View Full Version : Job security: Unemployment rate now at 6.7%

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2008, 05:57 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081205/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown;_ylt=AqQBmb6p16qKcIVk5OmzYVHZn4 14

How secure are you with your current job? And are you worried of losing it?
What would you do or are doing to prevent this from happening?




Solitary Brother
12-05-2008, 06:17 PM
I was laid off in October but I begged them to lay me off and they finally did.
I will see whats out there around Jan 09 time frame.
This has got to be the most disasterous 8 years ever.
Whats so funny is all those assholes that voted for and supported Shrub are suffering now.
Most of whats happening now COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED.

12-05-2008, 06:33 PM
We have an annual holiday layoff at the large "Online" company I work for in "America"

So far so good. Word is that we won't have one this year but let's see what happens in January...


12-05-2008, 06:46 PM
No worries here. I am waiting for Danielle Foxxx to stop being a cry baby and start up a production company, though. She could hire me and we'd both get rich.

If things don't pan out on that front, I may quit my current job and seek my fortune as a pirate hunter in the Caribbean.


12-05-2008, 06:50 PM
i work for myself doing a few things ...

- Modelling

- Photographing Models/Video Scenes that i sell to websties

- Escorting

Then with all the clips and bits i sell online on various websites i make a reasonable sustainable income....Hoping next year will be alot better though with my modelling as my looks will be all set :)

I am also learnign to be a driving instructor have passed my part 1, now waiting to start my practical part, just doing this as a safey angle, in the UK there is a shortage of driving instructors and they earn quite nice money ..

12-05-2008, 07:19 PM
California unemployment rate is around 10%

12-05-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm OK and doing OK.
Pay was never great but it's a secure gig.
I was in NYC this past week end and well....the place looks and feels sad.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-05-2008, 09:02 PM
California unemployment rate is around 10%

Actually, it's gone from 7.7% as of Sept. 2008 to 8.2% (current). California being the 10th largest economy in the world according to The World Factbook published by the CIA.



12-05-2008, 09:06 PM
California unemployment rate is around 10%

Actually, it's gone from 7.7% as of Sept. 2008 to 8.2% (current). California being the 10th largest economy in the world according to The World Factbook published by the CIA.




12-05-2008, 09:10 PM
So the US unemployment increases 0.2% (6.5 to 6.7) and we increase 0.5% :(

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-06-2008, 05:09 AM
So the US unemployment increases 0.2% (6.5 to 6.7) and we increase 0.5% :(

The estimate of 6.5% was cumulative average for the 50 states. 1st. Michigan = 8.9%; 2nd. Rhode Island = 8.5%; Mississippi and California tied at 3rd. :x



12-06-2008, 05:21 AM
unfortunately very few are secure. there are a lot more surprises to come. at least gas will be $1.00 in 2009 but will you have a dollar is the question.

12-06-2008, 05:23 AM
What I don't understand is: where did all the money go? Huge economic crisis world wide, banks need money, manufacturing sector needs money, consumers are broke, where did the cash go?

There is a finite amount of currency produced, what happened to the majority of it? Serious question. Somebody has to be sitting on a pile of cash right now.

12-06-2008, 05:32 AM

12-06-2008, 05:41 AM
Given how much of our economy is strictly electronic money now days, does it really matter how much CASH there is? What percentage of our value is represented by cash in the US.


12-06-2008, 05:48 AM
The term "cash" represents the "voltage" of energy present in the global economy. It doesn't matter if it's just paper currency, but that is the standard most people understand the concept of "money" as.

12-06-2008, 06:12 AM
It went in to overvalued real estate and over valued stocks. A lot of the wealth in the world is theoretical in nature. The ticker says your stock is worth X money so you are worth X money. But until you actually sell it you aren't worth anything at all. If you bought at X and the stock dropped to half of that and you sold it you lost half your money right there. Sure somebody else has it but if they used it to invest in a house that was appraised at X dollars and they had to sell it for half of that then the money is still gone. It's not that the money went anywhere, it's that it was never there to begin with, because a lot it was phantom money or profit.

12-06-2008, 06:27 AM
It went in to overvalued real estate and over valued stocks. A lot of the wealth in the world is theoretical in nature. The ticker says your stock is worth X money so you are worth X money. But until you actually sell it you aren't worth anything at all. If you bought at X and the stock dropped to half of that and you sold it you lost half your money right there. Sure somebody else has it but if they used it to invest in a house that was appraised at X dollars and they had to sell it for half of that then the money is still gone. It's not that the money went anywhere, it's that it was never there to begin with, because a lot it was phantom money or profit.

Sure, but the fact is that the cash/money/energy doesn't vanish, all things considered (unless it's launched into space by a deranged super villain, or something). If a power plant produces X amount of energy, X amount of energy goes somewhere, and does something.

It's an interesting puzzle.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-06-2008, 07:40 AM
CiTiBank lays off 52,000 employees.




