View Full Version : Hurricane Katrina

08-31-2005, 01:29 AM
my heart goes out to everyone who had family affected by Katrina...............
shit is truly sad


08-31-2005, 01:47 AM
co-sign. I just made a donation to the Salvation Army to help the survivors. Really sad.

08-31-2005, 01:54 AM
Absolutely tragic.

Say a prayer for them.

Here are a few pictures from the Los Angeles Times that show the extent of the destruction.

3. A St. Bernard Parish deputy sheriff uses a boat to rescue residents
after Hurricane Katrina hit the New Orleans-area neighborhood.
Officials had called for a mandatory evacuation of the city, but many
residents remained.

6.A tattered American flag flies in front of the blown out Hyatt Hotel
in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina devastated the area.

10. A Red Cross truck sits flooded with other vehicles in front of a
hotel just off Interstate 10 in Pascagoula, Miss., as Hurricane
Katrina battered the area.

08-31-2005, 02:02 AM
So sad...........people who didn't get out in time had to go to their attics, when the 1st floor flooded completely,
then some had to cut holes through their roof from the inside to get up on there, when the water came into the attic level.........
and then just hope for rescue !!!

Man................that's would be incredibly scary.

Couple more LA Times shots...................

4. A resident of the 8th Ward of New Orleans waits to be rescued after
a tidal surge overwhelmed a levy, flooding homes to their rooflines.

7. A dog waits on the side roof of a house in New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina tore though the area with high wind and rain. The
dog was picked up by a crew in a rescue boat.

08-31-2005, 02:09 AM
some godawful shit, indeed...I caught the tail-end of a coupla weak hurricane's while livin in va beach...and that was scary enuf...so many people affected by this one...and sorry to be cynical...but how will our moron pres find a way to connect this to "war on terrer" (spelling intentional)

08-31-2005, 02:24 AM
Petrol is goooin' up!

08-31-2005, 06:51 AM
This is a FUCKIN DISASTER TO CATACLYSMIC PROPORTIONS! These people need the help of the rest of the country. YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF WHAT HAPPENED YET!!!! DO NOT LET THIS FADE INTO A PAGE TWO STORY!!!! Do what ever you can. If there ever was a time to rally around the flag...the time is now. These people are fucked... long term. We have to step up to the plate. You cannot imagine what happen with this storm. The water ain't going down till the power is on... the power's not going on till the water is down. DON'T FUCK WITH THIS...KEEP IT ON THE FRONT PAGE...SCREW IRAQ, SCREW THE WORLD...THESE PEOPLE NEED OUR HELP. The media will go to the latest hot story... we got to keep their focus here.

08-31-2005, 07:07 AM
Sadly it was just a matter of time before this happened. Governmental projections said it was not a matter of if, rather it was a matter of when this would happen.

Popular Mechanics had an article entitled "New Orleans is Sinking" back in Sept 2001. (http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/1282151.html)

As crazy as it might sound, it could just be easier to abandon New Orleans for good.

08-31-2005, 07:11 AM
One of the news anchors on CNN said that New Orleans was "Un-livable" earlier........................... Nuff Said

08-31-2005, 07:41 AM
Imagine if they didn't have the Superdome. :smh

Shining Star
08-31-2005, 08:47 AM
Sad thing about New Orleans/LA is that it is mainly the poor and "lower rungs" of society that are being hit hard by this disaster. Wealthier parts of New Orleans are away from the levies further uptown. Also many of those in New Orleans (besides the tourists), did not have the means to evacuate on their own. If one does not own a car/truck, no credit cards or much else you have to rely on whatever the city/state provides.

Many people think of all of LA as the "Big Easy", and nothing could be further from the truth. LA is one of the poorest states in the United States and New Orleans one of the poorest cities. While this in now way excues, it does explain some of the looting going on. Much of what was taken was food and diapers. People simply are stuck in a hot, humid situation with no power or the meger comforts.

Yes, it is going to be years before New Orleans/Gulf Coast is back to normal, whatever "normal" is, but New Orleans in general faces a huge challenge.

As anyone with a television knows by now the city sits below sea level, the buildings that are flooded are probably going to be contaminated by sewage,oil and chemicals, so therefore probably torn down. Businesses may or may not reopen and there probably will be a push to diversify some of the oil business concentrated there so not to be subject to huge problems like this. Take away oil, chemicals and tourists, and New Orleans/LA is pretty much "screwed" Ok, there is Tulane, that will only get them so far.


08-31-2005, 11:53 AM
Too right, Shining Star, the poorer residents were the hardest hit. Many of them must have sought refuge the best they could but with a feeling of impending doom, since there was nothing they could do about it.

Just goes to show, for all man's progress and power, nature still holds all the aces. The creative and destructive force of nature is beyond anything we mere mortals can imagine.

I was very saddened watching the news on TV.

08-31-2005, 05:05 PM
New Orleans was lucky for the longest time.

Now I have to wonder it would be the first major city in the US to become unliveable. It will break this country into two sadly, and not because of the people or the culture there, but the Oil. If that leeve breakes near that lake (I forget the name) that place is sunk for a long time. And even if they did get the water out- the majority of the cities infostructure is basicly 3rd world capable. Then we have the diseases that could lead into a quarrentine of not only the state of LA, but it could extend up to part of Texas and parts of Florida.

Its a sad time, and this on top of a war and the oil crunch which both will get worse...

08-31-2005, 06:00 PM
Shining Star brings up a good point about the poor in New Orleans and the surrounding area. New Orleans is consistently rated as one of the poorest big cities in America. You know the poor are definitely going to suffer disproportionately, particularly since most of them couldn’t afford to leave the area. Disease will definitely be an issue in the coming weeks.


08-31-2005, 11:35 PM
I am sad for the victims of this natural disaster.
The looting and lawlessness going on right now is uncalled for.
I am sure the response of americans will be an outpouring of sympathy.
I must bring to the fore some disturbing thoughts I am having.
I lived in miami from 74-81 and we never had a hurricane that caused us to evacuate.
It seems the storms are getting worse and worse.
Some people say global warming WHICH......the bush administration is ignoring because producing cleaner energy would cost more money and cut into the profit margins of the gas companies are refineries.
Now would I be so evil to say......oh....this is the doing of the bush administration for IGNORING scientific facts?
Not yet because there is not conclusive evidence.
But the religous fantics such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson wouldnt hesistate for a second.
Remember what they said after 9/11?
Did president bush seek and apology from these men who are his friends?
And another thing.
I live in the bay area......and my area is CONSTANTLY demonized by the christians and the right wing wackos about everything.
When we had our power crisis out here Vice president Cheney blamed US!
God forbid if another great quake hits San Francisco will the southern states give generously to us?
Will the right wingers laugh and mock us and say god is "punishing us"?
The evil fanatical fascist policies of the Bush regime in my opinion is the cause of these storms via there ignoring the global warming phenomenon.

08-31-2005, 11:41 PM
Don't they have alligators down there?

