View Full Version : Owner of TER Arrested

02-17-2009, 09:05 AM
I just learned of this, but apparently Dave, the owner of TER was arrested yesterday after hiring a hit man to kill another web site owner who's apparently been dissing him.

This one doesn't sound too good for him.

Persecution, prosecution, recession, depression, entrapment, our world is crumbling around us.

TS Jamie

PS - No, it wasn't NYCe... at least so far as I heard, but you might want to park in the garage for awhile sweetie. LOL

02-17-2009, 09:15 AM
PS - No, it wasn't NYCe... at least so far as I heard, but you might want to park in the garage for awhile sweetie. LOL

on a sidenote do you really think parking in a garage would prevent a hit?!?

02-17-2009, 09:22 AM
PS - No, it wasn't NYCe... at least so far as I heard, but you might want to park in the garage for awhile sweetie. LOL

on a sidenote do you really think parking in a garage would prevent a hit?!?
Lol....Hell of alot easier.Id say.

02-17-2009, 09:23 AM
Dave elms has been arrested for a whole slew of stuff over the past year or so. Assault, gun possession, drug possession, parole violations, etc. (if I remember correctly).

but i keep telling you this and you (again, if I remember correctly) say you've never had a problem with TER.

That link you put up doesn't go anywhere that I can see. This migh be better:


From the looks of it, he finally had enough of Phoenix Dave's rants against him and was planning on doing something about it.

i know from the back channel rumour mill that a lot of the TER yentas are jumping ship because they are hearing that Elms sold out TER to the feds to use to catch hookers and johns. I have no idea if that's true or not.

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 09:26 AM
Jesus Jamie, why would you out the guy's real name and picture here? As if he doesn't have enough problems right now??


02-17-2009, 09:26 AM
LOL - JWBL - I was thinking of that old Charles Bronson movie with Jan Michael Vincent - where he booby traps the guys car... "Boom! You're dead."

TS Jamie :-)

02-17-2009, 09:34 AM
Jesus Jamie, why would you out the guy's real name and picture here? As if he doesn't have enough problems right now??


Felicia - "I" didn't out his name. I put a link where someone needed his full name to get the info. But if it makes you happy I removed it.

Someone ELSE posted the other link. Apparently this wasn't such a big secret after all.

And EVERYBODY knows Dave's name is Dave. It's not like he hasn't been in the news about 20 times last year.

And in his defense, he has ALWAYS been supportive of the TS girls, and TER has been a very supportive site for transsexuals and I for one appreciate and support him.

TS Jamie

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 09:45 AM
Jamie, editing out your link after its been noted and updated is like trying to unring a bell. No one would have posted the better link if you hadn't started the thread.

I had no idea who he was and neither did probably 99 per cent of the people here. You didn't need his full name to find it, there were only 2 mugshots there where homicide was the crime. and only one Dave. Didn't have to be a detective to figure that one out.

I don't doubt he has been supportive to our community, I just don't think airing his dirty laundry and broadcasting his real name and pic is a good way to show gratitude.



02-17-2009, 09:47 AM
Jamie, editing out your link after its been noted and updated is like trying to unring a bell. No one would have posted the better link if you hadn't started the thread.

I had no idea who he was and neither did probably 99 per cent of the people here. You didn't need his full name to find it, there were only 2 mugshots there where homicide was the crime. and only one Dave. Didn't have to be a detective to figure that one out.

I don't doubt he has been supportive to our community, I just don't think airing his dirty laundry and broadcasting his real name and pic is a good way to show gratitude.


Lol Kudos. +5 cool points.

02-17-2009, 10:04 AM

Giggles, I mean Jamie, did not out him. An arrest is a matter of public record, thus the mugshot on the Sheriff's site. Jamie did not spill any private information about the guy. I would bet that, by next week, this guy's arrest will have been noted on many other adult sites. No big deal. The guy will get his day in court...


02-17-2009, 10:09 AM
Oh for Christ sake Felicia... you every pick on me on every thread I comment on.

It's not a big secret. The news is on the GG boards I read, along with detailed information. It will probably be in the newspaper tomorrow. It was probably on the Phoenix news tonight.

In my opinion it is important for members here to know, because TER could very easily come under a spotlight and people should know.

You are welcome to disagree, but I wish we could do it agreeably.

Love and kisses,
TS Jamie :-)

PS - thank you 2009AD.

