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View Full Version : Personal response to "Does it make me gay?"

11-25-2008, 09:42 AM
I know this question has been asked a trillion times, and probably answerd even more. A lot of responses say either yes or no, but most seem to say who cares. Although I truly agree with all of the answers "who cares" is the closest. In my opinion "tranny chasers" (can somebody come up with a better term?) are the most closeted people when it comes to sexual orientation (that are allowed by the law). I think this is due to the fact that theres really nobody inspirational in the "tranny chaser" community except for mabye Buddy Wood(which I have no real problem with, just wsth there were different people). Does liking transsexual girls make someone gay? Well, I wouldn't call them straight, but I wouldn't call them bi, gay or any other sexual desire. Just as I wouldn't call a transsexual just "really gay" because one, its just not true, and being transsexual is so much more complex than that. So until people (including some on this board) accept me and other people like me, and not just say that we are "homo's unhappy with themselves" or "cock lovers, who just want to be straight" I will be closeted about it. Can you blame me?

11-25-2008, 10:20 AM
Does liking transsexual girls make someone gay? Well, [...] I wouldn't call them bi, gay or any other sexual desire.

I would.

There's really not that much ambiguity here. Even if they do exhibit a feminine appearance, MTF transsexuals are still biologically male. Consequently, men who are attracted to MTF transsexuals are, to some degree or another, homosexual. Case closed, end of story.

I really think it's laughable that some men will suck a cock or get bottomed and then insist on being straight. By definition, you're a homosexual. Deal with it. Don't tell me it's just the femininity you're attracted to, because if that were truly the case you'd just stick to biological girls. Obviously the cock is the attraction point here, even if you prefer it to be on a pretty body.

If you want to remain it the closet because of how people may react, that's perfectly understandable, but don't lie to yourself about it.

11-25-2008, 10:23 AM
Does liking transsexual girls make someone gay? Well, [...] I wouldn't call them bi, gay or any other sexual desire.

I would.

There's really not that much ambiguity here. Even if they do exhibit a feminine appearance, MTF transsexuals are still biologically male. Consequently, men who are attracted to MTF transsexuals are, to some degree or another, homosexual. Case closed, end of story.

I really think it's laughable that some men will suck a cock or get bottomed and then insist on being straight. By definition, you're a homosexual. Deal with it. Don't tell me it's just the femininity you're attracted to, because if that were truly the case you'd just stick to biological girls. Obviously the cock is the attraction point here, even if you prefer it to be on a pretty body.

If you want to remain it the closet because of how people may react, that's perfectly understandable, but don't lie to yourself about it.

Well said. He should not be so ashamed about admitting to his true identity.

11-25-2008, 10:29 AM
i just dont get why guys that are looking to keep something a secret or gasp.... in the closet.... would give a fuck about the label

until you meet a girl, fall in love, get serious



11-25-2008, 10:36 AM
until you meet a girl, fall in love, get serious
Love is an illusion.

11-25-2008, 10:42 AM
I'm in a relationship with another transsexual - so does that make me gay?

What about if we both have sex changes, will we be lesbian or will we still be gay? If in fact you decide that we are gay in the first place. But if I'm in a relationship with a TS girl who I see as a woman, and she sees me as a woman, but we both have penises, then does that not in turn create a double negative and make us straight?

TS Jamie :-)

11-25-2008, 10:46 AM
I'm in a relationship with another transsexual - so does that make me gay?

What about if we both have sex changes, will we be lesbian or will we still be gay? If in fact you decide that we are gay in the first place. But if I'm in a relationship with a TS girl who I see as a woman, and she sees me as a woman, but we both have penises, then does that not in turn create a double negative and make us straight?

TS Jamie :-)
Does this apply?... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autogynephilia

11-25-2008, 10:56 AM
trrlex -

part of the issue with this definition is that it completely invalidates the girls self identification as female. your saying that they are still biologically men at some level, and thus gay if they like men.

a woman who is xy but has androgen insensitivity syndrome would also be male, and any male who was with her, gay.

lots of shades of gray that your definition smooths over.

not saying it should matter, but it does to a lot of folks. forcing identities on folks is always tricky, especially in areas that are so poorly defined to start with.


11-25-2008, 11:29 AM
Does liking transsexual girls make someone gay? Well, [...] I wouldn't call them bi, gay or any other sexual desire.

I would.

There's really not that much ambiguity here. Even if they do exhibit a feminine appearance, MTF transsexuals are still biologically male. Consequently, men who are attracted to MTF transsexuals are, to some degree or another, homosexual. Case closed, end of story.