Shining Star
08-31-2005, 11:48 PM
Storms aren't getting worse per se, bad hurricanes do run in cycles though; the problem is more and more Americans live long the coast. Look at what is happening to Florida, especially SoBe,Dade County and now even the Pan Handle. As more people choose to live along the coast, the greater potential risk for damage and loss of life coming from violent storms.

New Orleans would'nt be my first choice to establish a city, but it sits at the mouth of the Mississippi river and thus makes a great port. While this location has bought "some" wealth to the area, the city has always been a "risky" place to live. Basically most of the New Orleans area is swamp/bog land, with all that comes with it; gators, mo's, yellow fever, disease, rats (ok, nutria) and a host of other problems. This is why again you see the wealthier parts of town are well away from the low lying areas/built on high ground. Over the years thems that gots have learned to stay away from the low lying areas for the very above mentioned reasons.

To me it does show some type of bad planning as no one seemed to consider all these poor folks with no way to leave town couldn't evacuate and would be "stuck" there. Imagine what would have happened if Katrina really was the "storm of the century"and hit New Orleans head on?

09-01-2005, 01:32 AM
Shining Star wrote "Storms aren't getting worse per se, bad hurricanes do run in cycles though." While this is true, one of the reasons Katrina blew up so quickly to Category 5 is that the water temperature in the Gulf of Mexico is at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm water is the energy source for Hurricanes and the Gulf of Mexico is apparently much warmer than it has been. This can certainly be attributed to changes in the global climate

09-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Much of the damage to New Orleans might have been alleviated but for the War in Iraq. Right now you are probably thinking I am just a shrieking lunatic who blames everything on the War. Perhaps, but the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, a project run by the Army Corps of Engineers, had to divert money from the project starting in 2003 because of the twin pressures of the expense of the War and the expenses of the Bush Tax Cut. If that work had been allowed to continue for the past two years at full speed, the situation in NO would be very different today. They would still have suffered damage no doubt, but the levees on Lake Pontchartrain would have been in much stronger condition.

How's that for Homeland Security?

09-01-2005, 01:55 AM
Where is the National Guard?
They are over in Iraq dying needlessly instead of being home so that they could attend to matters such as this.
Allegedy there were NO amphbius vehicles because there were ALL SENT TO IRAQ!
The situation in Louisiana and others areas are a HORRIFIC disaster.
But what is an even WORSE disaster is the beedy-eyed blue blooded bastard that currently occupies the white house!

09-01-2005, 02:11 AM
Where is the National Guard?
They are over in Iraq dying needlessly instead of being home so that they could attend to matters such as this.
Allegedy there were NO amphbius vehicles because there were ALL SENT TO IRAQ!
The situation in Louisiana and others areas are a HORRIFIC disaster.
But what is an even WORSE disaster is the beedy-eyed blue blooded bastard that currently occupies the white house!

Geekmeat: I'm sure the Limbaughs, O'Reillys, and Hannitys of the Conservative talk show world can "explain" the question as to where the National Guard is at the moment.

Nowhereboy: You beat me to the punch. We certainly can't blame dumbfuck-in-charge for the hurricane, but we can certainly blame him for diverting or misappropriating dollars (illegal war, Halliburton, etc) that could have been used for the infrastructure of this country ... Imagine if all those hundreds of billions squandered in Iraq were put to use shoring up this country's deficiencies. Imagine.

09-01-2005, 02:56 AM
As long as gas is $3 a gallon I am for blaming anything on the little monkey aka "Curious George" Bush.


1000's of people are assumed dead, towns, villages, and national landmarks are gone, and support for our own is nowhere near what it was for the Tsunami victims right after Xmas.

09-01-2005, 03:45 AM
Imagine if they didn't have the Superdome. :smh
Well, we now know the Superdome wasn't the safe haven they thought it would be. I didn't know about diverting funds from the flood control project, though. That's scary.

Shining Star
09-01-2005, 03:53 AM
Yes, the Gulf waters were warm, but they have always moved well within that range for this time of year. Furthermore historically the Gulf of Mexico has been known as a great "feeder" of hurricanes exactly because of its warm waters. There have been several very nasty storms that have come of the Gulf such as Camille and the great one that hit Texas in the early 1900's.

Katrina actually weakened to a level 4 before it made landfall, however it's strong winds and storm surge caused more damage to the east because the storm moved slightly off it's predicted course. This is why the damage is so bad along Mississippi.

New Orleans is a host of bad problems that came out with Katrina. For years little or no work as been done in building up/new the levy system, and certianly nothing was done about the vast poverty which exists in that area. Granted nothing could have been done to make everyone "rich", but everyone knew sooner or later a hurricane of Katrina's size and strength was going to hit in or around the city.

The gov of Louisiana was on television and is getting pretty testy about people "complaining" about not being rescued/the rescue effort. According to her the state/feds and others are doing their best and had people headed the evacuation order they might not find themselves in this situation. Now some of that may be aimed at tourists who stayed behind against the mandatory evacuation order, but clearly she was also speaking to the poorer elements that chose to stay behind.

Now it could be argued those people lacked priviate transport, but there were buses (saw woman and her elderly mother a few days before the storm hit waiting for a bus to take them to a shelter), and they could have gone to the Superdome or other place set up at a shelter of last resort.

Calling in more National Guard/police/LE even if LA and Texas had a full force of the former, may or may not have helped. Some pepole simply would not obey the mandatory evacuation order. Those hell bent on looting causing mayhem probably wouldn't let a few Guards stop them. Again you really have to have been in South Louisiana or New Orleans outside of the French Quarter to understand just how poor (and dangerous) that area truly is. As one observer put it, "these people have been oppressed all their lives, and now they are getting getting some of their own back". New Orleans is not all Emeril Lugasse and "Lassiez Bon Temps Roll On". Stray too far off Bourbon Street and you can get mugged, shot, sliced, gutted like a cat fish and chucked into a bog, never to be heard from again.


09-01-2005, 06:09 AM
No time to critisize, moralize or hypothotize. It's time to help, however you can. We can do the rest of that stuff later. What ever you can do...do. Critisim only puts people in a defense mode and diverts what ever talents they have from helping to defending their mamby pamby jobs. Let's get relief to to those poor bastards that are in hell and do the commentary afterward. First things first.

09-01-2005, 07:19 AM
I just heard that the army core of engineers in louisiana asked for money to finish repairing the levees in new orleans.
The bush administration gave less than 20% of what they asked for.
Why didnt the bush regime give this money?
The reasons supplied were:the war in iraq and TAX CUTS.

09-01-2005, 09:10 AM
It finally happened.
Remember how I told you the right wing christian nuts ALWAYS blame gays for natural disasters saying it is gods wrath?
Well its happened.
A group called REPENT AMERICA(from loiusana) has stated in a press release the new orleans was destroyed because of some annual gay gathering in the french quarter AND girls gone wild.
I fully agree with god being mad at the girls gone wild people....they have telemarketers calling me all the time about that shit.
But yeah.......there you go.......just like have have muslim fanatics lopping off peoples heads you have the wacky religous sickos making vile statements at the most inappropriate time immagineable.


