View Full Version : $$ Talkin 'bout money

12-18-2008, 07:10 AM
Has the dismal economy yet affected TS Escorts and their means of income? I was just wondering because it seems this is a luxury service, and when times are bad for the economy, luxury items are the first to be gone.

How much money have the top women made this year?

12-18-2008, 07:55 AM
You're never going to get an honest answer on here. Women would be foolish to post what they're making especially in a supposed recession.

*BlackLabel note: watch some chick post her current rates like a fool for others to try & match or beat

What's of interest is the level of housewives and/or fired due to layoffs women posting ads these days. Times are truly hard.........

12-18-2008, 12:19 PM
the real market of men for escorts is doing just fine

i have a gf who is a secretary.... she just got a 20k xmas bonus

times are tough for poor people and certain industries.... not everyone

just bc joe the plummer could afford to see ______ once a month and still have money for bills and now he cant doesnt mean the guys that see some girls a couple times a week are feeling the crunch

im sure your lesser quality girls are feeling the pinch.... but thats their problem

12-18-2008, 03:01 PM
Sex, drugs, booze will always prevail...if times are shit people will always look at ways to drown their sorrows...

While yes some maybe lowering their rates abit, there is still plenty of clients seeking festive fun :)

Sex is an addication to many, so they will always make an effort to save up, get cash to get laid if thats what they into..

On a side note i have found my webcamming has increased abit this last week, dunno why maybe people finishing work etc

12-18-2008, 07:55 PM
its sad to think that guys with wives and kids will cut down on what they give their families before they'll cut down on their fun budget. I'm not saying all married guys are like that but some of them are

12-18-2008, 08:00 PM
I see what your saying :) and agree to a degree.... though the question is should they be married in the first place....

12-18-2008, 09:17 PM
I see what your saying :) and agree to a degree.... though the question is should they be married in the first place....


12-20-2008, 05:01 AM
You're never going to get an honest answer on here. Women would be foolish to post what they're making especially in a supposed recession.

*BlackLabel note: watch some chick post her current rates like a fool for others to try & match or beat

What's of interest is the level of housewives and/or fired due to layoffs women posting ads these days. Times are truly hard.........

I totally agree Johnny,

12-20-2008, 05:30 AM
It's often said the prostitution is "recession proof". I can tell you first hand that this is a myth. I can also tell you that at least in NYC, except for girls who have a large stock of private clients and were always overbooked / had more requests for appointments than time to take them, business is down pretty much across the board.

One problem is that prices are "sticky downwards", so many service providers will starve/leave the business/leave NY rather than adjust their pricing to reach a market equilibrium.

Shining Star
12-20-2008, 05:43 AM
As with any "product", bad economic times affect different regions and such differently.

In NYC, there is still money about, and men are still spending on strippers, hookers and the lot.

However from what one has been hearing some girls are having to work harder to make the same or less money. With the crackdown on CL, girls have to make that Eros.com money somehow, even before the rent (no ad ='s no money, no rent payment anyway).

Problem is many TS hoes do not have a steady client base they can rely upon. Not saying even regular clients cannot be affected by bad financial times, but being able to make money without having to shell out advertising payments can help preserve capital.

The other "problem" is many guys are turning to CL to get their freak on for free. Granted everyone seems to say there aren't any worthwhile trannies on CL, however there does seem to be tons of guys posting, and many are repeats. Therefore there has to be girls out there rocking someone's boat.

12-20-2008, 07:50 AM
Problem is many TS hoes do not have a steady client base they can rely upon.

I agree to the extent that the number of TS escorts who get repeat business is usually far less than with similarly priced GG escorts. I am shocked at the percentage of TS girls who have no problem engaging in activity with guys who they know they are going to see again in some manner or another which in the GG escort community would clearly be considered ROB.

12-20-2008, 08:22 AM
I wouldn't know.

I'm a real estate investor...

