View Full Version : People really dont GIVE a fuck about human life.

Solitary Brother
12-02-2008, 02:53 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Solitary Brother
12-02-2008, 03:00 PM

Im going to go out on a limb here and saaaaaayyyy....
this is another low class ghetto trash production.
In our society today the anti-social miscreants who contribute nothing to our society are running amok.
I blame lack of fathers,low morals,civil rights leaders and the ACLU for fostering this phenomena.

12-02-2008, 08:35 PM
And while a memeber of this forum, you certaintly have proved yourself to be a level headed, upstanding, righteous member of society. NOT. STFU. If you live in a crack house, why you calling the cops on others. YOUR NO SAINT!!!!!!

12-02-2008, 08:40 PM
Damn,... you keepin it real!

12-02-2008, 11:06 PM
Somebody's got to around here Banger.

12-02-2008, 11:14 PM
Hmm,i live in chicago where cops beat ass.Like the defendless barmaid who got the shit stomped,beat
and kicked out of her for refusing to serve a drink to a drunken cop.That said,i pray one day they kick your ass.If someone doesn't have bus fare,and it bothers you soooo much,pay it for them,or get your ass a car.

12-03-2008, 12:04 AM
I found this especially disturbing when I read it this morning in one of the local rural papers that picked it up on the wire.

The driver that was killed in 1981 was a friend-of-a-friend and I may have met him briefly in 1980. Killed for the same reason: Shot in an argument over a transfer.

Twenty-seven years and nothing changes except the weapon of choice.


12-03-2008, 12:18 AM
Grab some perspective, Solitary Brother!

It's the first on-bus killing of a driver in 27 years in NYC. How many millions of bus rides have occurred without a murder? In response to this one incident you want the police to be armed to the teeth with instructions to brutalize anyone they feel like.

Fuck that! People should be able to challenge police without getting 50,000 volts delivered through a taser. Police are wrong as often as they are right. If police want to be respected, they need respect the people. The taser should come out of the holster as a last resort, not as a source to threaten people.


12-22-2008, 09:22 AM
every street monkey in my city trys this scam. as they are so broke after spending all of their welfare check and food stamps on CRACK that they don't have $1 at least until they find a white man to mug!



12-22-2008, 09:26 AM
every street monkey in my city trys this scam. as they are so broke after spending all of their welfare check and food stamps on CRACK that they don't have $1 at least until they find a white man to mug!




12-22-2008, 09:29 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

sounds good to me 8)

ted naves
12-22-2008, 09:32 AM
In response to this one incident you want the police to be armed to the teeth with instructions to brutalize anyone they feel like.

He didn't say that and he's right about the fact that most people today are disrespectful weaklings. just because someone is their own person, does not give them the right to assault another one. That kind of weak child needs manners beat into them. No matter how long it takes.

ted naves
12-22-2008, 09:47 AM
When you blantantly commit such a crime,I'd expect you to fear those that uphold the law. Though if you choose not to have that kind of respectful and healthy fear ,then either run to, and hide in some wooded area for the rest of your life, or simply do not commit the crime in the first place and walk yourself right into prison, because that , " I can do whatever the fuck I want because I want to ! ", shit doesn't fly in reality. It's the epitemy of weakness.

12-22-2008, 09:49 AM
every street monkey in my city trys this scam. as they are so broke after spending all of their welfare check and food stamps on CRACK that they don't have $1 at least until they find a white man to mug!


Learn 2 Eng(R)ish?
Use correct terms.
and can we finally get a BAN for solitary? dude is full of usless/needless information.

ted naves
12-22-2008, 09:52 AM
Alyssa, did you interpret what Solitary brother wrote as something like the Gestapo, or were you kidding ? I hope the latter.

When you blantantly commit such a crime,I'd expect you to fear those that uphold the law. Though if you choose not to have that kind of respectful and healthy fear ,then either run to, and hide in some wooded area for the rest of your life, or simply do not commit the crime in the first place and walk yourself right into prison, because that , " I can do whatever the fuck I want because I want to ! ", shit doesn't fly in reality. It's the epitemy of weakness. Whoops, I quoted myself............

12-22-2008, 09:55 AM
I blame lack of fathers,low morals,civil rights leaders and the ACLU for fostering this phenomena.
Solitary heres a great FUCK YOU and have a nice day :D
I grew up since 7 without a Father,Died due to a heart attack I think I came out quite fine compared to most of the people I know and your douchebag self. Where your father messed up was that he didnt whip ur ass enough you racist asswipe. To show your lack of comprehension/Education on these forums bad IDEA.People like myself will attack you on it.

