View Full Version : Sibling Rivalry

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 10:50 AM
How many of the girls here have felt like their sisters are constantly trying to top/out do them? That they try and act like trannies (meaning, without a any hint or touch of being lady like)? Acts without disregard and respect of being a woman? And does that annoys the heck out of you?



11-13-2008, 11:01 AM
I'll say that my siblings have been some of my worst critics.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 11:05 AM
I'm asking because my sister (The one next to me. I'm the eldest) has self esteem issues. Growing up, she was spoiled by my dad and also always try to get everyone's attention (be it in a good or bad way). Growing up we always gets compared (not intentionally I'm sure or some people are just mean in school) and she always suffered dearly (which I always stuck up for her, mind you). Like for example, I'm fairer than her (she has always been the darker toned one in the family), I'm athletic and taller while she is shorter and pudgy, people sometimes wondered if she was adopted etc..it goes on and on.

So anyways whenever we are out in public for example in a car at a stop light..and there's a cute guy in the next car, she always yell and ask for his number (This really irritates and annoys me to no end). As if, IF you're really pretty you'd have to go to such great length just to get attention. Then when you call her up on it days or weeks later she tells you that the guy was crazy for her! :roll:

Between me and her, I'm more of a snob and snotty growing up and don't really go after boys. She is the complete reverse and opposite of me (she acts like a homosexual in heat). So with that, Has any girl on here experienced the same? My other younger sister isn't at all like this.

And I don't mean to be too critical or belittle her in anyway. I love my sister..BUT her behavior is just disgusting me!!



11-13-2008, 12:02 PM
I don’t know if you know about the family social theory, that each child has a role they are given by the family. One is the hero, who maybe gets the best grades or other achievements, and another is the mascot, who keeps everyone entertained and laughing. Another is the ‘lost’ child, who is quiet and does not get a lot of attention. The fourth is the scapegoat, who often, has bad behavior and the family blames them for many things. The theory is that people play out most of their lives based upon these roles. The ‘mascot’ at home, becomes the class clown in school, etc. Sounds like your sister would fit the ‘mascot’ role in family systems theory. The theory was first coined by someone observing the children of alcoholic parents, but I think that it could be applied to most families with more than one child.

Also I think that older children think that the younger ones are spoiled, because they are the first to get responsibilities. They see their younger siblings getting those cheap toys and they forget that they got them also when they were young.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 01:02 PM
Thanks. But I dunno about being offsprings of alcoholic parents. None of my parents are alcoholics. Though anyways, I think my sister fits the fourth profile "The Scapegoat" because her behavior has definitely landed her in a lot of troubles both at home, in school and with friends or neighbors. She is a good talker and when people talk to her..she talks af if she could do no wrong..but alas (as everybody eventually found out the hard way)! She is a very scheming person..One time (this was when I was 18 and she was 16 I believe), she introduced me to a guy which later on I've happen to date. And I found out from our maids that she too was dating the same guy. WTF?!? I didn't talk to her in years because of it. But I tried to get past that and have sisterly relations with her again. I figured she must have changed somehow. Yet she is still as competitive. Everyone in the family actually considers her the black sheep of the family. And my dad thought I was the bad apple for being transgender. lol Thank goodness now he could see each one of us a lot clearly!

Again, i love my sister and is always there for her when she needs me. But I am just sick of giving her advices (food for thought or words of wisdom) when she is thick in the head to even consider anything me or my parents say to her! She only wants to hear what she wants most of the time and completely irrational and unrealistic stubborn person that sometimes I just want to gag her with socks and bitch slaps her back to reality (no joke).

It's frustrating to deal with her a lot of the times. My other younger sister seems level headed and pretty grounded.

And as for toys, she had the best growing up. While my parents gave me trucks and other boy crappy toys to play with. :(



11-13-2008, 01:53 PM
Yeah, like I said, the theory could fit any family. It does sound more like she fits in the scapegoat role. There are so many behavior theories out there. I don’t believe the family systems one is the end all, but it does help to explain some of the roles we take in life. I think that anyone could benefit from the beliefs they took on in childhood about themselves, along with the view that family members held of them.

You spoke about the boyfriend that she introduced you to. Did you ever go through a phase when you thought that you were a gay male, if I may ask?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 01:58 PM
You spoke about the boyfriend that she introduced you to. Did you ever go through a phase when you thought that you were a gay male, if I may ask?

Not at all. I started hrt at 14 by 18 I was already living full time. I don't think the guy she introduced me to would have taken a liking for me If I was a guy. And I wouldn't think my sister would be into him if he was gay. Does that make sense? My question was/is..why must she do that? If she liked this guy in the first place then why would she even bother introducing him to me? I just find that concept illogical. My brothers and other sisters weren't like this at all.

FYI: My confusion about gender roles ended when I was 12 and in high school doing a research paper about sex change and transexualism which paved the way for hormones. And while I might find gay flicks arousing at times..I am not particularly into having sex with gay men. I'd rather sit on broken glass! lol



11-13-2008, 04:26 PM
How many of the girls here have felt like their sisters are constantly trying to top/out do them? That they try and act like trannies (meaning, without a any hint or touch of being lady like)? Acts without disregard and respect of being a woman? And does that annoys the heck out of you?


HTGnone i make a habit of not hanging with other tgirls becuase most of the ones i met have shit for brains and couldnt carry on a conversation if there life depended on it

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 08:28 PM
lol I meant biological sister..not "sister- sister". :lol:
