View Full Version : so how many girls are willing or ready to settle down?

01-01-2009, 09:43 PM
?just asking?

01-01-2009, 10:36 PM
None unless the dude is filthy rich.

01-01-2009, 10:46 PM
thats not very encouraging

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-03-2009, 03:35 AM
We should poll how many men are willing to settle down instead of chasing twannies! lol ;)



01-03-2009, 04:06 AM
We should poll how many men are willing to settle down instead of chasing twannies! lol ;)


HTGThats no fun though lol.
Hara dont act like you dont like the chase. lol j/k

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-03-2009, 04:09 AM
I never do, never have and never will chase a guy! Not desperate.. ;)



01-03-2009, 04:10 AM
I never do, never have and never will chase a guy! Not desperate.. ;)


Doh.....I meant you like being chased lol. sry for not explaining it.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-03-2009, 04:13 AM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:



01-03-2009, 04:16 AM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

01-03-2009, 05:33 AM
I think MOST of them are looking for something long term, the problem has been documented several times on several threads I'm sure you know the reasons why.

As I have said before, American TS take up the worst features of American GG's (starting at the top, feeling they deserve that). Ignoring that in reality if GG's have about a 30% shot in finding somebody worth-while that TS' have a much DIMMER outlook.

Having or not having dick doesn't have much to do with it...

The first hurdle is being accepted by family and friends and that is usually the "dealbreaker".

What woman wants to be shunned and hidden from
family and friends of a potential mate???

Actually its usually the male that lacks confidence in his immediate family to find the person he loves acceptable to them without appearing "Gay".

TS make a big deal out of finding a guy that will accept them as being women (naturally), when they almost equally don't accept that in our culture Interracial Marriages between Black and Whites isn't 100% accepted and that Gay marriage isn't accepted in most places as well, nobody knows what to call marriage between a man and man-made woman...

This country has a long maturing process to endure because Interracial Marriages are still outlawed in some states its just not enforced.

The way I see it, for the women involved either directly or indirectly in the Adult Entertainment Industry you stand your best chance if you get completely out of the business and assume a 100% normal existence and don't ask "What is Normal".

Normal (for example) would be going to Hereto clubs/bars to socialize with men and having confidence that the right man will find it more than acceptable that your a TS.

Yeah I know many have "tried" that only for it to fail but that's no different than the millions of women out there that are single and unmarried.

I think its quite funny that many here denounce "Tranny Chasers" when many of them (especially the ones that aren't married) could be the man you're looking for, its up to YOU to keep him from straying if that's what your concerned about.

Honestly if the guy can't help himself then he's not worth it, but generalizing isn't helping matters at all.

In this case, TS' need to turn Lemons into Lemonade you don't have much choice in the matter. You are no different than the 100's of men GG's date from age 18 to say 35, that is if they are attractive to start with and keep dating because they feel they'll eventually find somebody acceptable.

That or become comfortable with the occasional long term companion.

01-03-2009, 06:35 PM
We should poll how many men are willing to settle down instead of chasing twannies! lol ;)



Be vewwy, vewwy quieet.

01-03-2009, 06:41 PM
willing AND able are 2 very different things

im sure lots of girls would be willing
im sure most arent able

01-03-2009, 07:09 PM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

01-03-2009, 07:18 PM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is

01-03-2009, 07:22 PM
for me to want to settle down one day it would be about equality...

I mean by this that they would introduce me to friends, family etc take me to the works xmas do when their colleges take their wives/partners etc...

One of my close friends is in a relationship that is one sided, she has shown her man her mates, family etc but its not been recipricated.they been together 2 years and i think its awful she basically has to remain a secret, myself i wouldnt put up with it...

Though it seems the bulk of men i come across want to keep you as their secret..while i am sure there are nice men that would do the above out there...

Money dont really come into it in the grand scheme, of course no one wants to be shacked up with someone that dont earn any money or where they leech off you..

My 2 pence on the subject.


01-03-2009, 07:43 PM
yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is


Yep, unreasonable expectations occur on both ends, whether its man or woman...Awful for one partner to demand things and not reciprocate!

Shining Star
01-04-2009, 01:29 AM
It is not fair to base one expectations on trannies strictly on what one sees on this board and or the "scene" in general.

As with GGs, a female's expectations of the sort of man they wish to date or even "marry", is largely based upon many factors, including their own upbringing and life experiences.

A white, middle class or above trannie from a good home, stable background and comfort is going to probably have different expectations than a hood rat trannie, who has been in and out of foster homes, chucked out of the system at age 18, or who grew up in a home absent a father, or whose mother had a new "husband" every other week or month.

There are trannies, both pre and post op who have been involved in long term relationships, and some are even getting married, now that "same sex" marriage is legal in some states. You do not hear about them or for that matter see them because for the most part they never were or are part of the "scene' and stay far away from it. They get up, go to work pay their bills, and get on with life the way the rest of the world does.

As for the rest of us willing to settle down, well we would have to find a man willing to accept us for who and what we are, both in priviate and public.

Myself am tired of botty calls and all that. Sex is fine, but after a while, having someone ring one up just to come over and have sex, then leave shortly afterwards is rather empty. Especially when you know he is going to a "normal" woman who is the one he will take out in public and acknolwedge as his "love".

OTHO, there is the other extreme, not all trannies are into some of the guys who WOULD want to settle down with a girl. Men who bascially are looking to be the "submissive" part of a gay relationship. Men who have odd or weird sexual desires.

I mean one could be dating the most gorgeous and or nicest guy. Man has everything including a good job and such, then as thing are getting into it, you hear "would you f***k me? I'm sorry, spending a life time of topping is just not something I picture myself doing. *LOL*

01-04-2009, 01:35 AM
dj4monie was right on the money.

01-04-2009, 02:02 AM
I settled down and I'm happier!!!

01-04-2009, 03:03 AM
I am, but he has to be hot and super sweet :) ive been single 2.5 years.. im not settling for anyone unless they are worth it :)

01-04-2009, 03:16 AM
If you're able to get a ts sit and chat with you for 20 mins you are very lucky. Number 1 rule, never try turning a hoe into a housewife.

Will you guys ever learn ? Just pay up, and bus your nut without getting caught up in a fantasy.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-04-2009, 06:31 AM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

Oh no! I'm not getting on that bike simply because I don't want my hair messed up, silly! lol



01-04-2009, 07:05 AM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

Oh no! I'm not getting on that bike simply because I don't want my hair messed up, silly! lol


Go butchy lol....I was bored so I went to staters to buy OJ ran out(wtf huh)....And I saw a opportunity to heat my tires up,Rent a cop with a holstered flashlight got mad because I gave him some white smoke. :D
Then took the oj and played some prince of persia.(two thrones)
I cant help lightin my tires up on rentacops. :D

01-04-2009, 07:52 AM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is

Hold on the phone, are you trying to say that Men demand something different from TS when compared to GG?

That isn't correct

Many men EXPECT THE SAME THING FROM GG's as they do from TS.

Passable is another word for "attractive" used in the context of appearance in Transgendered women. There are plenty of GG women that look "manly" but we know they are WOMEN and aren't TS/TV. Looking "manly" and actually being a "Man dressed up as woman" for any Hetero man is UNACCEPTABLE.

Those that look less like "attractive" or even "average" looking women are asking Men to basically say "Looks aren't important" when we all know that is not true.

A 100% passable, unclockable TS is indeed RARE. Though I would say that men that like TS are more sensitive to what we are looking at than the average male running around. A girl to many not thinking on that level is indeed passable, we might see "flaws" that make her appear to us as "unpassable" or "clockable".

In places like West Hollywood or San Fran, you expect to see certain things, in Ames, Iowa at the County Fair, I don't think so.

TS believe that the men they date shouldn't care if its discovered they are not born a woman. Men like that are just as RARE as a 100% passable TS.

I know "average" TS that aren't involved in the "scene" as it were and have trouble dating but its basically no different than any other woman, most T's just SEEM to think its DIFFERENT because they are T's I can tell you for sure that its NOT.

I like Caucasian women mainly, I know your not going to tell me that every White woman in America is down to date, marry or have a the children of a Black man. So why should any TS expect that she'll be accepted by a majority of straight men when that's just not the case and we as men have to accept certain things, when many men don't like single mothers, bipolar women, women in porn, women that in the recording industry, business women, BBW, too skinny, etc, etc.

So I disgree that straight men are putting additional demands on TS, we are putting the SAME demands on TS...

01-04-2009, 09:26 AM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is

Hold on the phone, are you trying to say that Men demand something different from TS when compared to GG?

That isn't correct

Many men EXPECT THE SAME THING FROM GG's as they do from TS.

Passable is another word for "attractive" used in the context of appearance in Transgendered women. There are plenty of GG women that look "manly" but we know they are WOMEN and aren't TS/TV. Looking "manly" and actually being a "Man dressed up as woman" for any Hetero man is UNACCEPTABLE.

Those that look less like "attractive" or even "average" looking women are asking Men to basically say "Looks aren't important" when we all know that is not true.

A 100% passable, unclockable TS is indeed RARE. Though I would say that men that like TS are more sensitive to what we are looking at than the average male running around. A girl to many not thinking on that level is indeed passable, we might see "flaws" that make her appear to us as "unpassable" or "clockable".

In places like West Hollywood or San Fran, you expect to see certain things, in Ames, Iowa at the County Fair, I don't think so.

TS believe that the men they date shouldn't care if its discovered they are not born a woman. Men like that are just as RARE as a 100% passable TS.

I know "average" TS that aren't involved in the "scene" as it were and have trouble dating but its basically no different than any other woman, most T's just SEEM to think its DIFFERENT because they are T's I can tell you for sure that its NOT.

I like Caucasian women mainly, I know your not going to tell me that every White woman in America is down to date, marry or have a the children of a Black man. So why should any TS expect that she'll be accepted by a majority of straight men when that's just not the case and we as men have to accept certain things, when many men don't like single mothers, bipolar women, women in porn, women that in the recording industry, business women, BBW, too skinny, etc, etc.

So I disgree that straight men are putting additional demands on TS, we are putting the SAME demands on TS...
Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?
Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???
Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????
Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

01-04-2009, 09:46 AM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

Pssh! 130... com on' man. Why not 186 where the GSXR likes to be : )

01-04-2009, 03:49 PM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is

Hold on the phone, are you trying to say that Men demand something different from TS when compared to GG?

