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01-11-2009, 07:04 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

Willie Escalade
01-11-2009, 07:19 AM
He needs to stick it up his ass. Goodbye, and good riddance.

01-11-2009, 07:44 AM
He needs to stick it up his ass. Goodbye, and good riddance.Dude. If I may ask who put him in his current position? That is it.
What I mean by that hes still president and all he has to do is declare war and he stays president if im not mistaken. If anyone wants to blame someone BLAME either ther people who voted bush the first time or secretary of the state of Florida in 2000.

01-11-2009, 08:38 AM
What I mean by that hes still president and all he has to do is declare war and he stays president if im not mistaken.

You're mistaken.

For your reading pleasure: http://usconstitution.net/const.html

01-11-2009, 09:09 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

01-11-2009, 09:29 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.
THE WORST President EVER!ok guy.

01-11-2009, 09:35 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

Wouldn't qualify him as the worst, he never owned a single slave

01-11-2009, 09:42 AM
LOL, never owned a slave.

You gotta face the facts.
My personal feelings for bush aside...

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs.
Housing market crash
Stock Market crash
2 Wars
US has increased dependence on foreign oil
Vice President that does whatever the hell he wants
Wire tapping US soldiers & US personnel overseas and here in the US
Bush & Republican led congress can't account for 350billion of the bailout

Honestly you can't name one thing that is better now than it was before he came into office.
And if you go to the one line that he has kept us safe for the past 7 years....that;s dumb because he was in office for 8 which means he didn't keep us safe for one REALLY BIG YEAR!

01-11-2009, 09:49 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

Wouldn't qualify him as the worst, he never owned a single slave

The worst in the sense that he is woefully incompetent, and made the largest foreign policy blunder this nation has ever experienced with his folly in Iraq. A very foolish president.

01-11-2009, 09:56 AM
LOL, never owned a slave.

You gotta face the facts.
My personal feelings for bush aside...

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs.
Housing market crash
Stock Market crash
2 Wars
US has increased dependence on foreign oil
Vice President that does whatever the hell he wants
Wire tapping US soldiers & US personnel overseas and here in the US
Bush & Republican led congress can't account for 350billion of the bailout

Honestly you can't name one thing that is better now than it was before he came into office.
And if you go to the one line that he has kept us safe for the past 7 years....that;s dumb because he was in office for 8 which means he didn't keep us safe for one REALLY BIG YEAR!you cant blame bush for STOCK markets crash. wtf is wrong with you?
not one thing made sense,Not true in any way.
The WORLDS Economy is in the shitter not just america you dingbat.Where do you get your info from? its highly untrue.
Bush cannot be held resonsible for you driving faster than the speed limit and wasting more gas and having to refill more times then myself, Its your fault.
The people are the real ones who should be blamed.
Jet fuel easiest to make.
Diesel-Bit harder but easier than Gasoline
Gasoline 87-91 octane etc...One of the hardest things to produce.Compared to the other 2 I stated. It costs less for Diesel to be produced than Gasoline is. FYI

01-11-2009, 10:19 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

Really? You would pick Bush over someone like Buchanan for that title?

01-11-2009, 10:22 AM
LOL, never owned a slave.

You gotta face the facts.
My personal feelings for bush aside...

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs.
Housing market crash
Stock Market crash
2 Wars
US has increased dependence on foreign oil
Vice President that does whatever the hell he wants
Wire tapping US soldiers & US personnel overseas and here in the US
Bush & Republican led congress can't account for 350billion of the bailout

Honestly you can't name one thing that is better now than it was before he came into office.
And if you go to the one line that he has kept us safe for the past 7 years....that;s dumb because he was in office for 8 which means he didn't keep us safe for one REALLY BIG YEAR!

For the last two years Democrats have controlled congress.
For the current economic situation, look at Barney Frank and his oversight in lending, among others.
Congress has more control than the president over the current situation in the country. :P

01-11-2009, 10:35 AM
dont like bush, but he was only the final nail in the economic coffin. it was a long time coming with all the deregulation and light legislation on morgates,loans, & credit cards

What I do blame him for is the poorly planned wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Given the cards dealt to him, hes the worst president.

01-11-2009, 10:41 AM
dont like bush, but he was only the final nail in the economic coffin. it was a long time coming with all the deregulation and light legislation on morgates,loans, & credit cards

What I do blame him for is the poorly planned wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Given the cards dealt to him, hes the worst president.
Last post of the night*
Refreshed (Drank my OJ)
Bush did UNDERESTIMATE the Iraq war he thought exactly how the russians did. That they are a small Penetrable force it will be easy.
Which led to Many people dead...
Housing market=Banks dumbasses gave Illegal immigrants loan.=Illegal much?
Stocks=the people of the world.

Black I dont like bush either but I dont blame him for OUR as a nations problems I agree he just put the finishing touches but What truly led to that???
I believe that each current president pays for the mistakes of the previous...Obama will pay for Bush's mistakes of course he will be having one of the hardest times to get economy back into order. But there is more,such asdealing with US Hostile countries etc... ya know.

01-11-2009, 10:43 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

Really? You would pick Bush over someone like Buchanan for that title?

Yes. Buchanan failed at preventing the Civil War, but with all the resources Bush had in his favor, he blew it time after time. A failed administration to say the least.