02-17-2009, 10:11 AM
It was already posted on a couple of other porn forums I go to, well before Jamie posted. So the cat's out of the bag.

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 10:14 AM
where on that site does it mention TER? It doesn't. The only connection was made here by Jamie

Just because something will happen eventually doesn't change that its wrong to help it along. Especially when its being done for the wrong reasons.


02-17-2009, 10:16 AM
Wrong reasons? WTF are you talking about?

Try re-reading my post above.

TS Jamie :-(

PS - If you think this thread is so bad, please feel free to ask a mod to delete it. I won't get my panties in a twist. But I'll bet they agree it's HA worthy news.

02-17-2009, 10:22 AM
Wrong reasons? WTF are you talking about?

Try re-reading my post above.

TS Jamie :-(

PS - If you think this thread is so bad, please feel free to ask a mod to delete it. I won't get my panties in a twist. But I'll bet they agree it's HA worthy news.
P.S-I doubt that. Its another drama thread.

02-17-2009, 10:23 AM
Jeezus Fucking Christ on a cracker. This shit's been in the fucking New York Times:


and the guy who he is accused of trying to murder has a whole fucking website pretty much devoted to dogging him:


he ain't flyin' under no radars.

02-17-2009, 10:29 AM
P.S-I doubt that. Its another drama thread.

LOL - you want a piece of me too? :-) :-) :-)

Haven't you seen my new avatar?

TS Jamie :-)

02-17-2009, 10:31 AM
P.S-I doubt that. Its another drama thread.

LOL - you want a piece of me too? :-) :-) :-)

Haven't you seen my new avatar?

TS Jamie :-)
WTF,Your a ODDBALL!!!!

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 10:33 AM
It was already linked on other boards but you didn't post that, you wanted to be the one to"break the news" as if it was your scoop so you posted the source and not the stories on it. And your professed deep concern for others isn't in evidence in your first post though your shallow sense of humor is.

I usually live and let live here but its just been too much lately. Do you really need attention so badlly you have to brag or bullshit or muckrake to get it?


02-17-2009, 10:38 AM
PS - If you think this thread is so bad, please feel free to ask a mod to delete it. I won't get my panties in a twist. But I'll bet they agree it's HA worthy news.
P.S-I doubt that. Its another drama thread.

Swing and a miss.... take a seat junior.

Drama would be if Jamie had accused the guy of trying to kill someone. She did not. The man has been charged with some serious offenses. No drama, just news.

02-17-2009, 10:39 AM
It was already linked on other boards but you didn't post that, you wanted to be the one to"break the news" as if it was your scoop so you posted the source and not the stories on it. And your professed deep concern for others isn't in evidence in your first post though your shallow sense of humor is.

I usually live and let live here but its just been too much lately. Do you really need attention so badlly you have to brag or bullshit or muckrake to get it?

FKFK I bet she has ADHD.

02-17-2009, 10:48 AM
Notice to the board:

From now on all my posts will be passed by Felicia for editing and content approval.

I'm sorry I was fucking BORN OK.

TS Jamie :-)

02-17-2009, 10:50 AM
Notice to the board:

From now on all my posts will be passed by Felicia for editing and content approval.

I'm sorry I was fucking BORN OK.

TS Jamie :-)When you post shit like this do you seriously think your going to get a warm welcomed reply????
its like your trying to make friends so hard you dont notice what your doing.....

02-17-2009, 10:55 AM
And once again a thread meant to provide discussion and information degenerates into a Kat fight.

Only on HA.

I'm going to bed, we can pick this up tomorrow.

TS Jamie :-)

02-17-2009, 11:00 AM
Notice to the board:

From now on all my posts will be passed by Felicia for editing and content approval.

I'm sorry I was fucking BORN OK.

TS Jamie :-)When you post shit like this do you seriously think your going to get a warm welcomed reply????
its like your trying to make friends so hard you dont notice what your doing.....


Don't sweat it Jamie. On this one, you did nothing wrong, you simply passed on PUBLIC information.

02-17-2009, 11:23 AM
I just learned of this, but apparently Dave, the owner of TER was arrested yesterday after hiring a hit man to kill another web site owner who's apparently been dissing him.