That isn't correct

Many men EXPECT THE SAME THING FROM GG's as they do from TS.

Passable is another word for "attractive" used in the context of appearance in Transgendered women. There are plenty of GG women that look "manly" but we know they are WOMEN and aren't TS/TV. Looking "manly" and actually being a "Man dressed up as woman" for any Hetero man is UNACCEPTABLE.

Those that look less like "attractive" or even "average" looking women are asking Men to basically say "Looks aren't important" when we all know that is not true.

A 100% passable, unclockable TS is indeed RARE. Though I would say that men that like TS are more sensitive to what we are looking at than the average male running around. A girl to many not thinking on that level is indeed passable, we might see "flaws" that make her appear to us as "unpassable" or "clockable".

In places like West Hollywood or San Fran, you expect to see certain things, in Ames, Iowa at the County Fair, I don't think so.

TS believe that the men they date shouldn't care if its discovered they are not born a woman. Men like that are just as RARE as a 100% passable TS.

I know "average" TS that aren't involved in the "scene" as it were and have trouble dating but its basically no different than any other woman, most T's just SEEM to think its DIFFERENT because they are T's I can tell you for sure that its NOT.

I like Caucasian women mainly, I know your not going to tell me that every White woman in America is down to date, marry or have a the children of a Black man. So why should any TS expect that she'll be accepted by a majority of straight men when that's just not the case and we as men have to accept certain things, when many men don't like single mothers, bipolar women, women in porn, women that in the recording industry, business women, BBW, too skinny, etc, etc.

So I disgree that straight men are putting additional demands on TS, we are putting the SAME demands on TS...
Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?
Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???
Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????
Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

Because she was born with a vagina. GG's will always get top billing over TS's.

01-04-2009, 04:04 PM
hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush.

I'd be interested, but only if you took it out of 3rd gear!

[Misha, Blade babe :wink: ]

01-04-2009, 04:07 PM
i just wanted to get a genereally synopsis on what most tgals think about settling down.
Its a pretty gray area I see.
It boils down to iif you're able to find that special someone, your lucky as hell..lol

01-04-2009, 05:45 PM
It just comes down to placing a higher priority on friendship, ability to live together and get along in and out of the bedroom and such things as trust, respect, loyalty and commitment over such things as money, looks, size of body parts, etc...For both partners naturally...

Once you place a higher priority on money, appearances, social status, I can't see a couple being able to successfully " settle down ", although I'm sure there are exceptions!

yes its such a shame girls place such high standards on the man after all he didnt place any on her... he just wanted: shorter than him, skinnier then him, younger then him, she had to sound like a woman, be 110% passable, cant be a hooker or porn actress, she must like being a homebody, etc etc etc

god forbid she match all that and ask that you be able to treat her like the rare gem she is

Hold on the phone, are you trying to say that Men demand something different from TS when compared to GG?

That isn't correct

Many men EXPECT THE SAME THING FROM GG's as they do from TS.

Passable is another word for "attractive" used in the context of appearance in Transgendered women. There are plenty of GG women that look "manly" but we know they are WOMEN and aren't TS/TV. Looking "manly" and actually being a "Man dressed up as woman" for any Hetero man is UNACCEPTABLE.

Those that look less like "attractive" or even "average" looking women are asking Men to basically say "Looks aren't important" when we all know that is not true.

A 100% passable, unclockable TS is indeed RARE. Though I would say that men that like TS are more sensitive to what we are looking at than the average male running around. A girl to many not thinking on that level is indeed passable, we might see "flaws" that make her appear to us as "unpassable" or "clockable".

In places like West Hollywood or San Fran, you expect to see certain things, in Ames, Iowa at the County Fair, I don't think so.

TS believe that the men they date shouldn't care if its discovered they are not born a woman. Men like that are just as RARE as a 100% passable TS.

I know "average" TS that aren't involved in the "scene" as it were and have trouble dating but its basically no different than any other woman, most T's just SEEM to think its DIFFERENT because they are T's I can tell you for sure that its NOT.

I like Caucasian women mainly, I know your not going to tell me that every White woman in America is down to date, marry or have a the children of a Black man. So why should any TS expect that she'll be accepted by a majority of straight men when that's just not the case and we as men have to accept certain things, when many men don't like single mothers, bipolar women, women in porn, women that in the recording industry, business women, BBW, too skinny, etc, etc.

So I disgree that straight men are putting additional demands on TS, we are putting the SAME demands on TS...
Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?
Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???
Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????
Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

Because she was born with a vagina. GG's will always get top billing over TS's.Now you know why ts are pay to play. We may not have a vagina, but our brain works fine. Thats why I'm not ashamed to charge and thats why guys should stop bitchin and moanin about about girls chargin. You can't have it both ways. And no motherfukka will just use me and I don't get shit out of it. Dick ain't all that

Shining Star
01-04-2009, 11:44 PM
To say a St8 man treats GGs the way most treat trannies is so WRONG.

A majority of men treat women vastly different depending upon if she is potential romantic and by extension marriage material, versus an easy lay.

One thing has remained quite steady thoughout the years of mankind, men by and large do not like women that have sex easily and or are sexually aggressive. You can hear it around any locker room or any place else men chat amoung themselves.

A girl that has sex with a guy on the first date, or a "closing time/last call" date, or any of the others is almost certianly not considered "wife" material. Why? Because after the glow of sexual satisfaction wears off (which for men is often about <1min after they orgasm), they begin to wonder why the conquest was so easy. And if the GG gave it up so easy for him, just who else has she been laying up with.

Yes, a man may try it with any girl he meets, but a girl that says "No", will either earn his respect and continue to woo her, or simply turn his attentions to another GG, and start his mack all over again.

Same thing with trannies. There are guys who go to a trannie bar/party or take a girl out to "dinner" and before the meal is half over/drink is finished he's talking about having sex. If the trannie makes it clear it's not going to happen that night, 99.9% of the time he's outta there.

We've all been there. A guy calls up a trannie asking if he can come over to "watch TV" or something. And here we are thinking we're onto something "real". Well within 10mins of entry, the guy is trying for sex. Refuse him and you get "oh, I have to get up early tomorrow", or some such excuse and leaves.

Again using CL as a study aid, just look at all those tackle out pictures and other requests for NSA sex for trannies. They vastly out number "romantic encounter" and "LTR" requests.

While the age of men seeking trannie sex is getting lower, and the quality in terms of looks and such perhaps better than years past, make no mistake about it, things haven't changed that much, by and large most guys want a trannie for sex, PERIOD.

Why do you think trannie escorts can get away with charging vast sums, and for some, giving lousy service in return. Men want to have sex with a TS and get the heck out of Dodge without any entanglements. No phone calls, no romantic ideas, nada. Just hit and run, or eat and run.

Smart trannies have figured this out long ago, and that is why so many are working, amoung other reasons. The reason why slut begins with an "S" is because she is stupid for giving something away for free.

Men seeking NSA realtionships with a trannie will say "but we give each other pleasure". Screw that! My parents brought me up not to be ashamed of who I am and never to accept being treated as second class. If I'm not good enough for you to be seen in public with, and you think you are coming over to my house to get your jollies and leave, think again.

Ok, there may be a few that move a TS up to "FWB", but the girl is still not considered marriage material.

Shining Star
01-04-2009, 11:52 PM
Keeping on the CL and other personal adverts for trannie theme:

What gets me is all these ads by guys saying "no escorts" or wondering why "all the hot trannies are hoes". Not only are these men not interested in responses from trannie hoes, but they don't want to be with a girl if her career is "working". Yet when you ask them what they want from a TS, that is the reason for the advert, it is simple: they want NSA sex.

So not only do these guys look down on a girl for charging, but want her to give it up for free to them.

The Madonna/Whore Complex is alive and well.

01-05-2009, 06:22 AM
Shining Star I'll address your post first and great post(s) by the way....

The world is changing, views on sex, relationships and how men and women interact are changing on a daily basis.

What does the typical American Woman have to offer a male and how come it always seems slanted towards what the male can provide?

This is where American T's often copy there GG counterparts. Why can't be just a decent man that can provide a standard lifestyle by American standards and his mildly handsome but no worst than cute and call that enough?

Many T's are competing with GG's for the same turf, the ideal man (whatever that means). I agree with Vanessa, advantage GG, less hassle is the number one reason, I would say the ability to have children is second.

There are GG with equal the sex drive of men, so that can't be it either. There's the myth that T's have better oral skills in the bedroom, I can't confirm that and I doubt that has much impact.

I agree with you SS...


Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????

I don't know any men personally that date ugly women, let alone any of the other "flaws" look down upon by Western Culture.

Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?

See answer #1 the answer to this would be None Applicable. Rare does my circle of friends take a woman around their parents, only truly special ladies even get that far... As for friends, they are non-judgmental overall but at the same time they don't know about my interest in T's and why should they? I haven't dated that many for it to be even an issue yet.

Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???

This happens in "straight" nightclubs???? Goes back to my first point, if you live a 100% normal GG lifestyle with the only major difference is that your a Transexual, I doubt this would happen very often.

Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????

Men do it to GG's how's that any different? As a rule my click isn't the hit it and quit it types and we don't play silly games, the whole thing is put out on front street day one, if you can't handle it, why you still around???

But it seems some Women are a gluten for punishment...

Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

What lame excuses are you talking about? If he's married, would any excuse surprise you?

I think there's ONE maybe TWO girls here that almost exclusively go to "straight" clubs/bars, seldom have any problems and aren't having the problems as you describe them. Is there a risk of being discovered by somebody? Sure, but a GG is raped every 6 mins and a woman is battered every 15 seconds. In your corner of the universe you think its special for you to be beaten for a reason, when GG are often beat for no reason at all, other than being there, sometimes just being a woman sets off a chain of events that sometimes prove fatal.

