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View Full Version : Young Trans Woman Seeking Help

12-22-2008, 02:10 AM
Hi everyone,

I am writing because I am seeking help. I have been trying furtively to save money for Breast Augmentation, Sexual Reassignment Surgery and Facial Feminization Surgery. The total accumulation of costs is equivalent to approxiamtely $60,000. I currently work 40 hours a week in the corporate enviroment and even have a part time job but struggle to pay rent. When I dream I envision myself as being complete with my transition but become sudden when the dream slowly begins to dissipate due to financial constraints. I look forward to the day where I no longer exhibit feelings of aversion towards my body. I would appreciate it if anyone could donate to my surgery funds in order for me to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be greatly appreciated it even if it was a dollar. Thanks very much everyone. :D


12-22-2008, 02:16 AM
Hi Lisa,

I am guessing that there are a lot of ladies in your situation. Take some time and read some posts.

I heard of a site: http://myfreeimplants.com/ for ladies and guys that want to buy or donate. I dont know if you could sign up being a TS but it's worth a shot.

Good luck fellow bostonian!

12-22-2008, 02:25 AM
Hi Lisa,

I wish your dream comes true as soon as you need. Believe in you, you can, you will be a woman quickly. Sexual Reassignment Surgery, here in Brazil, is pay out by Governament after length medical accompaniment.
Alea jacta est.

12-22-2008, 03:28 AM
OK, i donīt want to be unfair or rude.

You post here 28 times,post a few pics,nobody know if the pics are showing really you(wouldnīt be the first time we have a imposter)and want money from the posters here.Hmmm...what should one think?
Would you agree that this looks suspect?

12-22-2008, 03:35 AM
OK, i donīt want to be unfair or rude.

You post here 28 times,post a few pics,nobody know if the pics are showing really you(wouldnīt be the first time we have a imposter)and want money from the posters here.Hmmm...what should one think?
Would you agree that this looks suspect?

It is me.

12-22-2008, 03:52 AM
Wow, you are a very very beautiful girl!!!

12-22-2008, 05:31 AM
um.... hey if anyone wants to donate to me too, my infos on eros


12-22-2008, 05:41 AM
I just sent you $1500 via Paypal for just being yourself.

um.... hey if anyone wants to donate to me too, my infos on eros


awesome! im winning!!

12-22-2008, 08:25 AM
Best wishes toward your goal, however you achieve it.

I'm sure there's lots of gents here who would be happy to "donate" toward your goals, say $200 at a time.

Here's how it works,
100 dates @ $200 a pop = SRS. 15 @ $200 a pop = Boob job

and - 300 dates @ $200 a pop = Mercedes E-350...

TS Jamie :-)

12-22-2008, 10:49 AM
Hi Lisa,

I wish your dream comes true as soon as you need. Believe in you, you can, you will be a woman quickly. Sexual Reassignment Surgery, here in Brazil, is pay out by Governament after length medical accompaniment.
Alea jacta est.

It is in Canada as well. Even though it varies from province to province, SRS is covereed under most provincial health care plans. Depending on where you are, some of the cosmetic procedures might have to come "out of pocket", but....ahhh fuck it! Here's a list:


12-22-2008, 06:09 PM
Hi Lisa,

I wish your dream comes true as soon as you need. Believe in you, you can, you will be a woman quickly. Sexual Reassignment Surgery, here in Brazil, is pay out by Governament after length medical accompaniment.
Alea jacta est.

It is in Canada as well. Even though it varies from province to province, SRS is covereed under most provincial health care plans. Depending on where you are, some of the cosmetic procedures might have to come "out of pocket", but....ahhh fuck it! Here's a list:


Some of the Canadian places are down right terrible. Stay the hell away from the Clarke Institute. I've heard so many horror stories about them, I wouldn't send rotting road kill there for treatment.

12-22-2008, 06:30 PM
I'm sure there's lots of gents here who would be happy to "donate" toward your goals, say $200 at a time.

