View Full Version : Met a cute little TGirl today

11-12-2008, 10:14 AM
Not sure where this topic is going, if anywhere. Figured I'd just let ya know what's on my mind. Now one thing I have yet to figure out is where the TGirls hang out in Austin - ok I guess I've seen a few in clubs, but I hate just hitting on strangers in clubs since I figure they're getting it every 5 minutes.
Anyway, I ran downtown today and stopped in at the Gold's gym. Midway through the workout I go to the locker room to weigh myself (no it's not that kinda story). As I leave, a cute hispanic girl about 5'6" 130 passes me on her way into the women's lockers. She initiates eye contact and smiles at me just long enough for me to nod and smile back. I think little more of it other than maybe wishing there had been a way to discreetly check out her ass. I work out a bit more and notice her on some aerobic equipment when I pass to get water - cute little body and nice rack although she was wearing loose pants and once again I was trying to keep it to a glance. She has short hair up in a head band or scrunchie? and a tanktop workout shirt showed off what I thought had to be implant, albeit good ones while covering down to about midriff - so you get the picture, I mean that she looked good.
Cut to a few minutes later and I'm doing some abs when she walks over and starts working on a leg machine right next to me. I get up and, not sure where she is, take a short break to watch football highlights on the nearest tv. Who do I turn around to find using my ab machine? She starts her workout and we give each other another smile. Actually a quick smile as she gets startled by a weight falling from the ab bench and I apologise for not having removed it earlier. I move closer to make sure it's ready to go and she asks for some advice on how to get the best results with this particular machine. Now this is a cutie, but at this point (and not until this point) I can tell just enough from her voice and face that she is a TS.:lol: I explained the way she should be isolating her abs and moving a certain way while I put my hand on her waist to straighten her out (not a perv move - I was just helping her get situated correctly). She has a nice petite midsection and I got a much closer look at the top half as well which obligates me to congratulate the surgeon. :P
We chatted a bit more and I guess I should have gotten a #, but I didn't want to come off that strong and I figure I'm in no hurry so I just told her she should see me there often around the same time. We said good-bye and I ran....
out of her life forever.
off to meet again and come back here to write a much more interesting follow-up.
I didn't really think much of it till now and, as I wrote this, I can't help but think I was a bit lame for not moving it along a little faster. I guess my problem is that I'm one of the few people who goes to the gym thinking about working out and not hooking up. Figured I'd post since some of you might be tired of surfing endless TS porn....no wait that doesn't get old. :D
So what do all u in hungangel land think I should do (or should have done)? Girls let me know what you think too.

11-12-2008, 11:31 AM
Sounds like you did the right thing. I have the same thinking....go there to work out an nothing else. I think u made the right move cuz now she wont think yer a hornball or perv. (thats for her to find out later.)

Go there tomorrow or for the next few days at the same time and bump into her then, and take it from there. An of course make sure to update us as you progress. :-)

11-13-2008, 12:35 AM
You shoulda said something.
You may never see her again.
What you did was appropriate for work, school or a place where you know you will see her again.
If she that attractive, a whole lot of other people probably gave her their number.

11-13-2008, 12:46 AM
Even if she is not, Get her #.

11-13-2008, 01:31 AM
I guess I'd have done the same. I'm not the smooth talker, I prefer to get to know someone the slow way.

If she liked what she saw, she'll be back. If not, shame... but at least it saves you from embarrassment if she thought you were coming on too strong and wasn't interested.

She sounds like a nice girl, I hope for you that you'll meet again. I'm a bit of a romantic, so I hope you two will meet up. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you anyway.

11-13-2008, 02:40 AM
i've heard about this gym. maybe i'll come down there and steel her from ya. ;)
just kidding, i'm not a weight lifting kinda guy. if you find out a good place to meet t-women, let me know. and good luck. i think you need to let her know you're interested if you see her again. since you might not see her again.

11-13-2008, 03:36 AM
You should have asked her out later for a drink or something.

11-13-2008, 03:37 AM
you could of at least complimented her or winked at her like you would of any other woman, but outting she is a tgirl in the first 5 minutes isn't smart lol but telling her you think she is beautiful is lol

11-13-2008, 04:03 AM
you're beautiful. ;)

like that. :)

11-13-2008, 04:17 AM
I agree with what Kelly said and the General sentiment of playing it relatively casual but still let her know your interested in seeing her more next time you run it to her. It sounds as if shes interested in you with the "help me on this machine" and working out next to you and of course the smiles. Trust me, I've seen the complete lack of smiles and eye contact if a woman isn't interested.

11-13-2008, 04:23 AM
I agree with what Kelly said and the General sentiment of playing it relatively casual but still let her know your interested in seeing her more next time you run it to her. It sounds as if shes interested in you with the "help me on this machine" and working out next to you and of course the smiles. Trust me, I've seen the complete lack of smiles and eye contact if a woman isn't interested.