12-22-2008, 09:55 AM
Alyssa, did you interpret what Solitary brother wrote as something like the Gestapo, or were you kidding ? I hope the latter.

When you blantantly commit such a crime,I'd expect you to fear those that uphold the law. Though if you choose not to have that kind of respectful and healthy fear ,then either run to, and hide in some wooded area for the rest of your life, or simply do not commit the crime in the first place and walk yourself right into prison, because that , " I can do whatever the fuck I want because I want to ! ", shit doesn't fly in reality. It's the epitemy of weakness.

Whoops, I quoted myself............

we just like poking fun at eachother.

take a chillpill. no one's surfing shemale porn forums to change national policy :)

now, go stroke it to a bigdickbrick :P

ted naves
12-22-2008, 09:57 AM
Hah,............thx. hah

12-22-2008, 11:31 AM
every street monkey in my city trys this scam. as they are so broke after spending all of their welfare check and food stamps on CRACK that they don't have $1 at least until they find a white man to mug!



My heart goes out for the life lost in senseless tradgedy. But people have been murdered for thousands of years, before there was welfare, crack or food stamps. I have a dear friend who receives $55 dollars a month in food stamps after he was injured at work with an 18 inch gash in his leg. And he sometimes even shares part of his $55 dollars with his adult daughter. So what does food stamps have to do with sensless murder? Did Adolph Hitler receive food stamps? And what does Obama have to do with it? He is not even president yet.

How can you even talk about truth when you can't relate simple cause and effect or spell "Obama". The truth is that some sequence of events occured before that person went out and took someone's life. It would have been a lot better if he could have shared his frustrations with a counselor instead of taking a life. Tragedy yes. But lets try to find the actual cause of that exact situation before we go telling the police to kick everyone's ass. We cannot bring back the life of the bus driver, but we can try to reduce insanity that may harm other drivers.

But I would bet my life that it was not food stamps that caused him to kill that bus driver. How many people recieve food stamps? At least a million at this point in time.

12-22-2008, 11:32 AM

Im going to go out on a limb here and saaaaaayyyy....
this is another low class ghetto trash production.
In our society today the anti-social miscreants who contribute nothing to our society are running amok.
I blame lack of fathers,low morals,civil rights leaders and the ACLU for fostering this phenomena.

Could you please explain to me how "civil rights leaders" contributed to this murder? Like if only Black people had not been helped to get equal voting rights, this bus driver would have been saved. Like if only they still had "for colored only" drinking fountains the bus driver would have been saved.

10th letter
12-22-2008, 03:48 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

do u show the same outrage to a white criminal who has ruined countless lives by running a ponzi scheme his entire life? its easy to show outrage at the petty criminal who gave up on life and shows aggression...easy and shameful...

and how old is the "i wont insert race" routine...why dont u just say "i wont mention that he is black"

blah, have some courage, attack the people who have their defenders, let the hannitys and oreillies continue to beat down on the immigrants and indigent...ur on a fuckin tranny site, grow some fuckin balls

12-22-2008, 04:20 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Damn, the light has finally come on, for you!!! People think I'm whacked because I think 50% of the human race should be head-shot. It's the assholes like you describe I propose to euthanize. Welcome to my world!

12-22-2008, 05:46 PM

Im going to go out on a limb here and saaaaaayyyy....
this is another low class ghetto trash production.
In our society today the anti-social miscreants who contribute nothing to our society are running amok.
I blame lack of fathers,low morals,civil rights leaders and the ACLU for fostering this phenomena.

Damnit, I just spit out my morning coffee all over my computer.

I get what you're saying, but then you lost me towards the end.

Without a doubt we have a problem in our country with not teaching our children how to act properly, but I am not convinced it requires child abuse, threat of punishment, or a hetero married couple to perform that education.

I knew a lot of guys in K-12 whose parents were extremely hands-off, never raised their voice (let alone resorted to spanking) but because their parents spent so much time educating them about how to act, what's right/not right, and it convinced them of the logic and so they took up the same views. I think its fairly normal for kids to not want to disappoint their parents, so if they are in a household where ethics, human life, and civility is taking seriously, the kids might not get to the point where they need spanking, treats or yelling to bring them in line.