01-11-2009, 10:50 AM
dont like bush, but he was only the final nail in the economic coffin. it was a long time coming with all the deregulation and light legislation on morgates,loans, & credit cards

What I do blame him for is the poorly planned wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Given the cards dealt to him, hes the worst president.
Last post of the night*
Refreshed (Drank my OJ)
Bush did UNDERESTIMATE the Iraq war he thought exactly how the russians did. That they are a small Penetrable force it will be easy.
Which led to Many people dead...
Housing market=Banks dumbasses gave Illegal immigrants loan.=Illegal much?
Stocks=the people of the world.

Black I dont like bush either but I dont blame him for OUR as a nations problems I agree he just put the finishing touches but What truly led to that???
I believe that each current president pays for the mistakes of the previous...Obama will pay for Bush's mistakes of course he will be having one of the hardest times to get economy back into order. But there is more,such asdealing with US Hostile countries etc... ya know.

i understand. the market stuff wasnt all his fault. its more congress of the clinton years fault for thinking we'd be a cash cow forever. We took our status as "America the great" for granted and didnt invest in our own product. The wars just made sure we had fewer working class people for the next 30 years and more money spent on technology thats outdated in countries that have no concern to us and arent in the red.
For now, we need to save face, get out as best as possible, and work on getting back to being in the forefront of technology, or else we'll be someone elses bitch in the near future.

01-11-2009, 01:38 PM
LOL, never owned a slave.

You gotta face the facts.
My personal feelings for bush aside...

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs.
Housing market crash
Stock Market crash
2 Wars
US has increased dependence on foreign oil
Vice President that does whatever the hell he wants
Wire tapping US soldiers & US personnel overseas and here in the US
Bush & Republican led congress can't account for 350billion of the bailout

Honestly you can't name one thing that is better now than it was before he came into office.
And if you go to the one line that he has kept us safe for the past 7 years....that;s dumb because he was in office for 8 which means he didn't keep us safe for one REALLY BIG YEAR!

The Democrats are in control of the Congress and the Senate

Willie Escalade
01-12-2009, 03:51 AM
Dude. If I may ask who put him in his current position? That is it.
Not me. Nor did I re-elect him after the shit went down.

What I mean by that hes still president and all he has to do is declare war and he stays president if im not mistaken. If anyone wants to blame someone BLAME either ther people who voted bush the first time or secretary of the state of Florida in 2000.
I do blame them...for electing him. He made the stupid decisions though when it came to invading Iraq. No one came to me to ask my opinion. So fuck him.

01-12-2009, 04:08 AM
bush is a war criminal and should be tried once his term is over

01-12-2009, 04:34 AM
I'm so sick of these Bush threads in here. We all know that 95% of the users hate the guy with a passion so can we move on or keep this shit in the politics board.

01-12-2009, 04:54 AM
Dude. If I may ask who put him in his current position? That is it.
Not me. Nor did I re-elect him after the shit went down.

What I mean by that hes still president and all he has to do is declare war and he stays president if im not mistaken. If anyone wants to blame someone BLAME either ther people who voted bush the first time or secretary of the state of Florida in 2000.
I do blame them...for electing him. He made the stupid decisions though when it came to invading Iraq. No one came to me to ask my opinion. So fuck him.
I agree with the Iraq war but he should have left by now.
But everty pres pays for the previous pres actions see obama IT will take 4-8 years to fix economy its not a quick fix. not like a booboo on ur knees where mommy kisses it and all better more like losing a leg and a arm kind of booboo.
Willie on a personal note Loving the new avatar 0_0

Addicted dont add dumbass remarks,he hasnt commited crimes against Humanity.

01-12-2009, 05:28 AM

01-12-2009, 05:34 AM

LOL! :o

I had no intentions of getting people pissed off about this post. I don't care for Bush either, just thought it was funny...

01-12-2009, 05:35 AM

LOL! :o

I had no intentions of getting people pissed off about this post. I don't care for Bush either, just thought it was funny...

It was funny

01-12-2009, 05:46 AM
This is for all you Bush haters out there, this is what he thinks of you during his last week as President..... :D

This is what he has done to his own country and the rest of the planet.

He certainly was extreme. I think it's pointless to rank good to bad. Who cares.
But it wasn't a Bush presidency. It was a Cheney presidency... along w/ other bellicose members of the Cheney administration: Lewis Libby, Rice, Wolfowitz, Feith....
And, plus, Congress was complicit. Remember Bush has to go to congress to FUND the wars. Obama and Hillary both agreed. They gave Bush the cash to carry on his and Cheney's wars.
And remember that Obama voted for the bailout -- along with McCain.
Obama will be less extreme than Cheney and Bush. That, uh, really is the only hope and change -- :D :lol:

01-12-2009, 06:02 AM
This is for all you Bush lovers out there, if there's any left.

01-12-2009, 06:23 AM
speaking of shoes, did you notice there wasnt a secret service guy in sight when the shoes came flying. the second shoe was the giveaway. Oops

01-12-2009, 09:22 AM
One thing to clear up for all those who love to say that the Dems control congress. A majority is considered controlling congress it doesn't mean literally can control it the bills that are passed. A certain amount of votes are needed to be filibuster proof and the dems have never had it so it goes back to what does the president wants to pass. Its well know the repubs wanted no regulation of wall street for over a decade. That failed. Bush wanted to privatize social security THANK GOD that failed because it would really be crazy if half of all retired workers had 0 income due to the wall street crash. No wall street wasn't entirely Bush's fault but it crashed on his watch just as 9/11 happened on it.