Anyway they have the same dating problems than GG's do -

Married Men
Serial Daters
Chronic users of Adult Erotic Services
Dorks, Ugly Men and Dweebs hitting on them (if your really attractive, this HARDLY happens)
Not enough "Nice Guys" to go around

But nice guys finish last, doesn't matter if they desire GG's or T's the premise remains the same, you appear to be a "pushover" you're through! I believe T's put an extra importance on dating men that are confrontational, sort of a "Watch Dog" to protect her from the general public that has difficulty with anything that's out of the mainstream train of thought, I think dating T's is right up either with Gay Marriage don't you think?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-05-2009, 06:40 AM
Keeping on the CL and other personal adverts for trannie theme:

What gets me is all these ads by guys saying "no escorts" or wondering why "all the hot trannies are hoes". Not only are these men not interested in responses from trannie hoes, but they don't want to be with a girl if her career is "working". Yet when you ask them what they want from a TS, that is the reason for the advert, it is simple: they want NSA sex.

So not only do these guys look down on a girl for charging, but want her to give it up for free to them.

The Madonna/Whore Complex is alive and well.

lol :lol:



Shining Star
01-05-2009, 11:10 AM
This advert pretty sums up things out there by and large:


01-05-2009, 04:20 PM
^ more of a fuck buddy thing and i like his honesty and being straight to the point ;)

01-05-2009, 06:29 PM
I love the normal, straight bit :)

Define normal??? and also when your sucking on my cock dont really see where your straight part holds up :)

I love it :)

The real notion is to 90% of men TS are basically Toys for the Boys in their mind .... in my view anyway...

01-05-2009, 08:15 PM
I love the normal, straight bit :)

Define normal??? and also when your sucking on my cock dont really see where your straight part holds up :)

I love it :)

The real notion is to 90% of men TS are basically Toys for the Boys in their mind .... in my view anyway...

Holy Hell I re-wrote this a least twice....

I don't suck dick! If you wanna be honest for it a minute, sexually speaking the main drive for me to date T's and maybe have a long term relationship with is anal sex, FULL STOP. I don't even fancy getting my dick sucked all that much, if that's something you LOVE, not enjoy or "Like Doing" then have at it, otherwise don't bother. Maybe I'm just thinking outside of the box here. If GG's put up such a fuss about anal sex in general, what's the next best option? I have NO interest in TOPs I am the ONLY TOP in any relationship FULL STOP. I don't say "I want a versatile TS" the word "versatile" never enters my train of thought.

I LOVE GG's and the "Three Hole Option" but I can get by with a TS "Two Hole Option" if that's her choice. SRS won't loose any draw with me, in fact I like Danielle more without it!

Otherwise I am looking for the same thing in T's than I do in GG's. The word "passable" gets thrown around but I think it has more to do with level of beauty on a case to case bases. Some T's are cartoony in the "Jessica Rabbit" mold while they are passable on any scale, that's just too far out there for myself personally.

I don't believe dating a T has to automatically create "waves" in society and like many GG's some T's look better up close, some look good from a distance. I happen to think this one young T is very cute, however her legs are BONEY in manly sort of way. I don't find that attractive at all, is that because they are boney? or because they are boney in a male sort of way? I'm not quite sure its likely BOTH, a friend of mine likes very SKINNY Russian 20somethings and I don't find that attractive, but he does.

So I guess I'm in that 10% of the 90% you speak of, 100% straight

01-05-2009, 08:30 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

01-05-2009, 09:31 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

LOL :lol:

To the guys who claim they don't want anything to do with "versatile", are total tops, have no preference btwn pre-ops or post-ops, and refuse to blow their TS date, I can imagine that there is a small population that exists that holds all of these opinions. What I can't imagine is how anyone in that population would be a frequent visitor and participant to Hung Angels dot com.

01-05-2009, 10:00 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

You say its crap???? I like GG's FAR more than T's and maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot, but I have no intention of marrying a T. Me and my dawg are on the same wavelength -

Marriage is for having family and children. Adoption is only an option after I have had my own children. That however doesn't mean I don't support Gay Marriage I do, who cares what people do ultimately.

Kinda hard to have kids when you don't have any ovaries, but I don't hold that against anybody. If I decided a T was for me long term, then I also come to terms with not having any children.

So just HOW much of me is FAG? I'm not taking this personal its your observation, so what your saying is that any man that dates you has to have some Bi tendencies and that's okay with you? If the world wants to label me "Bi" then so be it. 99.9% of the time I am seen and having sex with women, I don't see how I could be termed as BI.

So I guess men in jail count as being a bit Faggy right?

Men just like sex and will stick their dick into anything warm and moist or haven't you noticed that?

I agree with you on principle that you would need to be a bit gay or bi to want to stick your dick into the rear end of what was once a man (or still is).

But honestly I am not rationalizing it.

I thought CD/TV didn't want to be women full time? I thought T's wanted to be full time women, live as women and have sex as women (women have vaginal and anal sex) so I guess that would make T's a woman now wouldn't it?

Makes perfect sense to me - MtoF Transexual = Woman

Me and TS having sex - ??? You call it a bit Gay, I'm not quite sure what to call it frankly.

I have seen since you have been on this forum there is no way to "Win" the argument with you but I don't mind the debate at all.

Which goes back to the fraud of T's wanting to date 100% Straight men, that's false. What you want is a man comfortable with his "Bi" side and only wants to fuck you in the ass and not other T's or other Men. And if your not some feminine looking, acting or sounding that should be "overlooked", what's inside is important. That's a given but not the reality I live in, where women are judged at a distance of 2ft and if your not physically attractive enough, we usually don't bother with the rest of it.

01-05-2009, 10:23 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

You say its crap???? I like GG's FAR more than T's and maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot, but I have no intention of marrying a T. Me and my dawg are on the same wavelength -

Marriage is for having family and children. Adoption is only an option after I have had my own children. That however doesn't mean I don't support Gay Marriage I do, who cares what people do ultimately.

Kinda hard to have kids when you don't have any ovaries, but I don't hold that against anybody. If I decided a T was for me long term, then I also come to terms with not having any children.

So just HOW much of me is FAG? I'm not taking this personal its your observation, so what your saying is that any man that dates you has to have some Bi tendencies and that's okay with you? If the world wants to label me "Bi" then so be it. 99.9% of the time I am seen and having sex with women, I don't see how I could be termed as BI.

So I guess men in jail count as being a bit Faggy right?

Men just like sex and will stick their dick into anything warm and moist or haven't you noticed that?

I agree with you on principle that you would need to be a bit gay or bi to want to stick your dick into the rear end of what was once a man (or still is).

But honestly I am not rationalizing it.

I thought CD/TV didn't want to be women full time? I thought T's wanted to be full time women, live as women and have sex as women (women have vaginal and anal sex) so I guess that would make T's a woman now wouldn't it?

Makes perfect sense to me - MtoF Transexual = Woman

Me and TS having sex - ??? You call it a bit Gay, I'm not quite sure what to call it frankly.

I have seen since you have been on this forum there is no way to "Win" the argument with you but I don't mind the debate at all.

Which goes back to the fraud of T's wanting to date 100% Straight men, that's false. What you want is a man comfortable with his "Bi" side and only wants to fuck you in the ass and not other T's or other Men. And if your not some feminine looking, acting or sounding that should be "overlooked", what's inside is important. That's a given but not the reality I live in, where women are judged at a distance of 2ft and if your not physically attractive enough, we usually don't bother with the rest of it.

youre right you cant win an arguement with me bc i make it a point to never get in one i cant win

whether its 99% or 1% gay ... its still... deal w/ it

you think an insult like announcing to the board how much of a dog you are hurts us or you more?
we - girls - already think guys think like that... when you say something stupid like you did above.... you just look like the ass you are and confirm our beliefs

01-05-2009, 10:24 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

You say its crap???? I like GG's FAR more than T's and maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot, but I have no intention of marrying a T. Me and my dawg are on the same wavelength -

Marriage is for having family and children. Adoption is only an option after I have had my own children. That however doesn't mean I don't support Gay Marriage I do, who cares what people do ultimately.

Kinda hard to have kids when you don't have any ovaries, but I don't hold that against anybody. If I decided a T was for me long term, then I also come to terms with not having any children.

So just HOW much of me is FAG? I'm not taking this personal its your observation, so what your saying is that any man that dates you has to have some Bi tendencies and that's okay with you? If the world wants to label me "Bi" then so be it. 99.9% of the time I am seen and having sex with women, I don't see how I could be termed as BI.

So I guess men in jail count as being a bit Faggy right?

Men just like sex and will stick their dick into anything warm and moist or haven't you noticed that?

I agree with you on principle that you would need to be a bit gay or bi to want to stick your dick into the rear end of what was once a man (or still is).

But honestly I am not rationalizing it.

I thought CD/TV didn't want to be women full time? I thought T's wanted to be full time women, live as women and have sex as women (women have vaginal and anal sex) so I guess that would make T's a woman now wouldn't it?

Makes perfect sense to me - MtoF Transexual = Woman

Me and TS having sex - ??? You call it a bit Gay, I'm not quite sure what to call it frankly.

I have seen since you have been on this forum there is no way to "Win" the argument with you but I don't mind the debate at all.

Which goes back to the fraud of T's wanting to date 100% Straight men, that's false. What you want is a man comfortable with his "Bi" side and only wants to fuck you in the ass and not other T's or other Men. And if your not some feminine looking, acting or sounding that should be "overlooked", what's inside is important. That's a given but not the reality I live in, where women are judged at a distance of 2ft and if your not physically attractive enough, we usually don't bother with the rest of it.

youre right you cant win an arguement with me bc i make it a point to never get in one i cant win

whether its 99% or 1% gay ... its still... deal w/ it

you think an insult like announcing to the board how much of a dog you are hurts us or you more?
we - girls - already think guys think like that... when you say something stupid like you did above.... you just look like the ass you are and confirm our beliefs

01-05-2009, 11:00 PM
Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?
Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???
Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????
Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

I ain't takin' ugly/fat chicks anywhere! As a matter of fact, I ain't datin' 'em either!

Seriously, I'd date a T-girl and introduce her to all my friends family as my girlfriend. I've never had anything to hide.


01-06-2009, 12:04 AM
I think most men lack the courage to actually step out of the box and settle down with a ts. perhaps because of their families, careers and silly social preassures.
I also think that most of the ones that say they are willing to and would love to be in a real relationship with TS, only say it as part of a fantasy.
ultimate GFE so to speak!

01-06-2009, 12:18 AM
Then why will a man be seen in public with an ugly female asnd keep the pretty tranny hidden???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????
Why is it that they take ugly females around family and friends and not the ts?
Why is it when they approach us the first thing they want is some head???
Why do they get up and run after they nutt???????????????
Why do they always have a lame excuse for the above questions?????