I really think it's laughable that some men will suck a cock or get bottomed and then insist on being straight. By definition, you're a homosexual. Deal with it. Don't tell me it's just the femininity you're attracted to, because if that were truly the case you'd just stick to biological girls. Obviously the cock is the attraction point here, even if you prefer it to be on a pretty body.

If you want to remain it the closet because of how people may react, that's perfectly understandable, but don't lie to yourself about it.

Well said. He should not be so ashamed about admitting to his true identity.

I don't really think it was well said. But first off, saying that this attraction is in one sense or another a section of homosexuality "case-closed" is an extremely closed minded way to look at it. Now I have told my parents that I am gay, and if I told everybody I know they probably wouldn't care (Live in Manhattan), and honestly I wouldn't care if men turned me on, and honestly I can have sex with men (I haven't but I probably could) I don't find it repulsive, same thing with women, except I have slept with women. Are there men that turn to transsexuals because they can't handle that they are gay? Absolutely, but I am only speaking for myself here. You don't have to believe me, but transsexuals turn me on more than men or women. Your argument sounds like somebody who says "you're not gay, you're just confused" in a sense that you look at sexual orientation as one thing, or in this case one or the other. Sexual orientation is an extremely complicated issue and making a claim like that with for one thing, no evidence to support it, and second, it being an absolute assumption that am lying to myself. If I was lying to myself I would try to force myself to only like men or women.

11-25-2008, 11:33 AM
I really think it's laughable that some men will suck a cock or get bottomed and then insist on being straight.

The key word there is some. There are a lot of guys that also would never bottom, to anyone. No matter who they are or what they look like. I am not saying "only bottoms would be gay" and "people who are only tops can be into anything and still be straight."

I am sure there are top gay guys out there who only have sex with guys (and only as tops)

11-25-2008, 11:42 AM
trrlex -

part of the issue with this definition is that it completely invalidates the girls self identification as female. your saying that they are still biologically men at some level, and thus gay if they like men.

I'd have to agree with that, and let's also remember that there have been MANY people even on this board who have noticed how confused & lost gay guys look when they do try to be with a tgirl.

There absolutely are gay guys out there who simply can't handle intimate sex with tgirls, they can't handle the foreplay, and there's no attraction there outside of the dick because, well, the dick is the only part that makes them feel comfortable enough to do sexual acts.

In order for a guy to find both guys and tgirls fully attractive, they'd have to be bi, and we can see that on their facial expressions during the act.

a woman who is xy but has androgen insensitivity syndrome would also be male, and any male who was with her, gay.

A girl with that condition is basically a GG with biologically male blood. If you don't find GG's attractive, you won't find an a natural XY girl attractive.

11-25-2008, 12:45 PM
until you meet a girl, fall in love, get serious
Love is an illusion.

ok then when you meet the illusion of a woman and fall in the illusion of love with her you can make the illusion more visible to those around you

damn :roll:

11-25-2008, 12:52 PM
trrlex -
part of the issue with this definition is that it completely invalidates the girls self identification as female. your saying that they are still biologically men at some level, and thus gay if they like men.

a woman who is xy but has androgen insensitivity syndrome would also be male, and any male who was with her, gay.

well the first example is about biology and the 2nd is about appearance

if u make the first example the way u did the 2nd then the 1rst IS a woman

if u make the 2nd example about biology then it stays a woman

u cant compare two different things like that

11-25-2008, 05:05 PM
lets just make new terms since you need to have a defination


there happy i have solved the most importsnt issue on earth

oh and the term for people who worry about if they are gay or not"FAG"

11-25-2008, 05:05 PM
yeah who cares about labels stop worrying and do what you like

11-25-2008, 06:28 PM
yeah who cares about labels stop worrying and do what you like

If only more people subscribed to that line of thought but people have to put a label on everything and everyone unfortunately. That being said, as I stated in another topic, I consider myself bisexual because even though I'm not attracted to masculine facial features or bodies, I don't have a preference as to what's in the pants of a person who looks like a woman, be they a genetic female or a transsexual.

11-26-2008, 04:44 AM
You likes whtever you likes, who cares what the rest of society tries to label you. If you feel the need to be categorised then grow the fuck up, the world aint as simple as black n white, we're all various shades of grey

11-26-2008, 04:54 AM
we're all various shades of grey

I think you put an extra "r" in that last word there...