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View Full Version : Know your admirers: My 20 questions

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-18-2008, 03:16 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

8. What do you do for work?

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?

19. Are you a morning person?

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

What's yours? :P



12-18-2008, 03:27 PM
You forgot the most important question: What is your net worth?"

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-18-2008, 03:33 PM
You forgot the most important question: What is your net worth?"

lol That question actually won't come out of my mouth. I couldn't careless if he was rich or poor because money (not an aphrodisiac) isn't always what makes people happy. Living comfortably is enough? ;)



12-18-2008, 05:02 PM
I'll reply the answers to you privately.............

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-18-2008, 07:30 PM
I'll reply the answers to you privately.............

Sorry missed your call. I've been sleeping on and off (I've to work grave yard shift tonight). Call moi! ;)



12-18-2008, 08:37 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol


I had to think of a way to put it in general terms. In a ltr a man is depended on to be the main financial provider. As time passes they want more material things and he has to work harder and harder. If she is working less, then she will end up taking control of the household and making major decisions. The man will feel less and less in control of the place where he is providing the major resources. Then he has no where to turn to for emotional support about his life, because most men only let go emotionally with their s.o. Then he is also losing his sexual power, due to aging in general, and his partner is losing some the that youthful sexiness also. But also because he is getting less attention as his s.o. matures she focuses more on doing things for her own self fulfillment.

Men in ltr’s can be very lonely. At least two other men in ltr’s have confided to me that they have gone a year without sex, with their partners, like I have. And this is at the same time that they are there with them everyday, providing financial and physical support

12-18-2008, 08:56 PM
You are something else,lol...ok here we go
1.No relationship at this time
2.6'1---8 inches cut
5.what i can tell of your personality on forum,your questions,and answers,your fuckin' sexy eyes,your
body,your fetish.
6.relocate,spoil you to the best of my ability,be a friend.
7.no,sometimes you can look pefect when you're just waking up.
8.Drive freight trains
9.No drugs
10.being looked at during sex,eye to eye,moaning
sex talk.dirty and clean.
12.Recieved head,once, some years ago
13.everyone that knows me,family included.
14.Yes,ex girlfriend,kept going,she got out her vibrator and started to mastrubate herself.
15.I have spanked myself.
16.No self suck attempts.
18.do you mean throughout the day,or one big explosion.Depends on how excited i am.
19.Not really,my job is 24/7-i'm all over the place
20.yes,and yes
Whats mine??? Don't you change---and Merry Christmas,beautiful.

12-18-2008, 11:25 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

8. What do you do for work?

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?

19. Are you a morning person?

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

What's yours? :P



1- Single.
2- 5' 10" (ask me about the other part privately).
3- boxers and boxer briefs.
4- Trimmed.
5- personality (yours is kinky but intelligent).
6- Open my mouth and say so.
7- I expect imperfection. If you look TOO good, I worry you have a HUGE skeleton in the closet.
8- Chem engineering Masters student, and Math/science/SAT tutor.
9- Other than alcohol, no.
10- Dirty Talk. Or at least the knowledge she enjoys doing the naughty thing shes doing.
11- Yes.
12- No.
13- Family & close friends. And my exes.
14- once my my grandmother and stopped (bird and bees talk)
a few time by GF and stopped (because something else started).
15- Couple times. Boredom is a bitch.
16- Never been flexible.
17- Cut.
18- Yes. and if its REALLY good, I can shoot fairly far as well.
19- Not a chance. I'm total night owl
20- Naps not so much, but cuddling is always welcomed.

Now answer your own survey (swapping girl for boy and such)

T Oracle
12-19-2008, 12:48 AM
I'm male. You get 1 question. Maximum. If I'm in a good mood.

12-19-2008, 02:15 AM
I'll get back to this when I haven't been awake for more than sixty hours and drinking cheap *Urp!* - s'cuse me - beer.

But I'll answer honestly when I do. :)

12-19-2008, 02:20 AM
60 HOURS!?

12-19-2008, 02:22 AM
60 HOURS!?

Yah, in a kidney stone of a year, this has been an exceptionally nasty week.

Stress sux, and not in any way that I might possibly enjoy. :(

Off to beddie-by now in hopes that I might get =SOME= sleep before the alarm goes off at 2 AM. :x

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-20-2008, 12:15 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

8. What do you do for work?

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?

