View Full Version : To the ladies: Why the hate?!?

02-13-2009, 05:33 PM
I can still remember when all the girls attacked Kelly Shore. Vicki was involved in a few arguments too, and who can forget Moni (even though we try to). Recently we had Sunny vs Allanah over some secret party (if it was a secret, then why did everyone know about it. :P j/k). Britney Boykins took a share of flak from girls on these boards since then and there were many other fights, some of which I was lucky to miss by going AWOL for a year and a half (which, judging by what's been going on now, wasn't a bad idea.

Now it's Mimi vs Vanessa in what must surely be the most pointless thread since the Boyins vs Jennifer Justice thread, which managed to stir up a ton of shit for no reason.

You girls claim that we guys are haters, homos, dickheads and the like and then you attack each other with such passion that you make the comments of the most hateful male posters seem like compliments.

I don't know what you're fighting over sometimes when you sling mud at each other and yell in cryptic messages and I don't care either. But for fuck's sake, aren't you all in this together? Have your differences becoming bigger than what you have in common? You've all been through the same shit...take it easy on each other and maybe you can help each other.

I'm not saying the guys aren't guilty sometimes of such pointless arguments. I even remember an 8 page argument which began over spelling and turned ugly a few years back. But usually personal issues are not brought into it and appearances are never discussed (probably because we don't know what each other looks like and- being guys- we don't care).

So please, ladies, be lady-like. If we are supposed to be polite to you, be polite to each other also and don't refer to each other by ugly epithets. We don't know about your arguments and we don't care. You're not doing your businesses any good and you're not making these forums any better. When a mod has to come in and redefine ground rules this is not good news.

I love and respect you all, but I'm tired of your arguments. A little less hostility and a little more tolerance would be good. Isn't tolerance something you've all spoken out for, after all?

Happy Valentine's and all that...

02-13-2009, 05:37 PM
one word- jealousy

02-13-2009, 05:38 PM
I can still remember when all the girls attacked Kelly Shore. Vicki was involved in a few arguments too, and who can forget Moni (even though we try to). Recently we had Sunny vs Allanah over some secret party (if it was a secret, then why did everyone know about it. :P j/k). Britney Boykins took a share of flak from girls on these boards since then and there were many other fights, some of which I was lucky to miss by going AWOL for a year and a half (which, judging by what's been going on now, wasn't a bad idea.

Now it's Mimi vs Vanessa in what must surely be the most pointless thread since the Boyins vs Jennifer Justice thread, which managed to stir up a ton of shit for no reason.

You girls claim that we guys are haters, homos, dickheads and the like and then you attack each other with such passion that you make the comments of the most hateful male posters seem like compliments.

I don't know what you're fighting over sometimes when you sling mud at each other and yell in cryptic messages and I don't care either. But for fuck's sake, aren't you all in this together? Have your differences becoming bigger than what you have in common? You've all been through the same shit...take it easy on each other and maybe you can help each other.

I'm not saying the guys aren't guilty sometimes of such pointless arguments. I even remember an 8 page argument which began over spelling and turned ugly a few years back. But usually personal issues are not brought into it and appearances are never discussed (probably because we don't know what each other looks like and- being guys- we don't care).

So please, ladies, be lady-like. If we are supposed to be polite to you, be polite to each other also and don't refer to each other by ugly epithets. We don't know about your arguments and we don't care. You're not doing your businesses any good and you're not making these forums any better. When a mod has to come in and redefine ground rules this is not good news.

I love and respect you all, but I'm tired of your arguments. A little less hostility and a little more tolerance would be good. Isn't tolerance something you've all spoken out for, after all?

Happy Valentine's and all that...
:claps :claps

02-13-2009, 05:53 PM
ditto - the jealousy and deceit is bottomless

02-13-2009, 06:01 PM
Now it's Mimi vs Vanessa in what must surely be the most pointless thread.

Same old shit, different day. :shrug

It used to be mildy entertaining watching those two kitten fight, now it's tired.
Either get in a tub-of-jello and slug it out or stfu! :P

02-13-2009, 06:33 PM
When Britney Boykins appeared you could taste the jealousy.

Ts CinthyaNY
02-13-2009, 06:39 PM
I do not really thing it's only jealously ... Let's face it. Some girls are full of themselves and do not seem to care if someone else it's not only pretty but smarter then them.

Personally it's pointless to fight and argue against each other but when you feel aggravated by a comment from a HA girl, you just let it loose and stop acting like a lady. But yes you guys have a lot to do with it. Sometimes you just need a little to say then start a bomb.

Good thing it's that the girls here can really handle and are smart to understand at some point that it's just only part of the board and all the bs that carry on. What about you guys when you disagree to each other? you get even nastier than us.

Actually having an argument here on the board it's a lady like it since it's no more than a war of words and well put sentences and always win the ones who really are smart enough. Just my said...