I ain't takin' ugly/fat chicks anywhere! As a matter of fact, I ain't datin' 'em either!

Seriously, I'd date a T-girl and introduce her to all my friends family as my girlfriend. I've never had anything to hide.


dont feel bad shes never been that "pretty tranny" left behind lol

01-06-2009, 01:37 AM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits

dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

You say its crap???? I like GG's FAR more than T's and maybe I'm shooting myself in the foot, but I have no intention of marrying a T. Me and my dawg are on the same wavelength -

Marriage is for having family and children. Adoption is only an option after I have had my own children. That however doesn't mean I don't support Gay Marriage I do, who cares what people do ultimately.

Kinda hard to have kids when you don't have any ovaries, but I don't hold that against anybody. If I decided a T was for me long term, then I also come to terms with not having any children.

So just HOW much of me is FAG? I'm not taking this personal its your observation, so what your saying is that any man that dates you has to have some Bi tendencies and that's okay with you? If the world wants to label me "Bi" then so be it. 99.9% of the time I am seen and having sex with women, I don't see how I could be termed as BI.

So I guess men in jail count as being a bit Faggy right?

Men just like sex and will stick their dick into anything warm and moist or haven't you noticed that?

I agree with you on principle that you would need to be a bit gay or bi to want to stick your dick into the rear end of what was once a man (or still is).

But honestly I am not rationalizing it.

I thought CD/TV didn't want to be women full time? I thought T's wanted to be full time women, live as women and have sex as women (women have vaginal and anal sex) so I guess that would make T's a woman now wouldn't it?

Makes perfect sense to me - MtoF Transexual = Woman

Me and TS having sex - ??? You call it a bit Gay, I'm not quite sure what to call it frankly.

I have seen since you have been on this forum there is no way to "Win" the argument with you but I don't mind the debate at all.

Which goes back to the fraud of T's wanting to date 100% Straight men, that's false. What you want is a man comfortable with his "Bi" side and only wants to fuck you in the ass and not other T's or other Men. And if your not some feminine looking, acting or sounding that should be "overlooked", what's inside is important. That's a given but not the reality I live in, where women are judged at a distance of 2ft and if your not physically attractive enough, we usually don't bother with the rest of it.

youre right you cant win an arguement with me bc i make it a point to never get in one i cant win

whether its 99% or 1% gay ... its still... deal w/ it

you think an insult like announcing to the board how much of a dog you are hurts us or you more?
we - girls - already think guys think like that... when you say something stupid like you did above.... you just look like the ass you are and confirm our beliefs

Bow Wow, Wow Yippee Oh Yippee Ya...

1% gay is still gay huh?

So I guess that makes you judge and jury.

You can call me whatever you want I suppose. I have not hurt anybody and treat all living things with respect.

However life is WAY too short to be fucking around with people that won't fill the void in your life completely and without any issues.

I've been called Shallow before and I think that's what your really trying to say.

Where's the insult???

I suppose you view my statement as saying T's are not worthy enough to have a family with. Did I really say that or was that what you got from it?

Knowing T's can't have children DUH, if I decide I don't wanna have children I would seek somebody that feels the same, it could be a T it could be a GG, both are possibilities. If I want to have children (and I believe I do) then the smart money is on GG's. I don't believe T's are as naive as you think they are, hence no reason to be insulted...

01-06-2009, 02:12 AM
ts can have children almost as easy gg

if theres love and a good foundation built then children are the next step in ANY relationship

and theres a path whenever theres a will

problem w/ you is you dont have that will


but youre still gay even if you knock up some broad

01-06-2009, 02:17 AM
I think most men lack the courage to actually step out of the box and settle down with a ts. perhaps because of their families, careers and silly social preassures.
I also think that most of the ones that say they are willing to and would love to be in a real relationship with TS, only say it as part of a fantasy.
ultimate GFE so to speak!

i have perfect example why i have no hope...i was on a date with this ts i really like....we stop @ this bar where her friend is bar tending....after like a half hour she is offering me up to her friend......pretty funny acutally and sad at the same time.... like hey i gotta run...wanna fuck my friend instead , lmfao

01-06-2009, 02:17 AM
Every relationship is different...Everyone has different opinions of whats settling. The key is making sure each person is comfortable in the situation. Some people believe the white picket fence, kids, etc is the only way to settle. Others believe open relationships. Its a matter of choice! So you need to be more specific.

01-06-2009, 02:57 AM
not all guys are asses!! some of us try to be gentlemen, at least i do

01-06-2009, 03:09 AM
ts can have children almost as easy gg

if theres love and a good foundation built then children are the next step in ANY relationship

and theres a path whenever theres a will

problem w/ you is you dont have that will


but youre still gay even if you knock up some broad

You said "Almost" and how do you expect somebody to afford this???

I just Google'ed it, $60,000-$150,000

The Average C section on a GG is $16,000 and some how if we get Single Payer Health Care I don't think the Government is going to foot the bill on something like this. I know Blue Cross won't pay for it and I don't make that kind of scratch, I guess I now fully understand why you want "Daddy Warbucks" for a Husband.

Maybe I should hook up with a European, their health care systems might pick up the bill for something like that or might see it as some sort of challenge....

How is that channeled into "Will", "Desire" or "Want Too". Your saying because I won't say "I wanna marry a T and have children with her however that's possible" that some how makes me less of a man or something.

How about I like taking the path of less resistance and I don't feel T's and GG's are interchangeable.

This is where I believe you have become unreasonable with your statements.

I'm not Gay just because YOU say so and I don't lack the desire or will to be with a TS long term.

I choose NOT to be at this point.

01-06-2009, 03:45 AM
ts can have children almost as easy gg

Elaborate more. :?

01-06-2009, 06:40 AM
we are all human beings worthy of love and respect. yes im a gentleman. proud of it. treat gg/ts or whoever with respect. some ts girls do want to settle down. im currrently involved with one and we are exploring all of our options. love once its real allows us to see the entire being, not body parts. we are neither st or gay or anything else when love is born between 2. believe me before her i never thought about sex or love with anyone but a giel. now i could care less and the transition was so natural. no matter what we are we desire the sense of being loved with passion that will carry us through. we also deserve it. never quit the journey for it.

01-06-2009, 06:57 AM
You are an egomaniac and way too full of yourself and should never consider having children. You do not have the qualities needed to raise emotionally healthy children. I can't think of any TS women that have the potential of being good parents.

ts can have children almost as easy gg

if theres love and a good foundation built then children are the next step in ANY relationship

and theres a path whenever theres a will

problem w/ you is you dont have that will


but youre still gay even if you knock up some broad

01-06-2009, 07:01 AM
Gentlemen finish last. When are you going to learn.

not all guys are asses!! some of us try to be gentlemen, at least i do

01-06-2009, 07:08 AM
I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

01-06-2009, 10:51 AM
The idea sounds nice but I like my wild side. I have had 2 serious relationships and dated a lot in between. I have sat home and cooked meals, cleaned and did laundry. Straight life can become boring.

I am dating someone now since the summer and I always keep him at arms length. I like my freedom, that may change and I am sure it will at sometime, but as for now I dont want a chain on my leg just a nice accessory lol.

01-06-2009, 01:35 PM
Gentlemen finish last. When are you going to learn.

not all guys are asses!! some of us try to be gentlemen, at least i do

Never will I change from being a gentleman I may finish last but I will be able to live the way I want

01-06-2009, 01:41 PM
amen to that brother! few and far between.

01-06-2009, 02:57 PM
The idea sounds nice but I like my wild side. I have had 2 serious relationships and dated a lot in between. I have sat home and cooked meals, cleaned and did laundry. Straight life can become boring.

I am dating someone now since the summer and I always keep him at arms length. I like my freedom, that may change and I am sure it will at sometime, but as for now I dont want a chain on my leg just a nice accessory lol.
A short-sighted stereotype about "straight life" is that it requires the girl to become a sort of June Cleaver, who "cooked meals, cleaned and did laundry." A committed relationship need not be so mundane... power and responsibility can be shared equally, and chores can even be outsourced to maids, nannies and hired help.

Therefore, I think such excuses are [sometimes] a defense mechanism for men and women who are emotionally incapable of a committed relationship.

Unfortunately, and I'm not pointing fingers here, some people in the community will not settle down because they are essentially feminized gay male butterflies.

01-06-2009, 07:23 PM
I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

01-06-2009, 08:57 PM
I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

Well, I don't really understand what "faggot in yellow boots" mean... but I sure hope you are not referring to me (because I bet you use it on a derogatory fashion).

Anyhow, I don't talk to you online... or any other people that I don't know in person for that matter (posting in forums does not count as talking online).... neither do I say I know you (or for that matter, anyone from this forum)... please keep in mind that you are not the only transgendered individual in the world... neither do you live in the only country with transgendered individuals.

I have been lucky enough to live in a few cities with a rather big number of transsexuals, and during the past few years I've met a few, some are professionals (as in sex industry), some are not, some are good individuals, some are not... I guess is just like every other segment of the population on which you will find good people and bad people.

And that is all I'll say for now.... I don't come here to attack anyone.... but maybe a little clarification was sort of necessary.

01-06-2009, 09:13 PM
Jennifer Injustice,

I don't want to know you. What I see on this forum is enough to let me realize that most TS women are highly dysfunctional and 98% are wack jobs. I would much rather date GG's over TS. You have no right calling anyone a faggot. You only look like a woman from the waist above, below the waist you have a manly appearance. Your hips are the same size as your waist, and your butt is very flat. Time for you to buy some hips and a butt so you can get rid of that half woman-half man look.

I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

01-06-2009, 09:16 PM
The idea sounds nice but I like my wild side. I have had 2 serious relationships and dated a lot in between. I have sat home and cooked meals, cleaned and did laundry. Straight life can become boring.

I am dating someone now since the summer and I always keep him at arms length. I like my freedom, that may change and I am sure it will at sometime, but as for now I dont want a chain on my leg just a nice accessory lol.
A short-sighted stereotype about "straight life" is that it requires the girl to become a sort of June Cleaver, who "cooked meals, cleaned and did laundry." A committed relationship need not be so mundane... power and responsibility can be shared equally, and chores can even be outsourced to maids, nannies and hired help.