Weak. The guy must be retarded. :roll:

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 11:29 AM
if she had just posted a link to a media site with the news, she would be passing along public information. She didn't do that. She tried to come across as the source for it. I have nothing against Jamie. Just with her actiions. My frustration with her posts isn't just on this one, its cummulative. If you have something positive or informative or humorous to add here, by all means do it. But gratuitous posts about airlines so you can brag about having a couple of flying lesson or about the real estate crisis so you can try to show off you are the worlds slowest house flipper don't fit that bill. Neither do morally tone deaf stories about inattentive or reckless driving. If Jamie would edit or even self censor what she said now and then, she would't feel the need to facetiously offer for me to do so for her.


02-17-2009, 11:52 AM
I have nothing against Jamie. Just with her actiions :lol:

02-17-2009, 12:22 PM
if she had just posted a link to a media site with the news, she would be passing along public information. She didn't do that. She tried to come across as the source for it. I have nothing against Jamie. Just with her actiions. My frustration with her posts isn't just on this one, its cummulative. If you have something positive or informative or humorous to add here, by all means do it. But gratuitous posts about airlines so you can brag about having a couple of flying lesson or about the real estate crisis so you can try to show off you are the worlds slowest house flipper don't fit that bill. Neither do morally tone deaf stories about inattentive or reckless driving. If Jamie would edit or even self censor what she said now and then, she would't feel the need to facetiously offer for me to do so for her.


Jeeze Felicia - well at least I know you read everything I write. I'm flattered. You aren't going to start stalking me are you? :-)

I wasn't "bragging" about taking flying lessons. I was SHARING my EXCITEMENT about finally being able to reach a lifelong goal with my "friends" here on HA. (Yeah, "friends," LOL)

As for my house - honey doll I'm NOT "flipping" it. It's my investment. I may just move back up there for a couple of years and post daily surf reports and buzz your house in my plane. LOL :-)

And I'm glad to know I'm "morally tone deaf" - coming from someone posting on a porn site.

And I'm so full of myself? Really? Honey, I'm not the one with 15 photos of myself in my signature and avatars. LOL

I guess I open up some of the positive things in my life to show that not all whores end up in the gutter dead of HIV. Or maybe I'm just relieved that I didn't. Yet.

I'm sorry if my random comments bother you so much you have to have a 3 page cat fight over it.

Now, we can end this on a friendly note, or we can keep going. Though I stayed up way past my bedtime. So we can kiss and make up, or sharpen your claws, it's your choice. :-)

TS Jamie

02-17-2009, 02:27 PM
the funny part of this thread is people dont want her to pass on a story of a guy in the tranny business who tried to have someone murdered, like you want to cover it up and save him from ridicule



I, for one, appreciate the thread.

02-17-2009, 06:04 PM

Felicia Katt
02-17-2009, 07:28 PM
Jamie, my claws never came out because this was never a cat fight. I've kept them in, and bit my tongue to not take this personal. This is about your posts, not you. I'm not the only one calling you on some of them. Or ignoring you on others.




02-17-2009, 08:24 PM
the funny part of this thread is people dont want her to pass on a story of a guy in the tranny business who tried to have someone murdered, like you want to cover it up and save him from ridicule



I, for one, appreciate the thread.


Forest, trees, can you see them?

Even allegedly attempted its news.

02-17-2009, 09:28 PM
I wouldn't call him a guy in the tranny business. It's a guy in the escort business or a guy in the internet business. the reviews on his sight just happen to be about trannys some part (a minor part, actually)

02-17-2009, 09:39 PM
Notice to the board:

I'm sorry I was fucking BORN OK.

TS Jamie :-)

No need to apologize for that.

I'm just happy that you can't procreate.



02-18-2009, 12:27 AM
OK Felicia. Pinky friends?

I'll try to tone it down, though I am a post whore so I may need an occasional reminder. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

02-18-2009, 02:22 PM

TheEroticReview.com Owner Arrested in Alleged Murder-for-Hire Plot


Did your online adult business:
earn more in 2008 than 2007
earn less in 2008 than 2007
earn the same in 2008 as 2007

By Rhett Pardon
Tuesday, Feb 17, 2009 Text size:
PHOENIX — The owner of TheEroticReview.com has been arrested in Phoenix on murder conspiracy charges after allegedly hiring a hit man to kill an online adult model who sued him last year.
David Elms, of Torrance, Calif., was arrested Sunday after an interview by officers from the Phoenix Police Department's Special Assignments Unit.

Police said they got the tip from a suspect in an ongoing probe over DesertDivas.net, which allegedly operated a prostitution ring servicing about 6,500 clients.