09-01-2005, 09:37 AM
I just heard that the army core of engineers in louisiana asked for money to finish repairing the levees in new orleans.
The bush administration gave less than 20% of what they asked for.
Why didnt the bush regime give this money?
The reasons supplied were:the war in iraq and TAX CUTS.

Pull up a FEMA report, The levees haven't been properly funded for decades. As much as I enjoy a well deserved Bush bashing, this particular point isn't one. If anything the lack of National Guard helicopters (due to their being sent to Iraq) was much more tragic than the lack of leeve funding.

09-01-2005, 07:33 PM
Hey geekmeat


09-01-2005, 11:14 PM
On a sidenote I want to add this about Katrina

The Oil Suppliers in just about every major city in the U.S. are using her wrath as a reason to make a profit........

30% of the oil refinaries in the lower southeast were damaged and because of that prices have skyrocketed
this isn't just gas anymore, it's going to be felt hard in the ultra-cold winter coming as people wonder why their heating bills have gone through the roof. If you have a home start seriously considering investing in solar panels........

09-02-2005, 02:17 AM
I just heard that the army core of engineers in louisiana asked for money to finish repairing the levees in new orleans.
The bush administration gave less than 20% of what they asked for.
Why didnt the bush regime give this money?
The reasons supplied were:the war in iraq and TAX CUTS.

there's no guarantee that if they did finish repairing the levees that they wouldve held up. one of the 3 canal levees that broke were just repaired 2 years ago.

We'll get over this, nothing can hold us down

09-02-2005, 03:07 AM
I have lended my home out to some of my girlfriends from New Orleans. All five of them lost everything... This is some sad mess......... i cant wait to see if anyone gets any real relief.......

09-02-2005, 03:53 AM
just so you know Venezuela offered aide & fuel to the U.S.

09-02-2005, 03:56 AM
JWBL, that's impressive. How did our marvelous government respond?

09-02-2005, 04:19 AM
no idea

09-02-2005, 04:27 AM
CITGO, which is owned by Venezuela's government, was also among the first corporations to contribute hard cash. I'm not surprised about Hugo Chavez being there to offer aid for the relief effort. Chavez considers himself a champion of the poor (rightly so, too), and New Orleans is one of the poorest cities in America. His professed issue is with globalization (a metaphor for capitalism), which he views as being perpetuated by this nation's elite.

Take the time to do some research on the man. He's quite interesting. Even if you don't agree with everything he says – which I don't – you have to admire the set of balls on him.


09-02-2005, 04:44 AM
There are 124,000 National Guard troops available for deployment, 28,000 at this point have been sent. That's 1/5th of the force pool, pretty pathetic.

If you've read Animal Farm, I'm sure you realize by now that the pigs are controlling the farm house. The National Guard should be there full force for this sort of disaster, and the full force of the military should be deployed to deal with this NOW.

It's going to get worse, all because of a few rich white guys who don't really give a shit about some poor southern black people. They can rebuild the city later, but right now they have to deal with those middle east guys who "hate our freedom".

Sorry, things just seem to be getting worse and it's beginning to really piss me off.

09-02-2005, 04:47 AM
honda, with the inclusion of women being raped, I completely agree with you

09-02-2005, 05:03 AM
Its truly a sad state of affairs. More so when you consider who few people realize just where to place the blame.

09-02-2005, 05:03 AM
I just heard that the army core of engineers in louisiana asked for money to finish repairing the levees in new orleans.
The bush administration gave less than 20% of what they asked for.
Why didnt the bush regime give this money?
The reasons supplied were:the war in iraq and TAX CUTS.

Pull up a FEMA report, The levees haven't been properly funded for decades. As much as I enjoy a well deserved Bush bashing, this particular point isn't one. If anything the lack of National Guard helicopters (due to their being sent to Iraq) was much more tragic than the lack of leeve funding.
Hmm, yes and no. It's easy to overstate the current administration's responsibility for and lack of response to what has happened, but there are grounds for a serious critique of their policies which have helped to fuel this tragedy:


09-02-2005, 05:06 AM
Yeah, JWB, this is just a crazy situation. The worlds "Super Power" and this city is crumbling into anarchy in just a matter of days.

We learned how to launch a nuclear apocalypse, but we never figured out how to build a better levie.

I don't want to sound like a hippy-dippy goofball, but our current method of dealing with this is absurd.

09-02-2005, 06:33 AM
This situation indicates the how incompetent our current leadership in the USA is..Bush cared so much that he was still on vacation while good people died..We tell people to evacuate but don`t provide any way for poor people without cars to leave??? We tell poor people to go to the Super Dome but have no water or food ? The federal government does not get involved for 2 days?? People are dying by the minute all because our leadership in DC doesn`t give a shit!! They just care about money and the they only show poor people looting on TV ??? Lets send the cops to protect Corporate America to make arrests and just let the children in the Super Dowl die ?? What a joke... I live in NYC and we had people from all over the country in our city and helping us on the afternoon of 9/11/01..It seems to me that when the victims faces are black this administration reacts much much differently...Our country has become a joke!!

09-02-2005, 08:03 AM
The "KING OF THE VACATION" is a total disaster.
I just heard a woman spotted our sectretary of state condaleeza rice in NYC tonight spending thousands on designer shoes.
The woman was furious and screamed "How can you spend money on shoes when people are dying".
Condaleezas' response?
She ordered security to throw the woman out of the store.
Ive just realized another disturbing fact about the misleader in chief,the beady-eyed bastard,the hillbilly hitler.
Remember when the tragedy happened with the Tsunami?
He was criticised for his lax response and general unenthusiastic response to this WORLD tragedy.
What did he do?
He called for his father,Bush senior and Bill Clinton to "supervise" the Tsunami relief.
He is now calling for the same duo in this instance and I know why.
George Bush Jr. is the antichrist.....(even the now deceased pope though so but I digress)
He ONLY KNOWS HOW TO KILL AND DESTROY and not help people which is why he needs help with any kind of humanitarian gesture because its just not how he operates.

09-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Shoot to kill policy just given to the troops
not Iraq............................New Orleans
shit has gotten out of hand

09-02-2005, 01:38 PM
I am overseas right now and everytime I see the fottage on tv I can't help but cry.

I am devestated about what is going on in the US and how embarrasinly slow and inept the federal goverment has been thus far. What I am more ANGRY about is the presidents ridiculous speeches and interviews- where he smiles often and uses phrases like "THIS WILL MAKE US STRONGER"


I think that is his typical response for everything and he treats everything like a terrorist attack and the supposed war on terror. I am sickened and embarased. And this goes to show how domestic policy in the US is falling apart- how we intend to ave other nations but yet the victims of this storm- are showing the world our dirty little secret- the immense amount of poor people and lack of social services in the US.

