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View Full Version : For the ladies....Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 ???

11-13-2008, 11:14 PM
Just curious!

11-14-2008, 03:14 AM
I know jen prefers the pstriple over the 360.

11-14-2008, 03:23 AM
i own alot of systems as im a big gamer. i have ps2,psp,xbox,gameboy advanced,computer emulators and of course ps3. i did not care for xbox 360 as they didnt really have the kind of games i enjoy playing like fighting and adventure games. they mainly had alot of sports games and shooter games. so my vote is ps3!

11-14-2008, 03:26 AM
The PS3 is worth buying for a Blu-ray player alone. It's better than most of the stand-alone players out there.

11-14-2008, 06:02 AM
Metal Gear Solid!

11-14-2008, 06:07 AM
they give me migraines :(

11-14-2008, 06:29 AM
Xbox 360! The main reason was that I had many many games from the original xbox, and I did not wanted to dispose them. Also, it was the first console that was out, and I found the PS3 very pricey....

I know it might be boyish, but I love HALOs and Call of Dutie

11-14-2008, 06:39 AM
Umm I don't see the point of having a 360. You can get all its exclusives on PC. Buy them or pirate them

11-14-2008, 06:54 AM
Umm I don't see the point of having a 360. You can get all its exclusives on PC. Buy them or pirate them

Many people cannot afford high end gaming computers and would rather not deal with games that specification mess.

11-14-2008, 09:51 AM
Where do you meet these girls who like the games. When did they start making this breed!


11-14-2008, 01:12 PM
Umm I don't see the point of having a 360. You can get all its exclusives on PC. Buy them or pirate them

Many people cannot afford high end gaming computers and would rather not deal with games that specification mess.

buy it unassembled and save a ton of money, or buy a cheapo with a good motherboard and case, and upgrade it bit by bit, its cheaper these ways

11-14-2008, 01:17 PM
Where do you meet these girls who like the games. When did they start making this breed!


They probably started making them in the early 80s. I had two girlfriends who are gamers. :D

11-14-2008, 07:19 PM
I know jen prefers the pstriple over the 360.


i dont have a ps3

i have an xbox that never gets turned off

but mirrors edge looks awesome.... even tho i havent a clue as to what its about lol

11-14-2008, 07:53 PM
xbox 360

11-14-2008, 08:02 PM
I know jen prefers the pstriple over the 360.


i dont have a ps3

i have an xbox that never gets turned off

but mirrors edge looks awesome.... even tho i havent a clue as to what its about lol

Guess i was wrong but i remember you mentioning that you wanted a ps3 over a 360 a long time ago.ME does look awesome but i've heard its really short with no replay value whatsoever,i'm saving my 60 bucks for left 4 dead,co-op zombie killing never gets old.

01-08-2009, 02:44 AM
I love playing with my girlfriend

01-08-2009, 02:48 AM


01-08-2009, 03:55 AM
Umm I don't see the point of having a 360. You can get all its exclusives on PC. Buy them or pirate them

Many people cannot afford high end gaming computers and would rather not deal with games that specification mess.

buy it unassembled and save a ton of money, or buy a cheapo with a good motherboard and case, and upgrade it bit by bit, its cheaper these ways

You aren't going to get a computer with xbox360 capabilities or performance for $249. The OS alone is 100-150 bucks.

01-08-2009, 04:18 AM
It's funny this thread is here cause I was just discussing with a couple people that I might get an X-Box 360 or PS3. Leaning towards PS3 mostly cause I want to play Little Big Planet and MSG4 and know those won't be made for any other systems. Is PS3 backwards compatible cause I found different answers to that questions when I tried to find out. Would like to grab some PS2 games like Persona 4, Final Fantasy XII, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. if I can. I already have a Blu-Ray so no benefit for me there.

I'm definitely getting Mirror's Edge when it comes out for the PC in a week, love games that try new ideas. Waiting for Braid on the PC too. Maybe Dead Space.

Oh, and I just got Left 4 Dead for PC, only have played it for a little bit so far but thought it'd be cool to find others to try it with online.

