View Full Version : Day of Remembrance PLEASE READ

11-21-2008, 07:12 AM
My boyfriend just showed me a post from an industry website from his work. These bigots are bashing the Transgender Day of Rememberance. They are pharmaceutical sales reps and you would think they would show more compassion. Please respond to their post as I have. The website is cafepharma.com. Go to the Boards link and then Company Boards and then Novartis. The post is titled "Transgender Day of Rememberance (GLBT)". I never post a picture online but almost did to show that we are everyday people just like them. Let's educate them. It was so hurtful to read the comments of people that are supposed to be helping other people. I understand homophobes attacking us but not the healthcare industry. We need to educate from the top down. PLEASE RESPOND.

11-22-2008, 07:14 AM
My boyfriend just showed me a post from an industry website from his work. These bigots are bashing the Transgender Day of Rememberance. They are pharmaceutical sales reps and you would think they would show more compassion. Please respond to their post as I have. The website is cafepharma.com. Go to the Boards link and then Company Boards and then Novartis. The post is titled "Transgender Day of Rememberance (GLBT)". I never post a picture online but almost did to show that we are everyday people just like them. Let's educate them. It was so hurtful to read the comments of people that are supposed to be helping other people. I understand homophobes attacking us but not the healthcare industry. We need to educate from the top down. PLEASE RESPOND.
Please view and respond http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=324207

11-22-2008, 10:27 AM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have sent CafePharma an email requesting that they look into it. Letter reads as follows. I'll post their email back, if I get one, and if I don't well expect CafePharma on the front page of our website next week.

Dear M'aam Or Sir,

Your website was brought to our attention because of the consistent amount of anti-gay slurs happening in your forums. The particular one we are questioning in a forum is under Novartis.

We strongly believe in Freedom Of Speech, but we strongly disagree with a website that is aimed at trained professionals allowing their forum users to demean, and slur the gay community the way yours has been.

We are asking if you could possibly ask your moderators in your forums why they continue to let this brash behavior continue and remedy the problem. Spreading hatred no matter what context it is in is not acceptable and quite inhumane and I'm sure you will see this as clearly as we do.

Meghan Chavalier
Founder Stopping The Hate

11-22-2008, 05:38 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have sent CafePharma an email requesting that they look into it. Letter reads as follows. I'll post their email back, if I get one, and if I don't well expect CafePharma on the front page of our website next week.

Dear M'aam Or Sir,

Your website was brought to our attention because of the consistent amount of anti-gay slurs happening in your forums. The particular one we are questioning in a forum is under Novartis.

We strongly believe in Freedom Of Speech, but we strongly disagree with a website that is aimed at trained professionals allowing their forum users to demean, and slur the gay community the way yours has been.

We are asking if you could possibly ask your moderators in your forums why they continue to let this brash behavior continue and remedy the problem. Spreading hatred no matter what context it is in is not acceptable and quite inhumane and I'm sure you will see this as clearly as we do.

Meghan Chavalier
Founder Stopping The Hate
Outstanding response Meghan.

11-23-2008, 06:08 AM
My boyfriend just showed me a post from an industry website from his work. These bigots are bashing the Transgender Day of Rememberance. They are pharmaceutical sales reps and you would think they would show more compassion. Please respond to their post as I have. The website is cafepharma.com. Go to the Boards link and then Company Boards and then Novartis. The post is titled "Transgender Day of Rememberance (GLBT)". I never post a picture online but almost did to show that we are everyday people just like them. Let's educate them. It was so hurtful to read the comments of people that are supposed to be helping other people. I understand homophobes attacking us but not the healthcare industry. We need to educate from the top down. PLEASE RESPOND.
Please view and respond http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=324207

The post is up and another Hung Amgel has let her feelings be known. Let's be civil and educate these misguided individuals. We owe it to those we remember on the Day of Remembrance. thank you for your support.

11-24-2008, 06:14 PM
Hi Tarissa, I just wanted to let you know that they responded this morning and they were more than understanding about the situation. Their letter in response follows.


We appreciate your concerns. We do not allow personal attacks or slurs and we remove such posts when we become aware of them.

However, we do not review all posts/threads and posts go live on the site as soon as they are made. If you have specific posts/threads that you would like us to review, please send us the thread subject heading and the board where they appear.

We will review the posts and remove those that include posting violations.

Best regards,

Michael Bryan

11-25-2008, 06:54 AM
Hi Tarissa, I just wanted to let you know that they responded this morning and they were more than understanding about the situation. Their letter in response follows.


We appreciate your concerns. We do not allow personal attacks or slurs and we remove such posts when we become aware of them.

