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View Full Version : Are you a victim of the Recession?

02-10-2009, 01:00 AM
We are...

Our landlord let our condo go into foreclosure and our home of the past 3 1/2 years is going to get sold in about 10 days.

This so totally sucks. If we don't buy the place at an overly inflated price we will have to move in 60 days. Meanwhile we are getting process servers at the door trying to find the landlord to sue him, and mail addressed to "the Resident of the FORECLOSED property at..." and the nasty Condo Association has posted our unit as delinquent on the bulletin board.

We have always paid our rent ahead and tried to be good tenants and neighbors - and now everybody in the complex thinks we are deadbeats. Meanwhile our landlord has been pocketing our rent for the past 9 months.

Is anybody else losing their home because of greedy banks or landlords?

I say NO BAILOUT, let the whole damn mess fail. Then those of us left standing can pick up the scraps and make some money.

TS Jamie :-(

02-10-2009, 01:02 AM
Of course there is a silver lining to this mess I guess.

I'll be getting a new IP address soon - so I'll be able to create an alias and talk shit behind everyone's back...

TS Jamie :-)

02-10-2009, 01:05 AM
No, I bought a home in the mid 90's and paid it off in 10 years with extra principal so I'm ok there until the big repairs start rolling in...
Renting vs owning, probably no easy answer there...we bought with a mind toward owning to live there, not flip..

But certainly took a bath in the market, along with everyone else!

02-10-2009, 01:09 AM
wow........ girl that sux

when i lived in houston i had a nice apt downtown and one day i went to get the mail and there as a letter in it that said the owners had sold the building and we had 10 days to vacate

i was luckily able to move into my bf at the time parents house but i was scared for a few days there

not cool at all... however i did jack about 4 large bathroom mirrors from mine and another unit that had been left unlocked

02-10-2009, 01:12 AM
Of course there is a silver lining to this mess I guess.

I'll be getting a new IP address soon - so I'll be able to create an alias and talk shit behind everyone's back...

TS Jamie :-)

Bitch. :P

Seriously, you aren't the only ones stuck in this cesspool. An Ohio sheriff bucked protocol when he realized he was evicting renters of units that were being foreclosed on the =LANDLORDS=. Take your case to the sheriff's office and explain the situation. It may not be a cure, but it could buy you some time.

Renters are in the shit now because of this nonsense. You can't have a handle on your landlord's finances and too many people are getting a knock on the door from the County Sheriff. Get up in the face of the municipal/county court and you may be able to at least slow the eviction process.

Best of luck.

02-10-2009, 01:17 AM
HIGHJACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-10-2009, 01:21 AM
mimi affected someone much like the recession affected others

02-10-2009, 01:23 AM
mimi affected someone much like the recession affected others


02-10-2009, 01:25 AM
"hows that home equity loan working out for ya, bah-bay?"

02-10-2009, 01:28 AM
"hows that home equity loan working out for ya, bah-bay?"


02-10-2009, 01:28 AM
lol call me you swarovski covered slut!

02-10-2009, 02:17 AM
wow........ girl that sux

when i lived in houston i had a nice apt downtown and one day i went to get the mail and there as a letter in it that said the owners had sold the building and we had 10 days to vacate

i was luckily able to move into my bf at the time parents house but i was scared for a few days there

not cool at all... however i did jack about 4 large bathroom mirrors from mine and another unit that had been left unlocked

Yeah Jen that would REALLY suck. Here in CA at least they do have to give us 60 days notice. But it's definitely going to be a hassle and a big unnecessary expense.

I don't want to sound like too much of a whiner... it's not like the last time around, when we were broke and looking at moving into our car. This time we can always move into our beach house up in Orange County, but then Jessica will have a 150 mile round trip commute to school and I'll have to drive 2 hours each way to my flight lessons, so I can fly back to OC in 20 minutes to practice touch and gos...

And there isn't anything in our condo worth liberating... they can keep the gold mirrored closet disco doors and the popcorn ceilings... I'm going to miss the jacuzzi though.

TS Jamie :-)

02-10-2009, 02:42 AM
rotflmao at popcorn ceilings

u know u can fix that w/ a broom in about an hour lol

02-10-2009, 03:30 AM
burn it down.

02-10-2009, 03:49 AM
Whats the point in taking bathroom mirrors????
You should've just knocked a couple walls out!

02-10-2009, 04:06 AM
I immediately hired some cheap meatheads. Then I started doing high interest loans myself. I figured since the bank's aren't lending someone has to.

So this economy has me making victims of other people. Literal Victims

02-10-2009, 05:44 AM
19 million homes stood vacante in 2008 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a0IfdN5GEvcQ

Lick UR Lovely
02-10-2009, 07:43 AM
Can I ask what this slum lord was charging you per month? I have some friends in the real estate biz in SD County. What size apt/condo you looking for?

02-10-2009, 08:22 AM
LOL - actually our landlord is a pretty good guy - he just got caught short like a lot of people with leveraged property. And we suck the egg...

Our place rents for $1,200. But thanks for the offer dear, we aren't going to remain in SD permenantly. If we end up having to move Jessica will just have to commute the last month of school. Also we have another condo in the same complex where my Mother is living, but it's in my name, so potentially we can toss her into the street and take the apartment. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Shining Star
02-11-2009, 04:14 AM
Sorry to hear about your apartment problem, hope things work out for the best.

Not affected directly myself yet, but am starting to put away more in savings (or trying to at least), and cutting way down on un-necessary spending.

Scuttlebut on the streets of NYC says many of the girls are hurting though. Free spending on a hoe days are pretty much over, and girls without another source or steady income are finding it tough going.

Common problem is a girl just barely making rent and lights, but then has to pay Eros.com. So without any extra money lying around, ad money has to come from the rent, so now they don't have their rent money and must wait and hope a date or two (or three, or four), comes by with some coins. Girls are damn near sleeping like vampires (phones on 24/7, going to bed totally dressed and made up in case a date calls).

Macy's announced it is laying people off as is Home Depot and Expo is going out of business. Retail in general is not doing very well in NYC, and many trannies and gays are employed by that sector.

Strange thing is happening, escort ads for both trannies and gays keep going up, deeper and longer the recession hits. Guess people have to get their money from somewhere and aren't past working dates to get it.

02-11-2009, 04:58 AM
wow........ girl that sux

when i lived in houston i had a nice apt downtown and one day i went to get the mail and there as a letter in it that said the owners had sold the building and we had 10 days to vacate

i was luckily able to move into my bf at the time parents house but i was scared for a few days there

not cool at all... however i did jack about 4 large bathroom mirrors from mine and another unit that had been left unlocked

Yeah Jen that would REALLY suck. Here in CA at least they do have to give us 60 days notice. But it's definitely going to be a hassle and a big unnecessary expense.

I don't want to sound like too much of a whiner... it's not like the last time around, when we were broke and looking at moving into our car. This time we can always move into our beach house up in Orange County, but then Jessica will have a 150 mile round trip commute to school and I'll have to drive 2 hours each way to my flight lessons, so I can fly back to OC in 20 minutes to practice touch and gos...

And there isn't anything in our condo worth liberating... they can keep the gold mirrored closet disco doors and the popcorn ceilings... I'm going to miss the jacuzzi though.

TS Jamie :-)

take the damn jacuzzi with u as a keepsake lol

02-11-2009, 05:03 AM

02-11-2009, 05:05 AM
Not yet my job will never end.Smog will always pollute CA