I lived through hurricane Andrew in miami and our home was right in the middle of the storm. There was complete devastation around us and we were about 4 days without much help. I remember feelign like the world had come to an end at that moment- and that is without all the flooding and horrodendous conditions these victims are suffering right now. I am sure what I went through was only a fraction of what is happening now.

I am organizing that next week's TRANNYLICIOUS PARTY will be a benefir for the RED CROSS- SO PLEASE, PLEASE COME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. I will donate partial door proceeds, less the evenings expenses, and will let you know how it turns out!

09-02-2005, 01:51 PM
Amidst all the tragedy there, Louisiana may have also lost one of it's most recently successful ways of raising the state's income.

Hurricane Katrina already has forced some Hollywood productions to film elsewhere, and its devastation has decimated the progress
Louisiana was making in luring filmmakers to the state with generous tax incentives.

Since the tax incentives have been available, numerous films have been shot in the state,
including "Ray," "The Skeleton Key" and "The Dukes of Hazzard."

In 2004, the state racked up an estimated $377 million in film production.

Earlier this month, Sunset-Gower Studios announced plans to build a $20 million studio on the banks of the Mississippi River
in New Orleans to accommodate film and TV production. Plans included an outdoor movie set designed to look like the French Quarter.

It's unclear if those plans will be placed on hold or even scrapped in Katrina's wake.
The studio did not immediately return a call for comment and Louisiana film commission representatives could not be reached.

However, one bright spot -

Already, several entertainment companies have announced plans to donate money and supplies to the relief effort.
The Walt Disney Co. said it will donate $2.5 million. And TV networks plan a series of fundraising telethons.

If you have not read the sticky at the top - check it out.
Great way to help out and get a little something for yourself as well.
Very generous move by these guys. We should all take them up on it.

09-02-2005, 02:26 PM
I am overseas right now and everytime I see the fottage on tv I can't help but cry.

I am devestated about what is going on in the US and how embarrasinly slow and inept the federal goverment has been thus far. What I am more ANGRY about is the presidents ridiculous speeches and interviews- where he smiles often and uses phrases like "THIS WILL MAKE US STRONGER"


I think that is his typical response for everything and he treats everything like a terrorist attack and the supposed war on terror. I am sickened and embarased. And this goes to show how domestic policy in the US is falling apart- how we intend to ave other nations but yet the victims of this storm- are showing the world our dirty little secret- the immense amount of poor people and lack of social services in the US.

I lived through hurricane Andrew in miami and our home was right in the middle of the storm. There was complete devastation around us and we were about 4 days without much help. I remember feelign like the world had come to an end at that moment- and that is without all the flooding and horrodendous conditions these victims are suffering right now. I am sure what I went through was only a fraction of what is happening now.

I am organizing that next week's TRANNYLICIOUS PARTY will be a benefir for the RED CROSS- SO PLEASE, PLEASE COME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. I will donate partial door proceeds, less the evenings expenses, and will let you know how it turns out!

There's some hope for the world if American citizens begin to understand that some disaster can happen even to them and not only in some oversea country with a strange name...

Do you remember the brilliant response of George W. Jr to the Kyoto convention? He said everything was under control for him and that there was no need to take a better enviromental policy...
i can understand him: the tsunamis, the desertification etc... everything happens (in his visions) to some poor zulus down under...

Oh... great thing also the "free weapon for everyone" US law: now humanitarian aid cant be delivered to people because everyone with a gun seems to want to be the first in line... and the problem is that almost everyone has a gun in the us and no fear to use it...

Do you realize? MARTIAL LAW in the US?!?!? in 2005 ???!? in the world leading country?!?

Am i the only one to see something really wrong in this?

09-02-2005, 02:27 PM
by the way...

What is happening in Saint Louis reminds me of "Escape from New York" movie...

09-02-2005, 02:34 PM

09-02-2005, 06:50 PM
by the way...

What is happening in Saint Louis reminds me of "Escape from New York" movie...

Wrong city and state...the affected areas are hundreds of miles south on the Gulf Coast.

Yep... my mind is going out of order....

I was meaning New Orleans...

09-02-2005, 07:15 PM
Please look at the "NEW DVD and HURRICANE APPEAL TOPIC" in the sticky/announcements area.

09-02-2005, 07:20 PM
A sad time for humanity. :cry:

09-02-2005, 08:08 PM
FINALLY, the people at the convention center are getting food and medical aid! and it only took, what, 3 days? its depressing to see my parents houses, places i hung out, where i went to school all underwater. only thing that really helps me is looking toward the future when NO will be up and runnin again.

09-02-2005, 08:10 PM
Props to seanchai and Allanah for their responses and efforts in this crisis. Allanah, I'd love to make it to the party, and will if I can, but I just wanted to let you know that my wife and I have donated $100 so far to the Red Cross and Salvation Army. And HA mods, good on you for your response as well. Mainstream Amerca may think we're a sinful bunch, but our community is responding in a very positive way.

09-02-2005, 10:24 PM
I discussed this with some reasonably ranking people in Los Angeles. I have been assured that with the notice New Orleans received, this matter would have been handled in an entirely different manner than it was in Louisiana. First, the National Guard(BTW, National Guard is under control of the governer of the state, not Preisdent Bush) would have been mobilized 2-3 days before the storm hit land. Second, there would have been an appeal for help to the President before the storm hit land. Third, the evacuation would have been as complete as possible. I was told that all public transportation services including school buses would have been utilized to transport the poor and homeless. Finally, I was also told that all Police services in Los Angeles would have been placed on tactical alert before the storm hit land. With the police and national guard in place ahead of time, the looting and terror that are taken place in New Orleans would not have happened. To further support this I will note that Baton Rouge started placing police armed with riffles on each of its downtown street corners a couple of days ago. Baton Rouge has absorbed tens of thousands of refugees. Thus far, their tactics have been sucessful in keeping order even with a 25%-50% increase in the city's population in a few days.

Since every one of the above solutions rely's on officials at a local level, I have no choice but to conclude that the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana are the ones to blame for both lack of prepardness and inability to respond in the aftermath. I will also point to New York as a city that was very capable in response to the 9/11 disaster and that most of the response was on a city and state level.

Bush deserves blame for a lot of things. This is not one of them. No one is attacking the Louisiana state officials because they do not want to assess blame and play politics at this time. Shame on the people looking blame Bush for everything in this time of tragedy.

BTW, the US Army Corp of Engineers asking for $105 million thing:

1.) $105 million would not have done anything. Even if the money had been approved for last year or this year, everyone that works in the government knows that no work would have been done yet.

2.) Bush didn't cut anything. He maintained funding at current levels. Again, everyone that works in government knows that you ALWAYS ask for more than you need. If you do this, your funding might increase, it mights stay the same. If you only ask for the same, the funding of your project or division will be GUARANTEED to be cut. Spending advocates in governement often lie and say that funding has been cut when in fact, the funding increases have not been approved.