However, we do not review all posts/threads and posts go live on the site as soon as they are made. If you have specific posts/threads that you would like us to review, please send us the thread subject heading and the board where they appear.

We will review the posts and remove those that include posting violations.

Best regards,

Michael Bryan
Meghan you are amazing. Thanks again for contacting them. The specific post is listed above but maybe we can educate this small group of people with our responses. We need to be polite and show the class that we all have. Removing the post may not serve our purpose. What do you think? Thanks again for all you do and "Stop the Hate".

11-25-2008, 11:39 AM
What follows is a copy of my post to that board. I suggest the REST OF YOU GET OFF YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES :-) and post something there.

Let's overwhelm the SOB's with who we are. It's the only way we are ever going to command respect. Show them we will not tolerate hate any longer. HA is and could be far more that just a place to swap porn and insults.

TS Jamie :-)

My name is Jamie. I'm a trans-girl.

This thread was brought to my attention by the other trans woman posted above. I feel saddened that people in the health care industry, upon who we as transgendered people rely, would act toward us with such hostility.

The Day of Remembrancer is a wake for the transsexual who are MURDERED VIOLENTLY during the past year. It is not as the OP suggested a "holiday." It is a day of sadness over the intolerance shown by people who should know better.

My suspicion is the OP has personal issues causing him to question his own gender and sexuality. This is usually the case with hate comments such as in this thread.

We aren't going away. We are your neighbors, your customers, your co-workers, and in some cases... your lovers. We are the evolution of mankind.

11-26-2008, 05:20 AM
What follows is a copy of my post to that board. I suggest the REST OF YOU GET OFF YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES :-) and post something there.

Let's overwhelm the SOB's with who we are. It's the only way we are ever going to command respect. Show them we will not tolerate hate any longer. HA is and could be far more that just a place to swap porn and insults.

TS Jamie :-)

My name is Jamie. I'm a trans-girl.

This thread was brought to my attention by the other trans woman posted above. I feel saddened that people in the health care industry, upon who we as transgendered people rely, would act toward us with such hostility.

The Day of Remembrancer is a wake for the transsexual who are MURDERED VIOLENTLY during the past year. It is not as the OP suggested a "holiday." It is a day of sadness over the intolerance shown by people who should know better.

My suspicion is the OP has personal issues causing him to question his own gender and sexuality. This is usually the case with hate comments such as in this thread.

We aren't going away. We are your neighbors, your customers, your co-workers, and in some cases... your lovers. We are the evolution of mankind.

Thanks again Jamie. There is another new post on the link that also really educates. PLEASE post a comment on the link above and take the high road with your response. Let's put an end to the hate.

11-27-2008, 05:34 AM
My boyfriend just showed me a post from an industry website from his work. These bigots are bashing the Transgender Day of Rememberance. They are pharmaceutical sales reps and you would think they would show more compassion. Please respond to their post as I have. The website is cafepharma.com. Go to the Boards link and then Company Boards and then Novartis. The post is titled "Transgender Day of Rememberance (GLBT)". I never post a picture online but almost did to show that we are everyday people just like them. Let's educate them. It was so hurtful to read the comments of people that are supposed to be helping other people. I understand homophobes attacking us but not the healthcare industry. We need to educate from the top down. PLEASE RESPOND.
Please view and respond http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=324207

Thank you so much to all that have responded to this link above. Even their straight coworkers are joining in. Let's keep it positive and make a difference. Happy Thanksgiving.

11-27-2008, 05:50 AM
its just a forum guys enough w/the liberal fascism plz

11-27-2008, 06:17 AM
I did read most of the posts in that forum and wow, some people just don't get it do they.

One day people will realize that Transgendered people have always been here and will alway be here and maybe they will be a little more tolerant.
Religion is a very strange thing. It teaches us to love everyone as long as they meet the religious standard and hate everyone else that does not comply with the religious ways.

Like I said in my post on cafepharma. "We are all free to live as we wish as long as we don't impeed on the right for others to live as they wish". It's a pretty simple rule and one that we can all follow and have compassion for our fellow man or woman.

A kind if funny thing happened to my son at school just before the election (well maybe its not funny, but I thought its worth brining up in this thread). He had several buddies that he no longer hangs out with. The reason that they no longer like him is because he told everyone that he voted no on prop 8 in their mock school election. He came home and was really upset that his friends dumped him just because he thinks its wrong to treat someone who is gay differently than someone who is straight. I told him that if he is going to be a real man and make the stand that he made, there would be some people that would not want to be freinds with him and would not want anything to do with him. He understood and told me that his feelings on prop 8 did not change because of his friends. I gave him a big hug, told him I love him and that someday he will be a fine man.