View Full Version : The Shield..........................

11-26-2008, 06:57 AM
Ya know........
I wish they had killed Vic
that I could've stomached

11-26-2008, 06:59 AM
Ya know........
I wish they had killed Vic
that I could've stomached
Was Vic related to Mr. Mackey on South Park?
Now that's a real show.

11-26-2008, 07:18 AM
The only thing I'm sad about is that Ronnie got done in and Jackson was killed. I was pulling for Vic the whole way and I'm really glad that Shane died as well as Mara. I really enjoyed the ending.

Dino Velvet
11-26-2008, 08:44 AM
Vic Mackey did so many bad things, especially screwing Ronnie, but Vic's still the most rotten cop you'll ever pull for. Being a desk jockey for ICE sucks but I'm glad he's alive and didn't get put away to Antwon Mitchell land. Another character that I liked and respected was Claudette and I'm sad she's dying. She's tough as nails. I watched every season, every episode, and every minute and I'm sad it's gone. Any fan of gritty cop shows who missed the train on The Shield should look for a good deal and pick up all the seasons on DVD.

11-26-2008, 09:15 AM
The Shield quickly became one of my favorite cop shows ever and I too have followed it religiously over the years, I'm glad they brought it to an end on their own terms and not just get canceled one day. I'm still sad to see the show go, but I have the whole series so there's always the marathon events lol

Dino Velvet
11-26-2008, 10:00 AM
The Shield quickly became one of my favorite cop shows ever and I too have followed it religiously over the years, I'm glad they brought it to an end on their own terms and not just get canceled one day. I'm still sad to see the show go, but I have the whole series so there's always the marathon events lol

The dirty cops of the Strike Team were like family to me. Shane was the hillbilly black sheep of the family, Lem was the guy to get drunk with behind the garage, Ronnie hated the holidays and couldn't wait to leave, and Vic was the crazy uncle. As long as Tina was my date I'm happy.

11-28-2008, 07:39 PM
I have to disagree JWBL, I liked the ending. Vic landed on his feet but I think he 'died' on the inside. The way he grabs his gun at the end, kind of had me thinking that he might have went and off'd himself though.

11-28-2008, 08:15 PM
i'll miss this show but i herd rumors they may do a vic macky movie

that would be awsome i love that vic got over hated he screwed ronnie

i loved this show as did my sig other