19. Are you a morning person?

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

What's yours? :P



1- Single.
2- 5' 10" (ask me about the other part privately).
3- boxers and boxer briefs.
4- Trimmed.
5- personality (yours is kinky but intelligent).
6- Open my mouth and say so.
7- I expect imperfection. If you look TOO good, I worry you have a HUGE skeleton in the closet.
8- Chem engineering Masters student, and Math/science/SAT tutor.
9- Other than alcohol, no.
10- Dirty Talk. Or at least the knowledge she enjoys doing the naughty thing shes doing.
11- Yes.
12- No.
13- Family & close friends. And my exes.
14- once my my grandmother and stopped (bird and bees talk)
a few time by GF and stopped (because something else started).
15- Couple times. Boredom is a bitch.
16- Never been flexible.
17- Cut.
18- Yes. and if its REALLY good, I can shoot fairly far as well.
19- Not a chance. I'm total night owl
20- Naps not so much, but cuddling is always welcomed.

Now answer your own survey (swapping girl for boy and such)

1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

No gf or wife..Not a lesbo! :lol:

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

5'6" 'bout 6-6.5"

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

Umm, I don't wear those, sorry! And never commando.. :lol:

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

Shaven most of the time.

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

I DO NOT get turned on my girls like moi! (see No.1)

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

Duh? (See No.1) lol

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

I do not expect a guy to look picture perfect all the time either. He could be hot in the summer time after a sweaty work out! ;)

8. What do you do for work?

Health care

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?


10. What gets you off faster?

Either a h/j or a b/j Oh and Of course, if you nibble on my nipples! :P

11. Have you given anal sex before?

Sure have..but not a lot! I'd mostly like to be the woman in the relationship.

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?


13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

Hell NOOOOOOO! Not into trannies at ALL!

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

Maybe.. Haha

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

Of course!

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

When I was in my teens..Though not enough practice soo lost the ability to reach? :lol:

17. Are you cut or uncut?


18. Do you cum a lot?

Yes..especially when a guy works on me hard! Love giving cum facials. Hehe

19. Are you a morning person?


20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

LOVE to!



12-20-2008, 01:46 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol
Long distance gf. Doesn't always go smooth because I only see her 3 times per year. Just don't have that exclusivity feel yet.

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
5'11, 220 lbs (only a 100 kilos!), 6 to 7 inches w/ some thickness

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
briefs, commando about once a week

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?
Hairy, but not overly so

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?
Personality, smile, grammar, topics u start, stories u tell, and your T

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
Short term: pay your price. Long term: move to LA and romance the hell out of you.

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
Hell no!

8. What do you do for work?
Proj Mgmt for a computer/IT company.

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?
Maryjane very infrequently... maybe every other month.

10. What gets you off faster?
Talk... dirty or sensual. Touch... rough or sensual. Patience... haha I know this doesn't make sense but the faster I try to cum the more difficult it becomes.

11. Have you given anal sex before?
Once... it was cool.

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?
No. I've been propositioned several times but have always politely turned the guy down.

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?
Good question, and I have to admit... no one. I'm very close to telling a gay buddy of mine. Also close to telling two family members. Probably a good new year's resolution. :D

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?
Some near misses, I think, but I'm not sure what they might have seen.

15. Have you ever played with your ass?
Yup, one digit.

16. Or have attempted to self suck?
I've tried but I wasn't even close.

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
Moderate amount.

19. Are you a morning person?
Yup, but I'm pretty much raring to go at anytime. I can always burn the candle at both ends and catch up later.

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?
Cuddle - yes, naps - infrequently

12-20-2008, 02:00 AM
1. I'm engaged and things are going swell.
2. 5'10 & (other part is private)
3. Boxers
4. Shaved
5. The person beauty, both inside and outside
6. If I was single, then anything as long as it wasn't illegal
7. People aren't perfect. I actually prefer if the person that I was with wasn't perfect.
8. ex-military, now I am in college for IT Networking
9. No drugs whatsoever
10. The fact that the person I am with is having a good time.
11. Yeah, a couple of times
12. I experimented with a friend of mine while in the military when I was drunk. I also had a boyfriend when I first got out of the military.
13. Various friends
14. Never been caught before
15. Nope
16. Attempted but to no prevail.
17. Uncut
18. Fiancee says I cum like an elephant
19. Yeah
20. Cuddle

12-20-2008, 06:31 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

8. What do you do for work?

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?

