View Full Version : How many guys are guilty?

12-03-2008, 04:13 AM
Of calling a transsexual a he, faggot, it, what have you after you are turned down by them?

If you used to and maybe you learned from it, I'd like to hear that too!

12-03-2008, 04:15 AM
This should be interesting.

You're going to get a lot of the white knights posting a huge spiel about how they wouldn't dare, etc. You may get a person who just says "yeah I did once, what of it?". Lots of infotainment to be had here.

With that being said - its not something I've ever done, but its certainly something I've seen and heard a LOT...

12-03-2008, 04:16 AM
yes this is what I usually assume from the board, but I haven't given up hope yet that someone will go into detail one of these days lol

12-03-2008, 04:17 AM
With that being said - its not something I've ever done, but its certainly something I've seen and heard a LOT...

You and I can pick up our freshly polished White Knight suits in the morning. :wink:

12-03-2008, 04:19 AM
yes this is what I usually assume from the board, but I haven't given up hope yet that someone will go into detail one of these days lol

Oh I know it happens as I have had it happen first hand

12-03-2008, 04:21 AM
Oh that I am sure of Amy, I am more intrigued by the psychology of it. My guess its like you know they still think of us as "dudes" so they think in their head "I just got rejected by a "dude", I'm taking pity on this "it" by even being interested." That and it makes them feel less "gay" lol cause they are embarassed that they took the chance of hitting on a transwoman or in their mind "man" and got rejected.

12-03-2008, 04:30 AM
Bitch? maybe
Whore? often
Slut? always

faggot (which in turn makes me a faggot for liking her in the first place)? no.

12-03-2008, 04:31 AM
Not guilty. Hard to get turned down when you are paying them.

12-03-2008, 04:34 AM
Nope never have and I never will

12-03-2008, 05:32 AM
Don't go searching for T-Girls so I for me its none of the above but if any of the women I tried to talk to possibly where a TG and she had a bad attitude..yes a bitch is in order there..

Dino Velvet
12-03-2008, 05:49 AM
I only deal with hookers and never get turned down. $$$ = CONSENT

I've called some GGs some pretty horrible things after getting turned down. Those were civilians, not hookers. The GG hookers I see tend to be the exotic type and, ah, how you say, not speak the English too good.

12-03-2008, 05:51 AM

Don't feel the need to call a TS girl a fag or dude or anything like that.

12-03-2008, 05:52 AM
bitch, cunt, fucked up chick. all words that swirl in my head when I'm mistreated and abused, but I can't say I ever call in to question their chosen gender. it never would occur to me to think of them as anything but female.

don't kno where you're going with this kelly

12-03-2008, 05:55 AM
bitch, cunt, fucked up chick. all words that swirl in my head when I'm mistreated and abused, but I can't say I ever call in to question their chosen gender. it never would occur to me to think of them as anything but female.

don't kno where you're going with this kelly

I think she is getting this from the other thread that was posted asking if guys would call transwomen dudes because they rejected them.

12-03-2008, 05:56 AM
About 20 years ago, a "man in a wig" pseudo-tranny streetwalker pulled a stunt on me. I was going East off the Westside Highway and stopped at the light at 16th and 10th. It was a hot summer night so I had all the windows down. The Accord I was driving had the type of locks you could just pull up with the flick of a finger and they were open. So this skinny black crossdresser SW pops the lock and jumps in my back seat. I politely say "please get out". She refuses and says "just drive me across the street" and pointed to the opposite corner. As soon as I turn around to drive, she snatches my glasses of my face, scratching me in the process and saying "Give me $x is you want your glasses back.

I pulled over at the corner, put it in neutral, pulled up the parking brake, turned over to the back seat and started swinging. First punch was a pretty good overhand right which landed squarely on the bridge of her nose. I don't know how many more I threw because I was in full out mode, but by the time I stopped I know I'd broken her nose at least once, probably given her two black eyes, and her face looked like meat loaf. I got out and went around the other side and dragged her out of the car and laid her propped up by the dumpster. She was conscious but just barely. Found my broken glasses in the back seat.

But I didn't call her a faggot.

I work in an office as the sole straight male in a group of about 2 dozen gay men, so I'm a bit sensitized to the use of that work. Not that I've never used it, but not in a derogatory way towards something, only when joking around with a bunch of gay men and it was humorously appropriate. And while i can't say I'd NEVER call a TS that, it certainly wouldn't be because she turned me down. Because doing that would be saying more about me than him/her in the sense of if I'm going to call the object of my intended sexual interest a man, who's the fag?

There is one time I have difficulty with "gender" words: if there's a person who isn't 24/7 and spends a substantial amount of time as a boy, it's easy when they are in your presence: if they are "dressed", it's always she. If they are in boy mode, it's usually he (but still sometimes she). The problem is when they aren't in your presence: so you don't know if they are dressed as a boy or a girl. So what do you call them then?

12-03-2008, 06:06 AM
Mr SLINKY thank thank thank you for being so candid and real in your statements!

Flabby baby I am just curious of the psych behind it and the reasoning :)

But yes Amy was right where I got the idea from.