12-06-2008, 07:44 AM
Mine is as secure as the fate of my company. They told me I'd be going down with them. So as long as they survive, my job survives.

12-06-2008, 08:02 AM
540,000 jobs lost and 140,000 foreign workers added in November.
This is scary!


Shining Star
12-06-2008, 09:42 AM
As one who lives and works in NYC, the place does not feel nor is "sad", in any way. Perhaps your view was based upon where you went and who you were with.

Central Park is still lovely, and is filled with persons jogging and or otherwise going about their business.

Shops and stores are still busy, maybe not as much as before, but Fifth Avenue from the Apple Store down to 42nd street certainly has not turned into a ghost town. Neither has SoHo or Tribeca for that matter.

Only persons one knowns moaning about their fate, are certian trannie working girls who bragged they wouldn't get out of bed and take a piss for less than $400 a date (not an hour, but a "date"), but now have to work hard to keep a roof over their heads.

OTHO there is still money out there being spent on escorts and strippers. Girls and trannies that provided good service and built up a clientle, aren't hurting that much. When a man wants to get his freak on, he will come up with the cash. *LOL*

Shining Star
12-06-2008, 10:00 AM
And another thing:

Am no huge fan of GWB, but the current crisis was brewing for years, it just happened the rash broke out under his watch.

Americans as group, spend far more than they earn, and save little or nothing. Worse they finance lifestyles they cannot afford by credit/brorrowing. No one was complaining when high housing values allowed homeowner's to treat their homes as piggy banks, nor when their investments grew. Now all that paper wealth is gone, we all are going to have to suffer the consequences.

This is not going to be something the US gets over and things go back to normal, but rather a permanent change on the playing field.

12-06-2008, 01:44 PM
If things don't pan out on that front, I may quit my current job and seek my fortune as a pirate hunter in the Caribbean.


I hear Somalia has a better market for that right now.

Plus you'd be helping to save the environment.

12-06-2008, 06:15 PM
If things don't pan out on that front, I may quit my current job and seek my fortune as a pirate hunter in the Caribbean.


I hear Somalia has a better market for that right now.

Plus you'd be helping to save the environment.

Much better climate in the Caribbean, plus I could kick back and sip a cool Red Stripe while thrilling all the beautiful island women with my stories about how I chased the pirates across the ocean to Somalia.


12-06-2008, 08:59 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081205/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown;_ylt=AqQBmb6p16qKcIVk5OmzYVHZn4 14

How secure are you with your current job? And are you worried of losing it?
What would you do or are doing to prevent this from happening?




One thing people don't realize is that unemployment stats are intentionally misleading. They're only based on the quantity of people applying for benefits. Those benefits run out after a period of time and this excludes people who go back to school, etc, etc.

The reality is that it's substantially worse, probably around 15-20% true net people out of work, at this point.

I am concerned about the situation, but if I lose my job, I know jobs are going to be hard to come by for a long while and make better use of the time by going to grad school instead. The situation should be corrected by the time i'd be out and it will be far less productive trying to scramble for the handful of jobs out there until it gets better.

Solitary Brother
12-06-2008, 09:14 PM
540,000 jobs lost and 140,000 foreign workers added in November.
This is scary!


Whats so funny is the people that LOBBY congress for this type of stuff and were instrumental in the offshoring of American manufacturing is Wall Street.
The same people who fucked us we are helping.
This just shows you without any doubt WHO has the power in this country.
I wonder if Mr.Obama will stop this silliness..........I seriously doubt it considering ALL the money he received from those crooks in NYC.

12-06-2008, 10:18 PM
Money is just numbers in a ledger, whether on paper or kept electronically. Folding cash is almost obsolete.

The problem with unemployment stats is that back in the '80s the labor dept decided to fudge the numbers by removing the word "civilian" from in front of the term "labor force". It's been worse than anybody thinks for the last 25 years.

Things are really bad right now. It affects everything. Loss of income is what causes foreclosures. 70% or more of the total economy is consumer spending. Without customers, there's no sales, manufacturing, or anything else. What happens when we end the war & bring all those young men home?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
12-07-2008, 06:40 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081205/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown;_ylt=AqQBmb6p16qKcIVk5OmzYVHZn4 14

How secure are you with your current job? And are you worried of losing it?
What would you do or are doing to prevent this from happening?




One thing people don't realize is that unemployment stats are intentionally misleading. They're only based on the quantity of people applying for benefits. Those benefits run out after a period of time and this excludes people who go back to school, etc, etc.

The reality is that it's substantially worse, probably around 15-20% true net people out of work, at this point.

I am concerned about the situation, but if I lose my job, I know jobs are going to be hard to come by for a long while and make better use of the time by going to grad school instead. The situation should be corrected by the time i'd be out and it will be far less productive trying to scramble for the handful of jobs out there until it gets better.

I agree. You made valid points. So I suppose it's actually HIGHER than the national estimate. ;)
