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11-24-2008, 03:55 PM
i got this in my inbox from myspace from this girl that has been talked about on here named Jessica Rabbit....all i have to say is fucking trannies are something else , lmfao

Hey hey, I'm Jessica Rabbit and i need help paying off some of my bills that come to a total of 3,000...if your interested in letting me BORROW the money and placing it into my paypal account...I would GREATLY appreciate it...if not please do not respond

Jessica Rabbit♥

11-24-2008, 04:25 PM
i got this in my inbox from myspace from this girl that has been talked about on here named Jessica Rabbit....all i have to say is fucking trannies are something else , lmfao

Hey hey, I'm Jessica Rabbit and i need help paying off some of my bills that come to a total of 3,000...if your interested in letting me BORROW the money and placing it into my paypal account...I would GREATLY appreciate it...if not please do not respond

Jessica Rabbit♥No i ainīt saying shes a gold digger...

11-24-2008, 04:37 PM
I donīt know if this is more pathetic or sad.

11-24-2008, 04:51 PM
you would be surprised she will get 3000 many times over

11-24-2008, 05:40 PM
you would be surprised she will get 3000 many times over

I don't think so.

11-24-2008, 05:58 PM
guess you have to be careful who you add as myspace friends

11-24-2008, 07:28 PM
while i dont think shell get directly 3k by one guy... i do think some poor saps will quickly send her msgs like "while i cant afford 3k i can send u 300 towards the cause" she will make easy cash.

11-24-2008, 07:32 PM
how much did you send hollywood?

11-24-2008, 07:41 PM

11-24-2008, 07:43 PM
I donīt know if this is more pathetic or sad.

If you think that's sad, I got the same message from my portfolio fund manager.

11-24-2008, 10:48 PM
Sadly, this works for some people (But if I tried it to deal with my own recent woes I'd get bitch slapped so hard I'd be hearing the Bells of St,. Mary's for a week).

It didn't hurt to ask and, as stated above, someone is bound to send her something. I was at a party some years ago and this guy burst in and yelled "Who here is drunk enough to give me five bucks!" and some guy pulled a crumpled five out of his pocket and handed it over. :shock:

The bigger surprise (And I'd be interested to hear if it happens) would be if she is honest about the BORROW part and actually pays some or all of it back.

The one that twisted my panties was the shopaholic twat that got so far into debt that she put up a website asking people to help her pay off her credit cards. Not only did she have the polished brass ovaries to play this scam (Essentially: I am an addict and I want strangers to pay for my addiction with no product or reward offered), but she got thousands of dollars from the endless parade of suckers that are born every minute. There was a news report on it at some point, prolly on You Tube.

As many here know from my recent rants, I've had some rocky financial issues in the past few months that brought me to the question: Is going from pristine credit to homeless in less than ninety days a record and if it is can I get money for it?. I went on a begathon this past weekend to try and call in some decades-old favors and after exhausting myself on the pitch to dozens of friends and associates (Many of whom were sympathetic and willing to help but in similar straits themselves under the current market circumstances), I just gave up and went back to my hotel room.

On the elevator ride up, I bumped into a woman I've known for many years yet have not had much face-time with in the past decade. We traded stories, brought each other up to date on the usual chitty-chat, and she listened patiently to my woes. After a brief moment of thought, she reached into her purse, threw a couple of yards on the desk, and said "Will that help?". :shock:

I hadn't asked, hadn't even thought to ask, if she could help me with my situation, so the offer startled me. Turns out that she had just sold off an ailing company and had a bit of cash flow at hand and, having known me for decades and trusting my need and sincerity, just up and decided to chip in. No papers to sign (Though I gladly would have), no interest asked (Though I would not have balked at a reasonable request of such), just "Here, hope it helps. Send me a check whenever".

As one that has very little trust left in me for the human element, this genuine act of kindness and generosity really threw me.

Though the amount is modest (Compared to the overall maelstrom that has so assailed my finances in the past couple of years) it may be just enough to tip the scales in my favor when I deal with the electric utility next Monday. I have no idea where else I may have gotten these funds and don't even want to begin to imagine the consequences had they not been made available at this time.

In a few weeks, this lady will receive a check in the mail along with some form of bonus (A gift card for one of the restaurant chains perhaps) in thanks for her unexpected yet most generous assistance. In my heart and mind, I don't think I can ever thank her enough.

It is said, "Ask, and you shall receive", and 'Jessica Rabbit' has followed that rule in the hopes that it might pan out some way. While I believe in that rule myself, I have discovered this week that your own character may be your best selling point.

11-24-2008, 10:49 PM
*Shreik!* Double post!

11-25-2008, 12:14 AM
how much did you send hollywood?

u obviously don't know me very well....i treat a bitch like 7up i never have ...i never will hahaha

11-25-2008, 12:29 AM

sucks being the pimp you are huh?

11-25-2008, 12:55 AM
Could be worse! Look how much GM is asking the Fed for!! lol.

11-25-2008, 01:14 AM
Could be worse! Look how much GM is asking the Fed for!! lol. :lol: True.Good comparison.

11-25-2008, 01:50 AM
how much did you send hollywood?

u obviously don't know me very well....i treat a bitch like 7up i never have ...i never will hahaha


11-25-2008, 02:18 AM
ive received and seen requests like that. some people just dont want to work to earn their money. what bothers me is that some people make a habit of looking for the suckers out there. if they put the same amount of effort into a real job they would probably do ok :roll:

Felicia Katt
11-25-2008, 02:46 AM
HWBS why did you ask me if I had any cans or bottles you could recycle? LOL



11-25-2008, 03:19 AM
HWBS why did you ask me if I had any cans or bottles you could recycle? LOL



yes and we have a long trip ahead to Michigan...10 cent returns on cans hahahaha....going to be hard to fit them all in your mini :wink:

11-26-2008, 09:40 PM
how much did you send hollywood?

u obviously don't know me very well....i treat a bitch like 7up i never have ...i never will hahaha

I like that 1.

I'm gonna have to use that.

11-26-2008, 10:48 PM
If she's an escort she can put up her body as collateral. I wonder if this girl is the same Jessica Rabbit I met in 2004.

Yoda Rules!
11-28-2008, 01:21 AM
I think everyone is being especially harsh. She might truly be in dire financial position and as a community, I think everyone should help.

I will send her one cent today!