View Full Version : How many girls here would actually date an average guy?

11-14-2008, 12:06 AM
Girls: would you have what society would look at as a "normal" dating relationship with an average guy. In other words, average looking, average height, average weight, not rich, nice guy. He would pick up dinner, movies, bowling, etc. and buy you an occasional gift, but wouldn't be giving you any cash, showering you with expensive gifts, wouldn't be a guy with some huge supply of drugs, would have a "normal" straight job. He would take you out in public, introduce you as his GF, hold your hand and kiss you in public, etc.

PS Brad Pitt isn't average or "normal" looking. These are average guys:



11-14-2008, 12:13 AM
Ask the girl I'm dating. So she's a t-girl? Big deal. She's sweet and I'm just an average guy.

11-14-2008, 01:28 AM
Girls: would you have what society would look at as a "normal" dating relationship with an average guy. In other words, average looking, average height, average weight, not rich, nice guy. He would pick up dinner, movies, bowling, etc. and buy you an occasional gift, but wouldn't be giving you any cash, showering you with expensive gifts, wouldn't be a guy with some huge supply of drugs, would have a "normal" straight job. He would take you out in public, introduce you as his GF, hold your hand and kiss you in public, etc.

PS Brad Pitt isn't average or "normal" looking. These are average guys:




I know of girls even some very close friends of mine who want the "Pretty Woman " fantasy , you know the scenario... or would love to have a guy spoil them to the most utter degreeof lavish luxery....

Personally , I to when i was naive and very early in my transistion wanted that ultimate fantasy of being whisked away by a gentlemen who would had money, riches, and who would shower me with money, gifts etc... and yes even love..."BUT".....as i got older i started seeing the reality of things and seeing things in prespective ...I saw that the most important thing to me was being loved...UNCONDITIONAL,, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT,, SEE HIM & HEAR HIS NAME AND FEEL BUTTERFLIES IN MY TUMMY,,...... CRAZY LOVE....type of love.

Me personally , could never be with someone REALTIONSHIP WISE" for just the sake of money,,or because he was well off,, I would date a guy who worked the most basic job and had a standard basic car,,,,what matters to me aside from his physical attributes is that he 1. has goals,& ambitions 2. honest 3. charisma 4. funny as hell . 5 .is a self made man 6. does not live for the world 7.romantic & mysterious 8. LOVES ME FOR ME,,,...ALL OF ME"


The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along. -Jalal ad-din Rumi

11-14-2008, 02:45 AM
Could you explain what "does not live for the world" means? I never heard that expression before.

11-14-2008, 02:58 AM
Meaning,, He does not live by what others tell him, he is a independant thinker, and person.

I have had broken up with past men due to them being so uncertain & worried what their familes, friends ...or even other people will think, if they knew that they were dating or had feelings for a Transsexual. Some become so impressionable that they disreguard what ever feelings he has for the girl and basicly gives in to what his loved ones said , becouse he feels they wont accept his realtionship.

Opose to standing up for who you love or care for and not having it affect who you love.

That is what I mean "Not living for the world".

11-14-2008, 03:26 AM
thats all i date is the average guy as im a hopeless romantic and have yet to find a GOOD GUY! but none of my boyfriends were considered the best looking guy ever but they were to me and thats all that mattered though most of em failed at being the good guy but some were close. what mattered most to me was that they loved me and treated me good.still looking for that guy! :cry:

11-14-2008, 03:31 AM

they all look like my dad's drinking buddies.

11-14-2008, 03:55 AM

they all look like my dad's drinking buddies.

lol.. i thought i was the only one who noticed that..

11-14-2008, 04:53 AM
I date a TS and she is happy with me. We share alot, laugh alot. I'm too old to really give a shit about what other people think, much less the rednecks who live down the street from me in Brooklyn (reegads, I almost married one!). Who I love, have a relationship with is my business. People accept it or they don't. Its really not an issue. I've learned there are plenty of scammers and schemers regardless of sex. You'll always have issues with anyone you date, so what's the big deal? If you love the person, you'll weather the storm.

Lick UR Lovely
11-14-2008, 05:24 AM

they all look like my dad's drinking buddies.

lol.. i thought i was the only one who noticed that..