Other thought; one of my friends has a LOT of brothers & sisters. All raised the exact same way, by the same parents, in the same house, in the same school district...and his parents were extremly old school childraising. There was no shortages of yelling, spankings, and getting the leather belt in that household... yet half their children ended up fine, whilst the other half ended up with a lot of problems. I wouldn't exactly consider a 50% success rate to be worth bragging about. On a good day its a coin toss as to how a kid even with the most strict, traditional childhood imaginable will turn out.

12-22-2008, 06:14 PM
Welcome to your world? What world is that?

The driver's killer should be arrested, charged and tried in a court of law. If convicted he should serve, imo, life in prison, NYS does not have the death penalty. That's it. Not sure what world you are talking about. Solitary's comment about going back to the day when people feared cops is idiotic, hopefully that is not the world you live in.

Remember, we are a nation of laws, not cyberspace vigilantes.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Damn, the light has finally come on, for you!!! People think I'm whacked because I think 50% of the human race should be head-shot. It's the assholes like you describe I propose to euthanize. Welcome to my world!

Damn, Braveman....aren't you the tree-huggin' Democrat all of a sudden.

12-22-2008, 06:23 PM
Welcome to your world? What world is that?
A world where Chevrolet and GM are still king.
A world where fat white men on the cusp of senior citizen status are still sexy if they drive a Corvette.

12-22-2008, 06:26 PM
double post

12-22-2008, 06:27 PM
NYS does not have the death penalty.

Actually NY does have the death penalty, its just that there's that court ordered moratorium in effect still.

That moratorium could be lifted tomorrow (although that's unlikely). I believe, but could be wrong, that someone could get the death penalty in NY and they'd just sit on death row until the state ok's throwing the switch again- which could be forever for all I know.

Solitary Brother
12-22-2008, 06:47 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Damn, the light has finally come on, for you!!! People think I'm whacked because I think 50% of the human race should be head-shot. It's the assholes like you describe I propose to euthanize. Welcome to my world!

Thank you.
The older I get the less tolerant I get.
People were nicer back in the day.
A woman was gang raped a couple of days ago out here who was a lesbian.
She had the rainbow flag on her car.
She was attacked,beaten,kidnaped,raped and robbed and the attackers....4 of them mouthed anti-gay comments while they were doing it.
Its just a shame.
All the rights are with the criminal and lowlifes of our society now and I am tired of it.
We need law and order instead of chaos and disorder.
Im not racist i just speak the truth and if people cant handle it then they are the ones with the problem.
There are lowlifes and scum in every race I just choose to concentrate on my own race because we are just hurting ourselves.
I unlike MANY on this board do not deflect blame when someone of my race is wrong.
I dont go...."Yeah but what about all those white guys......"
I go "Yeah that was fucked up and these people doing this shit should be put UNDER the jail."
But thats me.
Its not that I hate my own race.....I care about my own race which is why I am so vocal.
Im tired of lame ass excuses for this behavior.

12-22-2008, 07:26 PM
Welcome to your world? What world is that?
A world where Chevrolet and GM are still king.
A world where fat white men on the cusp of senior citizen status are still sexy if they drive a Corvette.

A world where jealous, disrespectful fucks like you don't exist.

12-22-2008, 07:34 PM
Welcome to your world? What world is that?
A world where Chevrolet and GM are still king.
A world where fat white men on the cusp of senior citizen status are still sexy if they drive a Corvette.

A world where jealous, disrespectful fucks like you don't exist.
The Chevrolet Corvette is a metaphor for guys of your vintage... about the same age, weak, overly heavy and on the verge of getting parked and forgotten about, because there are no spare parts to replace what is worn out.

12-22-2008, 08:20 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Damn, the light has finally come on, for you!!! People think I'm whacked because I think 50% of the human race should be head-shot. It's the assholes like you describe I propose to euthanize. Welcome to my world!

Thank you.
The older I get the less tolerant I get.
People were nicer back in the day.
A woman was gang raped a couple of days ago out here who was a lesbian.
She had the rainbow flag on her car.
She was attacked,beaten,kidnaped,raped and robbed and the attackers....4 of them mouthed anti-gay comments while they were doing it.
Its just a shame.
All the rights are with the criminal and lowlifes of our society now and I am tired of it.
We need law and order instead of chaos and disorder.
Im not racist i just speak the truth and if people cant handle it then they are the ones with the problem.
There are lowlifes and scum in every race I just choose to concentrate on my own race because we are just hurting ourselves.
I unlike MANY on this board do not deflect blame when someone of my race is wrong.
I dont go...."Yeah but what about all those white guys......"
I go "Yeah that was fucked up and these people doing this shit should be put UNDER the jail."
But thats me.
Its not that I hate my own race.....I care about my own race which is why I am so vocal.
Im tired of lame ass excuses for this behavior.