I have both consoles so I feel I can give an honest answer to the query here. The newer PS3's do not have backwards compatability for PS2 games, they will play PS1 games, but no PS2 at the moment. Only the original 60GB PS3 has full BC, sony dropped this feature as it was deemed too expensive. I had Little Big Planet, I honestly got bored of it after an hour, sure it's cute and could be fun, but I just found it tedious. MGS4 is only worth grabbing if you're a fan of the stupidly long cut scenes as yet again they plague this game more than any other version.

These days my PS3 is only really used as a media centre as it does that quite well, for games, not so much. However it's really all about what games you really want to play, I advise trying LBP somewhere before spending a few hundred dollars on the console just to discover that it bores you.

One of the benefits of having the Xbox is that the controllers can be used on the PC, making it handy for those PC games that you have. Also xbox live is fantastic for gaming, the PS Network, not so much, although it's free, there is no central service for connecting with folk for games. Although Home is meant to do this, it's really just a glorified 2nd Life.

Good luck with your decision and if you go the route of the 360 throw the gamertag up here and have some multiplayer fun :D

01-08-2009, 05:28 AM
You have to specifiy that you want a ps3 that's backwards compatible, some game places will show you that is is... It's also able to communicate with the psp which means when you have videos, and music, and photos and ps1 games you can take them anywhere with your psp and it's sharing the information remotely without any memory on the psp.

Blu ray should be one reason, wi-fi should be another reason you get this because these were 2 features that were atleast 100$ seperatly features for the xbox 360. Also Ps3 plays almost any video codec now, divx, mp4, avi.

The ps3 runs quiet and when you get one then go to your friends who have a 360 you'll notice this.

The final reason is that when you want a webcam for it or a blu-tooth headset you can buy from 3rd party manufactures. Where as with xbox you have to buy from microsoft because they think they are the shit.

Used games because of the Blu ray disc are always unharmed because of the coating on the disc..

Can we get one going for ps3 handles? I want some more friends.. and what the hell little big planet? what about COD4 and unreal tournament online resistance 2 is fun as hell too.

If you kindly add me: BLINDdateRPEprty to your friends, please. Then, I'll frag your fucking ass, and will get my own ass fragged too if your not a newB

01-08-2009, 05:44 AM
go w/ the 360 so we can have the HA gamer group

also mirrors edge sux

maybe i havent played enough but its REALLY hard

lol i didnt get far at all bc i can master the basic fucking moves lol

01-08-2009, 06:26 AM
Xbox 360 for me, will never support Sony. All the good games and high quality is what I like.

01-08-2009, 06:33 AM
go w/ the 360 so we can have the HA gamer group

also mirrors edge sux

maybe i havent played enough but its REALLY hard

lol i didnt get far at all bc i can master the basic fucking moves lol
I found it really easy and repetitive

Also everyone should get a ps tipple its obviously the best and no red ring of death

01-08-2009, 06:51 AM
Whats wrong with you people?Everyone know chicks dig the Wii.The Wii is a chick magnet :lol:

01-08-2009, 07:55 AM
Xbox 360 by far. Definitely better games for it, and now you can actually access Netflix movies from it too.

01-08-2009, 08:31 AM
the wii is queer bait... I love it!!!

01-08-2009, 09:06 AM
Holy shit, I'm sitting on a goldmine, I have a Wii and a 360, now all I need is a HA to play with my Wiimote.
Love to play online or in person with any hot hungangels, or HA admirers.

AGIT8ER (360)

01-08-2009, 09:08 AM
i own alot of systems as im a big gamer. i have ps2,psp,xbox,gameboy advanced,computer emulators and of course ps3. i did not care for xbox 360 as they didnt really have the kind of games i enjoy playing like fighting and adventure games. they mainly had alot of sports games and shooter games. so my vote is ps3!Fable 2 isnt a fighting adventure?
Microsoft's Xbox 360 has more Action games then Spny Playstation 3.
Console wise I would choose a PS3 because its technology is far beyond its pricing....
Sony wanted 1200 for the basic 60gb this was their inital quote...The technology inside these consoles are amazing.