TS Jamie :-)

12-20-2008, 08:32 AM
Problem is many TS hoes do not have a steady client base they can rely upon.

I agree to the extent that the number of TS escorts who get repeat business is usually far less than with similarly priced GG escorts. I am shocked at the percentage of TS girls who have no problem engaging in activity with guys who they know they are going to see again in some manner or another which in the GG escort community would clearly be considered ROB.

Yes, that's true. My theory is that for many men, dating a TS is a one time "experience" for whatever reason. A few others only partake occasionally, possibly with years in between events.

When I was active I had a few guys, maybe a dozen, that I dated "regularly" meaning at least once every 3 months or so. And a few more who I saw several times. But most of our dates were with gents who were in town on business, or else were when we were traveling, so the vast majority were one night stands.

I like both. I like LTR's because you get to know each other and what he likes. And I like one nighters because it's new and fresh and you know you aren't going to see each other again so it's OK to have some fun with it!

But interestingly enough, I STILL am in touch with a couple of guys who were among the very first I dated professionally.

TS Jamie :-)

Shining Star
12-20-2008, 09:23 AM
Well, the real "sad" thing (if it can be considered that), is these chasers aren't usually going for a "one time" experience. Just one time per trannie, unless of course they develop some sort of bond with a girl. This applies to hoes and just plain old every day girls.

Don't know what it is, nor why it happens but it has been that way for ages, and shows no sign of abating. Especially today when there are so many young/new trannies coming on the scene most every day (or so it seems).

Considering all the guys out there into trannies looking for a "realtionship", and all the girls seeking the same, you'd think the number of guy/trannie couples would be exploding, but that does not seem to be happening. Guys today basically havent' changed much from the 1980's or so, they see trannies quite differently, for the most part than girls they would date and or form a deep relationship with.


"Never give anything away that you can sell"!
"If I can't sell it, I'm going to sit down on it!


So goes the popular songs, but as it has often been discussed, many trannie hoes behave like "men", that is they have two minds and often think with the one below the navel. If a date happens to fit whatever mold rocks their boat, it can be almost like "Priceline.com" (he names his own price).

Am sure there are some GG hoes that give it away, but nothing like what one sees with the trannies. Guys know it, especially the young, goodlooking and muscle studs. They may pay the first time (if that), or pay and are allowed the honor of not only getting the full hour, but staying ages. Heck may even get drinks and dinner. But, subsequent dates usually are on the house. If the trannie refuses, he moves on to someone else, knowing there will be another girl to work his mojo on.

What kills me is you talk to a trannie hoe, who is moaning about how she hasn't turned a date all week, and then a call comes in (call waiting), and next it's "Ghurl, gotta go, that boy from last week is on his way over). You speak to the hoe the next day or so and she says they kicked it for hours for no charge, and she turned her phone off the whole time. When asked about lost income, it's just shrugged off. I mean the guy didn't even bring a box of Dunkin Donuts!

Personally, can somewhat understand. If the adverts on CL and other places are to trusted, there are some HOT guys out there who are into trannies. However the deal is mostly still the same; its strictly NSA. So you have a "realtionship" alright, it is an understanding that when he calls you will have sex, but don't ask for anything more.

12-20-2008, 12:44 PM
There are plenty (perhaps the majority) of guys who regularly see GG hoes who only see each girl once and then it's on to the next one. After all, for many, it's all about "strange" isn't it?

I absolutely agree that TS working girls are much more likely to give it away than GG working girls, but this changes when you flip ti "dirty" strippers. With that group, LB's are the norm, so perhaps that's the better corollary with TS girls.

I will also say that I have NEVER seen GG working girls go nuts over good looking guys the way TS girls do. A good really looking guy goes into a tranny bar and girls are literally throwing themselves at them. Hell, they don't even have to go inside: I've been standing at the door at TS clubs and some muscle boy walks by on the street and girls are actually RUNNING DOWN THE FUCKING STREET AFTER THEM.