*** Love to all ***


02-13-2009, 06:43 PM
myself i just stayout of arguments with other ts girls, i dont see point to it, its not going to make me any money or further my life so there fore its pointless :)

I am happy with myself so thast all that matters at the end of the day . its kinda irrelevant if someone says they are better looking etc, who realy cares at the end of the day..each to their own with looks and tastes :)

If someone laid into me i would say bring it on, i welcome the publicity for free :) but i wont be replying back :)

02-13-2009, 07:01 PM
They can just PM that nonsense or IM each other. People are so insecure with themselves and just need constant validation and attention from others i guess.

02-13-2009, 08:40 PM
maybe in some cases its all about one person being jealous... but that doesnt fit every case

02-13-2009, 09:33 PM
one word- jealousy

i think that's a big part of it.

i know i don't have a big post count, that's cause i'm not a big typer and only decided to join recently, but i've read and seen a lot of the shit on here.

personally, i think it's unavoidable.

people (for the most part) are bitchy, self-conscious and want to feel validated, it's the typical modern human. look on any forum, not just this one, and you'll see examples of hate, e-fights and the like.

i guess ego's become a part of it too. those who are jealous pick on the ones they envy, but the ones who have built a reputation for themselves (and therefore bigger ego) have no shame on picking the people they think they are better than.

with an open forum where anyone can join and comment, the range of people is massive. some people will fight, others will take a back seat and watch and some will try to change it. i say let them fight, trying to change the mind of someone who will say the most awful things about someone else can't be done with words on screen.

and why should they change their mind? if they want to, bitch, fight etc., and we all believe in more tolerance, maybe WE should learn to tolerate it and accept that it's inevitable.

that's my two cents anyway.

02-13-2009, 09:52 PM
I think that you may very well be tilting at windmills again, LG. :wink:

02-13-2009, 11:23 PM
Dominant stubborn personalities


Dominant stubborn personalities


fighting, arguments and plenty of entertainment!

02-13-2009, 11:25 PM
the posts with drama get posts lol

02-14-2009, 02:36 AM
When I want to see good fighting, I watch Godzilla. Since they both live in the Chicago area and neither has crossed that line drawn in the sand, GREAT. I hope all it is is Textwar!

Or maybe set up a Rock-em Sock-em Robot match. When ever their robot loses their head, they have to drink a 4 oz glass of tequila. Keep doing this until one of them passes-out or throws-up.

Any other interesting matches?

02-14-2009, 02:42 AM
SOMETHING has to break up all the bigdickdudesinwigs threads.

02-14-2009, 02:55 AM
I can still remember when all the girls attacked Kelly Shore. Vicki was involved in a few arguments too, and who can forget Moni (even though we try to). Recently we had Sunny vs Allanah over some secret party (if it was a secret, then why did everyone know about it. :P j/k). Britney Boykins took a share of flak from girls on these boards since then and there were many other fights, some of which I was lucky to miss by going AWOL for a year and a half (which, judging by what's been going on now, wasn't a bad idea.

Now it's Mimi vs Vanessa in what must surely be the most pointless thread since the Boyins vs Jennifer Justice thread, which managed to stir up a ton of shit for no reason.

You girls claim that we guys are haters, homos, dickheads and the like and then you attack each other with such passion that you make the comments of the most hateful male posters seem like compliments.

I don't know what you're fighting over sometimes when you sling mud at each other and yell in cryptic messages and I don't care either. But for fuck's sake, aren't you all in this together? Have your differences becoming bigger than what you have in common? You've all been through the same shit...take it easy on each other and maybe you can help each other.

I'm not saying the guys aren't guilty sometimes of such pointless arguments. I even remember an 8 page argument which began over spelling and turned ugly a few years back. But usually personal issues are not brought into it and appearances are never discussed (probably because we don't know what each other looks like and- being guys- we don't care).

So please, ladies, be lady-like. If we are supposed to be polite to you, be polite to each other also and don't refer to each other by ugly epithets. We don't know about your arguments and we don't care. You're not doing your businesses any good and you're not making these forums any better. When a mod has to come in and redefine ground rules this is not good news.

I love and respect you all, but I'm tired of your arguments. A little less hostility and a little more tolerance would be good. Isn't tolerance something you've all spoken out for, after all?

Happy Valentine's and all that...

Just to comment on my mention here.
I posted in responded to a very public and ridiculous accusation.
I said why wasnt this brought up privately?
And there was never a personal attack involved.
I often refrain from such conduct- but am guilty with my spouts with VR back in the day. Thank goodness I grew way up since.

The fact is some people live for drama and attention.
I see it all the time with girls-
Who just put each others down for no reason.
On this board all the time.

People who often do that are really miserable deep down inside and the reading extends beyond a private kiki-but to say, I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU. Which in turn is BS because we all have a many faults that can be picked at.