01-08-2009, 09:34 AM
It's funny this thread is here cause I was just discussing with a couple people that I might get an X-Box 360 or PS3. Leaning towards PS3 mostly cause I want to play Little Big Planet and MSG4 and know those won't be made for any other systems. Is PS3 backwards compatible cause I found different answers to that questions when I tried to find out. Would like to grab some PS2 games like Persona 4, Final Fantasy XII, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. if I can. I already have a Blu-Ray so no benefit for me there.

I'm definitely getting Mirror's Edge when it comes out for the PC in a week, love games that try new ideas. Waiting for Braid on the PC too. Maybe Dead Space.

Oh, and I just got Left 4 Dead for PC, only have played it for a little bit so far but thought it'd be cool to find others to try it with online.

If i were you i'd get a 360 sure the ps3 has little big planet and mgs4 but the xbox 360 has twice as many exclusive titles and almost all games are multisystem anyway.You mentioned mgs4 but there are rumors konami is bringing that game to the 360 if i would you i'd get a 360 and a ps2(the new ps3 consoles aren't even bc),its cheaper plus you would be able to play almost all next gen games and those ps2 titles you mentioned.The xbox also has superior online services like netflix and the marketplace.You can't lose with a 360.

01-08-2009, 09:37 AM
Konami Does not like conflict he hated doing substance for XBOX. Sony tried to stop the production but Microsoft must have payed too well.

01-08-2009, 10:25 AM
i own alot of systems as im a big gamer. i have ps2,psp,xbox,gameboy advanced,computer emulators and of course ps3. i did not care for xbox 360 as they didnt really have the kind of games i enjoy playing like fighting and adventure games. they mainly had alot of sports games and shooter games. so my vote is ps3!Fable 2 isnt a fighting adventure?
Microsoft's Xbox 360 has more Action games then Spny Playstation 3.
Console wise I would choose a PS3 because its technology is far beyond its pricing....
Sony wanted 1200 for the basic 60gb this was their inital quote...The technology inside these consoles are amazing.
Fable 2 would be more of a RPG although the fighting isn't classic RPG (not turn based).

Fallout 3 is owning my soul right now on my 360.

01-08-2009, 10:40 AM
360's online experience cannot be rivaled! I have all three!! The only two that get turned on are the 360 and Wii, unless I wanta watch a blue-ray;)

01-08-2009, 12:22 PM
I was tossing up between a PS3 and a 360, then I found out that the store didn't have any backwards compatible consoles, basically I wanna play a bunch of PS2 games (namely Ico and Shadow of the Colossus) plus LittleBigPlanet, I was sure as hell not shelling out 699 Aussie dollars for the ability to play one game and my OCD need to restart my movie collection, I figured 360 for me.

I'm pretty close to finishing Assassin's Creed, finished Prince of Persia and I'm just starting to get the hang of Gears of War 1 , it's been years since I've played a shooter, not counting the Metroid Primes, I've never played a console shooter so I find I really suck at the whole dual stick aiming thing. On the whole though, I find I'm playing with my iPod Touch and my DS more.

01-08-2009, 12:24 PM
I like the Xbox personally or the WII

Sweet Kisses


01-08-2009, 03:03 PM
It's funny this thread is here cause I was just discussing with a couple people that I might get an X-Box 360 or PS3. Leaning towards PS3 mostly cause I want to play Little Big Planet and MSG4 and know those won't be made for any other systems. Is PS3 backwards compatible cause I found different answers to that questions when I tried to find out. Would like to grab some PS2 games like Persona 4, Final Fantasy XII, Shadow of the Colossus, etc. if I can. I already have a Blu-Ray so no benefit for me there.

I'm definitely getting Mirror's Edge when it comes out for the PC in a week, love games that try new ideas. Waiting for Braid on the PC too. Maybe Dead Space.

Oh, and I just got Left 4 Dead for PC, only have played it for a little bit so far but thought it'd be cool to find others to try it with online.