On a positive note, I emailed a favorite ts escort, Toni Tease, who has lived in New Orleans, and she informed me that she is doing just fine staying with family in another state.

09-02-2005, 10:52 PM
Bush is the leader of the country (in theory) and commander of the army. He should have mobilized massive numbers of military units monday morning, at the latest. There should still be a far larger military presence down there maintaing order while the national guard helps survivors.

I hope they start opening up army bases to evacuate people too. With so many troops deployed, that seems like the logical thing to do.

From what I hear, Bush didn't even land in New Orleans today, it was "too dangerous". Of course he said (supposedly) that he "wanted" to land, but the secret service wouldn't "let him". Now that's a couragous leader, fine example.

09-02-2005, 10:58 PM
Great posts, guys. Speck brings up a good point about pre-positioning activated National Guard Units -- with the appropriate supplies -- prior to a Category 5 Hurricane making landfall. I know hindsight is 20/20, but this was a no-brainer.

Also, every senior official working for FEMA should be fired and replaced.


09-02-2005, 11:00 PM
what do u expect from that shaved monkey wearin a suit? he just staged one of his glorious " heroic" pressconferences complete with rescue vehicles brought along for good tv coverage. no fat cat is in danger, its just poor trash he doesnt care about. even better, its that place with that fench name. a good opportunity to get rid of it! if theres only one good thing bout this crisis its the fact it makes so much obvious: what a third world country america has become - remember two years ago when the lights went out on the east coast?

. bush, mister disaster. twin towers, space shuttle, now new orpeans. and still three and a half year to go. i wonder what happens next....

09-02-2005, 11:09 PM

09-02-2005, 11:16 PM
I discussed this with some reasonably ranking people in Los Angeles. I have been assured that with the notice New Orleans received, this matter would have been handled in an entirely different manner than it was in Louisiana. First, the National Guard(BTW, National Guard is under control of the governer of the state, not Preisdent Bush) would have been mobilized 2-3 days before the storm hit land. Second, there would have been an appeal for help to the President before the storm hit land. Third, the evacuation would have been as complete as possible. I was told that all public transportation services including school buses would have been utilized to transport the poor and homeless. Finally, I was also told that all Police services in Los Angeles would have been placed on tactical alert before the storm hit land. With the police and national guard in place ahead of time, the looting and terror that are taken place in New Orleans would not have happened. To further support this I will note that Baton Rouge started placing police armed with riffles on each of its downtown street corners a couple of days ago. Baton Rouge has absorbed tens of thousands of refugees. Thus far, their tactics have been sucessful in keeping order even with a 25%-50% increase in the city's population in a few days.

Since every one of the above solutions rely's on officials at a local level, I have no choice but to conclude that the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana are the ones to blame for both lack of prepardness and inability to respond in the aftermath. I will also point to New York as a city that was very capable in response to the 9/11 disaster and that most of the response was on a city and state level.

Bush deserves blame for a lot of things. This is not one of them. No one is attacking the Louisiana state officials because they do not want to assess blame and play politics at this time. Shame on the people looking blame Bush for everything in this time of tragedy.

BTW, the US Army Corp of Engineers asking for $105 million thing:

1.) $105 million would not have done anything. Even if the money had been approved for last year or this year, everyone that works in the government knows that no work would have been done yet.

2.) Bush didn't cut anything. He maintained funding at current levels. Again, everyone that works in government knows that you ALWAYS ask for more than you need. If you do this, your funding might increase, it mights stay the same. If you only ask for the same, the funding of your project or division will be GUARANTEED to be cut. Spending advocates in governement often lie and say that funding has been cut when in fact, the funding increases have not been approved.

On a positive note, I emailed a favorite ts escort, Toni Tease, who has lived in New Orleans, and she informed me that she is doing just fine staying with family in another state.

Bush has cut the funding to the army core of engineers for the ENTIRE time he has been resident-in-thief!
Get your facts straight.
That blue-blooded bastard had the nerve to go on TV and congradulate the FEMA director on the "great job" he did.
Can ANYONE in his administration(regime) be fired for ANYTHING?
This man has zero leadership skills and zero intelligence.
I know that some of you who come to these boards are republicans.........and thats ...well......okay with some people......NOT ME but PLEASE.........
Even some of the most partisan bush supporters are blasting him today on his weak(as usual) silly ineffective speech.
As someone who grew up in Miami I consider myself an expert on hurricanes.
Once a hurricane hits the local government is in NO position to do ANYTHING.......that why GENERALLY the federal government steps in.
Those people who are floating dead in the streets of New Orleans are the poorest of the poor.
The live below the poverty line......(I understand if you are white and dont understand poverty this might not register).
They cant leave......they have NO money......No car......no nothing.
They were sitting ducks.
It would have been IMPOSSIBLE for the city of New Orleans alone to evacuate these people on a few days notice(those who couldnt leave on their own).
Thats why the Federal governments help was and is needed.
As a country who LOST 8 billion dollars in Iraq(its a fact go check) I find the response of the Bush regime sinful.
We have spent over 300 Billion dollars in Iraq alone.



09-02-2005, 11:25 PM
yeah...if it wasnt that sad it would be funny indeed, bush sycophants that is.

if he nuked the whole planet by accident they would still stand in line congratulating him for "saving the planet from further harm ...."

09-02-2005, 11:45 PM
The live below the poverty line......(I understand if you are white and dont understand poverty this might not register).

Please tell me you aren't this stupid....


09-02-2005, 11:46 PM

09-02-2005, 11:58 PM
Bush has cut the funding to the army core of engineers for the ENTIRE time he has been resident-in-thief!
Get your facts straight.


Please post the numbers to prove me wrong. What exactly was cut? What was the budget 3 years ago(lemme give you a clue...it was less than it currently is). Please see my statements regarding the manipulation of budget numbers. If you post actual numbers showing that the budget in this regard was significantly cut, I will readily admit it. However, if you cannot prove me incorrect, I expect to to loudly criticize Air America for misleading you.

Once a hurricane hits the local government is in NO position to do ANYTHING.......that why GENERALLY the federal government steps in.


Again this is not correct. Why didn't you address #1.) That the pre storm prepardness is the responsibility of the local government #2.) The local government utterly failed in its responsibility in this regard #3.) That the National Guard is under the jurisdiction of each State's governors. In fact, if Louisiana did not have enough National Guardsmen, the governor could have asked nearby states for help. In the San Francisco earthquake in 1990, it was local help that did most of the rescue work. Same thing for Northridge earthquake in 1994, and same this for hurricanes and 9/11. The federal government sends money, and sometimes the military if local help is not enough, but usually not until days or weeks after the disaster has struck. You are completely wrong about this. AFAIK, in Louisiana only national guard and some elements of FEMA are responding and new is reporting that due to this, help is now on the way. I see nothing about Army or national military intervening.