Here's how it works,
100 dates @ $200 a pop = SRS. 15 @ $200 a pop = Boob job

and - 300 dates @ $200 a pop = Mercedes E-350...
And on the 8th date... genital warts!
And on the 27th date... herpes!
And on the 41st date... HIV...
Nah, no girl has ever gotten HIV! Certainly never worked with HIV!

Danielle Foxx
12-22-2008, 06:34 PM
And on the 8th date... CONDOM
And on the 27th date... CONDOM
And on the 41st date... AIM TEST - CONTINUE USING CONDOMS
Nah, no girl has ever gotten HIV! Certainly never worked with HIV! - Very true - But no one who's had safe practices

Danielle Foxx
12-22-2008, 06:38 PM
And on the 8th date... CONDOM
And on the 27th date... CONDOM
And on the 41st date... AIM TEST - CONTINUE USING CONDOMS
Nah, no girl has ever gotten HIV! Certainly never worked with HIV! - Very true - But no one who's had safe practices

That's how I did it and I am still VERY safe, and continue to get regular STD tests from aim. When was your last test? Do you even remember the date?

@350 a client - do the math

Boobs - $5600
Nose- $7000
Minor Face work - $14000
Hips - $3000 + or -
SRS - $20000

Give and Take travel and related expenses...

Good luck with your search sister. It's a tough one but by that picture you posted it seems that you are pretty fem and pretty already. Don't allow your insecurities to dictate what your main focus should be. You don't have to change to make anyone accept you more. Give it time and find some supportive friends and a community who's on your side.

You have a great smile. Keep that chin up!

12-22-2008, 09:56 PM
And on the 8th date... CONDOM
And on the 27th date... CONDOM
And on the 41st date... AIM TEST - CONTINUE USING CONDOMS
Nah, no girl has ever gotten HIV! Certainly never worked with HIV! - Very true - But no one who's had safe practices

That's how I did it and I am still VERY safe, and continue to get regular STD tests from aim. When was your last test? Do you even remember the date?

@350 a client - do the math

Boobs - $5600
Nose- $7000
Minor Face work - $14000
Hips - $3000 + or -
SRS - $20000

Give and Take travel and related expenses...

Good luck with your search sister. It's a tough one but by that picture you posted it seems that you are pretty fem and pretty already. Don't allow your insecurities to dictate what your main focus should be. You don't have to change to make anyone accept you more. Give it time and find some supportive friends and a community who's on your side.

You have a great smile. Keep that chin up!

so thats only 141 clinet at 350 a pop. If she can' get 350 a pop and only 200 pop thats only 250 clients. 20 tricks a month should put you there by next year.

12-23-2008, 02:56 AM
Hi everyone,

I am writing because I am seeking help. I have been trying furtively to save money for Breast Augmentation, Sexual Reassignment Surgery and Facial Feminization Surgery. The total accumulation of costs is equivalent to approxiamtely $60,000. I currently work 40 hours a week in the corporate enviroment and even have a part time job but struggle to pay rent. When I dream I envision myself as being complete with my transition but become sudden when the dream slowly begins to dissipate due to financial constraints. I look forward to the day where I no longer exhibit feelings of aversion towards my body. I would appreciate it if anyone could donate to my surgery funds in order for me to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be greatly appreciated it even if it was a dollar. Thanks very much everyone. :D


I feel your pain sweety. I'm stuck in the same boat, barely able to keep a roof over my head and food on the table, and desperate to get the mirror to reflect back the girl I feel inside. I wish you all the luck in the world. Let me know if you find a goldmine we can cash in.


12-24-2008, 07:05 AM
Hi everyone,

I am writing because I am seeking help. I have been trying furtively to save money for Breast Augmentation, Sexual Reassignment Surgery and Facial Feminization Surgery. The total accumulation of costs is equivalent to approxiamtely $60,000. I currently work 40 hours a week in the corporate enviroment and even have a part time job but struggle to pay rent. When I dream I envision myself as being complete with my transition but become sudden when the dream slowly begins to dissipate due to financial constraints. I look forward to the day where I no longer exhibit feelings of aversion towards my body. I would appreciate it if anyone could donate to my surgery funds in order for me to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. It would be greatly appreciated it even if it was a dollar. Thanks very much everyone. :D


I have written a few times on how I funded my GRS and transition.

