View Full Version : Gears of War 2: Anyone playing?

11-13-2008, 07:08 AM
Ok, so I'm a complete and utter geek, but I need pals for a horde. So, if you're a dork like me, come on.

11-13-2008, 07:13 AM
Ok, so I'm a complete and utter geek, but I need pals for a horde. So, if you're a dork like me, come on.

All I can say is that we sold out of over 50 copies the first day it was out

11-13-2008, 07:33 AM
I bought it today along with Mirror's Edge, but I didn't play it yet. I'm devoting hours tommorrow though.

November's been a hell of a month for video games and I'm still waiting for Left 4 Dead.

I dropped like $200 on games this month so far.

11-13-2008, 08:00 AM
I bought it today along with Mirror's Edge, but I didn't play it yet. I'm devoting hours tommorrow though.

November's been a hell of a month for video games and I'm still waiting for Left 4 Dead.

I dropped like $200 on games this month so far.

I'm piss poor right now, so I can't afford any of it, otherwise you'd see me glued to Fallout 3. Luckily, the guy I share my apt with got Gears 2, so I've been playing it. I seriously reccomend hoarde mode.

Let me know how Mirror's Edge is. I really want to give it a shot.

Also, I played co-op on the Left 4 Dead demo. It didn't impres me. Bare bones kind of shooter.

11-13-2008, 08:05 AM
oh shit I must be out of it, I didnt realize it was out already, oh well gonna have to wait until next week before I finally get a chance to get it and play it

11-13-2008, 08:32 AM
I haven't played that game yet.. too busy playing WoW... lol--

11-13-2008, 09:06 AM
WoW sucks

11-13-2008, 09:33 AM
Maybe - but I love it...

11-13-2008, 01:34 PM
Ok, so I'm a complete and utter geek, but I need pals for a horde. So, if you're a dork like me, come on.

Hey I'm down to play some horde tonight. whats your GT? i'll add you.

11-13-2008, 02:24 PM
gears 5 on 5 is very disappointing....

11-15-2008, 05:03 AM
gears 5 on 5 is very disappointing....

you aint never lied.

i have the game and play it time to time, mainly multiplayer...still haven't gotten around to the campaign yet

11-15-2008, 06:12 AM
nah dude gears of war 2 is the shit, better online play than the first

11-15-2008, 06:13 AM
the campaign is pretty quick, doesnt take to long to beat

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
11-15-2008, 08:07 AM
The campaign on Insane is somewhat hard to do mainly due to your teamates AI consisting of them running into the middle of a fight with no cover getting downed and making you save them lest you have to play from last checkpoint. Carmine got what he deserved

11-17-2008, 02:20 AM
the teammate AI does suck. i can't count how many times Carmine decided to rush the enemy with a sniper rifle in hand or duck behind cover during a fire fight and never shoot a single shot. if you could damage your teammate, i wouldve beat his ass down myself

11-17-2008, 08:34 AM
The Story Campaign for GoW2 was the most fun I've had in a long time. I always just do the Normal Difficulty and if there's a different ending or something special I'll play a harder level for it. I enjoyed it immensly though.

Multiplayer is hands down better than the first GoW. I've gotten to Wave 43 in the Day One map on Horde so far. It takes strategy and teamwork, and is great fun. Wingman is also a blast and standard Execution are the modes I like to play. Anyone up for gaming just hit me on my profile RxR Remy (RxR = Zombies of Merk) our clan will be making waves on the leaderboards in gamebattles!!

I tried Left4Dead demo, I was exceedling excited about a zombie shooter and the extremely fast paced 'Counter-Strike' gameplay soured me a bit. I'm into strategy like Rainbow 6 LV 2 and EndWar, but I'll still get L4D cause I'm biased and it's a Fucking Zombie Apocalypse!!!!!!! LOL

11-17-2008, 09:26 AM
i hate all the waiting and shit.and i liked choosing what map i can play on.i was ranked real high on the first gears for execution but i don't share the same enthusiasm on 2...i do like horde though....i don't see getting through campaign on insane without a co op partner like stated above...

Fueled By Ramen
11-17-2008, 09:37 AM
Can anyone compare GOW2 to Resistance 2? I'm a PS3 guy, but I've been considering getting a BOX for GOW2. It looks sick!

Mirror's Edge looks great but it's been getting mixed reviews. I got the demo and liked it. Heard it's only about 8hrs long, tho. Might wait until the price goes down on it, which I think will be pretty soon.