19. Are you a morning person?

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

What's yours? :P



1- Single.
2- 5' 10" (ask me about the other part privately).
3- boxers and boxer briefs.
4- Trimmed.
5- personality (yours is kinky but intelligent).
6- Open my mouth and say so.
7- I expect imperfection. If you look TOO good, I worry you have a HUGE skeleton in the closet.
8- Chem engineering Masters student, and Math/science/SAT tutor.
9- Other than alcohol, no.
10- Dirty Talk. Or at least the knowledge she enjoys doing the naughty thing shes doing.
11- Yes.
12- No.
13- Family & close friends. And my exes.
14- once my my grandmother and stopped (bird and bees talk)
a few time by GF and stopped (because something else started).
15- Couple times. Boredom is a bitch.
16- Never been flexible.
17- Cut.
18- Yes. and if its REALLY good, I can shoot fairly far as well.
19- Not a chance. I'm total night owl
20- Naps not so much, but cuddling is always welcomed.

Now answer your own survey (swapping girl for boy and such)

1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

No gf or wife..Not a lesbo! :lol:

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?

5'6" 'bout 6-6.5"

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

Umm, I don't wear those, sorry! And never commando.. :lol:

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

Shaven most of the time.

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

I DO NOT get turned on my girls like moi! (see No.1)

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?

Duh? (See No.1) lol

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?

I do not expect a guy to look picture perfect all the time either. He could be hot in the summer time after a sweaty work out! ;)

8. What do you do for work?

Health care

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?


10. What gets you off faster?

Either a h/j or a b/j Oh and Of course, if you nibble on my nipples! :P

11. Have you given anal sex before?

Sure have..but not a lot! I'd mostly like to be the woman in the relationship.

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?


13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

Hell NOOOOOOO! Not into trannies at ALL!

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

Maybe.. Haha

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

Of course!

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

When I was in my teens..Though not enough practice soo lost the ability to reach? :lol:

17. Are you cut or uncut?


18. Do you cum a lot?

Yes..especially when a guy works on me hard! Love giving cum facials. Hehe

19. Are you a morning person?


20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

LOVE to!



I told you to switch the shes for hes when appropriate.
Just for that.
Only a half hour of mamba for you.

12-20-2008, 08:41 AM
You forgot the most important question: What is your net worth?"

lol That question actually won't come out of my mouth. I couldn't careless if he was rich or poor because money (not an aphrodisiac) isn't always what makes people happy.

Living comfortably is enough? ;)



Said like a true bourgeoisie... :-)

PS - Hi Hara, long time no chat. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

12-20-2008, 11:53 AM
your questions reveal that you are:


you an up-for-anything type of gal, aren't you? :twisted:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-21-2008, 09:26 AM
You forgot the most important question: What is your net worth?"

lol That question actually won't come out of my mouth. I couldn't careless if he was rich or poor because money (not an aphrodisiac) isn't always what makes people happy.

Living comfortably is enough? ;)



Said like a true bourgeoisie... :-)

PS - Hi Hara, long time no chat. :-)

TS Jamie :-)

Hi TS Jaime..yeah, long time no chat! ;)

your questions reveal that you are:


you an up-for-anything type of gal, aren't you? :twisted:

That I am Tranmaven! Not that its a bad thing..lol ;)



12-21-2008, 09:29 AM
I'll fill this out later

12-21-2008, 12:32 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
5'10 and a little better than average

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxer briefs

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
yet to find out

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
no one is perfect

8. What do you do for work?
to survive

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?
social drinking count?

10. What gets you off faster?
whats the options?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?
no and dont plan on it

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?
me myself and I

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?
no, never have never will

16. Or have attempted to self suck?
no, pretty pethetic

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
depends the situation

19. Are you a morning person?
not at all

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?
no and yes

12-21-2008, 07:06 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol
I'm single

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
182 cm, and about average

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?
Peronality, intelligence- just the same as with anyone else.

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
I'd have to get to know you better and be motivated to consider that. If I really wanted to- a lot.

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
I'm not perfect myself and don't expect perfection from anyone else.

8. What do you do for work?
Commercial arts

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?
Nope, I don't use anything stronger than paracetamol. I hardly ever drink alcohol.

10. What gets you off faster?
Being really intimate with the person I'm with.

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?
No, nor do I have any desire in that direction.

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?
Those who matter will know when it's time.

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?
No, never have.

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?
Never even tried, no desire for a hernia. :)

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
Depends on the frequency- as with anyone, I guess.

19. Are you a morning person?
Depends on the length of the night and on with whom I wake up. On working days, not really.

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2008, 06:10 AM
6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
Short term: pay your price. Long term: move to LA and romance the hell out of you.

lol Why Merry Christmas! :lol:


I told you to switch the shes for hes when appropriate.
Just for that.
Only a half hour of mamba for you.

Ok so here's the questions again for your benefit:

1. So you got a bf/husband and things aren't as good. Why? lol

No. I'm very much single and always ready to mingle!

3. Panty, Thongt or commando?

Panties such as bikini, boy shorts but never commando. ;)

5. What really turns you on about men?

Nice face, good posture and of course having a big bulge always does the trick! lol

6. What would you do to be with a guy?

Shower, shave legs, douche, do porn make up, pritz some perfumes, slip into something wickedly sexy and bring my hornyness! The sky is the limit..use your imagination. ;)

12. Have you ever experimented with another girl (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

Um, kissed a girl back when I was 15/16. It gave me bad goose bumps. So I told her I got an upset stomach so I could go home. lol

13. Who else knows that you're into men?

Everyone? lol



12-22-2008, 06:20 AM

12-22-2008, 06:22 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol
She's a Bitch, JK Single

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
6'0 and 7x6

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers or Commando

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?
Bushy until I have a hot date, then trimmed closely

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?
that you're feminine enough to change for it

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
Be myself

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
Naaa, she can be the normal girl she is

8. What do you do for work?
Engineer, Engineering Manager

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?
Something different that turns me on

11. Have you given anal sex before?
I've pounded a few

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?
A Couple of People

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?
In HS, it's hopeless

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
Hell Yes, Too Much Usually

19. Are you a morning person?
Used to be

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2008, 06:30 AM
2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
6'0 and 7x6

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers or Commando

18. Do you cum a lot?
Hell Yes, Too Much Usually

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

Hmm hola! :P





12-22-2008, 07:01 AM
2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
6'0 and 7x6

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers or Commando

18. Do you cum a lot?
Hell Yes, Too Much Usually

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?

Hmm hola! :P





Haha, I wasn't trying to get attention but I'm glad I did.

How you been Hara?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-22-2008, 09:21 PM
I've been good. :P Thanks. Yourself?



12-22-2008, 09:33 PM
Boredom and Intrigue on your reply lol.

1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? What are those? lol
2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants? 6 foot and wouldnt you like to know...

3. Boxers, briefs or commando? Boxers

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy? Shaved

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me? Attitude/Body in GENERAL

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me? Not into turning but am into girls like you.

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off? it is what it is.

8. What do you do for work? Mechanic/Smog tech

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs? no.

10. What gets you off faster? find out o_0...Not sure maybe sex in general.

11. Have you given anal sex before? no.

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)? Trans once. Gayguy no.

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals? No one.

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue? hahah Have no recollection of the sort.

15. Have you ever played with your ass? Earlier in time

16. Or have attempted to self suck? no.

17. Are you cut or uncut? Cut

18. Do you cum a lot? Help and find out.

19. Are you a morning person? Not really,after coffee or redbull I am

20. Do you cuddle and like naps? Bothish.cuddle then fall asleep. lol

12-23-2008, 02:49 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good: Single

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants: 5'11" and 7.5"

3. Boxers, briefs or commando: Boxers

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy: Trimmed

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me: the whole package

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me: just be myself and try to get to know you and you to know me.

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off: I never expect perfection

8. What do you do for work: Insurance

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs: No

10. What gets you off faster: Topping

11. Have you given anal sex before: Yes

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc): Yes

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals: My close family and a couple friends

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue: Yes, when growing up, by mom, stopped of course.

15. Have you ever played with your ass: Yes

16. Or have attempted to self suck: Yes

17. Are you cut or uncut: Cut

18. Do you cum a lot: Average

19. Are you a morning person: Yes

20. Do you cuddle and like naps: Yes


12-23-2008, 06:00 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why?
As good as what?

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
5'9" - 6 1/4" cut

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxer briefs!

