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View Full Version : HA Facts- Profiling the average user...

02-02-2009, 05:46 AM
According to Quantcast (and I really have no idea how they know all this stuff):

-77% of HA users are male, while 23% are female. Not sure how the Hot Hung Angels are registered, but I'm assuming that they make up most of that female 23%

-According to Quantcast (and this may well be horseshit) 41% of users are between 35 and 49 while 10% are under 17. :shock:

-Even though caucasians outnumber "African-Americans" 3 to 1 (according to the stats- see my note below), there are more African Americans here than on an average site.

-41% of users earn more than 100k a year. I am assuming this includes many of the girls and also the guys involved with websites.

- There are more users here from NYC than any other city (in terms of unique visitors). London comes second, LA comes third.

-If the number of cookies is taken as proportional to the number of users, Americans outnumber Brits 8 to 1.

-Around 1/10 of traffic is defined as Work/Education traffic, implying that people do visit HA from work or college PCs

-HA users also like humour, fantasy sports and gambling.

-Less than 1% of users are addicts but they account for 14% of page views. Talk about being obsessed.



I'm really not sure how they know all of the information or why it is useful to them, although perhaps providing a profile of the average user or the most common groups of users helps advertisers. I think it's interesting information. It's also interesting to look at these things and see where you belong.

Finally, if I may digress, I detect a bit of political correctness gone too far here. Caucasians can be European, American or whatever. So why not a term for black people that doesn't include the word American such as...umm...black (for lack of a better word)? If people really do need to be grouped by race (a pointless exercise in my book) for statistical reasons, how would one refer to black people from Britain, Holland, France or even Africa if the only option there is "African American"?

02-02-2009, 05:54 AM
while 10% are under 17. :shock:
:shock: :shock: I hope that's wrong.

02-02-2009, 06:06 AM
while 10% are under 17. :shock:
:shock: :shock: I hope that's wrong.

It probably isn't: remember that /Btard invasion?

02-02-2009, 06:11 AM

02-02-2009, 06:12 AM

02-02-2009, 06:14 AM

02-02-2009, 06:15 AM
the blank screen strikes again...

02-02-2009, 01:58 PM
Strange. No comment from Chef Mike?

02-02-2009, 04:53 PM
Interesting. It's a no brainer about collecting IP/ domain data for location, and user on-site habits. How they are evaluating wealth,gender,and personal habits is where it gets subjective. I seriously doubt that they have anyone sampling the actual postings to develop a demographic. Tracking cookies can tell a great deal about the user. It's pretty easy to take a look at the recent history on a browser and get a feel for male or female,age group,and interests. Mining this information and developing an alogorithm that sifts through and attempts to create a user profile based on a number of presuppositions would be pretty easy. I'm not sure what they mean by "addicts" whether drug user or net addiction. Either way, someone who keeps accessing the very same page of a thread over a period of time with a much higher hit rate then the average user must have some issue with the content. Someone who seems to be logged on HA for a good part of a day without a vested interest in the website probably has some problems.

02-02-2009, 10:59 PM
Interesting. It's a no brainer about collecting IP/ domain data for location, and user on-site habits. How they are evaluating wealth,gender,and personal habits is where it gets subjective. I seriously doubt that they have anyone sampling the actual postings to develop a demographic. Tracking cookies can tell a great deal about the user. It's pretty easy to take a look at the recent history on a browser and get a feel for male or female,age group,and interests. Mining this information and developing an alogorithm that sifts through and attempts to create a user profile based on a number of presuppositions would be pretty easy. I'm not sure what they mean by "addicts" whether drug user or net addiction. Either way, someone who keeps accessing the very same page of a thread over a period of time with a much higher hit rate then the average user must have some issue with the content. Someone who seems to be logged on HA for a good part of a day without a vested interest in the website probably has some problems.

But surely such arguments can't be completely accurate. And can they actually peek at all the cookies on your computer? Surely not. That sounds too much like a Big Brother scenario.

And how can they tell if you're black or white?

Perhaps HA provide some of the info. For the life of me I cannot remember what questions I answered when I first registered here but I'm sure that there were some there that were present for statistical purposes which may help to provide a profile of HA users.

Some other interesting facts from Quantcast:

- 23% of TSSeduction.com users in the US are female
- 24% of TSSeduction users in the US have kids
- The most popular other sites with these users include Askmen but they also include outpersonals.com
- 2% of the users of TGpersonals.com account for 32% of the visits
- Nearly half of the users on Kelly Shore's site earn over $100k
-5% of the users on Hungedevils.com account for 76% of the traffic

and on the mods will like:
- In terms of US users, HA has over 50% more than HungDevils (around 10,000 more users per month) although the latter website is rising in popularity

02-02-2009, 11:24 PM
the blank screen strikes again...

you know you dont have to stupidly press f5 when you see it

02-03-2009, 12:02 AM
The problem with all these "data" sites is that they can only collect data from those who allow them to infect their computer with data collection software (essentially spyware) which allows pretty much any info they want to collect about what you are doing back to the data collection company. So, in essence, these numbers represent the amount of idiots on any given site.

02-03-2009, 12:54 AM
excuse me? my PC got completely infected with spyware.
and the chick who fixed it said it was nothing I did that actually caused it. you can get from paying your cell phone bill online

02-03-2009, 12:54 AM
I don't believe all of their data collected is 100% accurate.

02-03-2009, 07:24 PM
But surely such arguments can't be completely accurate. And can they actually peek at all the cookies on your computer? Surely not. That sounds too much like a Big Brother scenario.

And how can they tell if you're black or white?


A tracking cookie can provide information of the other sites that you've visited. Nothing wrong with that as the information isn't considered personally identifiable. If you were a business with a web presence, it would be very adventageous to know what other products,review sites or competitors your visitors had previously browsed and some inferences of your visitor's demographics.

Now for a moment hit the drop down bar on your URL/address bar and take a look at the recent activity of just domains you've typed. Do the same with your recent history for the day. Try that on somone elses of the opposite gender. Big difference. News and political sites tell you quite a bit about political leanings. Commercial websites tell much about affluence,interests,and disposable income. Social networking,music,and entertainment can provide information on age group. Websites such as this have vouluntary sexual content ratings. .gov and .edu and domains catering to intellectual discourse provide inferences into relative education level. Domains catering to ethnic groups or afro interests indicate ethnicity or color. Visited domains specifically in another language indicate fluency in another language and multiculturalism. Arts,crafts,fasion,home,health,gossip,etc profile female.
Tech,news,sports,sex,trade,& more sex profile male. GLBT domains profile sexual preference.

There used to be a line that went something like "you can tell a lot about a man by looking at his checkbook". Very true. You sure can tell a lot about a person just by the domains they visit. With software to sift through all of the registered urls visited recently before arriving at this website give a wealth of info about the user.