11-17-2008, 10:33 AM
The Story Campaign for GoW2 was the most fun I've had in a long time. I always just do the Normal Difficulty and if there's a different ending or something special I'll play a harder level for it. I enjoyed it immensly though.

Multiplayer is hands down better than the first GoW. I've gotten to Wave 43 in the Day One map on Horde so far. It takes strategy and teamwork, and is great fun. Wingman is also a blast and standard Execution are the modes I like to play. Anyone up for gaming just hit me on my profile RxR Remy (RxR = Zombies of Merk) our clan will be making waves on the leaderboards in gamebattles!!

I tried Left4Dead demo, I was exceedling excited about a zombie shooter and the extremely fast paced 'Counter-Strike' gameplay soured me a bit. I'm into strategy like Rainbow 6 LV 2 and EndWar, but I'll still get L4D cause I'm biased and it's a Fucking Zombie Apocalypse!!!!!!! LOL
>Yewr a cutie, Sam Remy.

11-17-2008, 10:45 AM
The Story Campaign for GoW2 was the most fun I've had in a long time. I always just do the Normal Difficulty and if there's a different ending or something special I'll play a harder level for it. I enjoyed it immensly though.

Multiplayer is hands down better than the first GoW. I've gotten to Wave 43 in the Day One map on Horde so far. It takes strategy and teamwork, and is great fun. Wingman is also a blast and standard Execution are the modes I like to play. Anyone up for gaming just hit me on my profile RxR Remy (RxR = Zombies of Merk) our clan will be making waves on the leaderboards in gamebattles!!

I tried Left4Dead demo, I was exceedling excited about a zombie shooter and the extremely fast paced 'Counter-Strike' gameplay soured me a bit. I'm into strategy like Rainbow 6 LV 2 and EndWar, but I'll still get L4D cause I'm biased and it's a Fucking Zombie Apocalypse!!!!!!! LOL
>Yewr a cutie, Sam Remy.

awww shucks, now I'm blushing!

I've heard lots of good things about Resistance 2 and when I get a PS3 that will be one of the must have games for me, along with Killzone 2(loved the 1st one)

11-17-2008, 10:57 AM
I dont really play video games but I got high and played it at my friends house, and the dialog in the game was so corny it made me sick i couldn't play it anymore. Example: I shot a guys head off and my character said "look mom, no face."

11-17-2008, 12:15 PM
LOL granted, but the visceral gory action and death animations more than make up for it. I get to live out my Leatherface moments chainsawing people, and sticking a grenade on someone and dashing off to a safe distance to watch them explode and then dance in the rain of their body parts is most satisfying! eh, some may think me sick and twisted, but being able to do this stuff in games keeps the Suicidal Tendencies in check lol j/k I like to imagine my opponents are all the self centered, hypocritical, L. Ron Hubbard clones, materialistic douche bags *hehehe I said douche* and overall mean people I despise in the world. I could never hurt someone IRL (Make Love Not War) so this is a great way to let off some steam. Sheesh look at that boy can I rabble and rant. Even I can tell I need to give it a rest LOL

11-17-2008, 12:16 PM
Oops I double posted on accident so just erased the text through "edit" darn itchy trigger finger lol

11-17-2008, 12:31 PM
I haven't played that game yet.. too busy playing WoW... lol--

My friends try to get me to play that. I'm sure I would love it, which is why I avoid it lol. MMORPGs have a way of killing any social life you might have. Friday night goes from hanging out with friends or a date to prepping your toon for that nights epic raid lol.

11-17-2008, 05:04 PM
I haven't played that game yet.. too busy playing WoW... lol--

Lol, would you like to be my friend? :lol:

Played WoW since it´s release with my Nightelf huntress. But only reached Level 46 yet... :oops:

But right now i´m playing Warhammer Online, which is also pretty good. I never liked PvP, but Warhammer does this part really good.


I´ve rented Gears 2 from the video store and i really like it, it´s even better than part 1.

11-17-2008, 06:08 PM
Sure im on Hydraxis realm. LOL.. I have a few characters but my main is 72 Mage-Blood elf.
well im not always on but the weather sucks around here in the winter so I play the most from Nov - March. Not much else to do.

11-17-2008, 06:25 PM
Sure im on Hydraxis realm. LOL.. I have a few characters but my main is 72 Mage-Blood elf.
well im not always on but the weather sucks around here in the winter so I play the most from Nov - March. Not much else to do.

Lv 72 mage