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
Dunno... depends on how well I knew you

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
No one is perfect all of the time. Personally, I'm a big fan of little to no make-up on my girl

8. What do you do for work?
Blow things up

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?
Fuck no

10. What gets you off faster?
What am I comparing?

11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?
A couple of my friends know that I like women and that extra pieces aren't a deal-breaker

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?
Yes, a friend, she finished me off and then we had sex

15. Have you ever played with your ass?
Yep, love it

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
Depends on how many times I've already cum that day, but if I'm fresh... I'd say a moderate amount

19. Are you a morning person?
I can be =P

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?
I do cuddle (right person required) and I powernap every day when I get home from work for about 45mins

What's yours?
What is it that you like most about being with a guy?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-23-2008, 07:24 PM
What is it that you like most about being with a guy?

To me, being with a guy is the most natural and wonderful thing. Add good rapport and great sex..what more could a girl ask for? ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-23-2008, 07:27 PM
Dbl post grr.. :roll:

12-23-2008, 08:29 PM
What is it that you like most about being with a guy?

To me, being with a guy is the most natural and wonderful thing. Add good rapport and great sex..what more could a girl ask for? ;)


So i'll be over when again. Lol.

12-23-2008, 09:55 PM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? lol
Single again

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants?
1m75, 15cm, Im from europe, so I use the metrick system :)

3. Boxers, briefs or commando?

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy?

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me?
Very hard to explain, don't even know if I could

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me?
Never had the chance to meet a girl like you, so i don't really know

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off?
Being picture perfect, isn't possible, most pictures are airbrushed :)
If there are no downs, there are no ups. I your always picture perfect, after some time it will become normal and the "wow" effect of a "picture perfect" day is gone

8. What do you do for work?
IT Consultant

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs?

10. What gets you off faster?
11. Have you given anal sex before?

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals?

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue?

15. Have you ever played with your ass?

16. Or have attempted to self suck?

17. Are you cut or uncut?

18. Do you cum a lot?
I assume, about average, never got any remarks :)

19. Are you a morning person?
I'm a night person, I hate mornings.
Morning = being stcuk in traffic

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?
Like to cuddle, do sometimes take a "power nap" if it's a very busy day

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 09:33 AM
What is it that you like most about being with a guy?

To me, being with a guy is the most natural and wonderful thing. Add good rapport and great sex..what more could a girl ask for? ;)


So i'll be over when again. Lol.

Answering based on your previous post to me. You'll be over - Never? lol



01-01-2009, 09:35 AM
What is it that you like most about being with a guy?

To me, being with a guy is the most natural and wonderful thing. Add good rapport and great sex..what more could a girl ask for? ;)


So i'll be over when again. Lol.

Answering based on your previous post to me. You'll be over - Never? lol



your mean :( ...What I post is friendly jokes >_<
but i guess thats how the cookie crumbles.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 09:41 AM
Nah, that's not even the tip of me being mean. If I play mean you would know it! lol



01-01-2009, 09:44 AM
Nah, that's not even the tip of me being mean. If I play mean you would know it! lol



Why does that make me want to do something mischievious and see my punishment from you????

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 09:51 AM
Nah, that's not even the tip of me being mean. If I play mean you would know it! lol



Why does that make me want to do something mischievious and see my punishment from you????

Because that's part of my allure? To still look sexy and hot while punishing you (holding a paddle)? lol ;)



01-01-2009, 09:53 AM
Nah, that's not even the tip of me being mean. If I play mean you would know it! lol



Why does that make me want to do something mischievious and see my punishment from you????

Because that's part of my allure? To still look sexy and hot while punishing you (holding a paddle)? lol ;)



Hara now ur just plain mean.... :wink: Teasing me and stuff, jeez. How hard? lol

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 09:55 AM
If I wanted to be mean, YOU could be here with me rightnow sipping wine and later on I will be milking your prostrate while I deep throat your cock and then leave you all of the sudden for few minutes and smoke a cigarette! Haha




01-01-2009, 09:56 AM
If I wanted to be mean, YOU could be here with me rightnow sipping wine and later on I will be milking your prostrate while I deep throat your cock and then leave you all of the sudden for few minutes and smoke a cigarette! Haha



Ok that would be mean I wonder If I were there? hmmmmmm

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 09:59 AM
If you were here, You'd be passed out! :lol:



01-01-2009, 10:01 AM
If you were here, You'd be passed out! :lol:


sooooo not always a bad thing -_- Not I dont drink and ride(gsxr)/drive I worry too much about other drivers

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 10:03 AM
Aww, and here I thought I can abuse you once you're passed out! lol

Bummer! :lol:



01-01-2009, 10:04 AM
Aww, and here I thought I can abuse you once you're passed out! lol

Bummer! :lol:


thats why I stay the night duhh. Lol :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 10:06 AM
lol uhuh..hmm..



