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12-25-2008, 12:47 AM
need some help went to have anal for the first time but it was so pain for justtrying to get it in i had to stop whats thebest way of making my arse use to the pain?

any tips?



12-25-2008, 07:03 AM
Not putting a cock in it to begin with would probably be a good start...

12-25-2008, 07:20 AM
use plenty of lube.

12-25-2008, 07:24 AM

12-25-2008, 07:41 AM
just make sure you are douched inside OUT
cause you would not want to leave them ina shitty situation

12-25-2008, 09:15 AM
just make sure you are douched inside OUT
cause you would not want to leave them ina shitty situation

Good call! I've never done anal but I ever decide to I will definitely be doing that.

12-25-2008, 11:42 AM
Do some Vicodin, it will relax the muscle, and help with pain.

12-25-2008, 12:04 PM
Well I can offer two suggestions.

One, a good ole gang bang. After about the 6th cock you will get used to it. Slut! :-)


Two - try this. You can get a lubricant that contains 5 or 10% LIDOCAINE which is a topical anesthesia that works on soft tissue (but not on skin). This is the same stuff most doctors use when they do a rectal exam. It will deaden your anal muscles but won't affect your partners penis (which "should" be covered with a condom anyway if you are sexually active with others).

In the US you need a prescription. I live like 20 minutes from Mexico, so I just pick up a couple of tubes when I'm down there. I've never had a problem bringing it back.

And remember, if you can't stop it relax and enjoy it!

TS Jamie :-)

12-25-2008, 02:14 PM
From what I've read online, douche and lube. The douche is more for the partners pleasure as noone wants a shitty dick. The lube should help it slide in there easier I imagine. Just ensure you use the water based lube to avoid the condom breaking down as is possible with silicon based

12-25-2008, 02:14 PM
So where did you go for anal sex?

12-27-2008, 11:48 AM
what i figured out was, and this seemed to work well was orajel. i've only bottomed once, and she was to say the least very very think and long. and it hurt like crazy at first, but she had some orajel and i used just a bit of that like lube basiaclly , and it numbed me just enough to stretch out comfortably. so try that next time and see if that works.

12-27-2008, 02:39 PM
*sigh* seems like most people seem to have this reaction. First they're all 'oh, yay, I'm going to be on the bottom' then suddenly it's all 'ouch ouch damnit ouch!' ^.^;

I recomend going and getting a medium sized plug or other toy, and a healthy amount of lube. Silicone lube IS able to be used with a condom, just not Oil based ones, or crisco. Which IS oil.

Most shops sell a thicker lube for anal too, usually labled as such as well.

The key though, is to be able to relax your muscles so you can actually be penetrated without them fighting the area in question being expanded open. This is why you start small then work up from there; gets your body used to it slowly. The head part is also generally hard to get in the first few times, as it's kinda blunt. This is also why most butt toys have a narrow front to them, the beginner ones especially.

The lube is also kinda important after, as it keeps stuff from going from 'oh, fun slidey' to 'ARGH BURN OUCH'. Personally, I seem to have reactions to most types of water based lube, which means I'm stuck with silicone. It's a good type of lube, but it'll eat silicone based toys unless you cover them well with a condom and don't let said lube touch them. But it doesn't wash off or dry out, which makes for fun in that way.

Um. Anyhow. *relurks.*