View Full Version : How many of you?

11-13-2008, 03:21 AM
BE HONEST...still had sex with someone cause you didn't have a condom present?

I notice this happens a lot with my straight gfs, they always tell me how they didn't use a condom with a guy they brought home that night, one is totally against condoms at all cause she said it irritates her.

So I was wondering how many have had sex unprotected with someone they just met, and how often have you been tested for stds if at all?

Most of my friends have never been tested, even after all this unprotected sex, just crazy to me.

11-13-2008, 03:24 AM
Always have condoms.....always use them.

Tested about 5 months ago......clean of course.

11-13-2008, 03:26 AM
My mother has been working for LA County's STD Program for almost 20 years, so I grew up knowing better. I have no excuse not to use condoms, especially since I get thousands of them for free. ;)

11-13-2008, 03:27 AM
I used to love going to the free sex clinic and get that goody bag at the end lol with dental dams and all that other stuff haha

11-13-2008, 03:37 AM
I've never used any oral contraceptives though.

11-13-2008, 05:02 AM
Well after receiving about 100 condoms for my 16th birthday from my grandmother, i got the picture.

11-13-2008, 05:09 AM
this may be silly,but who is more prone to an infecton,


Never ever had a std,this this count for anything?

11-13-2008, 05:12 AM
this may be silly,but who is more prone to an infecton,


Never ever had a std,this this count for anything?

From what std or disease?

In general, the bottom is more susceptible from HIV.

11-13-2008, 05:19 AM
Honestly....................I would tell him lay down next to me and lets mastuerbate together, i play with him and vice versa,, without no oral nor anal....and if he still insists on having either or,,,,, tell him to get the fuck out,,,, i lay back down and pay a much needed attention to my hard on,,,....& CUM....You see , ...Problem.............Soultion!

11-13-2008, 05:21 AM
disease i guess,only top 95% safe,don;t have a huge resume though.Lot more ggs,tg are a treat wheever i feel like it.

11-13-2008, 07:40 AM
I was tested 2 months ago and happy to report clean. My dad never steered me wrong, "no glove, no love." I'm still around and passed the advice onto my daughters. While I would like to believe they are virgins, I am a realist and simply want them to have a happy and fulfilling life.

11-13-2008, 08:22 AM
Thoughts here...

Irritation - known a lot of girls who said the same thing, as friends or lovers, and the same solution always seems to work... more lube. Only one had an actual latex issue, and you'd know if that was the case, and have to wear an ID bracelet so doctors don't accidentally kill you.

Condom use - lots of times when I was young... had a death wish, and that and bar fights were a hobby. Much less so now days, as I only don't use them when I have been dating someone for months and we've moved to committed status.

Course I've had all of three one night stands in twenty years, so it could be I'm just no good at the game.


11-13-2008, 08:31 AM
NEVER without condoms.

P.S. Janira, you have exquisite taste and intelligence.

11-13-2008, 08:37 AM
threads like this are pointless bc the ones that have the answers youre looking for... wont answer at all or will lie

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-13-2008, 08:41 AM
IMO, the girls who says that are the very girls who desperately wants to become pregnant by the guys they are fixated or infatuated at. lol Hello? Springer?!? :lol:



11-13-2008, 08:46 AM
I did it once with a girl when I was like (first post, this site is awesome)

11-13-2008, 08:52 AM
Never anyone I just met. Long term relationships only.

11-13-2008, 09:16 AM
I notice this happens a lot with my straight gfs, they always tell me how they didn't use a condom with a guy they brought home that night, one is totally against condoms at all cause she said it irritates her.

This is why I always scoff at the those who talk about the dangers of sex with prostitutes. In general, I've found that it's the slutty non-pros who are the biggest risk. Working girls, well, it's their cash register so they tend to take better care of it, get tested more often, realize when there's something wrong.

The slutty GG's, half the time there's something wrong [i]and they don't even know it[/]. Chlamydia, yeast infections, NGU, HPV ....... and they are clueless.

11-13-2008, 09:19 AM
Honestly....................I would tell him lay down next to me and lets mastuerbate together, i play with him and vice versa,, without no oral nor anal....and if he still insists on having either or,,,,, tell him to get the fuck out,,,, i lay back down and pay a much needed attention to my hard on,,,....& CUM....You see , ...Problem.............Soultion!

You know, there's a lot of simulated sex you can have with no insertion and a whole bunch of lube. Take a look at some of the various Japanese "soapy massage" or "body slide" videos. Hell, with a lot of girls it's better than the sex you get from them. But in general, I'm always astounded at how bad the sex is that most people have.

11-13-2008, 10:28 AM
I used to love going to the free sex clinic and get that goody bag at the end lol with dental dams and all that other stuff haha

What's the free sex clinic? Is that like a sorority?

11-13-2008, 03:57 PM
NEVER without condoms.

P.S. Janira, you have exquisite taste and intelligence.

Thankyou my love. I think it has to do with me being a Libran :wink:

11-13-2008, 04:08 PM
After my divorce I went on a binge and never used a condom with any of the GGs I fucked. Stupid? Absofuckinglutely. I was in a bit of a destructive phase and the girls I was having sex with were not concerned about the lack of protection. I was lucky no one got pregnant and subsequent health checks have always been fine.

With t-girls, i leave it up to the girls for their preference with BJs. I hate going down on a condom but will if that's what the girl wants. I won't do anal without a condom.


Solitary Brother
11-13-2008, 04:33 PM
threads like this are pointless bc the ones that have the answers youre looking for... wont answer at all or will lie


Im playing the lottery today because hell just froze over!

11-13-2008, 05:24 PM
Tested regularly,so r my Fuck Buddies! Everyone knows its Fab!! XX

11-13-2008, 08:37 PM
Never anyone I just met. Long term relationships only.
Ditto, and only after mutual testing. I hate condoms but I hate dying even more.

11-14-2008, 12:41 AM
yes.. WITH .. dying is a bit of a downer ....