Those people who are floating dead in the streets of New Orleans are the poorest of the poor.
The live below the poverty line......(I understand if you are white and dont understand poverty this might not register).
They cant leave......they have NO money......No car......no nothing.
They were sitting ducks.
It would have been IMPOSSIBLE for the city of New Orleans alone to evacuate these people on a few days notice(those who couldnt leave on their own).


First off, I can't recall posting anything about anybody's economic status or race. Secondly, I stated that the County and City of Los Angeles already have emergency plans in place to deal with the poor and homeless. So I have no idea where these comment came from except due to your own desperate political bias wanting to "out" me on any prejudice you believe I might hold due to your preconceived notions on my beliefs.

So Louisiana could have forced evacuation of the city of New Orleans, but failed to do so. Of course NO alone could not have. It doesn't have the resources. But the state does. And a competant Mayor and Governor could have made this happen

Thats why the Federal governments help was and is needed.
As a country who LOST 8 billion dollars in Iraq(its a fact go check) I find the response of the Bush regime sinful.
We have spent over 300 Billion dollars in Iraq alone.


What is the nexus here?

I can't recall saying a single thing in support of President Bush.



I'm sorry. You are right, I am wrong. I like being dominated and will succumb to you because I like being dominated and told to get a f-ing clue.

09-03-2005, 12:25 AM
Over the next 10 years, the Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with carrying out SELA, spent $430 million on shoring up levees and building pumping stations, with $50 million in local aid. But at least $250 million in crucial projects remained, even as hurricane activity in the Atlantic Basin increased dramatically and the levees surrounding New Orleans continued to subside.

* Editor of Biloxi Paper Surfaces With a Column

* 'Times-Picayune' Finds New Home, Reports Looting

* For 'St. Pete Times,' Katrina Coverage is a Test of Preparedness

* Baton Rouge Paper Rides Out the Storm

* Biloxi Paper Perseveres

* Hurricane Blog, Day 3

* Hurricane Blog, Day 2

* Hurricane Blog, Day 1

Yet after 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security -- coming at the same time as federal tax cuts -- was the reason for the strain. At least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005 specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of hurricane- and flood-control dollars.

In early 2004, as the cost of the conflict in Iraq soared, President Bush proposed spending less than 20 percent of what the Corps said was needed for Lake Pontchartrain, according to a Feb. 16, 2004, article, in New Orleans CityBusiness.

On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana; told the Times-Picayune: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."

There was, at the same time, a growing recognition that more research was needed to see what New Orleans must do to protect itself from a Category 4 or 5 hurricane. But once again, the money was not there. As the Times-Picayune reported last Sept. 22:

"That second study would take about four years to complete and would cost about $4 million, said Army Corps of Engineers project manager Al Naomi. About $300,000 in federal money was proposed for the 2005 fiscal-year budget, and the state had agreed to match that amount. But the cost of the Iraq war forced the Bush administration to order the New Orleans district office not to begin any new studies, and the 2005 budget no longer includes the needed money, he said."

"Republicans should be shot on sight."

09-03-2005, 01:29 AM
The number you cite, $340 million over ten years is $34 million per year.

The current funding level for this year is $44 million.

The article cited does not specify how much funding was provided for the current year. The article is misleading in stating that funding has slowed to a trickle due to the Iraq war.

My asserstion was that funding has not decreased.

How in the world are you correct?

09-03-2005, 02:04 AM
First, the National Guard(BTW, National Guard is under control of the governer of the state, not Preisdent Bush) would have been mobilized 2-3 days before the storm hit land.
Speck, thanks for the interesting info and perspective. I agree with a good deal of what you say, though I think Los Angeles is not exactly an equal comparison with New Orleans. Anyway, the point you make about the National Guard being under the control of the state government is true but misleading. The governor of each state is the commander-in-chief of the National Guard in his/her state, but the National Guard is subject to both state and Federal control and regulation. To cite the Louisiana National Guard (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/arng-la.htm):

Today's Louisiana Army and Air National Guard consists of 74 units spread among 43 cities and towns of the state and numbers some 11,500 Army and Air Guardsmen. As a result of various reorganizations the present Army Guard is composed of a State Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 204th Area Support Group, the 256th Separate Infantry Brigade, the 225th Engineer Group and various Medical, Maintenance, Aviation, Military Police, Armored Cavalry and Special Forces units and the 156th Army Band.

The National Guard of the United States is the only component of the Armed Forces with a dual federal - state role. The Guard is organized, trained and equipped to be available in times of national emergency, upon the call of the President. It can also be called upon by the Governor for state duty, to preserve peace and order and protect life and property in the event of natural disasters or civil disturbances. The federal Government is responsible for equipping, training and paying the Guardsmen (except the state pays them for active state duty). The state is also responsible for providing Guard personnel and training facilities.

Note that the Guard in each state can be called upon "in times of national emergency" by the President (which Bush has done), as well as by the Governor in times of "natural disaster or civil disturbances." So in my estimation, such blame as there is to bear should be shared by both the state of Louisiana and the Federal government.

09-03-2005, 02:19 AM
Note that the Guard in each state can be called upon "in times of national emergency" by the President (which Bush has done), as well as by the Governor in times of "natural disaster or civil disturbances." So in my estimation, such blame as there is to bear should be shared by both the state of Louisiana and the Federal government.
Yep...what he said!

09-03-2005, 02:36 AM
Note that the Guard in each state can be called upon "in times of national emergency" by the President (which Bush has done), as well as by the Governor in times of "natural disaster or civil disturbances." So in my estimation, such blame as there is to bear should be shared by both the state of Louisiana and the Federal government.

Fair enough.

09-03-2005, 02:52 AM
First, as a resident of Alabama I would like to thank each of you who has contributed in any way to aid in the recovery from this tragedy. And I know that each of you has or will.

Now let's consider if the city of New Orleans had instituted mandatory evacuations and removal of it's citizens, including busing out all the poor. Then let's say there was a more easterly turn of the hurricane, and NO was spared this damage. Then all of these Bush bashers would have been crying about the "wasted" resources in carrying out the move. And the criminals who hid and stayed behind would have still been looting and running rampant in the city.

Now let's not forget that NO is not the only city to suffer damage. The entire gulf coast has been devastated. As a frequent visitor to Gulport and Biloxi I can tell you that many of the pictures you are seeing on TV include the main bridges that connect the cities along the coast. With that extensive damage to the main thoroughfares to the cities alternate routes must be found. And first they must be cleared. No matter the political affiliation of a nation's leader, it takes time to clear roads and get resources where they need to be.

For Californian's, earthquakes are a fact of life. They live, they shake a little, they clean up and keep going. In the southeast along the Atlantic coast and the gulf states, hurricanes are a fact of life. From one hurricane to the next, the "expected landfall" can change by 200 miles in less than an hour. You could evacuate all of New Orleans to Pensacola only to find you have put those people in the eye of the storm!

All governments contain some corruption and ineptness at most levels. Regardless of who is in charge, someone can, and will find mistakes. It is especially easy to see those mistakes after they happen. There is equal blame here for the city, state, and federal governments.