Therefore, I think such excuses are [sometimes] a defense mechanism for men and women who are emotionally incapable of a committed relationship.

Unfortunately, and I'm not pointing fingers here, some people in the community will not settle down because they are essentially feminized gay male butterflies.

My reference to cooking meals, cleaning and doing laundry was supposed to be a stereotype. That is not all I did and the power was shared equally. The point I was trying to make, myself and a lot of transsexual have lived a life of unlike most people. We have seen, done and been exposed to more things then your average person. So pack up and move in with some guy and settle doesn't always seem desirable.

01-06-2009, 09:19 PM
I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

Well, I don't really understand what "faggot in yellow boots" mean... but I sure hope you are not referring to me (because I bet you use it on a derogatory fashion).

Anyhow, I don't talk to you online... or any other people that I don't know in person for that matter (posting in forums does not count as talking online).... neither do I say I know you (or for that matter, anyone from this forum)... please keep in mind that you are not the only transgendered individual in the world... neither do you live in the only country with transgendered individuals.

I have been lucky enough to live in a few cities with a rather big number of transsexuals, and during the past few years I've met a few, some are professionals (as in sex industry), some are not, some are good individuals, some are not... I guess is just like every other segment of the population on which you will find good people and bad people.

And that is all I'll say for now.... I don't come here to attack anyone.... but maybe a little clarification was sort of necessary.

sorry corner i was referring to "pete" he posted a pic of himself in yellow boots

just quoted you quoting him

01-06-2009, 09:21 PM
Jennifer Injustice,

I don't want to know you. What I see on this forum is enough to let me realize that most TS women are highly dysfunctional and 98% are wack jobs. I would much rather date GG's over TS. You have no right calling anyone a faggot. You only look like a woman from the waist above, below the waist you have a manly appearance. Your hips are the same size as your waist, and your butt is very flat. Time for you to buy some hips and a butt so you can get rid of that half woman-half man look.

I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

then y do you insist on being on this board so much?

no hips? woopie doo.... no ass? thats def not a problem i have, go fish some more

01-07-2009, 12:24 AM
its cool i think her ass is fine, go back into ur corner

01-07-2009, 03:08 AM
I think most men lack the courage to actually step out of the box and settle down with a ts. perhaps because of their families, careers and silly social preassures.
I also think that most of the ones that say they are willing to and would love to be in a real relationship with TS, only say it as part of a fantasy.
ultimate GFE so to speak!

I have no problems with doing this. I intend on finding a TS wifey... Of course I could be chasing a dream. But i definetly want to settle down, so you're a bit wrong.

Every relationship is different...Everyone has different opinions of whats settling. The key is making sure each person is comfortable in the situation. Some people believe the white picket fence, kids, etc is the only way to settle. Others believe open relationships. Its a matter of choice! So you need to be more specific.

what i mean by settling down is old fashion marriage... or long term one on one companionship... hell no i dont want no open relationship... if shes the ultimate one for me i wouldn't even look no other way... if she wants an open relationship the doors are wide open for her to leave my house lol... my wifey aint fuckin no one else

01-07-2009, 03:38 AM
i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days? what does that make you? you were born a male that sucks cock and fucks men. anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money. ts and gay couples would make bad parents.

01-07-2009, 03:58 AM
1) i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days?
2) anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money.
3) ts and gay couples would make bad parents.
3 very stupid generalisations and insults...

1) Do you really care if a TS on this board calls you a fag? I think its funny, with that they call themselves MAN (by logical conclusion). And no, not all, or even most, TS do that

2) Are you sure that all women will ignore the character of a man when he has money? Please grow up...

3) WHY would TS & gay couples make bad parents? Please give examples why they are not possible to be loving, caring, good parents. (I mean reason, not wide, stupid, unfitting generalisations like above)

01-07-2009, 04:03 AM
1) i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days?
2) anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money.
3) ts and gay couples would make bad parents.
3 very stupid generalisations and insults...

1) Do you really care if a TS on this board calls you a fag? I think its funny, with that they call themselves MAN (by logical conclusion). And no, not all, or even most, TS do that

2) Are you sure that all women will ignore the character of a man when he has money? Please grow up...

3) WHY would TS & gay couples make bad parents? Please give examples why they are not possible to be loving, caring, good parents. (I mean reason, not wide, stupid, unfitting generalisations like above)


01-07-2009, 04:08 AM
Another well thought and inspirational post. I am surprised by the depths of your arguments...

01-07-2009, 04:46 AM
The point I was trying to make, myself and a lot of transsexual have lived a life of unlike most people. We have seen, done and been exposed to more things then your average person. So pack up and move in with some guy and settle doesn't always seem desirable.
But an escort's work experience is not generalizable to a lot of transsexuals.

Again, not pointing fingers, but if one's notion of independent success is prostituting for tons of cash, in many cases taxfree, while catering to famous philanderers on the downlow, then it is clear how marriage might cramp that style.

Fortunately, there are successful TS women with respected careers as business women, nurses, scientists, etc, who want a committed relationship and who understand marriage does not necessarily mean a mudane existence.

01-07-2009, 06:48 AM
1) i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days?
2) anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money.
3) ts and gay couples would make bad parents.
3 very stupid generalisations and insults...

1) Do you really care if a TS on this board calls you a fag? I think its funny, with that they call themselves MAN (by logical conclusion). And no, not all, or even most, TS do that

2) Are you sure that all women will ignore the character of a man when he has money? Please grow up...

3) WHY would TS & gay couples make bad parents? Please give examples why they are not possible to be loving, caring, good parents. (I mean reason, not wide, stupid, unfitting generalisations like above)

In defence of thunder I agree with you Teydyn, who cares what TSTX calls you, does she have your gf's number? Its not an issue, its her way of thinking by calling you something in American Society that puts a dark cloud above you will somehow make your cringe in your boots.

I just laugh...

Here's where I agree with Thunder, in America women are largely looking for somebody that makes more money than they do, character be damed, why do you think the divorce rate is so high? How about the guy that shot up his family on Christmas as he was unemployed and was forced to pay spousal support that she spend largely on shit she didn't need.

When your an American TG and trying to emulate American Women, that's a HORRIBLE example and should be re-thought.

Some would say the reason why TG's have risen in popularity with straight men is because of how American women act...

However saying that Gays and TG make bad parents was out of line.

That's simply untrue.

01-07-2009, 06:59 AM
I can't think of any TS women that the potential of being good parents.

I could think of a few TS women with qualities to be good parents.... (NOT that I'm saying that they are ALL good potential parents.... but I know a few).

My guess is that you just don't know enough TS individuals.... but I guess that's fine.... its not your fault... just a problem of statistical distribution.

OR how about the fact this faggot in yellow boots doesnt know ANY ts women

most guys on here dont.... what you think bc you talk to us online that you know us?

well faggots we talk to yall too and i dont think any asshole cheating on his wife or girlfriend w/ tranny hookers or transexuals period will be winning father of the year anytime soon either

Well, I don't really understand what "faggot in yellow boots" mean... but I sure hope you are not referring to me (because I bet you use it on a derogatory fashion).

Anyhow, I don't talk to you online... or any other people that I don't know in person for that matter (posting in forums does not count as talking online).... neither do I say I know you (or for that matter, anyone from this forum)... please keep in mind that you are not the only transgendered individual in the world... neither do you live in the only country with transgendered individuals.

I have been lucky enough to live in a few cities with a rather big number of transsexuals, and during the past few years I've met a few, some are professionals (as in sex industry), some are not, some are good individuals, some are not... I guess is just like every other segment of the population on which you will find good people and bad people.

And that is all I'll say for now.... I don't come here to attack anyone.... but maybe a little clarification was sort of necessary.

I understood you without clarification....

I know both Gay Men and Transexual Women (MtoF). Of the T's I do know, one I wouldn't call dysfunctional but I did have to visit her a few times while she was in the hospital as she tired to commit suicide by turning on the gas in her house...

Another time she almost OD on pain killers....

And guess what, it was over men and she had been married previously but he left her for a GG to have children.

TSTX solution is for you to pony up whatever it cost to implant a fetus into a MtoF Transexual, that's downright crazy and goes into the "Money or Technology doesn't solve everything" folder.

She sure is angry enough to call people she doesn't know (but think she does) faggots.

I thought this was a thread of honest and frank discussion, not attacks and name calling.

01-07-2009, 08:42 AM
i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days? what does that make you? you were born a male that sucks cock and fucks men. anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money. ts and gay couples would make bad parents.

bc im ok w/ being called a fag... i know where i came from and who i am and what i am... im not ashamed.... but obviously you are... and thats a sign of a true fag

if you were straight and saw what you were doing as straight.... you wouldnt have something to hide or be ashamed of

ts and gay ppl would make far better parents then a lot of the ppl on this board would

at least trannys and gay ppl would raise their children to be accepting of all ppl.... unlike what you guys preach on here

01-07-2009, 08:50 AM
tsntx makes me lol in a good way.

01-07-2009, 09:16 AM
tsntx makes me lol in a good way.

i wish i could make everyone feel that way

i try :cry:

01-07-2009, 09:27 AM
TSTX solution is for you to pony up whatever it cost to implant a fetus into a MtoF Transexual, that's downright crazy and goes into the "Money or Technology doesn't solve everything" folder.

Is that even possible?... and is that even LEGAL?... and.... wouldn't that imply using the ovum of a woman anyway, making the TS only a carrier?.... wouldn't that cause a huge deal of potential health hazards to the TS and the fetus?

That sounds straight out of a sci fi movie.

01-07-2009, 09:57 AM
The point I was trying to make, myself and a lot of transsexual have lived a life of unlike most people. We have seen, done and been exposed to more things then your average person. So pack up and move in with some guy and settle doesn't always seem desirable.
But an escort's work experience is not generalizable to a lot of transsexuals.

Again, not pointing fingers, but if one's notion of independent success is prostituting for tons of cash, in many cases taxfree, while catering to famous philanderers on the downlow, then it is clear how marriage might cramp that style.

Fortunately, there are successful TS women with respected careers as business women, nurses, scientists, etc, who want a committed relationship and who understand marriage does not necessarily mean a mudane existence.

