nice to see what you all think about this. That is, the fact that, believe it or not, the FBI lacks any such evidence to specifically tie Bin Laden to the events surrounding 9/11. Coupled with Cheney's documented remarks; it kind of should stinulate some dialogue, in light of the the Afghani invasion and all the media hype etc... I am just asking your opinions, if you will. Any commentary?

02-20-2009, 04:52 AM
Ok, so I know that you guys are having fun with the jokes and name calling and other diversions, but just for a minute, it would be nice to see what you all think about this. That is, the fact that, believe it or not, the FBI lacks any such evidence to specifically tie Bin Laden to the events surrounding 9/11. Coupled with Cheney's documented remarks; it kind of should stinulate some dialogue, in light of the the Afghani invasion and all the media hype etc... I am just asking your opinions, if you will. Any commentary?
My opinion is that you're an idiot.

Here is a home for you:
David Icke's Official Forums www.davidicke.com/forum/
General, Reptilians, Religion Illuminati, Political Manipulation, New World Order, Symbolism

You and David Icke are both conspiracy theorists, why is David Icke any less credible than you?

The only major problem for you is that David Icke thinks gay sex is for reptilian hybrids and the illuminati...

Here is David Icke's recent article on Obama (http://www.davidicke.com/obama):
"Obama is just more of the same, a big smile with strings attached, and controlled completely by the Illuminati networks that chose him, trained him, sold him and provided his record funding. It was they who kept his many skeletons under wraps, like the gay sex and crack cocaine allegations of Larry Sinclair, and they will continue to do so as long as he jumps to their bidding. Obama is just another Banksters' moll prostituting himself for fame and power, and that's why he supported the grotesque bail-out of the banking system and why he will always put their interests before the people. His financial advisors are straight from the Wall Street 'A' list, including Paul Adolph Volker (Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group), the head of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987 and Illuminati to his fingertips."

Get a life you paranoid freak.

El Nino
02-20-2009, 05:12 AM
Thats not what I asked... Way to jump to conclusions and change the subject. Here it is again.
Ok, so I know that you guys are having fun with the jokes and name calling and other diversions, but just for a minute, it would be nice to see what you all think about this. That is, the fact that, believe it or not, the FBI lacks any such evidence to specifically tie Bin Laden to the events surrounding 9/11. Coupled with Cheney's documented remarks; it kind of should stinulate some dialogue, in light of the the Afghani invasion and all the media hype etc... I am just asking your opinions, if you will. Any commentary?

02-20-2009, 05:22 AM
Thats not what I asked... Way to jump to conclusions and change the subject. Here it is again.
Ok, so I know that you guys are having fun with the jokes and name calling and other diversions, but just for a minute, it would be nice to see what you all think about this. That is, the fact that, believe it or not, the FBI lacks any such evidence to specifically tie Bin Laden to the events surrounding 9/11. Coupled with Cheney's documented remarks; it kind of should stinulate some dialogue, in light of the the Afghani invasion and all the media hype etc... I am just asking your opinions, if you will. Any commentary?
You asked for opinions. I gave you my opinion. Here it is again:
You're an idiot.

If you and the nutter David Icke are both conspiracy theorists, why is he any less credible than you?

El Nino
02-20-2009, 05:49 AM
Your opinion of me is besides the point. I asked for opinions on the facts pointed out in my previous statement. Am I an idiot becase I presented factual information that you would rather not touch upon, or you find conflicting with your belief system? If this is the case, it may be you whom ultimately reveals the 'idiot' within. I can infer that this will evolve once again, into a redundant case of an individual repeatedly harrasing and dishing out personal attacks, while the other is trying to discuss subject matter. So typical, and so sad... Keep on drinking the kool-Aid!

02-20-2009, 06:03 AM
Your opinion of me is besides the point. I asked for opinions on the facts pointed out in my previous statement. Am I an idiot becase I presented factual information that you would rather not touch upon, or you find conflicting with your belief system? If this is the case, it may be you whom ultimately reveals the 'idiot' within. I can infer that this will evolve once again, into a redundant case of an individual repeatedly harrasing and dishing out personal attacks, while the other is trying to discuss subject matter. So typical, and so sad... Keep on drinking the kool-Aid!
Interesting that you say you presented "facts". As I noted before, you are quite selective in how you use Dick Cheney. If his words fit your bias, then those words are fact. If not, he's a lying dick. Why do you prefer to believe that Shotgun Dick and Dumbya engineered 9/11, rather than some hateful Muslims?

Or are you like David Icke, who says that both OBL and Dumbya/Cheney are Illuminati controlled by reptilian space aliens?

Now answer this simple question:

If you and the nutter David Icke are both conspiracy theorists, why is he any less credible than you?

El Nino
02-20-2009, 07:02 AM
Did I ever say that Cheney and Bush engineered 9/11? No, I did not. See what I mean by assuming and putting wrds in my mouth. You look like an ass. You still have not answered the queston. You are weak.

02-20-2009, 07:34 AM
Did I ever say that Cheney and Bush engineered 9/11? No, I did not. See what I mean by assuming and putting wrds in my mouth. You look like an ass. You still have not answered the queston. You are weak.
Now you, a tinfoil hat wearing truther, indicate that perhaps you think Cheney and Bush did not engineer 9/11...