Women in general are WAY worse than men when it comes to this stuff.
Not just TS, GGs are just as bad.

02-14-2009, 02:57 AM
Hey Alyssa, why don't you take the position of Arbitrator and pass a summary judgement on how to resolve these conflicts? You are insightful, full of good spirit, wise, and seem to have no hate or bias towards anyone? May the Force be with YOU!!!

02-14-2009, 03:00 AM
Hey Alyssa, why don't you take the position of Arbitrator and pass a summary judgement on how to resolve these conflicts? You are insightful, full of good spirit, wise, and seem to have no hate or bias towards anyone? May the Force be with YOU!!!

lol these hoes dont give 2shits about what i have to say.

i have lost track of the number of times i've asked mimi to refrain from talking about Reina in front of me. i really like them both.

i think Allanah hit the nail on the head.

02-14-2009, 04:49 AM
SOMETHING has to break up all the bigdickdudesinwigs threads.

LMAO...good point!

02-14-2009, 04:54 AM
SOMETHING has to break up all the bigdickdudesinwigs threads.


02-14-2009, 05:06 AM
the simple answer is conflict is good for business , a forum where everyone agrees is a forum nobody reads

02-14-2009, 05:19 AM
For every cat fight on this board


I hope things work themselfs out and everyone can get along.

02-14-2009, 05:26 AM
the simple answer is conflict is good for business , a forum where everyone agrees is a forum nobody reads

I would rather see a forum exclusively for men only where they can freely exchange info/experiences without all the BS, harassment and drama generated by few bad apples.

But hey, this ain't my party so i am just here to eat a piece of the birtday cake.

Willie Escalade
02-14-2009, 09:31 AM
I would rather see a forum exclusively for men only where they can freely exchange info/experiences without all the BS, harassment and drama generated by few bad apples.

But hey, this ain't my party so i am just here to eat a piece of the birtday cake.
Check your P.M. :o

02-14-2009, 11:48 AM
Now it's Mimi vs Vanessa

now? its been going for at least half a year

take it easy on each other and maybe you can help each other.

but they all have crabs!

What about you guys when you disagree to each other? you get even nastier than us.

like who for example? the legend rg4m slap fight?

Or maybe set up a Rock-em Sock-em Robot match. When ever their robot loses their head, they have to drink a 4 oz glass of tequila.

anyone whos got his head on straight would play to lose

02-14-2009, 03:14 PM
LMAO dude, you could as well print this out and stick it on the inside of your toilet door, it would have just the same effect.

Truth to be told, if peeps in charge of this site would REALLY crack down on all that first grade highschool drama bullshit, this place would lose 50 % of it's traffic.

02-14-2009, 07:25 PM
like who for example? the legend rg4m slap fight?

What disagreement/fight? I've basically tried everything in my power to ignore that guy,hopefully with his last breakdown i hope he has fully restored his "honor" and will leave me the fuck alone and STFU.

i've even ask vanessa why she doesn't just ignore mimi's thread,if two people usually dislike each other isn't the best policy to ignore that person?

02-14-2009, 09:27 PM
ditto - the jealousy and deceit is bottomless

Bottomless, nope, this place is full of bottoms!

02-14-2009, 10:12 PM
I am just gagging at how insecure that Mimi is with herself.
Her need to start all these threads about me.
To contantly tell us how much more beautiful she is than me, yet she tried to sleep with my boyfriend when he was with me, even went so far as to post the entire convo on here, which actually exposed how low and deceitful she realy was, then when she found out that I broke up with him, she contacted him online and ask him if he would move in with him in her new place in Logan Square and she would bring him back with her own money. What kind of sick shit is that? If you are so young and so pretty, why are you going after my leftovers! Thats how we know that bitch needs mental help. She constantly calls me and tets me, which I ignore so she needs to go through Hung Angels to get to me. I have a monthly support group, where if she was as big and as bad as she claims to be, she could have come to me there, its a public and open forum. I am 36 years old, and no matter what the fuck she says, the fact that she will always be 2 steps behind me, picking up my crumbs is all the satisfaction I need!!!

02-14-2009, 10:14 PM
the simple answer is conflict is good for business , a forum where everyone agrees is a forum nobody reads

I would rather see a forum exclusively for men only where they can freely exchange info/experiences without all the BS, harassment and drama generated by few bad apples.

But hey, this ain't my party so i am just here to eat a piece of the birtday cake.

ser is a guys only board
they sit on that and talk about the girls what they did and etc etc all while talking shit to the very women they talk so highly about

should a woman show up and give her opinions she is quickly ousted due to it being a club for just homos

02-28-2009, 09:59 AM
SOMETHING has to break up all the bigdickdudesinwigs threads.

You're looking better than ever Alyssa! - maybe now that I'm finally here in AF I can get back on the boards once in a while.