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View Full Version : Why do girls have srs?

09-12-2005, 04:41 AM
I was curiuos to know know why they have the surgery, does it make you a complete women or what. What if one day you chance you mind and are like what the hell have i done?

09-12-2005, 04:50 AM
Blah, I don't get the SRS thing either. It gets a girl a weird looking "vagina".

And she can't have a good orgasm anymore.

People may argue against that point.

I don't understand the whole mentality behind it, but it just seems strange to me as well.

09-12-2005, 05:47 AM
I do not think that a transsexual can have a orgasm at all after SRS. I am pretty sure the procedure entails castration.

In terms of motivation, I assume it is a trade-off between enjoying sex and completing the transition or becoming a "real" woman.

09-12-2005, 05:55 AM
That's because all your both interested in is cock. You cannot empathise with that individual beyond seeing them purely fitting into your fantasy model.

There is a ton of writing about this, either by transgenders or medical industry professionals so in a nutshell...
...many transgenders are gender dysphoric, they feel the need to be a woman in every way, when they are not able to live as a woman in every possible way they become unhappy with life and their esteem. Respectfully, many of the girls that post here and girls who have accepted their life as a transgendered woman (not wanting or needing surgery) accept who they are and live their lives embracing it. However, there are many more who need to have full SRS surgery to correct the mistake in their body. They see having male genitals as aberration which needs to be corrected. Only when they've had full surgery can they live their life as they hope.

I give utmost respect to anybody who decides to take that route - and as someone who works in the adult industry, would do nothing but encourage girls who have thought about the choice and take that decision - if they want to continue to work as models afterwards - I'll continue to hire them.

I've known of girls who have been unable to function properly with a penis but experienced better orgasms after surgery. The latest surgeries leave a testicle pushed into the abdomen to regulate hormones (and keep a sex drive) and use some very good surgical techniques to create, what most of these individuals would feel is superior genitals to keep their male equipment.

09-12-2005, 09:11 AM
J and seanchai are 100% true. it may be heartbreaking but you don't see the true reasons to want it, and i do believe orgasms still happen as the nerves will still be there, so you feel something down there.

thats besides the point, what matters is that the person is happy, and many find to be happy once the last guy part is gone.

don't forget the pain that these people go through, about 15 days in hospital, and about 3 - 6 months back depending upon the healing... all i'm scared of is the pain after i wake up..

it takes a tough stomach but i think give kudos to those who already done it

Vicki Richter
09-12-2005, 09:33 AM
The vaginas don't always look wierd. It really depends on the doctor. If you goto Dr SuPorn's work in Thailand, http://srs-thailand.com I would challenge anyone here to distinguish outward appearance with the real thing. That said, I have also seen some from the top doctors where it really looks ridiculous.

I have a friend who I won't name who fingered one and said it was the worst thing she had ever smelled in her life. I think hygeine is always important though. Some women are the same way.

I totally support girls getting SRS and can completely understand why some girls do it. I don't think there are many TS who would totally rule it out. As much as I love the beach and the ocean, it can be really frustrating in some ways. Loss of orgasms are a really big deterent. The problem is most TS will lie about it because they don't want to appear in adequate in some way. If you are a TS and your post-op friends are saying they O and then you go post-op, you don't want to be the wierd one who can't... I just don't think it is physically possible even with the nerve endings transplanted.

Vicki Richter
09-12-2005, 09:37 AM
By the way, I was in Thailand with someone who got SRS when I had my first FFS. She was only in the hospital as long as I was and we were walking around shopping together within 10 days or so. She was tender, but not in pain.

Surgery is not painful - in my experience. I didn't take a single pain pill or hit in the hospital for my implants and I only took 2 or 3 for my other surgeries. The 2nd nose surgery sucked, but not because of pain but discomfort.

09-12-2005, 11:06 AM
I guess I was a bit blunt and dismissive on a pretty complicated subject. But bottom line for me, and I certainly haven't researched the topic well enough to comment on it anywhere beyond an internet forum, is this:

I know and have contact with on a fairly regualr basis, two full SRS girls, and one who has had her balls removed. One girl is a muttering, highly damaged person, the other SRS girl is a mean, bitter bitch, and the "balls removed" girl seems to be slipping into some sort of dementia. Three girls is not enough to know the full spectrum, but it's all I have to work with at the moment.