Phoenix police said that Elms was seeking to contract out a hit to have a 32-year-old woman killed, as well as a 62-year-old male victim seriously injured.

That 32-year-old woman was identified by adult industry attorney Michael Fattorosi of Fattorosi & Associates as an online adult model and escort he represents in a federal suit in Los Angeles over cybersquatting claims.

The Long Beach, Calif., model, named as a Jane Doe in the suit, said she fears for her life because her home address was allegedly published on TheEroticReview.com.

Fattorosi told XBIZ he was satisfied that Elms was arrested.

“I’m pleased David Elms has been brought up on charges,” Fattorosi said. “He has victimized and terrorized numerous women in the adult entertainment industry.”

Fattorosi identified the 62-year-old victim as "Dave in Phoenix," operator of the website SexWork.com.

SexWork.com has been known to attack Elms and TheEroticReview.com in its editorial content.

The owner posted a message on the site that reads: "I am not going to go into details at this time since I am working with the Phoenix Police major crimes unit and with police protection considerations."

On Tuesday, XBIZ obtained booking information relative to the Elms arrest, including how he allegedly wanted to knock off the model and seriously hurt the website owner.

According to detectives, a tape-recorded phone call was made from an informant to Elms, who agreed to drive to Phoenix and hire subjects to commit a murder and purchase a firearm.

“On Feb. 15, the defendant arrived in Phoenix and met with undercover detectives and arranged for the assault on one victim, which involved breaking his legs,” police records said. “The second victim was a female who was to be either murdered or assaulted depending on the outcome of their court case.

“Defendant agreed to pay $3,000 for the assault and also paid $500 for the purchase of one-half ounce of cocaine. Defendant also wanted to purchase a Walther 22 handgun from either the informant or undercover detectives."

Police said that Elms is currently on probation in California for drug possession and is prohibited from leaving the state.

They also said Elms' vehicle was searched and a glass pipe used to smoke crack cocaine was recovered.

“Defendant was interviewed and admitted he was on probation, was there to purchase a firearm and crack cocaine from undercover detectives, which he thought were actual suspects," police said. "As for the glass pipe, the defendant denied that it was his but admitted his fingerprints would be recovered from this item. The defendant also admitted that he ordered the assault of one of the victims but denied the murder conspiracy.”

In her civil complaint filed last year, Doe not only makes infringement claims but also includes charges of defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress, because Elms allegedly used the model's real birth name in a domain name.

The complaint alleges that “Elms directed his anger and vengeance at Doe because she refused to engage in sexual intercourse with him and because Doe refused to allow her name to be published on a website he controls.”

Doe, who owns a members-only subscription website through her Kentucky-based company BFN LLC, said that she learned of Elms’ website, which uses her real birth name and images of her, in March.

Elms also is accused of sending a letter to Doe’s family and friends, informing them that she is a prostitute. As a result, she said, her immediate family has severed all ties with her.

“Elms embarked upon a crusade to ruin Doe’s life, in order to get back at her for her refusal to have sexual intercourse with him,” the suit said.

In the Phoenix arrest, Elms was booked into Maricopa County Jail for one count of conspiracy to commit murder, one count of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, one count of conspiracy to possess narcotic drugs for sale, one count of conspiracy to commit misconduct involving weapons and one count of possession of drug paraphernalia.

Elms’ Phoenix arrest is not the first brush with the law.

The New York Times reported last year that a deputy New York district attorney said Elms was criminally charged after a night in 2006 when police were called to a hotel where they found him with 3.8 grams of cocaine and a loaded semi-automatic weapon.

A prostitute was there and said Elms had forced her to perform oral sex at gunpoint, but there was not enough evidence to press charges on that accusation, the deputy district attorney told the Times.

Phoenix police said that the defunct DesertDivas.net based in Phoenix, also known as Night Partners Entertainment, had organizational ties to Philadelphia and Albuquerque, N.M.

Police investigated the group for a year before serving nine search warrants Aug. 5. Since then, 38 people have been arrested in connection with the Phoenix branch of the organization.

Elms' TheEroticReview.com hosts escort reviews, site reviews, discussion boards and live chat. Visitors rank their experiences with prostitutes on a scale of 1 to 10, as well as to leave comments. It reportedly gets 500,000 to 1 million unique visitors each month.

02-18-2009, 02:54 PM
:smh: just :smh:

02-18-2009, 06:12 PM
this did have something about it on the news but i dident watch