View Full Version : Does the easy availabity of porn on the net...

01-14-2009, 05:11 AM
...affect your relationships towards the opposite sex??? Was listening tonight to a load of 'do-gooders' harping on about how the easy availability of hardcore/extreme porn on the net is a bad thing for society and should be stopped. Then they interviewed some sad bastards who spent all day whacking off to porn, and suddenly decided to call it an illness, and make it their crusade to ban it all.

My take on this is simple. The overwhelming vast majority of people who view this content are normal rational human beings, who can differentiate between erotic fantasies & the real world, but there is a small minority, with or without the easy availability on the net, who's gonna turn into 'christian do-gooders' whichever way they source their porn.

What say you lot???

01-14-2009, 05:33 AM
I say porn actually balances things out.

Sorry, but in nature men are built to have sex daily (at the minimum), with women not, and the gap is filled by men having affairs on their wives, and now that porn fills that gap.

Now, obviously the working girls and johns here contradict that, but I think they're really a small fraction of the population.

By the time I was in college it became unbelievably obvious every man used porn used it, and given the fact that it's been proven that people are having roughly 10% of the sex they're saying, it shows its role.

Anyway, those people on their high horse are probably looking at the same porn we are. I've found there's a tendency for people to 'project' their own guilt onto others. If someone isn't feeling bad about their own actions, they don't care what other people are doing.

See the connection?

01-14-2009, 05:35 AM
I believe that internet porn is what is summoning the space octupi to this planet, but I'm confident that the shape shifting lizard people have worked out some sort of plan to deal with the situation.


01-14-2009, 05:47 AM
What say you lot???

Who's kidnapped the real JamesHunt?

01-14-2009, 06:55 AM
I have my girlfriend, and my porn. The best of both worlds. :D