So in summary.... quit bitching about Bush, and go eat some bush! Dammit!


09-03-2005, 02:58 AM
For all you Bush supporters I have one simple message:


Thank you.

09-03-2005, 04:06 AM
I wonder if bush reads this board? maybe his advisors do?

09-03-2005, 04:45 AM
I've got this crazy idea.

Let's say that after the areas hit by Katrina become stabilized the government allocates funds to hire the people displaced by the disaster to repair the damage. Just ballpark figures, but let's say they hire 100,000 of the newly homeless/jobless at a bare bones of $12,000/year to do manual labor and various managerial jobs to maintain the work force.

Each person hired would probably require an equal amount of supplies/resources/tools to perform their jobs.

That's $24,000 x 100,000 desperate people, for a total of $2,400,000,000. In 2004 there were 131,000,000 tax returns filed.


That comes out to an average of $13 plus change in additional yearly federal tax per tax filer to keep a lot of desperate people employed and start rebuilding a ruined portion of the world.

$13 is the cost of seeing a movie in most places in the U.S.

Of course, this most likely won't happen and the jobs will probably be given to Halliburton and cost a lot more.

And if you think I have no faith in this administration, you are correct. I hope I'm wrong.

09-03-2005, 05:19 AM

09-03-2005, 05:51 AM

09-03-2005, 09:59 AM
"All governments contain some corruption and ineptness at most levels. Regardless of who is in charge, someone can, and will find mistakes. It is especially easy to see those mistakes after they happen. There is equal blame here for the city, state, and federal governments.


Very well said. I personally thought that Kerry would have been a lesser of the two evils having seen what Bush had done in his first term. But yeah the (majority) politicians do no get to the top without having somebody in their pockets telling them what to do.

Then I read this gem...

"For all you Bush supporters I have one simple message:


I guess you have given up trying to find a valid point for your argument? Instead you just provided more reasons for strangers here to hate you. I am keeping a running list here, let me know who I might be missing on here. You hate:
1--Bush and all other Republicans
2--Black people that do not act like you
3--All listeners and performers of rap/hiphop

You can scratch number 2 off the list.
I dont know WHERE you got that from REPUBLICAN.
What clowns you are.......Im sure the girls enjoy taking your money........it must be nice for them to know they have an endless supply of closet-case republicans who will give them money.
Hey Mr.Republican.......let me ask you something.
How does it feel to be a homophobic spiteful hateful bigoted piece of shit in front of your starched shirt republican friends and then turn around and suck dick and be a BEND OVER BOY?
Ironic isnt it?

09-03-2005, 11:03 AM

09-03-2005, 11:58 AM
It seems like the news is just looping the video of black people looting over and over again.
Meanwhile .....I heard that when Shrub showed up they had him walking on one side of the street because they didnt want the people to see the dead bodies floating.
Arent poor people americans too?
Dont they deserve some measure of respect and dignity?
Or can they be ignored because there is no PROFIT margin in helping those who are disenfranchised.
And of course the gas companies are gouging us like crazy.
This tragedy is WORSE than 9/11.
WAY more poeple will die because of the neglect and imcompetence of the Bush regime.

09-03-2005, 07:45 PM
Geekmeat, I am convinced that you are bi-polar or suffer from some sort of brain damage

LOL, you just figured that out? I'm as liberal in my politics as most, but spewing random venom at Republicans isn't the solution, Geek, particularly (as in your case, Nick) when they're not even Republican.

Some people just like to make noise. Normally, I don't mind it, except when it comes to serious topics like this.


09-03-2005, 08:01 PM
For all you Bush supporters I have one simple message:


Thank you.

Doesnt telling people to die like that just for what they beleive in make you a Nazi yourself?

09-03-2005, 08:09 PM
What do some Republicans want to do after this aftermath? MORE TAX CUTS. (http://www.liberaloasis.com/archives/082805.htm#090305) REPEALING THE ESTATE TAX for American inheriting $1.5 million or more.

09-03-2005, 08:46 PM
I heard that CHEVRON which is a MAJOR oil company only donated 5 million dollars to this effort.
That just shows you how greedy and heartless the oil companies are.
Chevron is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world........I think it is number 2 in the ENTIRE world.

09-04-2005, 09:04 AM
I like how Bush was on vacation for two days (http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/08/30/bush.hurricane.ap/) after the Hurricane hit Louisiana while hundreds, now thousands have died due to the slow response from the government, but take a feed tube out of a brain dead woman and he will rush to his office to sign legislation to save a brain dead woman. The Republicans criticize the starvation of a brain dead as cruel, but they vacation for two days while thousands of Americans are starving. Where the fcuk are their priorities? Now they want more tax cuts for the rich (eliminating the estate tax). (http://www.liberaloasis.com/archives/082805.htm#090305)

09-04-2005, 08:44 PM
It gets even better.
I just heard that the director of F.E.M.A has NO experience in disaster preparedness.
His last job was working for a horse association.......I shit you not.
This is croonism to the nth degee and in this case it just cost lives.
To be a republican is to be anti-human,theres no getting around it.

09-04-2005, 08:52 PM
To be a republican is to be anit-human,theres no getting around it.

don't condemn citizens of a political party for an act of mother nature that was inevitable........................

09-04-2005, 09:40 PM
To be a republican is to be anit-human,theres no getting around it.

don't condemn citizens of a political party for an act of mother nature that was inevitable........................

I will do as I please.

By the way republican......
I just heard that a New Orleans emergency worker had his mother in a nurse home and she called him about being evacuated.
He kept telling her "they are coming" because that is what he was told.
Finally on friday this elderly woman DROWN waiting for the feds.
I condemn ALL of you evil nazi republicans.
I sincerly hope that YOUR children and loved ones suffer like you have made people here in this country and around the world suffer.

09-04-2005, 10:00 PM
I sincerly hope that YOUR children and loved ones suffer like you have made people here in this country and around the world suffer.

Then you are NO differant than any Nazi yourself. Your opinions are as racist as any out there.

09-04-2005, 10:34 PM
Geekmeat's insanity – the gift that keeps on giving....

As an aside though, I did see the segment about the worker's mother who drowned in the nursing home. Fucking terrible and unnecessary... From what I have heard through a friend on the ground (she works for a media outlet), apparently there are countless reports coming in from aid workers and National Guardsmen about people that have died unnecessarily over the last 72 hours due to a lack of water, medical treatment, and protection. She says that based upon the preliminary data she has seen, the death toll will easily top 10,000 and may go as high as 30,000 for all areas combined. How accurate any of this is, I can't say for sure – so don't quote me on it.


09-04-2005, 11:03 PM
For all you Bush supporters I have one simple message:


Thank you.