Back in the day some Black men were lynched when they just got back home from serving in a war, for being to uppity. I say this not do deflect blame on that person's actions. He was dead wrong. I say this to say there has always been murder and injustice. There were no "good old days". You are just becoming more tuned in the that part of the human condition.

If you want a better world, you can do your part by showing respect for life. I sense that using words like "lowlife" and "scumbag" end up promoting that disrespect for life, my brother.

That person should be held responsible for his actions, just like that Madoff guy, should be held responsible for his actions. Frankly this Madoff guy is going to hurt a lot more people. But this is not to excuse the killing of the bus driver. If this driver's death upsets you so much, you should take it upon yourself to find the true causes that led to his actions, and work to change the conditions for other.

Alyssa alluded to Nazi Germany. They had a strong law and order thing happening there, and it ended up causing the deaths of tens of millions of people. Sometimes you get a different perspective from looking at a bigger picture. Multiply that bus driver's death times twenty million plus. That's what 'law and order' did back then in the good old days.

12-22-2008, 09:48 PM
Solitary instead of crying like a little bitch, why don't you go out and make a difference in someones life and be a real man. Society doesn't owe you shit.

I froze my ass off in 15 degrees saturday handing out Hams, toys and other goodies for families who are less fortunate.

12-22-2008, 10:10 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Ive seen this scenario with my own eyes myself.
Your sitting in a bus and some idiot(I will leave race out of it) who KNOWS he doesnt have the fare trys to get on the bus and then causes trouble when he is denied.
I really think the police should beat people like this.
For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Totally agree mate, but incidents like this are all too common in the UK. Fathers get killed by scum for asking them not to vandalise their car. I may have told people what I do for a living but believe me , although from what I heard about the old days it wasn't all roses , if a few more scumbags ran into a few walls at police stations like they used too and a blind eye was turned then certain scumbags might realise who was the Daddy again.

Now unless you are extremely clever you can end up in jail alongside those bastards. Lawyers have made an entire industry about these peoples 'rights'. I don't understand what this has to do with skin colour .You get scum of all skin colour and now many think they are untouchable.That is unacceptable.

just because somones a Black bastard doesn't mean he should be treated better or worse than a white bastard.I know what went on in the past with the Blacks but now if anything people are overly careful which I expect you could say is racism in itself. They need a bloody good hiding some of them and there are days when I would love too do it and say 'tripped on the stairs guv' and we would have a laugh. Which is what the old days were like.

12-22-2008, 10:17 PM
Solitary instead of crying like a little bitch, why don't you go out and make a difference in someones life and be a real man. Society doesn't owe you shit.

I froze my ass off in 15 degrees saturday handing out Hams, toys and other goodies for families who are less fortunate.

So you feel better about yourself now you handed out some condiments to the poor. How often do you do that lad? 'Real men' as you call them don't need to tell the world the good things they have done they just do.How do you know what solitary brother does for others? Maybe one of the girls will suck you off though I dunno.

12-22-2008, 10:17 PM
Yay we have another douchebag^^^^^^^^arnie666

12-22-2008, 10:33 PM
Ah, how I love these knee-jerk fascism threads. Something happens that triggers someone's warped sense of justice, so it's a case of 'shoot 'em all'. Great stuff, always makes you look all intelligent.

Guys: people get murdered for next to nothing. That's society, and it's always been like that ever since a caveman busted another's skull for looking at his woman in the wrong way. It's unfair, but we've got a justice system to take care of that. Don't like the way it works in your country? Move elsewhere.
To avoid desillusion: don't be surprised if your new country of choice is even worse in this respect.

Back to everyday wanking now...

12-22-2008, 10:36 PM
Yay we have another douchebag^^^^^^^^arnie666

Fuck off u skip licker or I'll phone nurse and tell her to take away your mouthwand.

12-23-2008, 01:14 AM
Yay we have another douchebag^^^^^^^^arnie666

Fuck off u skip licker or I'll phone nurse and tell her to take away your mouthwand.The proper way that sentence should have went.