I'm sure that some girls find their male genitalia repulsive. I'm just saying that maybe figuring out a way to deal with that repulsion, psychologically, is a better option then having things removed that can severly affect your quality of life, and can't be put back on.

I'm not an expert on the subject, I'm just stating my untrained opinion.

Oh, and like Sheanchi said, I just like the girlcock and want all girls to fit into my "fantasy model".

09-13-2005, 12:40 AM
Just felt the need to pursue this a bit further. Seanchi seems to be a font of wisdom on the subject, but I wonder about what the situations he actually interacts with SRS girls, or those girls who consider SRS, really is.

I interact with girls who work normal jobs (if a job in a nightclub could be considered normal), not girls off on a photo shoot or doing some video work.

It's a lot different getting a view of things when you're in the trenches with the girls dealing with the shit in the real world.

"SRS is wondefull! There's nothing else to it."

I don't agree with that from what I've seen, but nobody seems to want to really talk about it.

09-13-2005, 01:06 AM
I don't want to be a dick but i find it a little absurd that you guys are getting up in arms about people stating their opinions. First off, I am almost positive this is a free country so I can "fuckin" comment on whatever I want. Second, I find it hypocritical that you are vilfiying my interest in she-cock fantasies since you sell them to me on the myriad of sites you manage. Third, I may not be able to empathize since i am not transgendered but I do sympathize, and stating my opinion or understanding does not change that since it was not meant to be a disparaging remark.

09-13-2005, 01:22 AM
I don't want to be a dick but i find it a little absurd that you guys are getting up in arms about people stating their opinions. First off, I am almost positive this is a free country so I can "fuckin" comment on whatever I want.
You can comment on what you want but expect rebuttals and retorts if someone disagrees with you, it's a little absurd you'd lose your temper because they disagree after all, this is a free country (although I'm positive it's not free)?

Second, I find it hypocritical that you are vilfiying my interest in she-cock fantasies since you sell them to me on the myriad of sites you manage.
When did I vilify your interest in "she-cock" (!?!) or anyone having an interest in TS's who haven't had surgery? I'm not being hypocritical at all - my response was directly to the rather blunt and ignorant postings stating, "does it make you a complete women or what" and "Blah, I don't get the SRS thing either. It gets a girl a weird looking "vagina" And she can't have a good orgasm anymore.". It's obvious these two know little about SRS or even less about the individuals that have chosen to take that route. Attempting to provide an education on what I know about the subject of SRS and the girls does not mean I have any issues against those who choose not to go that route and then men who like them. I made the statement that those guys need to see past the cock and see them as individuals not places there just for those guys fantasies, I think the girls have agreed with me on that.

Third, I may not be able to empathize since i am not transgendered but I do sympathize, and stating my opinion or understanding does not change that since it was not meant to be a disparaging remark.
I'd rather empathise than sympathise with them, I'm not a TG either. I didn't state your remark was disparaging, you felt the need to defend yourself needlessly. I apologise if you interpreted that my posting was directed at you, apart from the part about new surgeries, it wasn't.


09-13-2005, 01:38 AM
Well I think if he though my original response was aimed at him, he probably had a valid reason to be a bit pissed...but it wasn't.

I think it's a fact though that some girls who have had SRS can go a bit loopy. Especially in the older surgeries where they have difficulty experiencing orgasm and need to find other outlets for stimulation which can materialise in aggression, drug use and other forms of self-abuse. It may be a chicken and egg situation though.

09-13-2005, 02:03 AM
Sheanchi,Seanchi,seanchain .... :banghead :lol:
Is there anybody that call him with the right name?:smh ----> Seanchai

09-13-2005, 02:06 AM
It takes a (real) Italian to get it right!
I'm used to it...maybe I should just have stuck with my real name instead of trying to cover my tracks...not very well.

09-13-2005, 02:24 AM
well said seanchai. though the toons are not doing too well.

09-13-2005, 09:19 AM
Honestly, the "chicken or the egg" concept does hold a great deal of merit, I never really considered that. But, if the girls are loopy before or after, it does add weight to my take on the whole thing.

An operation that results in a loss of capacity for orgasm is without question a bad thing. If someone said they didn't like the way the world looked, I wouldn't stand in favor of them having their eyes removed. Like everything there's a line that can be crossed, and sometimes it shouldn't be.

Once more, I'm just throwing my opinion out there. If I'm totally fucked on this topic, I welcome the response so I can understand it better.