Yes I work as an escort but that does not define me nor do I fit into that stereotype. Ask anyone on this board who has called me if I am hard to get a hold of that's because along with being an escort I have a day job and am currently in the process of getting my realestate licence, I am also college educated and own realestate. I dont see clients around the clock. Oh and pay taxes also lol.

So me not wanting marriage at this point in my life is not because "prostituting and how marriage might cramp that style."

01-07-2009, 10:11 AM
To say a St8 man treats GGs the way most treat trannies is so WRONG.

A majority of men treat women vastly different depending upon if she is potential romantic and by extension marriage material, versus an easy lay.

One thing has remained quite steady thoughout the years of mankind, men by and large do not like women that have sex easily and or are sexually aggressive. You can hear it around any locker room or any place else men chat amoung themselves.

A girl that has sex with a guy on the first date, or a "closing time/last call" date, or any of the others is almost certianly not considered "wife" material. Why? Because after the glow of sexual satisfaction wears off (which for men is often about <1min after they orgasm), they begin to wonder why the conquest was so easy. And if the GG gave it up so easy for him, just who else has she been laying up with.

Yes, a man may try it with any girl he meets, but a girl that says "No", will either earn his respect and continue to woo her, or simply turn his attentions to another GG, and start his mack all over again.

Same thing with trannies. There are guys who go to a trannie bar/party or take a girl out to "dinner" and before the meal is half over/drink is finished he's talking about having sex. If the trannie makes it clear it's not going to happen that night, 99.9% of the time he's outta there.

We've all been there. A guy calls up a trannie asking if he can come over to "watch TV" or something. And here we are thinking we're onto something "real". Well within 10mins of entry, the guy is trying for sex. Refuse him and you get "oh, I have to get up early tomorrow", or some such excuse and leaves.

Again using CL as a study aid, just look at all those tackle out pictures and other requests for NSA sex for trannies. They vastly out number "romantic encounter" and "LTR" requests.

While the age of men seeking trannie sex is getting lower, and the quality in terms of looks and such perhaps better than years past, make no mistake about it, things haven't changed that much, by and large most guys want a trannie for sex, PERIOD.

Why do you think trannie escorts can get away with charging vast sums, and for some, giving lousy service in return. Men want to have sex with a TS and get the heck out of Dodge without any entanglements. No phone calls, no romantic ideas, nada. Just hit and run, or eat and run.

Smart trannies have figured this out long ago, and that is why so many are working, amoung other reasons. The reason why slut begins with an "S" is because she is stupid for giving something away for free.

Men seeking NSA realtionships with a trannie will say "but we give each other pleasure". Screw that! My parents brought me up not to be ashamed of who I am and never to accept being treated as second class. If I'm not good enough for you to be seen in public with, and you think you are coming over to my house to get your jollies and leave, think again.

Ok, there may be a few that move a TS up to "FWB", but the girl is still not considered marriage material.

Not all men, by any means,
but still true for many mem, even if you are 99% passing, ie totally, [never read] & also very attractive.

& if anything less than totally convincing, I suspect its even worse.

Very good post & take on it.

Humm, nail / head.

01-07-2009, 10:21 AM
STFU!! Most trannies would make horrendous parents. With 95% of trannies working as escorts, the thought of having children should never cross their minds. I can picture a child of a TS escort going to school and when other kids and teachers ask, what does mommy do for a living? the kid replies "my mommy is an escort and there are always strange men in the house making funny noises." You really are a wack job if you think raising a child under these circumstances is acceptable and healthy.

i dont get the reason for "it" calling somebody a fag. is that a thing with ts these days? what does that make you? you were born a male that sucks cock and fucks men. anyways women will settle down when they find a man with alot of money. ts and gay couples would make bad parents.

bc im ok w/ being called a fag... i know where i came from and who i am and what i am... im not ashamed.... but obviously you are... and thats a sign of a true fag

if you were straight and saw what you were doing as straight.... you wouldnt have something to hide or be ashamed of

ts and gay ppl would make far better parents then a lot of the ppl on this board would

at least trannys and gay ppl would raise their children to be accepting of all ppl.... unlike what you guys preach on here

01-07-2009, 11:19 AM
I love the normal, straight bit :)

Define normal??? and also when your sucking on my cock dont really see where your straight part holds up :)

I love it :)

The real notion is to 90% of men TS are basically Toys for the Boys in their mind .... in my view anyway...

Aint that the truth!

Anyways, happy new year & your bones mending ok.


Misha. xx

01-07-2009, 11:21 AM
TSTX solution is for you to pony up whatever it cost to implant a fetus into a MtoF Transexual, that's downright crazy and goes into the "Money or Technology doesn't solve everything" folder.

Is that even possible?... and is that even LEGAL?... and.... wouldn't that imply using the ovum of a woman anyway, making the TS only a carrier?.... wouldn't that cause a huge deal of potential health hazards to the TS and the fetus?

That sounds straight out of a sci fi movie.

Heath Hazards aside, where is said TS going to get a woman's reproductive parts and GOOD LUCK trying to convince a grieving family that they should donate their dead daughter's reproductive organs for some quack to pull this stunt off.

01-07-2009, 12:13 PM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

You must not be in California. We do 50-60 through the cars on the freeway during rush hour. :)

01-07-2009, 12:17 PM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

You must not be in California. We do 50-60 through the cars on the freeway during rush hour. :)
I dont like doing that bro im in Socal too.
too many douches drive 4 wheels and care less for us on 2

01-07-2009, 12:24 PM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

You must not be in California. We do 50-60 through the cars on the freeway during rush hour. :)
I dont like doing that bro im in Socal too.
too many douches drive 4 wheels and care less for us on 2

I know, I was being sarcastic. nice to see a fellow rider in here.

01-07-2009, 12:27 PM
What girl doesn't? To be honest, sometimes the chase is a lot better than say..afterwards (by then I'm already bored)! lol I live for the rush! :lol:


hahaha Let me take you 130 on the back of the gsxr thats a rush. I usually dont like going faster than 80 on the bike but If im in a hurry ill o 90 tops.
Then with bad traffic i do 30-40 thru the cars.

You must not be in California. We do 50-60 through the cars on the freeway during rush hour. :)
I dont like doing that bro im in Socal too.
too many douches drive 4 wheels and care less for us on 2

I know, I was being sarcastic. nice to see a fellow rider in here.
Might not be riding. Guy I work with been asking me to sell to him for 6700 I was like why. He told me newer bikes are being smogged So I dont know man bought mine for about 4500 Used with 7k miles.
GSXR750(upgraded Sprockets,Chain/Stabilizer) :D
I might take the money to buy a CBR600RR from my friend who crashed it. 2300 for crashed bike all it needs is me put new fairings(included) back on and new gas tank.

01-07-2009, 01:27 PM
STFU!! Most trannies would make horrendous parents. With 95% of trannies working as escorts
91,42% of all statistics are made up at the time of posting and are totally wrong.

And then you should realise your true point, that it doesnt matter if a parent is TS or not. Your point is that ESCORTS would make bad parents. You havent said a single thing that concerns TS for being TS.

01-07-2009, 02:05 PM
dude if you werent a lil bit faggy you wouldnt be fucking any part of a man... with or without tits
dont try this psuedo crap w/ us

You say its crap????

Makes perfect sense to me - MtoF Transexual = Woman

Me and TS having sex - ??? You call it a bit Gay, I'm not quite sure what to call it frankly.

Which goes back to the fraud of T's wanting to date 100% Straight men, that's false. What you want is a man comfortable with his "Bi" side and only wants to fuck you in the ass and not other T's or other Men. And if your not some feminine looking, acting or sounding that should be "overlooked", what's inside is important. That's a given but not the reality I live in, where women are judged at a distance of 2ft and if your not physically attractive enough, we usually don't bother with the rest of it.

Yep totally with you on that.

But there are some people who identify as Ts but are actually GAY MEN FEMINISED BY SURGERY & OR HORMONES

When you get to chat, you realise they don't think or form conversations like women, but are in fact men inside, with bullshit exaggerated feminine expressions / gestures & very camp.

All very well & good till they end up on Springer's weirdo show
& we all get tarred with the same brush.
Now, that causes me no problems in public coz with the exception of a few trans forums I'm stealth, people don't know, so unlike others, I get no flack.
But, family see these programs, & I wonder if part of them think, even fleetingly, that their daughter has maybe stuff in common.
& that fucks me off.

Jennifer Justice I don't know you but I'll make a few guesses. No offence intended.
If you call a man a fag or gay coz he's having sex with you, then by definition, You identify as a man internally.
Have you discussed this with your Gender identity Shrink & what do they think? I hope that helps you, a little. :wink:

dj4monie, not all people who identify as transsexual or claim to be transsexual, for that matter, think the same as JJ.
Any Ts who does, is definitely not a transsexual, & should immediately seek councilling.

01-07-2009, 05:34 PM
Yep totally with you on that.

But there are some people who identify as Ts but are actually GAY MEN FEMINISED BY SURGERY & OR HORMONES

When you get to chat, you realise they don't think or form conversations like women, but are in fact men inside, with bullshit exaggerated feminine expressions / gestures & very camp.

All very well & good till they end up on Springer's weirdo show
& we all get tarred with the same brush.
Now, that causes me no problems in public coz with the exception of a few trans forums I'm stealth, people don't know, so unlike others, I get no flack.
But, family see these programs, & I wonder if part of them think, even fleetingly, that their daughter has maybe stuff in common.
& that fucks me off.

Jennifer Justice I don't know you but I'll make a few guesses. No offence intended.
If you call a man a fag or gay coz he's having sex with you, then by definition, You identify as a man internally.
Have you discussed this with your Gender identity Shrink & what do they think? I hope that helps you, a little. :wink:

dj4monie, not all people who identify as transsexual or claim to be transsexual, for that matter, think the same as JJ.
Any Ts who does, is definitely not a transsexual, & should immediately seek councilling.
What you wrote is 100% true. It's nice to see this coming from one of ladies on here. I find jennifer's use of the insult "FAG" a little strange since she interviews "FAGS" on "gayborhood". I've always thought some of TS just tell the shrink what they want to hear. I mean Mimi doesn't have a feminine bone in her body. Just plastic surgery, what kind of "lady" acts like that?