Janira? Is it legal to marry a gorgeous TG in Florida? I'd marry you baby :D

11-14-2008, 07:16 AM
Average blue collar joes, are the SEXIESt in my opinion... Yummy

11-14-2008, 07:33 AM
You know as I got older, i noticed the hottest girls with the most normal guys, and when I was younger i noticed the younger girls seeking the hottest guys. I guess as women mature they grow out of that stage of wanting the hunk over the average joe or nerd. But when they see who treats them the best the average Joe seems to always win in the end. And the Hunk; well he gets fat and burnt out...hahahahaha I wonder what I am?

11-15-2008, 04:39 PM
You know as I got older, i noticed the hottest girls with the most normal guys, and when I was younger i noticed the younger girls seeking the hottest guys. I guess as women mature they grow out of that stage of wanting the hunk over the average joe or nerd. But when they see who treats them the best the average Joe seems to always win in the end.

Good post - I tend to agree. I make a good living and have an amazing job. I've worked hard to get where I'm at, especially at my age (23) so I'm not afraid of saying that. Something like this does indeed tend to take one farther with girls (GG & TS).

It doesn't matter what any girl tells you. Stability = one of the ultimate turn ons...

11-15-2008, 05:59 PM
Beauty is a decreasing investment.
Every day another gorgeous girl comes on the market. Any girl who knows any thing will do her upmost to land the guy with the most $$$$ in his pocket.

Why? Simple. At a given point it cost big $$$ to stay beautiful and competative with all the young girls. And who has all that extra $$$ to spend?
The guy who had all that $$$ at the beginning.
Now this analysis does not take into account chemistry nor personality. With both could counter this argument.

But....I can't help but notice that the last few pics I've seen of Ms Paris were in a Bentley and a C5 cooperate jet. Leaving me to ask "Does your average 8-5 average joe stand a chance in hell?"

I think so but it will require you to have a very good game and lots of self confidance. And you could either be born with this or you can learn it over time. Then again there is allways the lotto?

11-15-2008, 06:48 PM

I wouldn't date anyone who was average. Looks are not as important to me, as intelligence and accomplishment. Male or female, I'm attracted to people who are unique. If I can't pick you out of a crowd, I won't.

But I'm already very much in love. So.....what do I know?

11-15-2008, 09:33 PM
We all have different opinions on what is average looking. But none of the guys pics you posted attract me....sorry.

11-16-2008, 07:07 AM
Girls: would you have what society would look at as a "normal" dating relationship with an average guy. In other words, average looking, average height, average weight, not rich, nice guy. He would pick up dinner, movies, bowling, etc. and buy you an occasional gift, but wouldn't be giving you any cash, showering you with expensive gifts, wouldn't be a guy with some huge supply of drugs, would have a "normal" straight job. He would take you out in public, introduce you as his GF, hold your hand and kiss you in public, etc.

Sure, of course, in a New York minute, and have done so in the past,
and could do so in the future.

However, as a few of the other women upthread have mentioned, it's
not just about looks.

Spirituality, integrity, intelligence, and a great sense of humour are the
qualities that are most important to me.

11-16-2008, 09:41 AM
I would say chances are if your an average joe the plumber...mmm....slim to none. Hot tgirls want to be seen either with hot guys or guys who have mad bank to take care of em...simple as that.

11-16-2008, 01:15 PM
I would say chances are if your an average joe the plumber...mmm....slim to none.

Hmmmm, American and British plumbers must be on different rates....Extortionate pipe bending bastards!

11-18-2008, 06:03 PM
I think most girls date pretty average looking guys. I have known quite a few girls in my years and I don't think I know not a single one that ONLY dated super attractive guys. I know plenty that prefer attractive guys but that goes for most groups of people. I mean without knowing anything else about a person, just by looking at a picture, all you can go on is how they look.

I actually think male attractiveness is very relative. Confidence, personality, money, sense of humor... mean a lot more to society when it comes to a man. How often have you seen women fawning over a guy who had swagger? I have a friend that is a model type of a guy (he actually is a model) that is basically a no personality nerd. The minute he opens his mouth most women lose interest.

Guys, we appreciate confidence, personality, and all of that but the standards of beauty of women are very much set is stone. Even if she is a complete zero we will still see her physical beauty. In general, our attraction is more based on the physical so how we judge women is effected by that. Don't get me wrong, it is not all about looks for us just more than it is for most women.

11-18-2008, 08:31 PM
We all have different opinions on what is average looking. But none of the guys pics you posted attract me....sorry.Somehow, I think they actually benefit from that. And I'm sure they're not cryin about it.