And off topic, I'm thinking about going through old posts and finding the most amusing incorrect spelling of seanchai's name. It's kinda fun.

09-13-2005, 09:54 AM
Honda - some people have dsyphoria about other parts of their bodies - no matter how wacky it may seem to us, they cannot live with having two legs, they need to get one removed. They know it's normal to have two legs but having one is what they need to live their normal life (I'm sure many of you have seen the documentary on this). I think anorexia is also a dysphoria in which the individual must become thinner as she can only see a fat person, their life cannot go on unless they lose weight (and consequently starve themselves to death).
Gender dsyphorics need to change their genitals - but unlike the above examples which seem completely alien to most people, we should be able to understand where their need comes from - to be a woman. Often it's not simply a question of a TS thinking I need to have my male genitals removed to be more of a woman, it's more along the lines of I need to have my male genitals removed so I can LIVE. They're desperately unhappy unless they have corrective procedures.

09-13-2005, 12:31 PM
It's probably very obvious to many people, but I still don't understand this whole SRS concept fully. For what it's worth I'll do some research on the whole thing, just so I dont sound like a jerk posting about it.

Lobotomies, for a time, seemed like an ethical procedure. I don't know if SRS is in the same catagory, but it's worthy of consideration. I suppose history one day will be the judge. I need to do a lot more research on the subject before I can really state a firm opinion on the subject.

09-13-2005, 04:44 PM
Honda, do your research on this. You're a smart guy. No way srs (or GCS - genital corrective surgery, which some prefer because as Seanchai says it's more than getting your sex reassigned, it's correcting what to the person suffering from gender dysphoria sees as a fundamental error in their physical being) can be equated with lobotomies. The very idea is absurd if not insulting.

While some girls are happy living as non-op TS (iow, not ever intending to have SRS, which means they aren't really pre-op), studies show that the majority of transsexuals ultimately desire to transition as fully as medical science will allow. Of course, there will always be some vestiges of their maleness--the Y chromosome is there, and will affect much of their biology--but getting SRS will make them feel complete as women, and they should be complete in who they are.

09-13-2005, 04:55 PM
what i find most disturbing about this post, is the selfish notion of
why someone should live their lives or alter their body to please someone else..

i see it the same as the woman who once asked me on a talk show- 'why have you sone THAT to your body?'- it is exactly the same thing.

and the only way i can answer it (since seanchi did the best job of it) is to say that i live my life for myself and have to wake up every morning with myself-my existense goes beyond the sexual gratification of others. a girl who undergoes srs because she feels she will be happier and her body will align itself with her mind.

there are plenty of crazy, bitchy, ts who are not post op-present company excluded ;)

i think it's ignorant to say-
oh when u have the surgery you will be just another woman, not special
or someone who says, well if i am going to be with a post op, i might as well be with a woman

that again is emphasizing your own male personal views and attraction to pre op ladies- there are plenty of men who feel otherwise.

i know a few post op transsexuals who are married and lead happy lives.

09-13-2005, 05:22 PM
this was asked like 2 weeks ago as well.

09-13-2005, 06:34 PM
As far as my original post in this thread, to be honest it was made when I was enjoying some fine Irish Whiskey, perhaps enjoying it a bit too much.

I'm not the surgeon general, thank God, or qualified to really comment on this subject at all. I will try to understand it better so I don't spout off like a jack ass anymore (I do reserve the right to be a jack ass regarding other subjects, I have a title to uphold after all).

Oh, and:

"there are plenty of crazy, B*****, ts who are not post op-present company excluded"

Looks like Allanah is starting to jab back, this could get really entertaining. Or perhaps I'm reading too much into things.


09-13-2005, 06:38 PM
why someone should live their lives or alter their body to please someone else..


09-13-2005, 11:10 PM
But most of these "trannies" getting the SRS look like crossdressers! That's what puzzles me.

09-14-2005, 01:42 AM
well, to be really scientific, all are crossdressers since they wear the opposites clothing :-s

09-14-2005, 04:35 AM
I didn't give props to Ecstatic and Allanah for pointing out the utter stupidity of my original take on this thread. Thank you both, and of course Seanchi made great points and pointed out things I didn't understand as well.

I just went off on the subject, while drinking, and made an ass out of myself.

I will make an ass of myself again sometime down the road, but I'll always admit when I'm wrong.