01-07-2009, 05:42 PM
i think tsntx needs help

01-07-2009, 06:04 PM
Fags were sticks of wood gathered by transsexuals,
to build bonfires, that said Transsexual was then tied to & murdered.

Some have not moved on much since those days.

Fag's not an appropriate term on a Ts site...
Innit? :shock:

01-07-2009, 06:08 PM
TSTX solution is for you to pony up whatever it cost to implant a fetus into a MtoF Transexual, that's downright crazy and goes into the "Money or Technology doesn't solve everything" folder.

Is that even possible?... and is that even LEGAL?... and.... wouldn't that imply using the ovum of a woman anyway, making the TS only a carrier?.... wouldn't that cause a huge deal of potential health hazards to the TS and the fetus?

That sounds straight out of a sci fi movie.

i think "women" in the fetish aspect of being TS would actually want this procedure... not sane trans women

the op is a fucktard

there are much easier ways to have children
its not hard
like i said ..... if the enviroment is ready for that child then it wont be a problem

01-07-2009, 06:13 PM
Yep totally with you on that.

But there are some people who identify as Ts but are actually GAY MEN FEMINISED BY SURGERY & OR HORMONES

When you get to chat, you realise they don't think or form conversations like women, but are in fact men inside, with bullshit exaggerated feminine expressions / gestures & very camp.

All very well & good till they end up on Springer's weirdo show
& we all get tarred with the same brush.
Now, that causes me no problems in public coz with the exception of a few trans forums I'm stealth, people don't know, so unlike others, I get no flack.
But, family see these programs, & I wonder if part of them think, even fleetingly, that their daughter has maybe stuff in common.
& that fucks me off.

Jennifer Justice I don't know you but I'll make a few guesses. No offence intended.
If you call a man a fag or gay coz he's having sex with you, then by definition, You identify as a man internally.
Have you discussed this with your Gender identity Shrink & what do they think? I hope that helps you, a little. :wink:

dj4monie, not all people who identify as transsexual or claim to be transsexual, for that matter, think the same as JJ.
Any Ts who does, is definitely not a transsexual, & should immediately seek councilling.
What you wrote is 100% true. It's nice to see this coming from one of ladies on here. I find jennifer's use of the insult "FAG" a little strange since she interviews "FAGS" on "gayborhood". I've always thought some of TS just tell the shrink what they want to hear. I mean Mimi doesn't have a feminine bone in her body. Just plastic surgery, what kind of "lady" acts like that?

you ppl know NOTHING about what happens in the real world
are we suppossed to believe that in the real world yall walk around trying to imagine every fag on the street w/ long hair blowing you?
are we suppossed to think that youre all walking douchebags so full of shit that noone would ever be w/in a few dozen feet of yall?

i mean thats how yall act on here so it must be how you act offline.... go fuck urselves

and bitch dont worry about what i do or dont do .... if you wanna know my explainations on such topics.... ITS BEEN COVERED .... in the best thread of the year now at 60+ pages ... follow the link in my bioline

01-07-2009, 06:16 PM
STFU!! Most trannies would make horrendous parents. With 95% of trannies working as escorts
91,42% of all statistics are made up at the time of posting and are totally wrong.

And then you should realise your true point, that it doesnt matter if a parent is TS or not. Your point is that ESCORTS would make bad parents. You havent said a single thing that concerns TS for being TS.

bc hes a stupid faggot in yellow boots

01-07-2009, 06:35 PM
and bitch dont worry about what i do or dont do .... if you wanna know my explainations on such topics.... ITS BEEN COVERED .... in the best thread of the year now at 60+ pages ... follow the link in my bioline

60 plus pages?
You really must be joking.
{thinks:or really up your own arse}

I was nice so why call me a bitch?
A bit blokey of you.

Are you self medding on hormones or are you under the care of a gender identity clinic?
Have you been diagnosed as being a transsexual, by a psychiatrist specialising in gender dysphoria?
If not, You are not a transsexual, but a transvestite.
Sorry but thats the truth.

I'm new here & think you & I Jennifer, will have a lot of fun on our points of view.
I'm always happy to help "wanna-be" transsexuals
work out if they are really one or or not.

Lets find out, yes?

Oh happy to post those two questions on your ego thread :wink:

Edit. Ok, posted. :wink:

01-07-2009, 08:29 PM
and bitch dont worry about what i do or dont do .... if you wanna know my explainations on such topics.... ITS BEEN COVERED .... in the best thread of the year now at 60+ pages ... follow the link in my bioline

60 plus pages?
You really must be joking.

nope its at 60
one of the most popular threads on this board

thanx for adding questions to it....

Floyd R
01-07-2009, 08:31 PM

STFU!! Most trannies would make horrendous parents. With 95% of trannies working as escorts
91,42% of all statistics are made up at the time of posting and are totally wrong.

And then you should realise your true point, that it doesnt matter if a parent is TS or not. Your point is that ESCORTS would make bad parents. You havent said a single thing that concerns TS for being TS.

bc hes a stupid faggot in yellow boots

Danielle Foxx
01-07-2009, 10:01 PM
I am more then ready and willing... Are you?

01-07-2009, 10:05 PM
I for one am ready. I would love to meet a caring and honest transexual woman to grow old with.

01-07-2009, 11:22 PM
I can picture a child of a TS escort going to school and when other kids and teachers ask, what does mommy do for a living?

that embarrassment is probably easier to shrug off than dad showing up at school in yellow boots

01-07-2009, 11:30 PM
im ready and still very much virginal ;)

01-07-2009, 11:36 PM
I can picture a child of a TS escort going to school and when other kids and teachers ask, what does mommy do for a living?

that embarrassment is probably easier to shrug off than dad showing up at school in yellow boots


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-07-2009, 11:40 PM
Well this thread has takin an interesting turn.

01-07-2009, 11:44 PM
I can picture a child of a TS escort going to school and when other kids and teachers ask, what does mommy do for a living?

that embarrassment is probably easier to shrug off than dad showing up at school in yellow boots


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

and thats also why trannies would make better parents then some of the guys here

when we have kids it will be because we want them, our lives wouldnt be complete w/o them, our lives are ready for them, and when we had children we would be doing the right things in our own personal lives so we could raise and provide for them in a healthy, loving way

unlike guys who knock some 1 nighter up bc they didnt want to wear a condom, or guys that feel burdened by their spawn, and guys that cheat on their S/O or spouses w/ tranny hookers and blow their kids inheritance and college funds all in effort to keep one foot in the closet

at least when a tranny has a kid she starts doing the right thing... whiile some guys here start doing the wrong thing when they have kids

01-08-2009, 12:08 AM
STFU stupid bitch. Any guy that gets into a relationship with you has to be suicidal. You are a miserable and cantankerous she-male.

STFU!! Most trannies would make horrendous parents. With 95% of trannies working as escorts
91,42% of all statistics are made up at the time of posting and are totally wrong.

And then you should realise your true point, that it doesnt matter if a parent is TS or not. Your point is that ESCORTS would make bad parents. You havent said a single thing that concerns TS for being TS.

bc hes a stupid faggot in yellow boots

01-08-2009, 12:56 AM
Jennifer and Mimi are not women, they are men trying to portray themselves as women. They are simply men trying to have a female experience.

Yep totally with you on that.

But there are some people who identify as Ts but are actually GAY MEN FEMINISED BY SURGERY & OR HORMONES

When you get to chat, you realise they don't think or form conversations like women, but are in fact men inside, with bullshit exaggerated feminine expressions / gestures & very camp.

All very well & good till they end up on Springer's weirdo show
& we all get tarred with the same brush.
Now, that causes me no problems in public coz with the exception of a few trans forums I'm stealth, people don't know, so unlike others, I get no flack.
But, family see these programs, & I wonder if part of them think, even fleetingly, that their daughter has maybe stuff in common.
& that fucks me off.

Jennifer Justice I don't know you but I'll make a few guesses. No offence intended.
If you call a man a fag or gay coz he's having sex with you, then by definition, You identify as a man internally.
Have you discussed this with your Gender identity Shrink & what do they think? I hope that helps you, a little. :wink:

dj4monie, not all people who identify as transsexual or claim to be transsexual, for that matter, think the same as JJ.
Any Ts who does, is definitely not a transsexual, & should immediately seek councilling.
What you wrote is 100% true. It's nice to see this coming from one of ladies on here. I find jennifer's use of the insult "FAG" a little strange since she interviews "FAGS" on "gayborhood". I've always thought some of TS just tell the shrink what they want to hear. I mean Mimi doesn't have a feminine bone in her body. Just plastic surgery, what kind of "lady" acts like that?

01-08-2009, 01:26 AM
somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

01-08-2009, 01:50 AM
somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

someone check this faggots ip and find out who he really is and ban him again

Alaska Guy
01-08-2009, 03:46 AM
I am one of those guys that's only into ts girls. And u know what? I often get derided from tgirls for that! That's why I hate the term chaser and girls calling me faggot or whatever. All I want is someone compaitible with me, and that starts with being a tgirl.

01-08-2009, 04:39 AM
somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

someone check this faggots ip and find out who he really is and ban him again

its funny you call me a faggot when i only fuck non white gg . this is my only screen name you fucking faggot. i bet your parents must be proud of their faggot "son".

01-08-2009, 04:57 AM
I am one of those guys that's only into ts girls. And u know what? I often get derided from tgirls for that! That's why I hate the term chaser and girls calling me faggot or whatever. All I want is someone compaitible with me, and that starts with being a tgirl.

that doesnt make you a chaser or a faggot

if a girl calls you either bc you only date ts then she isnt worthy of you anyway

dont think twice about it

01-08-2009, 04:59 AM
somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

someone check this faggots ip and find out who he really is and ban him again

its funny you call me a faggot when i only fuck non white gg . this is my only screen name you fucking faggot. i bet your parents must be proud of their faggot "son".

my parents dont have a faggot son.... they have a daughter and 2 sons and i know for fact they are very proud of me...

if youre only into gg's then ban yourself from coming to something so beneath you

01-08-2009, 04:59 AM
Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

01-08-2009, 05:22 AM
Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.


01-08-2009, 05:24 AM
Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

well its NOT your forum faggot

so put your yellow boots on and hop on down the yellow brick road to see the wizard

and you kissed my assed just as much as you did mimis
we turned you down and now you act as if you hate us

go fuck yourself faggot

01-08-2009, 05:41 AM
Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

A round of applause for you. He has the mentality of a man, acts like a man, and waves the 'you are faggot' or a 'bitch' as some form of soothing medication to cure his mental illness.