01-01-2009, 10:07 AM
lol uhuh..hmm..


Lets just say only time will tell. :wink: :wink:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2009, 10:09 AM



01-01-2009, 10:21 AM
1. while she can't give exactly what I want in bed, I only see T-girls when single.

2. Iam six foot two and about eight inches

3. briefs

4. trimmed

5. Iam kinky in bed and I enjoy the feeling of vunerabilty that you get with being with a pretty girl with a penis.

6. I enjoy pussy as well as cock , so I would not give a t-girl my shirt but Iam highly attracted to girls like yourself. I would even consider a relationship with a t-girl but unfortunately at least where I live it is pretty difficult to meet the sorts who are in porn films on a social basis.She would have to be highly passable both for social reason but also because I am not attracted to men or t-girls who haven't gone far in their transition.

7.No because when Iam in a relationship with someone that happens when you are comfortable with someone.T girl escorts however i would be most upset if they were not 'picture perfect' .

8. I work in the defence industry.

9. no, thats for dickheads.

10. My cock in a warm tight pussy with the girl screaming her head off.

11. yes

12. no

13. no one

14. yes by my mum, and several times by girlfriends. With my mum I could not look her in the eye for ages and made sure it never happened again. she said nothing about it bless her.Girlfriends mixed behaviour.One who was very kinky was turned on by it and would ask me to do it front of her.

15. not on my own

16. I have a dodgy back from my past job.

17. uncyt, not for much longer as I snapped my banjo string.

18. yes

19. yes

20. I like to cuddle, and I never need to nap.I managed fine on little sleep in fact too much makes me tired.

What's yours?



01-01-2009, 10:21 AM
double post

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-03-2009, 03:41 AM
1. while she can't give exactly what I want in bed, I only see T-girls when single.

2. Iam six foot two and about eight inches

3. briefs

4. trimmed

5. Iam kinky in bed and I enjoy the feeling of vunerabilty that you get with being with a pretty girl with a penis.

6. I enjoy pussy as well as cock , so I would not give a t-girl my shirt but Iam highly attracted to girls like yourself. I would even consider a relationship with a t-girl but unfortunately at least where I live it is pretty difficult to meet the sorts who are in porn films on a social basis.She would have to be highly passable both for social reason but also because I am not attracted to men or t-girls who haven't gone far in their transition.

7.No because when Iam in a relationship with someone that happens when you are comfortable with someone.T girl escorts however i would be most upset if they were not 'picture perfect' .

8. I work in the defence industry.

9. no, thats for dickheads.

10. My cock in a warm tight pussy with the girl screaming her head off.

11. yes

12. no

13. no one

14. yes by my mum, and several times by girlfriends. With my mum I could not look her in the eye for ages and made sure it never happened again. she said nothing about it bless her.Girlfriends mixed behaviour.One who was very kinky was turned on by it and would ask me to do it front of her.

15. not on my own

16. I have a dodgy back from my past job.

17. uncyt, not for much longer as I snapped my banjo string.

18. yes

19. yes

20. I like to cuddle, and I never need to nap.I managed fine on little sleep in fact too much makes me tired.

What's yours?



You had me at no.2! lol



01-03-2009, 03:43 AM
still wondering what 17 really means lol. Ouch if its what I think dude.

01-03-2009, 04:00 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? I am single (handsome, sweet, and kind here ladies)

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants? 6'0, 7"

3. Boxers, briefs or commando? Briefs, I need support

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy? Bushy, some yard work done

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me? Everything

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me? Everything

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off? Nobody is perfect all the time, and sometimes you should just be comfortable

8. What do you do for work? USAF!

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs? Never

10. What gets you off faster? ...

11. Have you given anal sex before? I have not

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)? Nope

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals? My roommate, some friends

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue? No

15. Have you ever played with your ass? Nope, its pretty nice though, lol

16. Or have attempted to self suck? I honestly don't understand how it would be possible

17. Are you cut or uncut? Cut

18. Do you cum a lot? If i dont at all for a few days. lol

19. Are you a morning person? Absolutely, I am up at 5 on weekdays, 6 on weekends

20. Do you cuddle and like naps? I like both but never get to do either

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-03-2009, 04:06 AM
Hmm@ no.'s 2. 8, 11, 12 and 15! :P



01-04-2009, 05:32 PM
Why question my answers? Im not here to impress anyone, I figured I would just answer and have some fun. All answers are accurate.

