View Full Version : Why I HATE Orange County...

02-12-2009, 10:19 AM
I mean BESIDES "The OC," "Orange County Houswives" and all that.

I hate Orange County because today I'm driving down the street to Home Depot to buy a mirror and this ****ING cop pulls me over and gives me a *****ING ticket for TALKING on my cell phone.

The ****ING loser - had nothing better to do that peep into people's cars to see if they are on the phone. I'm a busy person, my car is my office. I've got things to do when I'm driving.

So the ****ER gives me the ****ING ticket and I leave and drive about 1 mile down the road into Costa Mesa where this ********ER in an SUV cuts me off in traffic - right in front of a ********ING cop. The *****ING cop pulls ME over! And gives ME a ticket for an unsafe lane change. Doesn't he know the differnce between failure to yield and a lane change?

G******M IT I'm a busy person. People, especially ****heads in SUV's need to get out of my way! Especially when I'm on the phone.

So in the course of a mile I get about $400 in ****ING tickets.

I am sooo over Southern California.

And I swear I am NEVER going to buy another red car. I didn't get a ticket for 20 years until I bought my Mitsubishi Lancer rice rocket - that's the one I got nailed in a couple of years ago doing 95 in downtown Laguna Beach - in a 35 zone... LOL.

It's NOT my fault. My Lancer only has two speeds, stop and 95. What's a girl to do.

TS Jamie :-)

02-12-2009, 10:23 AM
Cut out the MIT and BI you get sushi....
POS company,horrid warranties 2000 to present.
Other than that there is a reason a speed limit was invented.Legally 1 mph can get you a ticket. Doubtfully not always will your tachometer read correctly. If a car has oversized rims and tires it may read in correctly.

02-12-2009, 10:32 AM
LOL - well I don't know - but my speedometer goes to 180 mph so I should have the right to drive that fast. I mean at 95 I'm only running 3,500 rpm and redline is 7,000.

TS Jamie :-)


02-12-2009, 10:32 AM
Good - I'm glad that law is in effect - if they'd only do it in Hawaii now, we might be able to drive at a good speed without doofuses yapping on their phone and not paying attention to the road.

02-12-2009, 10:35 AM
Hey - I resemble that Seanchi...

The ****ING cop shouldda given me a break, I wasn't drying my nails or doing my eyeliner at the same time, as usual...

I think this is all because I was wearing a sport bra and tee shirt and I had no way to show a little cleavage.

Really though - it's the car. They are after Lancers. We are persecuted.

TS Jamie :-)

02-12-2009, 10:38 AM
LOL - well I don't know - but my speedometer goes to 180 mph so I should have the right to drive that fast. I mean at 95 I'm only running 3,500 rpm and redline is 7,000.

TS Jamie :-)

WOW.... :roll:

That vehicle was designed for rally not, everyday STOCK tuning like our cars. especially on CA strict smog laws. We have the slower versions of these Vehicles. Out of usa its quite faster. But I do not give any mitsubishi credit other than GSX Eclipses or 3000gt Twin turbo ones...
My odometer says 220 its a Japanese Tachometer. So it is only in Kilometers....Doesnt mean it can go that fast miss..
ECU-computers in the car have something called a governor Which usually hits in at about 90-115 depending on vehicle.
And FYI 100mph+=3 yrs no license.
if one goes 95 I hope you rethink about how you drive for it is reckless.

02-12-2009, 10:44 AM
if one goes 95 I hope you rethink about how you drive for it is reckless.

Oh, it's OK, it was like 2:30 am and usually the Laguna cop is asleep at that time. :-) The sound of his light bar getting blown off the roof woke him up I guess.

He was a really nice guy and only wrote me for 85 in a 55 - so I wouldn't get a reckless driving. Besides we were in Newport Beach by the time he caught up to me.

TS Jamie :-)

02-12-2009, 05:00 PM
its illegal in australia to talk on a mobile phone while driveing

02-13-2009, 01:07 AM
What I love is riding in France and setting off those silly speed cameras that flash you from the front: as bikes don't have a front numberplate they can't collar me :peanutbutter. The French traffic police can kiss my arse!!! :moon

02-13-2009, 01:41 AM
Orange County sucks. I lived in Newport Beach for a while. Says it all.
I feel for you.

02-13-2009, 07:19 AM
if one goes 95 I hope you rethink about how you drive for it is reckless.

Oh, it's OK, it was like 2:30 am and usually the Laguna cop is asleep at that time. :-) The sound of his light bar getting blown off the roof woke him up I guess.

He was a really nice guy and only wrote me for 85 in a 55 - so I wouldn't get a reckless driving. Besides we were in Newport Beach by the time he caught up to me.

