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01-15-2009, 11:48 PM
I'm in an office this afternoon and see this plane glide into the Hudson for an emergency landing earlier this afternoon.
Tried to call 911 but they cut off phone service, shit was wild.
Everyone made it off safely I'm now finding out; kinda freaky IMO geese being around this time of year especially today, it is literally 24 degrees here in NYC without mentioning the windchill.

01-15-2009, 11:56 PM
Birds appeared to have been the culprit at this point. The pilot apparently did one heck of a job in landing it as he did.

... any crash one can walk away from.

01-15-2009, 11:57 PM
24? It was 12 here in NW-NJ at noon.
Who cut off the phone service? That's crazy!
And not good!

01-16-2009, 12:03 AM
24? It was 12 here in NW-NJ at noon.
Who cut off the phone service? That's crazy!
And not good!

Actually they talked about this crap on yahoo the other day. In the case of an emergency they now have the authority to shut down telephone service as long as they see fit. Too much power IMO.

01-16-2009, 12:06 AM
And the conspiricy theories begin...

Could the phones simply have been overwhelmed? How long were they off? Land line and cell?

As for the geese I wouldn't know, seems kind of late in the season. Are there other kinds of birds in the area in flocks? Sounds to me like they hit a bunch and stuffed both engines right after takeoff. The engines are made to ingest birds, but not a flock at a time.

I think the pilot did a wonderful job!

You know what they say - "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one..."

TS Jamie :-)

Solitary Brother
01-16-2009, 12:08 AM
I'm in an office this afternoon and see this plane glide into the Hudson for an emergency landing earlier this afternoon.
Tried to call 911 but they cut off phone service, shit was wild.
Everyone made it off safely I'm now finding out; kinda freaky IMO geese being around this time of year especially today, it is literally 24 degrees here in NYC without mentioning the windchill.

You work?
Doing what?

01-16-2009, 12:20 AM
You saw this happen? Crazy. It's the top news story on Google News at the moment.

I keep trying to tell people: Airplanes are dangerous.

01-16-2009, 12:54 AM
As for the geese I wouldn't know, seems kind of late in the season. Are there other kinds of birds in the area in flocks? Sounds to me like they hit a bunch and stuffed both engines right after takeoff. The engines are made to ingest birds, but not a flock at a time.

I am only about 2 hours from NYC, it's even colder here and those geese have been everywhere this week. Been hearing them every day from my apartment.

If you're going to fly into them around here, it would be in the afternoon. Birds are cold blooded and in this kind of really cold weather, they move in the afternoon because that's when they get the most heat from the sun.

T Oracle
01-16-2009, 12:56 AM
I've read that the authorities have, or are seeking, the power to shut down cellphone networks in an emergency. No idea why/reasoning.

As to today's incident, it looks like thumbs up to the flight crew.

01-16-2009, 01:05 AM
I keep trying to tell people: Airplanes are dangerous.

Ha-ha-ha... it's not the plane, it's the pilot. I've got a whopping TWO hours as of this point.

TS Jamie :-)

El Nino
01-16-2009, 01:19 AM
Airplanes are flying Tin Cans... They are very dangerous

01-20-2009, 04:27 AM
Airplanes are flying Tin Cans... They are very dangerous
How soon before you paranoid nutters start saying that the geese were secretly trained by the IDF to carry thermite into the engines, and that it plane crash was intended to be a "controlled demolition" so as to precipitate a crisis that would usher in the N.W.O.

Oh, this is for you, "THERE WERE NO GEESE"...


01-27-2009, 07:09 AM
And the conspiricy theories begin...

Could the phones simply have been overwhelmed? How long were they off? Land line and cell?

Having the phone service shut off was part of the CD (Civil Defense) during some portions of the Cold War. In the event of a nuclear exchange, the civilian phone service in the United States, UK, and I forget where else was supposed to go off line so that it could be used as needed by the government. Oddly enough that was only actually shown in Threads, the British version of The Day After. Our "as realistic as possible" nuclear exchange movie didn't go into that level of detail.

So, at least in the past- we did have the means to shut off local, regional, or national civilian phone access.