If you're interested, drop me a PM and maybe I can share some helpful thoughts.

12-24-2008, 07:12 AM
As I PM'd, there are medical loans that can be taken out and plenty of other methods than prostituting yourself.

That is, as shown, the "easiest" way you can get the money, but at what price to your mind and existence?

The advice you'd get from tricks on how to fund SRS should be extremely predictable, don't you think?

12-24-2008, 07:12 AM
yes girl. hit up miss peggygee.

she knows all i tell you!

12-24-2008, 02:29 PM
And on the 8th date... CONDOM
And on the 27th date... CONDOM
And on the 41st date... AIM TEST - CONTINUE USING CONDOMS
Nah, no girl has ever gotten HIV! Certainly never worked with HIV! - Very true - But no one who's had safe practices

That's how I did it and I am still VERY safe, and continue to get regular STD tests from aim. When was your last test? Do you even remember the date?

@350 a client - do the math

Boobs - $5600
Nose- $7000
Minor Face work - $14000
Hips - $3000 + or -
SRS - $20000

Give and Take travel and related expenses...

Good luck with your search sister. It's a tough one but by that picture you posted it seems that you are pretty fem and pretty already. Don't allow your insecurities to dictate what your main focus should be. You don't have to change to make anyone accept you more. Give it time and find some supportive friends and a community who's on your side.

You have a great smile. Keep that chin up!
Did you pay taxes on this income?

Danielle Foxx
12-24-2008, 06:11 PM
yes girl. hit up miss peggygee.

she knows all i tell you!

I second that - Peggy is the House Mama. Girl's got it down right

12-24-2008, 06:58 PM
As I PM'd, there are medical loans that can be taken out and plenty of other methods than prostituting yourself.

That is, as shown, the "easiest" way you can get the money, but at what price to your mind and existence?

The advice you'd get from tricks on how to fund SRS should be extremely predictable, don't you think?

If you don't mind destroying your credit score, there are lots of ways to get loans to cover surgery costs beyond medical loans.

Students can take out 45k a year in private loans (minus whatever they get in aid, 10k aid means most you can take out per year is 35k), so if you find a cheap state school to go to, you could go back to school and take out private loans to get some surgeries at the same time. Not only would you have a way to pay for your surgeries, but you'd have a degree (and in your correct name) all from day 1. No need to hide your resume if its all matching. But you'd need a cosigner, and one with a good credit score & assets. Otherwise, lenders even before the crisis wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. I know people who didn't go to college simply because they had no one to cosign the loans they needed, they had the grades to get in anywhere they applied, but unless you're getting a free ride, you need that magical cosigner to make up the difference. This is also only a viable option if your college costs less than 45k a year. If you need 40 of that 45 grand to make the tuition costs, then the most you're looking at is 5 grand per year (if you manage to save it in an account, that would be a meager 20 grand at the end). But since student loans are forever (thanks to Bush its pretty much the only kind of debt that sticks to you forever, even after bankruptcy) so you're pretty much taking a bet that in four years, you'll find a job for whatever your degree is in.

Then there are floating schemes, probably harder to do in this environment, and its only really fraud if you are intending to try to run away from it. If you get a pile of various types of loans, get the stuff you need, then geninuely find you're in too much debt, then your credit rating is destroyed, your property will be repo'd (except the stuff they can't take like clothing, tools related to your employment field etc), your wages will be garnished (but they can only take up to a certain % of your income per paycheck), but its not like they can repo srs. Getting a bunch of loans intending to default & declare bankruptcy is fraud and so you could end up in jail if you try to pull that.

12-24-2008, 07:28 PM
yes girl. hit up miss peggygee.

she knows all i tell you!

I second that - Peggy is the House Mama. Girl's got it down right

Ahh shucks, thanks, y'all gonna make a Black woman blush.



12-24-2008, 11:17 PM
best suck alot of dicks, cause 60000 is slow as 150 a pop!!!!