12-03-2008, 06:30 AM
Back in July, I think July 3, I answered a CL ad (free section) from a TS looking to "party and play" on the late night. I had some weed (for her) I got from a friend and I had some Vodka for myself. So I drove to S.F. about 35 mins away and as it turned out the girl from the photo's turned out to be an escort I recognized. I wasn't sure at the time, but I thought I remembered her from talks on REDBOOK (Local hooker forum board), something bad about her, but I couldn't quite remember. She's an older TS like, late 30's, and not particularly hawt, but her body kinda was, if you like the big tits and big silicon injected ass..........which I do. lol

Anyways, for some reason, her and I just couldn't seem to get on the right page. She made me nervous, and in turn, my nervousness made her nervous. I tried to drink it away, and she smoked my weed up without batting an eyelash, but still, we weren't getting along.

Finally, I tried to be honest as to why I was feeling the way I was, and pointed out that I recognized her as being an escort, and I could tell that she didn't like that, the fact that I called her out only seemed to make everything a tad bit worse, but hey, I'm drinkin, so I'm gettin even more real than normal....still polite, but real. She also told me someone was at the house we were at, even though I saw no one there, and that led to me feelin less comfortable.

I went outside to get some air and to check the alarm on my car because for some reason it wasn't working right, and when I came back in she told me it was time for me to leave, and she had a client comming. I didn't put up a fight or call her any names, I simply got my shit and left. I would have been in full right to call her all kinds of shit considering she smoked my good weed like she was suckin the sperm out of a golden cock that was goin out of style. But I'm cool. She even closed the door while she uttered "Muther Fucker".

So, I end up driving back home with a buzz (no problem, I'm a pro), and jump back onto CL and meet another chick and go to her place. She was also a Mexican hooker/escort, the difference between them was, was she was honest and upfront......very genuine. I'm a genuine person, and I like genuine people.....regardless of their shortcomings, cause we all have them.

So because I never truly got just revenge, I'll post her photo's here, cause...well....I guess I'm a dick. lol

12-03-2008, 06:35 AM
One more for the road


12-03-2008, 06:39 AM
Of calling a transsexual a he, faggot, it, what have you after you are turned down by them?

If you used to and maybe you learned from it, I'd like to hear that too!

Ive never used any of these terms after rejection, thats not my style. I probably have used them tho in the past, b4 i actually became interested in these type of women. All i can blame it on is being young and ignorant. I know better now. It is not right to judge others based on their gender or sexual orientation. Tgirls have actually taught me alot. They really opened up my world as far as not to follow conventional thinking, its just no fun!!

12-03-2008, 06:40 AM
I only deal with hookers and never get turned down. $$$ = CONSENT

You've obviously never been married :lol:

12-03-2008, 06:41 AM

Dino Velvet
12-03-2008, 06:48 AM
I only deal with hookers and never get turned down. $$$ = CONSENT

You've obviously never been married :lol:

Bingo. No vaginamony, no child support.

12-03-2008, 09:20 AM
Never done it never will

12-03-2008, 10:43 AM
i dont call girls bitches or sluts when i get turned down so idk why i'd say those things to a tgirl when i get turned down... i think some tgirls get offended when i say dude during convos tho but i say that to girls all the time its just a habit so dont take it personally ahah

12-04-2008, 01:58 AM
Wow, a confessional.

I have said some pretty bad things, but not after being turned down. I am still the guy who is mean to Tgirls around others, but secretly like them. Of course saying this will draw criticism but I felt the need to share.

So, I'm sorry

12-04-2008, 02:11 AM
Wow, a confessional.

I have said some pretty bad things, but not after being turned down. I am still the guy who is mean to Tgirls around others, but secretly like them. Of course saying this will draw criticism but I felt the need to share.

So, I'm sorry

I get ya. Alot of guys do that because they are self consious about it and I totally get that. I am not saying that is why you do it, but a lot of guys are like that for that reason.

Funny thing is that nobody cares in the end. I am sure whoever you are with wouldn't honestly care if you were nice to a transwoman. Just use your own judgement : ) Remember that transwoman is just a person like you are and has feelings too, ya know?

12-04-2008, 05:15 AM
Wow, a confessional.

I have said some pretty bad things, but not after being turned down. I am still the guy who is mean to Tgirls around others, but secretly like them. Of course saying this will draw criticism but I felt the need to share.

So, I'm sorryIts cool, thank you for being so honest babe!

12-04-2008, 11:26 AM
I admit to calling a girl a 'dude' once... (as in 'take a step back dude!) but she was standing up and doing that chest bump thing some guys do to start a fight. I just went to pre programmed commentary as I tried to figure out if there was a way of this without a fight.

Wasn't based on rejection though, she got in the face of a friend of mine and I tried to cool it off a bit. She turned on me instead. Worked out as a couple of more sober friends of hers pulled her back and we left.

I will say that folks who say things out of rejection aren't necessarily defending their hetro cred, I think it's more a case of I'm hurt, what's the most hurt full thing I can say here. It's not always about the T.


12-04-2008, 04:25 PM
Not guilty. Hard to get turned down when you are paying them.

Saifan, you crack me up!