01-05-2009, 06:04 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? I am single

2. Exactly how tall are you? i am about 5'5

3. Boxers, briefs or commando? briefs

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy? trimed

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me? i like women in general

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me? what ever i can

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off? who is perfect

8. What do you do for work? retail!

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs? No

10. What gets you off faster? .naked women

11. Have you given anal sex before? i have not been anal yet

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)?back in 6th grade

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals? no one

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue? no i have not close but not

15. Have you ever played with your ass? yes i have

16. Or have attempted to self suck? i have not
because i am not that limber

17. Are you cut or uncut? Cut

18. Do you cum a lot? depends

19. Are you a morning person? more night

20. Do you cuddle and like naps? yes to both

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-05-2009, 06:30 AM
Why question my answers? Im not here to impress anyone, I figured I would just answer and have some fun. All answers are accurate.

Hmm is not a question..Yawn! :roll:


01-05-2009, 06:40 AM
Why question my answers? Im not here to impress anyone, I figured I would just answer and have some fun. All answers are accurate.

Hmm is not a question..Yawn! :roll:

Hara hunny he's just mad you disapprove lol :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-05-2009, 06:49 AM
Funny..My hmm wasn't of disapproval. lol Oh well.. :roll:



01-05-2009, 06:51 AM
Funny..My hmm wasn't of disapproval. lol Oh well.. :roll:



Lies Lies I say. lol Watching House on tv Currently I think Hugh laurie is on funny SOB.

01-05-2009, 07:17 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? Because shes a typical woman. Complaining, selfish, controlling, insecure, ect.

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants? 5'8". in the pants 7"

3. Boxers, briefs or commando? boxers, or commando if u prefer

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy? shaved

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me? that a girl like you knows how 2 satisfy a man, and a girl like u doesnt hav bleeding tuna coming from between ur legs once a month.

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me? anything u want baby

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off? Acne, bad breath, and blubber are the only 3 things that really turn me off.

8. What do you do for work? 2 jobs. One is general labor, the other is an internship for my future career.

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs? Marijuana. Is shrooms considered recreational?

10. What gets you off faster? Some1 whos really into it

11. Have you given anal sex before? yes

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)? no

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals? nobody =)

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue? no i cant say i hav. ive always had locks on my doors growing up and in adulthood.

15. Have you ever played with your ass? does cupping your hand over your asshole, farting, and then putting it in someone elses face considered "play" ?

16. Or have attempted to self suck? never

17. Are you cut or uncut? cut

18. Do you cum a lot? YES

19. Are you a morning person? no

20. Do you cuddle and like naps? yes

What's yours? :P



01-05-2009, 10:05 AM
1. So you got a gf/wife and things aren't as good. Why? Single life is the life for me.

2. Exactly how tall are you? How about inside the pants? 5'10 - easy 7.5-8.

3. Boxers, briefs or commando? Boxers. nothing else.

4. Shaved, trimmed or bushy? Shaved it feels nicer when you shower.

5. What really turns you on about a girl like me? Seeing a shaved ass with a hanging dick.

6. What would you do to be with a girl like me? Pay cash? lol other than that i could care less

7. Do you expect a girl to be picture perfect all the time? Or does bed hair or bad hair days and zits turn you off? I actually perfer the no make look. so when we get married love no make-up for you.

8. What do you do for work? General Practioner.

9. Do you do any type of recreational drugs? Never.

10. What gets you off faster? Yasmin Lee?

11. Have you given anal sex before? About 12 times

12. Have you ever experimented with another dude (i.e. gotten head, given head, kissed etc)All the time

13. Who else knows that you're into transexuals? Nobody, but everybody knows im a fag

14. Have you ever been caught masturbating? By whom? And what did you do? Did you stop or continue? Never.

15. Have you ever played with your ass? Again playing with my ass doesnt interest me

16. Or have attempted to self suck? Just couldnt somehow i think its wrong

17. Are you cut or uncut? Cut

18. Do you cum a lot? All the time.

19. Are you a morning person? Yes, im awake at 6.45am every day.

20. Do you cuddle and like naps?Not really it messes the pattern up?

01-05-2009, 05:01 PM
ok, I thought maybe you disapproved or were questioning me. Hey we all look for acceptance, you can't blame me, maybe I am a little self conscious, lol.