View Full Version : Anyone had an adult circumcision?

12-19-2008, 01:14 AM
Sadly the old boy got trapped halfway down my penis during a frenzied sex session. Got something called BXO too. So I'm on the waiting list for circumcision. BXO can be treated but the whole thing was so painful my banjo string snapped too that I am being cut.

Just wondering how long it took people to recover and does sex feel just as good?. How long till you was have sex again etc.I've been told to take 3 wks off work so I can imagine it's rather grim. But then again my job ius pretty physical so it might be that.

12-19-2008, 02:23 AM
Had to have mine at 8 for medical reasons. Can't remember much ... apart from the pain and having to pee through a bandage.

12-19-2008, 02:25 AM
Sadly the old boy got trapped halfway down my penis during a frenzied sex session. Got something called BXO too. So I'm on the waiting list for circumcision. BXO can be treated but the whole thing was so painful my banjo string snapped too that I am being cut.

Just wondering how long it took people to recover and does sex feel just as good?. How long till you was have sex again etc.I've been told to take 3 wks off work so I can imagine it's rather grim. But then again my job ius pretty physical so it might be that.

Yes, i had one. I did not have BXO, though.
Im not sure what type of circ you are having, whether its a free-hand surgery or a clamp, or what kind of cut you are getting. (there are different styles). I take it they will be removing your frenulum, since that was part of your problem.

I had a freehand surgical procedure, done with a local anaesthetic. The surgery took about 1.5 hours, although the surgeon said it usually takes about 45 mins- 1 hour. I had over 70 stitches. The first night was very painful, but after that there wasnt much pain until the stitches were taken out...yowch.

As far as recovery goes, everyone is different, but i wasnt ready to have sex for 6 months. I cant stress enough trying to keep your erections under control for the first 3 weeks, its impossible when you sleep but they can prescribe you sudafed or something else to help. ( i know sudafed..wtf).

As far as the sex after, well masturbation sucks in comparison, but is still enjoyable. I think a lot will depend on what type of cut you get.

Sex is different but still good, the orgasms are just as good, but getting there is not quite as much fun. You know how when you have a foreskin you kinda get after ripples of pleasure thru your foreskin after orgasm, well that disappears and things are a lot more friction based. You'll need lube for masturbation, and for prolonged sex.

There's things i like about it, i like the look more, and i somehow gained an extra half inch in circumference, but if i could have kept my foreskin with no problems (i also snapped the banjo string and it didnt heal right and caused swelling after sex) I would have.

I never had hygiene problems with it before so i cant say its better for that reason whatsoever. Girls ive been with and talked about it since (american) have mostly said that they prefer cut, but european girls seem more open minded, or maybe just more used to seeing the natural penis.

Definitely there is less sensation in an -ooooh nice- way, and more in an -aaaah whoah dont really like that- way. But ive only been cut for about a year, maybe it will change. My cut is high and tight, which prevents almost all skin movement but preserves the inner foreskin, as opposed to a low and loose, which leaves shaft skin movement but removes the supposedly sensitive inner skin. I say supposedly, because i dont find it very sensitive at all.

I guess id say that with a foreskin the sensation is similar to when someone starts tickling you, and without is like when someone has been tickling the same spot for too long and it doesnt feel good anymore. Maybe its different for everyone, and its difficult to express all this clearly, feel free to pm me if you have any more questions, ive tried to answer as honestly and clearly as i can, without promoting any bogus pro or con agendas.

Whatever happens, i wish you luck with it.

12-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Don't envy you, wouldn't want to go through that again.

Wait for the stitches to dry out...It's like having barbed wire wrapped round yer cock! :lol:
After the stitches are out, you're super sensitive for the first couple of weeks (roaring erections on public transport and the like), but after a month or so you'll start losing sensitivity.

12-19-2008, 03:44 AM
Had it at age 25,the stories about doing your best to prevent erections is true,i got an erection,and when it started to subside one of the sticthes got caught on the inside of the wrapping,causing me to run around like a cartoon character screaming while grabbing my shit.I cursed my beloved mother for not having it done when i was a baby.Approx.3-4 weeks off work,4 months before i had intercourse.
It works just find.

12-19-2008, 05:16 AM
Don't envy you, wouldn't want to go through that again.

Wait for the stitches to dry out...It's like having barbed wire wrapped round yer cock! :lol:
After the stitches are out, you're super sensitive for the first couple of weeks (roaring erections on public transport and the like), but after a month or so you'll start losing sensitivity.

The consultant told me six weeks till I can have sex again and four weeks before I can do physical training at work, from the sounds of it he was being rather conservative,that'll be fun trying to run with a badly bruised cock. Told me it would hardly hurt afterwards because he would give shit loads of prescription painkillers .He even wanted cut me cock with just a local.I told the lying bastard I wanted to be knocked out.

12-19-2008, 04:54 PM
Don't envy you, wouldn't want to go through that again.

Wait for the stitches to dry out...It's like having barbed wire wrapped round yer cock! :lol:
After the stitches are out, you're super sensitive for the first couple of weeks (roaring erections on public transport and the like), but after a month or so you'll start losing sensitivity.

The consultant told me six weeks till I can have sex again and four weeks before I can do physical training at work, from the sounds of it he was being rather conservative,that'll be fun trying to run with a badly bruised cock. Told me it would hardly hurt afterwards because he would give shit loads of prescription painkillers .He even wanted cut me cock with just a local.I told the lying bastard I wanted to be knocked out.

a local is fine, but youll feel the injections, and smell your foreskin cooking as the cauterizing knife slices away. Can put you off BBQ for a bit. The injection into the head of the penis is no laughing matter but the others werent bad. 6 weeks til sex is the best case scenario, if you make that mark you'll be in the top 1% of recovery times. I didnt even j/o for 6 weeks, and believe me both my g/f and i wanted to.

The erection thing is serious, if you break your stitches, esp on the underside, you can end up with a gouge that heals like that and never fills in. So have the sudafed on hand, bags of ice in the freezer, and avoid porn and other visual stimulation wherever possible.

Oh and depending how many stitches you have, and how scabbed over they are on stitch removal day (usually day 12) thats when you might want a local. Trust me.

01-13-2009, 12:14 PM
:D I had mine when I was three days, and I couldn't walk for a year.