TS Jamie :-)
Jamie I hate to argue, But reckless driving is anyone driving without disregard for others. 30 MPH over the speed limit is Reckless Hell 10 is.
230am to me is the same as 5pm or any other time People MAY be outside you know?
I only say so because there are alot of crude drivers out there, When I had my Gsxr I damn near got hit when I got on the freeway EVERYDAY.

02-13-2009, 07:27 AM
You are of course right.

Now get outta my way, I'm in a hurry...

:-) :-)

02-13-2009, 09:35 AM
I don't really think much of oranges, if that helps.

02-13-2009, 10:04 AM
You are too cute

02-13-2009, 12:07 PM
I got nailed in a couple of years ago doing 95 in downtown Laguna Beach - in a 35 zone... LOL.

It's NOT my fault. My Lancer only has two speeds, stop and 95. What's a girl to do.

TS Jamie :-)

You are either lying about doing 95 is a 35 mph zone or you are demented, which is it? Even at 2:30 a.m. you posed a serious danger to other who may have been on the road.

02-14-2009, 07:28 AM
i was in orange county w/ my bf a few years back and we were parked and sort of fooling around and the cops knocked on the window and asked if it was a TG and searched my car and then tried to bring me in (for reasons unknown) and i resisted and they ended up beating me to hell and throwing me in jail. they released me that night at midnight, no charges, no explanation.

02-14-2009, 09:01 AM
LMFAO...I LOVE IT when people get ticketed for YAPPING ON THE GODDAMN PHONE WHEN THEY SHOULD BE DRIVING...especially if it's SOME JACKASS who THINKS THAT THEY OWN THE MOTHERFUCKING ROAD because they have convinced themselves that whatever they are doing is MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO ALSO HAPPEN TO BE DRIVING ARE DOING...assholes...cry me a river...


02-14-2009, 09:26 AM
LMFAO...I LOVE IT when people get ticketed for YAPPING ON THE GODDAMN PHONE WHEN THEY SHOULD BE DRIVING...especially if it's SOME JACKASS who THINKS THAT THEY OWN THE MOTHERFUCKING ROAD because they have convinced themselves that whatever they are doing is MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT THE OTHER PEOPLE WHO ALSO HAPPEN TO BE DRIVING ARE DOING...assholes...cry me a river...

Bluetooth. :D does wonders.

02-14-2009, 09:38 AM
Hey ChefMike - just one word for you - fuckoff...

I was making a joke of it... I KNOW I should have been using my bluetooth but it's a piece of junk.

I was mimicking the rude "busy" people of Orange County - who are so busy in they don't recognize anyone else. So STOP SHOUTING jackass.

And for the other person, yes I've slowed down, some... :-) And yea, it was 95, I was VERY lucky. It was the only time I ever had to get out of the car for a cop and consent to a search. But he cut me a break and only wrote me for something like 85 in a 55 so I didn't get a reckless driving and lose license.

TS Jamie :-)

02-14-2009, 09:46 AM
Hey ChefMike - just one word for you - fuckoff...

I was making a joke of it... I KNOW I should have been using my bluetooth but it's a piece of junk.

I was mimicking the rude "busy" people of Orange County - who are so busy in they don't recognize anyone else. So STOP SHOUTING jackass.

And for the other person, yes I've slowed down, some... :-) And yea, it was 95, I was VERY lucky. It was the only time I ever had to get out of the car for a cop and consent to a search. But he cut me a break and only wrote me for something like 85 in a 55 so I didn't get a reckless driving and lose license.

TS Jamie :-)
Lol someone got mad.
Seriously I agree with Chefmike. Sry first thing a driver learns is safety for ones self and other.
Its not only Reckless Driving its Negligence toward other drivers abd PEDESTRIANS. Yes people who live on the streets still have rights to live. Vehicular manslaughter. Dont get me wrong I dont wish anything bad for you I just wish that if you can pass a driving test then give HUMAN KIND the courtesy of letting them be assured you go the speed limit....Its there for a reason.

02-14-2009, 10:16 AM
why is 95 reckless?
c'mon i drive that everyday on the german autobahn =) // well of course it is more 130 than 95 mph, but you get my point.

keep on driving jamie!! =)

02-14-2009, 11:26 PM
Hey ChefMike - just one word for you - fuckoff...




02-15-2009, 02:14 AM
Good. I find that most people can't handle doing these two simple things at the same time. Cops need to start handing out more tickets to these douchebags, haha.

Felicia Katt
02-15-2009, 03:30 AM
Hey ChefMike - just one word for you - fuckoff...

I was making a joke of it... I KNOW I should have been using my bluetooth but it's a piece of junk.

I was mimicking the rude "busy" people of Orange County - who are so busy in they don't recognize anyone else. So STOP SHOUTING jackass.