If i were you i'd get a 360 sure the ps3 has little big planet and mgs4 but the xbox 360 has twice as many exclusive titles and almost all games are multisystem anyway.You mentioned mgs4 but there are rumors konami is bringing that game to the 360 if i would you i'd get a 360 and a ps2(the new ps3 consoles aren't even bc),its cheaper plus you would be able to play almost all next gen games and those ps2 titles you mentioned.The xbox also has superior online services like netflix and the marketplace.You can't lose with a 360.

If they did release MGS4 for 360 it would have to be on 10 different disks, and all those "360 exclusives" are just going to be ported to PC and I doubt 360 has more exclusives anyways.

01-08-2009, 06:25 PM
Neither of them i prefer the WII

Nintendo WII Sports Tennis addict here

01-08-2009, 06:28 PM
its the xbox 360 for me all the way. I have a Wii also, but rarely use it except when loads of people come over. PS3 doesn't appeal to me - I've had mates who had it and sold it on as they prefered their 360's

01-08-2009, 11:10 PM
Wii is for casuals

PS3 Exclusives:
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 Proluge
Tekken 6 Rumble
FF13 Versus
Killzone 2
Wipeout HD
SOCOM Confrontation
Metal Gear Solid 4
Motorstorm PR
Quantum Theory
Demon Soul
DC Universe Online
The Agency
Resistance 1
Resistance 2
Dynasty Warriors
Uncharted 2
Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of destruction
Ratchet and Clank Future Quest for booty
White Knight Chronicles
Valkyria Chronicles

01-08-2009, 11:45 PM
PS3 all the way.

MGS4 is quite possible the greatest game I've ever played. Drakes Fortune isn't far behind, and Little Big Plant is out of this world.

My 360 Is freaaakkiiing loud. I buy all my mutli plat games on the PS3. Plus everything I need is in the box. Wireless card, HDD , rechargable battery + it can support up to HDMI 1.4 (360 Elite cannot).

If your not sold after all that. Watch the new trailer for FF 13 VRS. It gave me a bigger boner than pictures of Jennifer Paris! .(link below).


Prepare for goosebumps. This is going to the grownups Final Fantasy

01-12-2009, 08:12 AM
Whats wrong with you people?Everyone know chicks dig the Wii.The Wii is a chick magnet :lol:

guitar hero 3

Singstar- tons of hot downloadable songs, I could have groups of women over every night with that, it's like having a puppy farm

El Nino
01-12-2009, 08:33 AM
I have never played the Xbox, but I have a PS3 and I think the think friggin rules! I'm just getting started too

01-12-2009, 08:56 AM
Yeah, the Wii should be the hot thing on this board. I can't wait until they come up with the dildo looking wii remote!

01-12-2009, 11:14 AM
I have never played the Xbox, but I have a PS3 and I think the think friggin rules! I'm just getting started too

I doubt a nutjob like you would ever play a console you'd be so afraid that it's some goverment tracking device.

El Nino
01-12-2009, 08:32 PM
I have never played the Xbox, but I have a PS3 and I think the think friggin rules! I'm just getting started too

I doubt a nutjob like you would ever play a console you'd be so afraid that it's some goverment tracking device.

Its all relative Legend... Thanks for your meager opinions though!!!

01-12-2009, 08:51 PM
360 for HALO3
PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4

02-10-2009, 11:43 PM
Just finished fallout 3,i was disappointed by the ending otherwise the game afterall is deserving of the game oif the year title.

02-10-2009, 11:47 PM
am going to get the expansion one of these days...i got up to level 17 and then put it on hold for now...

02-10-2009, 11:51 PM
am going to get the expansion one of these days...i got up to level 17 and then put it on hold for now...

I beat it with a level 15 character,i'm going to hold off on buying it until it's not over priced.2 or 3 hours isn't worth 10 bucks in my opinion.

02-11-2009, 12:11 AM
they give me migraines :(

Me too! I think we have a touch of the epilepsy :)