Yes I know I happen to be a dumbass O god I wish no one else see's that I agree'd with Solitary omg I think I might have made the biggest mistake in the world. :D

12-23-2008, 02:16 AM
its not about rights its about responsibilitys

12-23-2008, 02:59 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Now I don't agree with the ACLU on everything, but I believe they do some good things protecting the rights of people who are "different." We are both here on a forum about transgendered people, so that should mean something to you.

12-23-2008, 04:06 AM
The older I get the less tolerant I get.
People were nicer back in the day.
A woman was gang raped a couple of days ago out here who was a lesbian.
She had the rainbow flag on her car.
She was attacked,beaten,kidnaped,raped and robbed and the attackers....4 of them mouthed anti-gay comments while they were doing it.
Its just a shame.
All the rights are with the criminal and lowlifes of our society now and I am tired of it.
We need law and order instead of chaos and disorder.
Im not racist i just speak the truth and if people cant handle it then they are the ones with the problem.
There are lowlifes and scum in every race I just choose to concentrate on my own race because we are just hurting ourselves.
I unlike MANY on this board do not deflect blame when someone of my race is wrong.
I dont go...."Yeah but what about all those white guys......"
I go "Yeah that was fucked up and these people doing this shit should be put UNDER the jail."
But thats me.
Its not that I hate my own race.....I care about my own race which is why I am so vocal.
Im tired of lame ass excuses for this behavior.

I'm pushing 60, & I'm the opposite.

I don't buy this idea that people were nicer back in the day. There's always been assholes. These are the "good old days". Tolerance is on the upswing nowadays. The assholes are just louder. They have to yell louder because their numbers are shrinking. Back in the day, the assholes didn't need to raise their voices.

Yes the attack on that lady was a shame, but you have to ask yourselves whether it's indicative of the society as a whole. Those things used to be a lot more common but a lot less reported.

Rights are rights. Most people don't need to invoke them on a regular basis. Protecting them among the unopular is important because an erosion of one person's rights is an erosion of everyone's rights. It's that whole precident thingie that the courts hold so dear.

We need the police to be respected, not feared. That's how we get the populace to help them do their job. We have the law. Order follows when people have no need to fear the law.

No problem with truth.

I just think that the concentration on race is at all is counterproductive. Assholes are assholes, & every group has them. Pretty much in the same percentages. Dwelling on race just adds to the stereotypical hype.

Solitary Brother
12-23-2008, 05:01 AM
I referenced this in a prior message.


Solitary Brother
12-23-2008, 05:02 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081202/ap_on_re_us/bus_driver_stabbed;_ylt=Akfg85_l2oyeiAGZ2Z6gROGs0N UE

Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Im done.

Now I don't agree with the ACLU on everything, but I believe they do some good things protecting the rights of people who are "different." We are both here on a forum about transgendered people, so that should mean something to you.

Your right.
I disagree with some of the things they do NOT all.

12-23-2008, 05:51 AM
Solitary instead of crying like a little bitch, why don't you go out and make a difference in someones life and be a real man. Society doesn't owe you shit.

I froze my ass off in 15 degrees saturday handing out Hams, toys and other goodies for families who are less fortunate.

So you feel better about yourself now you handed out some condiments to the poor. How often do you do that lad? 'Real men' as you call them don't need to tell the world the good things they have done they just do.How do you know what solitary brother does for others? Maybe one of the girls will suck you off though I dunno.

I do it at least 5-6 times a year. But your a real man crying on here about some African tranny banging you in the ass and the condom broke and your little scared bitch ass couldn't sleep. LOL keep paying those Nigerian Immigrants to stick there big dicks in your ass you flaming bloke.

12-23-2008, 05:59 AM
Yay we have another douchebag^^^^^^^^arnie666

Fuck off u skip licker or I'll phone nurse and tell her to take away your mouthwand.The proper way that sentence should have went.

Yes I know I happen to be a dumbass O god I wish no one else see's that I agree'd with Solitary omg I think I might have made the biggest mistake in the world. :D

Glad to see I am not alone lol Now Arnie go back to bending over for those Nigerian men for 10 British pounds you cheap douchebag.

12-23-2008, 06:40 AM
I really think the police should beat people like this. For real.
Things need to get back to where people fear the police and the ACLU has to stop defending people who are garbage.

Fortunately, America is not just for Assholes anymore.

You should get out and find a place with feared police and no ACLU. Yes you can.