And for the other person, yes I've slowed down, some... :-) And yea, it was 95, I was VERY lucky. It was the only time I ever had to get out of the car for a cop and consent to a search. But he cut me a break and only wrote me for something like 85 in a 55 so I didn't get a reckless driving and lose license.

TS Jamie :-)
I'm from Orange County and so is Julianna. We are not rude or busy here. And all I don't recognize is your attempted "mimicry". How does your illegally being on a cell phone, and being cited for an unsafe lane change constitute an imitation? It sounds more like how you really are and now you are trying to escape the reaction your story merited. Or were you mimicing someone else somehow when you got into a fight over a parking space at a Home Depo? (shouldn't that remodel be done by now?) Or threw your computer out of a window?

Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery. But your claim of imiitation just fell flat here.


02-15-2009, 05:48 AM
I mean BESIDES "The OC," "Orange County Houswives" and all that.

I hate Orange County because today I'm driving down the street to Home Depot to buy a mirror and this ****ING cop pulls me over and gives me a *****ING ticket for TALKING on my cell phone.

The ****ING loser - had nothing better to do that peep into people's cars to see if they are on the phone. I'm a busy person, my car is my office. I've got things to do when I'm driving.

So the ****ER gives me the ****ING ticket and I leave and drive about 1 mile down the road into Costa Mesa where this ********ER in an SUV cuts me off in traffic - right in front of a ********ING cop. The *****ING cop pulls ME over! And gives ME a ticket for an unsafe lane change. Doesn't he know the differnce between failure to yield and a lane change?

G******M IT I'm a busy person. People, especially ****heads in SUV's need to get out of my way! Especially when I'm on the phone.

So in the course of a mile I get about $400 in ****ING tickets.

I am sooo over Southern California.

And I swear I am NEVER going to buy another red car. I didn't get a ticket for 20 years until I bought my Mitsubishi Lancer rice rocket - that's the one I got nailed in a couple of years ago doing 95 in downtown Laguna Beach - in a 35 zone... LOL.

It's NOT my fault. My Lancer only has two speeds, stop and 95. What's a girl to do.

TS Jamie :-)'''

I had a dear friend killed by a lady on her cell phone. I realize your life is busy and important to you and multi-tasking is the norm, but I wish laws on cell phones were the law back then.

02-15-2009, 06:11 AM
Hey ChefMike - just one word for you - fuckoff...

I was making a joke of it... I KNOW I should have been using my bluetooth but it's a piece of junk.

I was mimicking the rude "busy" people of Orange County - who are so busy in they don't recognize anyone else. So STOP SHOUTING jackass.

And for the other person, yes I've slowed down, some... :-) And yea, it was 95, I was VERY lucky. It was the only time I ever had to get out of the car for a cop and consent to a search. But he cut me a break and only wrote me for something like 85 in a 55 so I didn't get a reckless driving and lose license.

TS Jamie :-)
I'm from Orange County and so is Julianna. We are not rude or busy here. And all I don't recognize is your attempted "mimicry". How does your illegally being on a cell phone, and being cited for an unsafe lane change constitute an imitation? It sounds more like how you really are and now you are trying to escape the reaction your story merited. Or were you mimicing someone else somehow when you got into a fight over a parking space at a Home Depo? (shouldn't that remodel be done by now?) Or threw your computer out of a window?

Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery. But your claim of imiitation just fell flat here.

We-I hope you mean yourself and Juliana. If you mean we the COUNTY its a statement in which Is unjustified. Many people who live in CALIFORNIA have busy lives not just Orange County, Laws are set for Peoples safety and well being. Hands-free means not holding the phone,Doesnt mean you can have it on the seatbelt...As long as your not holding it. I use my Bluetooth daily because its the smart thing to do. I dont like excuses (IE)<I dont have 15 bucks for a Motorola H750 Bluetooth.> Thats a bullshit lie 15 or X amount of money for insurance....I pick the 15 dollar one.

02-15-2009, 07:12 AM
Good - I'm glad that law is in effect - if they'd only do it in Hawaii now, we might be able to drive at a good speed without doofuses yapping on their phone and not paying attention to the road.

I agree.

Too many people have been injured or killed due to fools who talk on their cell phone. In San Diego it's against the law to talk on a hand held cell phone while driving (actually it might be a state law). You have to use a headset or something, but you cannot use a hand held cell phone while operating a two thousand pound plus missle.

The TS (thread starter) deserved the ticket. The cop who gave it to him was right on and he deserves a tip of the cap. Thank you Orange County police officer for potentially saving the life of another person or preventing someone from getting seriously injured.

BTW, I just caught wind of some people who are getting rid of their cell phone for good. I didn't google the subject, but maybe there's a small community of people (landliners) who have decided to never use a cell phone on a daily basis ever again. Good. Because some cell phone contracts are loathsome and are riddled with 'gotchas' in small print, so any kind of backlash, no matter how small, is something I hope takes root.

