View Full Version : Got a TS girlfriend..surgery questions...

12-25-2008, 08:47 AM
So we've been talking on and off for two years and decided to settle down
im very excited. Shes black, confident with a bunch of personality... anyways we wanna get her started on her transition...
so first and foremost...
What are the biggest butt implants we can get for her and where?

From my research it seems the best thing to do is go over seas and get them worked on incrementally... It appears hear in the States they can shape it better, but not make it bigger. I admit, I'm an ass freak that wants to get her booty to get as big as humanly possible, lol.

So what do you suggest girls (and guys if you're knowledgable)?

12-25-2008, 09:04 AM
the only thing that makes them HUGE is silicone

i wouldnt recomend it unless you wanna use ur dick as a putter on her new 18+ hole golf course

lots and lots of sandtraps

12-25-2008, 09:38 AM
sorry for askin didnt mean to get sand in ya vaginas... did plenty of research myself just wanted some personal responses

not getting them here obviously
merry christmas i hope santa got you vacuums for your sandy vaginas

12-25-2008, 09:39 AM
sorry for askin didnt mean to get sand in ya vaginas... did plenty of research myself just wanted some personal responses

not getting them hear
merry christmas i hope santa got you vacuums for your sand vaginas

hey faggot i tried to help

no need to get rude

12-25-2008, 09:57 AM
I admit, I'm an ass freak that wants to get her booty to get as big as humanly possible, lol.

So what do you suggest girls (and guys if you're knowledgable)?

Get married. It worked wonders on my wife's ass :P

12-25-2008, 10:19 AM
I admit, I'm an ass freak that wants to get her booty to get as big as humanly possible, lol.

So what do you suggest girls (and guys if you're knowledgable)?

Get married. It worked wonders on my wife's ass :P

lol in that case i meant big and shapely... not just big lol

12-25-2008, 11:10 AM
here's some links to other video's


Beauty on the Black Market



some of the video had been removed

very pleasing and permanent result can be obtained with implants or fat injections

look at what that surgeon did wrong by looking at what the surgery procedures are here. LOOK HOW NATURAL THIS LOOKS USING INFORMATION ABOUT THE ANATOMY he has made the implant look natural.




needs to learn how to create a properly done envelope or pocket below the skin

you can have fat put in your cheeks, butt and hips est.


So we've been talking on and off for two years and decided to settle down
im very excited. Shes black, confident with a bunch of personality... anyways we wanna get her started on her transition...
so first and foremost...
What are the biggest butt implants we can get for her and where?

From my research it seems the best thing to do is go over seas and get them worked on incrementally... It appears hear in the States they can shape it better, but not make it bigger. I admit, I'm an ass freak that wants to get her booty to get as big as humanly possible, lol.

So what do you suggest girls (and guys if you're knowledgable)?

12-25-2008, 11:12 AM
and more

12-25-2008, 11:17 AM
so gross, if you want a women with ass, date a "women", not a man.

12-25-2008, 12:16 PM
WTF? Date a man? Is that a slur? tsntx will have a one word reply for that I'm sure...

As for the guy looking for ass info. Why his girl doesn't just join and post I don't know. But it sounds like she hasn't really started transition.

1) I suggest she get with a local support group at least during the early period.

2) I suggest she obtain psychological counseling from a supportive therapist BEFORE she does anything. Transition isn't about sexual gratification for one's boyfriend but is about one's personal gender perception. (Not that sexual gratification isn't important or that a "free person" shouldn't be able to do whatever the hell they want with their body.)

3) From what I've seen butt implants HURT LIKE HELL! A friend was in excruciating pain for about 2 weeks. A flat ass isn't so bad after seeing that. Also not sure how they would survive a good spanking... one of the sweet pleasures in life. :-)

4) Silicone injections seem to have a variety of problems later in life. Specifically they can move - like down your legs... also I know one girl who has quite a bit in her hips and it hurts her to lie on her side and I think has caused an early onset of arthritus in her hip joints. She's in her early 40's. I would NEVER recommend non encapsulated silicone.

TS Jamie :-)

12-25-2008, 05:13 PM
4) Silicone injections seem to have a variety of problems later in life.
I would NEVER recommend non encapsulated silicone.
The rest is very good advice, but THIS is the most important thing. Once she decides to get her ass made, under NO circumstances direct silicone (or whatever) injection.


12-25-2008, 10:41 PM
off the shelf solid silicone elastomer implants range in size from 200 to 500cc's. A variety of shapes are available. Custom implants can be made. It is difficult to place anything larger than 700cc's and that size would require more than one surgery. Your surgeon should be well experienced in the technique for sub or intra muscular gluteal placement. He or she should be able to outline potential complications (there are many, this is one of the more difficult procedures) and how they will be treated. If you elect to proceed ask the surgeon to place a "pain pump". Do not travel for this procedure unless you can stay close to your surgeon for 3 weeks.

12-26-2008, 03:16 AM
okay thanks everyone!

The plan is to do a couple surgeries...
ideally three over the course of six months

if she lets me post pics i will

12-26-2008, 03:47 AM
wait at least 3 months (preferably 6) between surgeries

12-26-2008, 04:08 AM
okay thanks everyone!

The plan is to do a couple surgeries...
ideally three over the course of six months

if she lets me post pics i will

If she hasn't started yet, shouldn't she go on hrt before you start jumping at surgeries?

Just sayin'