Which puts you closer to David Icke's mantra, that it was space aliens controlling the Illuminati (including Bush and his buddies), and explains your hesitancy implicitly criticize Icke by answering the simple question:

If you and the nutter David Icke are both conspiracy theorists, why is he any less credible than you?

If I am way off, just say who you think was responsible for 9/11...

El Nino
02-20-2009, 08:37 AM
Did I ever claim to know who was responsible? You're a lost cause...

02-20-2009, 08:39 AM
Did I ever claim to know who was responsible? You're a lost cause...Phobun has a different sense of life,Its EXTREMELY odd but,So is he.

02-20-2009, 08:51 AM
Did I ever claim to know who was responsible
This non-response is your way of pussyfooting around a direct answer to my request, which was to merely say who you THINK is responsible.
But your vagueness is telling.
It suggests that you're willing to entertain nutty theories, such as the possibility that Shotgun Dick and his buddy Dumbya might somehow be responsible for 9/11.
You're a mediocre conspiracy monger who is to too much of a coward to say what you actually think.
Why not express your sympathy for Icke and his paranoid Illuminati theories?

02-20-2009, 04:19 PM
Did I ever claim to know who was responsible? You're a lost cause...Phobun has a different sense of life,Its EXTREMELY odd but,So is he.

Look phobun!

It's dumb and dumber!

02-20-2009, 11:19 PM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

Sure go back your to roach and rat infested apartment scumbag and go eat your hamburgers and hot dogs you toxic piece of shit. Why are you even on this board anyway, To be an annoying lowlife?

El Nino
02-21-2009, 12:28 AM
He uses the same terminology as Chef, to a tee. Chef has cycled through many lapdogs on this site but 'Phobun'... he is the snuggliest of them all. Cue Sheepmike with either a tinfoil reference or a "funny" picture. Yay for communism Chef! If the government can't fix your problems, nobody can!

02-21-2009, 06:09 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

Sure go back your to roach and rat infested apartment scumbag and go eat your hamburgers and hot dogs you toxic piece of shit. Why are you even on this board anyway, To be an annoying lowlife?
worthy2, stupid guys like you are so easily rattled.
Go buy some overpriced vitamins from your favorite quack... the quack is laughing at you all the way to the bank.

02-21-2009, 06:18 AM
He uses the same terminology as Chef, to a tee. Chef has cycled through many lapdogs on this site but 'Phobun'... he is the snuggliest of them all. Cue Sheepmike with either a tinfoil reference or a "funny" picture. Yay for communism Chef! If the government can't fix your problems, nobody can!
How do you justify your affinity for David Icke when he says gay sex is what repitilian hybrid members of the Illuminati do to each other?

After all, you're always condemning people who impugn gays!

But if you don't believe the ideas of David Icke (a conspiracy theorist like yourself), then why are you any more credible than he?

02-21-2009, 06:27 AM
u still lookin for him chef, what u over there in a tent?

02-21-2009, 09:07 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

Sure go back your to roach and rat infested apartment scumbag and go eat your hamburgers and hot dogs you toxic piece of shit. Why are you even on this board anyway, To be an annoying lowlife?
worthy2, stupid guys like you are so easily rattled.
Go buy some overpriced vitamins from your favorite quack... the quack is laughing at you all the way to the bank.

Vitamins are good for you, What do you have against being healthy? So many people sick and dieing out there. You have to take your health serious.

02-21-2009, 09:18 AM
manute bol was the first person to warn the usa about bin laden. There is footage of going to washington back in 91 when bin laden was in sudan. The backwards ass govt told manute they have no interest in africa.
Clearly you're totally shit-faced at this point.
Turn the skeeter-zapper off for the night and go back into your trailer before you pass out.
Save the rant for the next militia meeting.

Sure go back your to roach and rat infested apartment scumbag and go eat your hamburgers and hot dogs you toxic piece of shit. Why are you even on this board anyway, To be an annoying lowlife?
worthy2, stupid guys like you are so easily rattled.
Go buy some overpriced vitamins from your favorite quack... the quack is laughing at you all the way to the bank.

Vitamins are good for you, What do you have against being healthy? So many people sick and dieing out there. You have to take your health serious.
Another bottle of Ripple for you and I won't be thinking you're serious!

El Nino
02-21-2009, 09:27 AM
Phobun, everything that you type is senseless... literally. Its just a complete disregard for any rational content. A few fries short of a happymeal these days, ol' buddy?

02-21-2009, 09:29 AM
Phobun, everything that you type is senseless... literally. Its just a complete disregard for any rational content. A few fries short of a happymeal these days, ol' buddy?
Tell us about rational content Mr. Paranoid truther.
Tell us about the rational content on the various truther websites, prison planet, info wars and David Icke's seminars.
Oh, you don't accept those conspiracy pushers? Why not, and why are they any less credible than your conspiracy mongering?

02-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Did I ever claim to know who was responsible
This non-response is your way of pussyfooting around a direct answer to my request, which was to merely say who you THINK is responsible.
But your vagueness is telling.
It suggests that you're willing to entertain nutty theories, such as the possibility that Shotgun Dick and his buddy Dumbya might somehow be responsible for 9/11.
You're a mediocre conspiracy monger who is to too much of a coward to say what you actually think.
Why not express your sympathy for Icke and his paranoid Illuminati theories?

Nailed it!