02-15-2009, 07:51 AM
Good - I'm glad that law is in effect - if they'd only do it in Hawaii now, we might be able to drive at a good speed without doofuses yapping on their phone and not paying attention to the road.

I agree.

Too many people have been injured or killed due to fools who talk on their cell phone. In San Diego it's against the law to talk on a hand held cell phone while driving (actually it might be a state law). You have to use a headset or something, but you cannot use a hand held cell phone while operating a two thousand pound plus missle.

The TS (thread starter) deserved the ticket. The cop who gave it to him was right on and he deserves a tip of the cap. Thank you Orange County police officer for potentially saving the life of another person or preventing someone from getting seriously injured.

BTW, I just caught wind of some people who are getting rid of their cell phone for good. I didn't google the subject, but maybe there's a small community of people (landliners) who have decided to never use a cell phone on a daily basis ever again. Good. Because some cell phone contracts are loathsome and are riddled with 'gotchas' in small print, so any kind of backlash, no matter how small, is something I hope takes root.
to my knowledge its NOT yet illegal in SD. city vs state=state wins.

Felicia Katt
02-15-2009, 08:32 AM
California Vehicle Code 23123. (a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.

(b) A violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a base fine of twenty dollars ($20) for a first offense and fifty dollars ($50) for each subsequent offense.

(c) This section does not apply to a person using a wireless telephone for emergency purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to a law enforcement agency, health care provider, fire department, or other emergency services agency or entity.

Its been illegal in all of California since last July to talk on a cell phone while driving a car unless its somehow set up for handsfree use.

They ran ads for months and had every Amber Alert screen on every Freeway notifying motorists.


02-15-2009, 08:39 AM
California Vehicle Code 23123. (a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.

(b) A violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a base fine of twenty dollars ($20) for a first offense and fifty dollars ($50) for each subsequent offense.

(c) This section does not apply to a person using a wireless telephone for emergency purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to a law enforcement agency, health care provider, fire department, or other emergency services agency or entity.

Its been illegal in all of California since last July to talk on a cell phone while driving a car unless its somehow set up for handsfree use.

They ran ads for months and had every Amber Alert screen on every Freeway notifying motorists.


02-15-2009, 09:53 AM
I'm from Orange County and so is Julianna. We are not rude or busy here. And all I don't recognize is your attempted "mimicry". How does your illegally being on a cell phone, and being cited for an unsafe lane change constitute an imitation? It sounds more like how you really are and now you are trying to escape the reaction your story merited. Or were you mimicing someone else somehow when you got into a fight over a parking space at a Home Depo? (shouldn't that remodel be done by now?) Or threw your computer out of a window?

Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery. But your claim of imiitation just fell flat here.


LOL - I didn't know you were from OC Felicia. I'm sorry if you felt insulted. I wasn't trying to mimic or imitate anybody. Just trying to make light of a couple of dumb errors - and put in a dig toward the rich bitches in "New-Porsche" Beach, who often do seem to act as if nobody else exists.

As for the computer - honey I ALWAYS throw computers out the window. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction when they have reached their service life. And a little revenge for all the aggravation they have usually caused me by that point. :-)

Believe me if it was worth fixing I would have. I'm not a temper tantrum person. That particular one was 6 years old. It was done.

I wrote the original post for a little entertainment. But I should have realized HA is more about fighting and picking on every little thing anybody does or says. I won't make that mistake again, at least not for awhile.

I'll go shoot myself now if that will please all you folks.

TS Jamie :-)

02-15-2009, 10:00 AM
I'll go shoot myself now.

TS Jamie :-)[/quote]

02-16-2009, 09:29 PM
I hate Orange County because today I'm driving down the street to Home Depot to buy a mirror and this ****ING cop pulls me over and gives me a *****ING ticket for TALKING on my cell phone.
TS Jamie

Do you think TS Jamie drives with her eyes closed? Could be.

I say that because I would think that a lot of people over the course of time, as they garner experience out on the road, would have seen a near accident or two caused by cell phone addicts oblivious to common sense. Observing a near accident out on the road, and learning from it, is something that comes with experience. Christ, do you really have to view it in person?? Hell no! All you have to do is be half alive and pay attention to the news.

Maybe TS Jamie is too busy giggling when she drives. Maybe she's too busy talking to johns, selling her wares and booking appointments. Or maybe she's 16 years old and just get her license.

This is some serious WTF-ville. Imagine her, or anyone like her, driving the way she does IN THE FREAKING RAIN. Talk about hitting close to home...check this shit out:


02-16-2009, 10:31 PM
Stop your crying and get a bluetooth. You would not have been stopped and you can talk all you want. I hate people on the cell while they are driving, they oblivious to everyting going on around.