01-08-2009, 05:57 AM
lol im so happy to see all these newbies who know everything

come back w/ your real id's and lets chat

01-08-2009, 06:10 AM
Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

A round of applause for you. He has the mentality of a man, acts like a man, and waves the 'you are faggot' or a 'bitch' as some form of soothing medication to cure his mental illness.

IT is a man... Now my heart goes out to all the girls who are really feminine... But JJ is just one homophobic nasty sadistic prick, his TS persona is like some joke.

Exactly. I respect everyone, but no cover ups. And I respect all the girls who are really feminine more than anything.

01-08-2009, 06:23 AM
i respect guys that have the balls to use their real id's when talking shit

01-08-2009, 06:27 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

01-08-2009, 06:33 AM
No idea what you mean by real ID? That's my own, been reading this forum for a little while. And I have nothing to hide at all. If you dislike someone, you either come up with insults or that 'real id' thing. Well, I am a real. Are you? :roll:

01-08-2009, 06:42 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

01-08-2009, 06:46 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

thnx girlfriend! *2 snaps and a hair toss*

01-08-2009, 06:53 AM
they are men trying to portray themselves as women.

youre a manatee trying to portray yourself as some poor mans circus version of john wayne so whats you point?

01-08-2009, 07:50 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

01-08-2009, 07:56 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

01-08-2009, 08:14 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

I reckon you should first learn how to spell before you address anyone. Listen, if you are trash, I am sure you can still pretend you have manners for a while, no? I don't care being a rookie, a veteran or whatever, as long as I don't end up being anywhere near someone/something like you, I should be just fine. Now get off me, stop wasting bandwith and media, oh, and my time. I will have my rabbit, you can have your 'rabbiit'. Or your sausages. :lol:

01-08-2009, 08:29 AM
I refuse to settle, I want it all!

01-08-2009, 08:31 AM
I refuse to settle, I want it all!

Your choice. I don't. Hence I guess why we'll never meet. ;)

01-08-2009, 08:42 AM
Well I dont think anyone should, unless you find that special person you just cant and wont be without. I've settled down a couple of times and like most relationships after a while (4 yrs +) they end. but I plan and hope I will do it again.
now the fact that you wont meet me just breaks me heart totally... my life just wont be the same :(

01-08-2009, 08:43 AM
I do hope you find what you are looking for :wink:

01-08-2009, 08:45 AM
:lol: :lol:

Thank you, and I wish you the same in return.

01-08-2009, 08:46 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

I reckon you should first learn how to spell before you address anyone. Listen, if you are trash, I am sure you can still pretend you have manners for a while, no? I don't care being a rookie, a veteran or whatever, as long as I don't end up being anywhere near someone/something like you, I should be just fine. Now get off me, stop wasting bandwith and media, oh, and my time. I will have my rabbit, you can have your 'rabbiit'. Or your sausages. :lol:

After all that, you can only bash my spelling? 10 posts and you already got pissed because she didn't act like the fairy you wanted her to be.

NYCE where do these retards come from?

01-08-2009, 08:47 AM
Im in a relationship and have been for over a year and I'm very happy at the moment.
lets hope he acts right or he will get chopped!!!

01-08-2009, 08:51 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

I reckon you should first learn how to spell before you address anyone. Listen, if you are trash, I am sure you can still pretend you have manners for a while, no? I don't care being a rookie, a veteran or whatever, as long as I don't end up being anywhere near someone/something like you, I should be just fine. Now get off me, stop wasting bandwith and media, oh, and my time. I will have my rabbit, you can have your 'rabbiit'. Or your sausages. :lol:

After all that, you can only bash my spelling?

NYCE where do these retards come from?

Did I bash your spelling? I just pointed out you simply don't know how to spell, amongst many other things. But you seem to have one real thick skull, on top, am sure, of being bloody ugly. It's ok you call me a retard. I take it as a compliment from 'something' like you. :lol:

01-08-2009, 08:57 AM
Im in a relationship and have been for over a year and I'm very happy at the moment.
lets hope he acts right or he will get chopped!!!

lol does he see these posts? I think the no settle motto is good. Live your life do what you wanna do. I don't know about you but for me they become a drag to my life, goals etc. Its good for a while but then, one has to focus on fulfiling yourself first; Once you've done that then it would be easier to say "this is the one and only FOREVER" :shock:

01-08-2009, 08:58 AM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board

01-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Note- Any one can be feminine. Only few can be women.

JJ may not be finger snapping in z formation, giggling at your shitty jokes, tip toeing in 6 inch heels feminine, but shes more of a woman than some of the "feminine" ts you love.

You obviously do not know what I love. And I would say we do not share anything in common, you and me. Well, I am very happy that way. As for my shitty jokes, I haven't pulled any yet. Surely a sad case like you would not find anything much fun. Hence your superb avatar for eg. Cheers :lol:

I never said YOU had made any shitty jokes yet, but I spoke to soon because that last one was a priceless example.
And I already have a grasp of what most of the rookies here love, and I doubt your any different other wise you wouldnt ahve been rubbed wrong by someone whos sense of humor doesnt revolve around a rabbiit playing crossdresser.

I reckon you should first learn how to spell before you address anyone. Listen, if you are trash, I am sure you can still pretend you have manners for a while, no? I don't care being a rookie, a veteran or whatever, as long as I don't end up being anywhere near someone/something like you, I should be just fine. Now get off me, stop wasting bandwith and media, oh, and my time. I will have my rabbit, you can have your 'rabbiit'. Or your sausages. :lol:

After all that, you can only bash my spelling?

NYCE where do these retards come from?

Did I bash your spelling? I just pointed out you simply don't know how to spell, amongst many other things. But you seem to have one real thick skull, on top, am sure, of being bloody ugly. It's ok you call me a retard. I take it as a compliment from 'something' like you. :lol:

I thought we quit calling people stupid because of spelling in grade school. :roll:

01-08-2009, 09:11 AM
Im in a relationship and have been for over a year and I'm very happy at the moment.
lets hope he acts right or he will get chopped!!!

lol does he see these posts? I think the no settle motto is good. Live your life do what you wanna do. I don't know about you but for me they become a drag to my life, goals etc. Its good for a while but then, one has to focus on fulfiling yourself first; Once you've done that then it would be easier to say "this is the one and only FOREVER" :shock:

what is forever? I think most relationships end up as good friendships at best. A good partner would never stand in the way of goals etc. those are needy, insecure and negative situations. if someone truly loves you , they will be there regardless. the every day routine gets old, but if there is true love, understanding and most of all friendship then it will be alright. atleast for me. and yes he does read everything I post and is very aware of how I feel.

01-08-2009, 09:13 AM
So far I've always ended up with old cow syndrome.

01-08-2009, 08:23 PM
Fuck you!! Your a man pretending to be a woman, and will never have what it takes to be a woman. Getting breasts and facial surgery does not make you feminine. Your mindset and behavior is still masculine and you are a pure example of a FAGGOT. I'm not one of your admirers and will never kiss your ass or fear speaking the truth. Why don't you increase your hormone shots until you overdose.

Jennifer will not get banned because there are too many men that lack cajones and enjoy kissing up to her because she has a somewhat pretty face. Alot of the guys in here are pathetic, I've never witnessed so much ass kissers in my life. If this was my forum I would have tossed Jennifer "The Bitch" Justice out a long time ago.

somebody please ban this faggot tsntx.

well its NOT your forum faggot

so put your yellow boots on and hop on down the yellow brick road to see the wizard

and you kissed my assed just as much as you did mimis
we turned you down and now you act as if you hate us

go fuck yourself faggot

01-08-2009, 08:25 PM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board

Im ready for another round of the same.

01-08-2009, 08:38 PM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board
That would bring down the post count nicely.

01-08-2009, 08:45 PM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board
That would bring down the post count nicely.

i would gladly loose the last 6 pages to my popular thread just to delete these fucking tards

01-08-2009, 08:47 PM
i always am ready to settle down as i always have a serious boyfriend and have been engaged 3 times.lol. i love relationships and love. im a big mushy hopeless romantic.

01-08-2009, 11:21 PM
Im in a relationship and have been for over a year and I'm very happy at the moment.
lets hope he acts right or he will get chopped!!!
5 months into my relationship, I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-08-2009, 11:39 PM
A good partner would never stand in the way of goals etc. those are needy, insecure and negative situations. if someone truly loves you , they will be there regardless.
And the other way around? Fitting your goals to your partner? Isnt that love too? In a much more less egoistical way?

Best is both giving and taking for situations like that...

01-09-2009, 12:14 AM
i always am ready to settle down as i always have a serious boyfriend and have been engaged 3 times.lol. i love relationships and love. im a big mushy hopeless romantic.

I always wondered in engagement breakups, is the standard to keep the ring or give it back?

01-09-2009, 12:02 PM
i always am ready to settle down as i always have a serious boyfriend and have been engaged 3 times.lol. i love relationships and love. im a big mushy hopeless romantic.

There certainly isn't anything dirty about being romantic. Love can hurt, but when it works out, it just is the most beautiful thing ever to grace itself upon a man or woman's heart I think. It's refreshing to see people admitting they are opened to it here. :roll: :)

01-09-2009, 12:08 PM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board
That would bring down the post count nicely.

i would gladly loose the last 6 pages to my popular thread just to delete these fucking tards

Listen man. You're an attention seeker. A very, very sad case. And if there is one person that should be expulsed due to terms and conditions and forum rules, it would be you and your childish, capricious babblings of a little daddy's boy crying amongst his myriad of broken toys. I am done with you and your kind, really. :roll:

01-09-2009, 08:35 PM
im ready for nyce to delete this fucktards flooding the board
That would bring down the post count nicely.

i would gladly loose the last 6 pages to my popular thread just to delete these fucking tards

Listen man. You're an attention seeker. A very, very sad case. And if there is one person that should be expulsed due to terms and conditions and forum rules, it would be you and your childish, capricious babblings of a little daddy's boy crying amongst his myriad of broken toys. I am done with you and your kind, really. :roll:

well then gtfo faggot

noones keeping you here

"hes going the distance, hes going for speed"