I think you should change your sig to "Logic hates me"

09-04-2005, 11:30 PM
the well to do white folks that live in the higher elevation suburbs of New Orleans had their plane tickets and SUV's ready last weekend and were out of the area by Sataurday night. My instincts say that if they were trapped and left behind with everyone else the government would not have waited those critical 48 hours that resulted in the misery we see unfolding on TV.
I don't want to be involved in this Republican vs Democrat debate nor the name calling on this thread. This is simply about two societies within our nation. rich vs poor, haves vs have nots. And the disparity between these groups gets bigger every year. In New York City, the borough of Manhattan has effectively been closed to all but the mega wealthy. And exclusive areas of Queens and Brooklyn are following suit.
Katrina is a terrible tragedy that exposes a very ugly truth about inequality in America.

09-05-2005, 12:11 AM
When you cut money transfers to local administrations, cut taxes to the rich and services to the poors, deny the evidence, and stay on vacation... this happens!!!

09-05-2005, 01:17 AM
This is simply about two societies within our nation. rich vs poor, haves vs have nots. And the disparity between these groups gets bigger every year.

Katrina is a terrible tragedy that exposes a very ugly truth about inequality in America.

Bingo! If a calamity befell some poor predominately white section of West Virginia, I don't think there would have been any more vigorous a response than the one we have already seen for New Orleans. It's not African Americans the system doesn't care about, it's poor people – a disproportionate number of whom happen to be from the aforementioned group.

As to the growing disparity between rich and poor, it now takes two incomes to support a living standard that one income would have supported in the year 1980. Why? The cost of living is increasing far more rapidly than wages. Translation: More people are getting poor every year than are getting richer.


09-05-2005, 01:39 AM
Here's what author Anne Rice(a native New Orleanian) thinks about what happend. It's an interesting read, and no vampires.


09-05-2005, 02:17 AM
yeah that shit is sad :(

09-05-2005, 02:20 AM
Here's what author Anne Rice(a native New Orleanian) thinks about what happend. It's an interesting read, and no vampires.

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/04/opinion/04rice.htmlYes, it's a very moving editorial...beautifully written

09-05-2005, 02:36 AM
I just heard that the police just shot dead five men who were shooting at contractors trying to help rebuild.
These individuals are the worst scum of all.
I hope the police find these animals and destroy them.

09-05-2005, 05:17 AM
the New York Times reported today that "the top fifth of earners in Manhattan now make 52 times what the lowest fifth make--$365,826 compared with $7,047--which is roughly comparable to the income disparity in Namibia. Put another way, for every dollar made by households in the top fifth of Manhattan earners, households in the bottom fifth made about 2 cents."

I'll add my ramble to these facts and figures. I can assure you the top wage earners quoted in this article are not nurses or firemen. They're Wall St/banker/lawyer deadbeats who contribute nothing to society other than to help the wealthy hold onto to their $$$.

09-05-2005, 04:07 PM
CHRONOLOGY....Here's a timeline that outlines the fate of both FEMA and flood control projects in New Orleans under the Bush administration. Read it and weep:

January 2001: Bush appoints Joe Allbaugh, a crony from Texas, as head of FEMA. Allbaugh has no previous experience in disaster management.

April 2001: Budget Director Mitch Daniels announces the Bush administration's goal of privatizing much of FEMA's work. In May, Allbaugh confirms that FEMA will be downsized: "Many are concerned that federal disaster assistance may have evolved into both an oversized entitlement program...." he said. "Expectations of when the federal government should be involved and the degree of involvement may have ballooned beyond what is an appropriate level."

2001: FEMA designates a major hurricane hitting New Orleans as one of the three "likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing this country."

December 2002: After less than two years at FEMA, Allbaugh announces he is leaving to start up a consulting firm that advises companies seeking to do business in Iraq. He is succeeded by his deputy and former college roommate, Michael Brown, who has no previous experience in disaster management and was fired from his previous job for mismanagement.

March 2003: FEMA is downgraded from a cabinet level position and folded into the Department of Homeland Security. Its mission is refocused on fighting acts of terrorism.

2003: Under its new organization chart within DHS, FEMA's preparation and planning functions are reassigned to a new Office of Preparedness and Response. FEMA will henceforth focus only on response and recovery.

Summer 2004: FEMA denies Louisiana's pre-disaster mitigation funding requests. Says Jefferson Parish flood zone manager Tom Rodrigue: "You would think we would get maximum consideration....This is what the grant program called for. We were more than qualified for it."

June 2004: The Army Corps of Engineers budget for levee construction in New Orleans is slashed. Jefferson Parish emergency management chiefs Walter Maestri comments: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay."

June 2005: Funding for the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is cut by a record $71.2 million. One of the hardest-hit areas is the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, which was created after the May 1995 flood to improve drainage in Jefferson, Orleans and St. Tammany parishes.

August 2005: While New Orleans is undergoing a slow motion catastrophe, Bush mugs for the cameras, cuts a cake for John McCain, plays the guitar for Mark Wills, delivers an address about V-J day, and continues with his vacation. When he finally gets around to acknowledging the scope of the unfolding disaster, he delivers only a photo op on Air Force One and a flat, defensive, laundry list speech in the Rose Garden.

So: A crony with no relevant experience was installed as head of FEMA. Mitigation budgets for New Orleans were slashed even though it was known to be one of the top three risks in the country. FEMA was deliberately downsized as part of the Bush administration's conservative agenda to reduce the role of government. After DHS was created, FEMA's preparation and planning functions were taken away.

Actions have consequences. No one could predict that a hurricane the size of Katrina would hit this year, but the slow federal response when it did happen was no accident. It was the result of four years of deliberate Republican policy and budget choices that favor ideology and partisan loyalty at the expense of operational competence. It's the Bush administration in a nutshell.

09-05-2005, 04:53 PM
This is simply about two societies within our nation. rich vs poor, haves vs have nots. And the disparity between these groups gets bigger every year.

Katrina is a terrible tragedy that exposes a very ugly truth about inequality in America.

Bingo! If a calamity befell some poor predominately white section of West Virginia, I don't think there would have been any more vigorous a response than the one we have already seen for New Orleans. It's not African Americans the system doesn't care about, it's poor people – a disproportionate number of whom happen to be from the aforementioned group.

As to the growing disparity between rich and poor, it now takes two incomes to support a living standard that one income would have supported in the year 1980. Why? The cost of living is increasing far more rapidly than wages. Translation: More people are getting poor every year than are getting richer.


i dont think this is a race issue. st. benard's parish, a white parish right outside of the city is just starting to receive help today because most of the help was being sent to NO. ALL of st. benard's parish got flooded AS BAD AS parts of NO. water is too the roofs. you just dont see it on the national news. i get local news coverage here and i see all of this. there are also mostly white counties of Mississippi that are just receiving help for the first time today. so i dont think the issue is race but just a breakdown in bureaucracy. most of the officials say they cant do something without getting word from a higher official and that takes time. Mississippi's governor even admited that things couldve moved faster if this system wasnt in place. the system needs to be redone because obviously its not working. the local/state/and federal governments are to be blamed for this. each holds part of the blame